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Beautiful Benefits for YOU when you give DAD something special!

IN a Brief.

Kasia soPure Alpha hydroxy  MASK Exfoliant + Moisture

Unglue the epidermis allowing the dead skin cells to slough off, making room for the regrowth of new, BRIGHT skin.

Stimulate the production of collagen and elastin. Improving wrinkling, roughness, and pigmentation =Sun-damaged skin. Helps reduce pigmentation and discoloration. Dual exfoliate system with jojoba bead and larch extract. Deep hydration with long lasting effects.

Summer SMOOTH 
20% OFF soPure Mask w/ your choice Hamadi Shampoo!

Kasia Stylist Colette on FIRE * Classy Ocassion Styles

Kasia rising Stylist... Colette is ON FIRE!

RaVe RevEiW!

I had the most incredible appointment yesterday. Colette did a wonderful job of pampering me. My hair is luxurious! I came into the salon with a dry mess of hair and left with soft, beautifully highlighted hair (naturally) cut just the way I wanted it!! I am thrilled, so is my scalp… Sara did an awesome job waxing my brows last week.

I LOVE YOUR SALON. -Kelli, Client

The 2010 Prom Season is upon us! Or....Class Reunion perhaps?

Let us take care of your big event, style, and mineral makeup.

Dont forget to PREP your SKIN Darling!


Exfoliate with soPure and enMoist - urize before

applying Light REFLECTING La Bella Donna Minerals.

  • Helps reduce pigmentation and discoloration.
  • Dual exfoliate system with jojoba bead and larch extract.
  • Deep hydration with long lasting effects

Stop in and meet the team, special event or no-

Dont forget!

RECIEVE $20 OFF your first Ammonia Free Color, Organic Facial, or Massage!

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