


Hair loss is common and growing in younger women.   Changes in lifestyle, increased exercise or weight loss, malabsorption, the way we style our hair and also use of birth control pills could be factors.


Stress typically will increase testosterone levels and trigger and/or worsen hair loss and hair thinning in genetically pre-disposed. Our demanding lifestyles are stressful – and one could argue that this past decade has been an onslaught of failing economies, unemployment and increasingly competitive work environments.  I'll speak for myself, many of us do not take the time we need to relax.

Another fact is that stress can cause or trigger flare-ups of dandruff – and dandruff has been proven to worsen hair loss in some instances.

Oral Contraceptives

Oral contraceptives are being used more widely– and also among younger women. While certain birth control pills have the ability to help slow or stop hair loss and thinning, others can cause it.  The latter contains androgens (male hormones), which can trigger hair loss in women with follicle sensitivity.


Unhealthy and restrictive dieting regimes are, unfortunately, still popular and unnamedfashionable – and with every year a new fad crops up; from juice fasts and ’miracle’ shakes, to no-carb or no protein meal plans.  Being low or over weight  can certainly cause hair loss. Note, you can be either of these to be malnourished.

Hair cells are the second fastest growing cells in the body, yet they are not cells needed for survival.

Hair Extensions

Hair extensions are now more popular than ever. Our hair experts use the best on the market that are "tape extensions" and non damaging to the hair.

Average Life-Span

Hair loss may also be on the rise simply because people are living longer. Hair thinning is more common in all individuals as they age, and in women is especially more common after menopause due to falling oestrogen levels. Certain medical conditions and poor health also tend to be more in older age groups – and general health plays an important role in the maintenance of hair growth.


Contact our team today for a consultation - great color or cut suggestions - or women's health questions pertaining to sudden or long-standing hair loss.  


References: Kingsley Hair Center

Love is in the Hair! Sexy & Smooth Valentine's Day Keratin Special!


 Our Valentines Day Keratin Special restores and strengthens hair leaving it shiny, smooth, and best of all, it works with all hair types and textures.

Our healthy hair experts are here to help bridge the gap of that "middle of winter hair blues!"


 To show our love, we are offering the fastest, simplest and most affordable way to have smoother, shinier and healthier hair.  The treatment works great on over processed hair, as it will improve the hair’s overall look and integrity.

Love is in the hair.......   seal in your color creating a more vibrant color and shine like never before. When you layer this treatment, results improve and you add more of the protective protein layer around your hair.

Contact our healthy hair experts today! * Call 612.824.7611

Read all about the benefits of our NEW Keratin Services HERE! 

keratin complex


Expires February 20th Pricing may alter pending on the length of hair, and/or density.


The Anti-Aging Hair Diet

Hair not only loses color as you age it can also lose thickness and become dry and brittle.   Eating a diet full of antioxidant vitamins, minerals, healthy proteins and oils can help slow the aging process by repairing damage and helping you grow stronger strands.

We’ve compiled a list of healthy foods with vitamins and nutrients your hair needs. Consume them regularly to keep your hair vibrant.

Dark Green Vegetables – Choose dark green leafy veggies like spinach and kale. Greens are packed with antioxidants including A, C, and E, folate and calcium. They also contain iron, key for healthy blood, and circulation.  Good circulation in the scalp is one of the keys to keeping precious hairs. Try them raw in a salad or blended into a green smoothie.

Carrot Mango Grapefruit SmoothieCarrots - Take a cue from Bugs Bunny and eat LOTS of carrots as they are brilliant for building healthy skin and hair. Packed with carotene which turns into vitamin A for cell repair. They are also a good source of potassium, vitamins C & B6, copper, folic acid, thiamine, magnesium, and fiber. That means they heal, act as a diuretic (aka get rid of bloating), and remineralize the body. The perfect food for hair, eyes, and skin.

Lentils - These little protein, biotin, and iron-filled superstars help build long and strong strands.  They are also loaded with cholesterol-lowering fiber, and make a delicious soup during these cold winter months.

Coconut Oil - If you need an oil or fat for any dish, we recommend coconut oil. It’s good for your insides and outsides! You can use it as a skin moisturizer or a hair mask as well. Rich in


Vitamin E and other critical antioxidants this multipurpose oil is all about repair.

Avocados - Do you need anot

her reason to eat avocados besides they’redelicious? New studies show that avocado oil seems to assist with the absorption of carotenoid antioxidants like beta-carotene (see carrots).

Greek Yogurt - It’s high in hair-building protein, vitamin B5 and vitamin D. Emerging research links vitamin D and hair follicle health.

Make sure to consume 6 to 7 servings a day of these hair nutrient superstars and you can help slow the aging process from the inside out.

Contact the Kasia for your custom plan on how to Age-Less from the inside - out!





Guest Post:  HairColor4Women

The Natural Shampoo Debate in Short: What Is - What is Not

Did you know?  The shampoo bar from LUSH contains sodium lauryl sulfate, an ingredient we try to avoid at all costs (sulfates are a controversial chemical ingredient in the beauty world, and of course the obvious - they’re too harsh on your hair).

 Can Any Shampoo Really Be “Natural?”

The short answer? No. Unless you go the no-shampoo route, there’s really no way that any shampoo can be completely natural, organic, or free of preservatives. That’s because shampoo is mainly water-based. Add in organic ingredients like oils and flower extracts, and without some kind of preserving agent, the shampoo will go bad quickly. I assume you would not want a outdated and moldy bottle of shampoo.  Beware: many “natural” shampoos still contain a laundry list of chemical ingredients whose names you can barely pronounce.

Our objective at Kasia is to be as natural and safe as possible.  The beauty/personal care industry is multi-billion dollar industry and is filled with toxic chemicals that could be avoided.

Kasia Organic Salon is a leading natural salon and is an HONEST example of setting the tone for businesses to do the right thing (in our eyes) by ridding the proven toxic ingredients out of a hair, skin, and body care products.  We are able to meet our guests requests, but it's so much more - our clients bring their hair and skin back to balance and health.  We partner with those that are on the journey of health + beauty ....this is a long process, not a guilt trip.


kasia shampoo natural

Hurdle:  Many guests want to use natural shampoos, but that they’re also loath to use ones that don’t lather. Standard, conventionally-made shampoo has foaming agents (sulfates, usually) to create that bubbly lather you see in all the shampoo commercials. Often, when a person switches to a cleansing product with less lather, they’re disappointed. Many times the lather really has no effect on cleaning your hair, but to make sure we give the best of both ingredient safety and a great consumer experience, we combine coconut and sugar to create a lovely bubbly. 

What To Avoid

Kasia Organic Salon does not use products with sulfates (these usually come in four varieties: sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) and sodium laureth sulfat


e (SLES), ammonium lauryl sulfate, and ammonium laureth sulfate), phthalates, methyl parabens, or ingredients derived from petroleum products (look for ”-PEG,” “-xynol,” “ceteareth” and “oleth” in the endings of the ingredient names).

In 2014, Kasia will be outsourcing to a new and more local custom lab and chemist to make our ingredients even "cleaner" and more effective. There’s no regulation of skin and haircare products. You can call your product organic and no one is really looking into whether that is legitimate or not.

For more about which toxic ingredients to ban from your beauty cabinet, check out our top 10 guide to avoid HERE.  

Cruise through Kasia's loved shampoo and conditioners HERE! 


TRENDING > BLONDE will lead in 2014!


BLONDE is the new loved brunette...... TRENDING from an Ammonia Free Color Expert!

Light hair is IN and it's HOT for 2014.

Methodology: Highlights will be blonde, but goodbye to chunky monkey!  Foils will  blend well with your natural looking color. Kasia color specialists will incorporate lighter, honey, baby blonde highlights to our clients fabulous all-over-color and tone.


Whatever hair color you have, you can add blonde to it in a way that makes sense and staying in the same color family you are in. These also mean highlights in different variations of blonde. If you are naturally brunette, you should go with more of an ombre or darker roots look like Beyonce. If you have dark hair, 1-2 shades lighter is can be your way of incorporating this trend into your hair. You don't have to be completely blonde if you have dark hair.



Check out our recent post "SEE THE LIGHT" and get a look at the top blonde looks for the season!   

See the light! 2014 is set to be the year of the blonde.


See the light.

2014 is set to be the year of the platinum blonde.



The warmth  with lighter shades of blonde and light brown will be one of the most popular looks of 2014.

This look can be deepened by pairing darker shades of amber with pieces of gold subtly balayaged or highlighted in.  

Honey Bronde Hair Color

blonde hair color 2014

The golden tone trend is strong and the honey blonde is the perfect middle ground.

From the lustrous locks of Vicroria’s Secret model, Giselle Bundchen, to the iconic hair of Jennifer Anniston, this color has proven to be a timeless classic.


Detox and Optimize your Liver (7 reasons and 3 awesome recipes inside!)


Hey Informed Beaute!

Did you know that if you're suffering from a hormonal imbalance, skin problems like acne or eczema, or even if you're feeling more fatigued than usual, this is a sign that your liver needs some love.

Your liver is a control center for detox pathways in the body.

It's constantly filtering out excess toxins, working with the kidney's to detox dangerous chemicals you breathe in from the air, and consume from food and water.

Detox and Optimize your Liver    

Your liver is one of the hardest working organs in your body. Responsible for over 500 functions, your liver performs essential roles in your metabolism, your immune system, your digestive system and your detoxification system.

The liver is most commonly known as the bodies main detox organ.  The liver filters every single quart of blood you have meaning that it is working all day and all night to protect your body from the damage that toxins can do to you.

Your liver is also responsible for filtering and processing all of your hormones. If your liver is not functioning properly it can lead to hormonal imbalances such as excess estrogens, faulty insulin production and more. If you are dealing with any kind of hormonal imbalance focusing some attention on your liver is essential

Liver Detoxification

The liver detoxes your body in two phases:

Phase 1: In phase one, the liver will take a toxin and convert it into a less harmful toxin through either oxidation, reduction or hydrolysis. Simply put, the liver makes something that was once very toxic into something that is less toxic through a chemical reaction. This process does create other toxic byproducts that need to be neutralized through the ingestion of anti-oxidants and in phase two detox.

Phase 2:  In phase two the liver attaches a buffer molecule to the toxin which makes it less toxic still. The toxin is then processed so that it becomes water-soluble which means that the body can now easily excrete it through the urine. Most toxins begin their journey in a fat soluble state which is very hard for the body to excrete.

Both phase one and phase two liver detox must be working optimally and in tandem for safe detoxification to happen. If you are not eating adequate nutrients, if either of the phases is working at a faster pace than the other phase or if you are over loading your system with toxins, you may run into troubles.



7 Reasons You May Need To Detox Your Liver

1. Eating a Diet Rich In Saturated and Processed Fats: If you are eating a lot of processed foods that contain processed fats (think margarine, canola oil, corn oil and peanut oil), fried foods, or lots of non organic animal foods your liver will be working over time. That is because these foods all need to be processed by the liver and they are hard to break down and digest.  They also produce lots of toxic byproducts when being digested.

2. Eating A Diet Rich In Processed Carbohydrates: In the same way that processed fats can over tax the liver, processed carbohydrate foods like white breads, white pastas, sugary drinks and candies all demand extra effort from your liver to keep your blood sugar levels stable as well as to remove the toxic substances these foods contain. Eating a processed carbohydrate rich diet will mean your liver is working over time.

3. Drinking Alcohol or Taking Prescription Medication: The liver has to filter every single substance you ingest, and alcohol and drugs are some of the hardest for it to filter. Consuming too many of these substances over a period of time can lead to liver damage, and even fatty liver or cirrhosis of the liver. These substances can actually inhibit the proper functioning of your liver, making them extra toxic.

4. Breathing Polluted Air: The air you breath can be amazing and pure, or stagnant and full of pollutants. If you are living in a city and are exposed to car exhaust, air conditioner, cleaning products, second-hand smoke (or first hand smoke), and other industrial byproducts your liver may need a boost. All of the toxins you breath in through your lungs must run through your liver to be processed. This means that toxic air can lead to an over loaded liver.

5. Not Getting Enough Sleep and Rest: In order for the liver to perform optimally, you need to be getting enough sleep. The liver is most active between the hours of 1 and 3 am. If you are consistently not getting to bed early enough so that you are in a deep sleep by the time the liver kicks in it is possible that it is not getting the time and space it needs to do its job properly. Adequate rest is essential for a healthy, optimally functioning liver.

6. Over Exercising: This one may surprise you, but did you know that working out causes the production of free radicals? Now, this is not to say that you should not work out in order to avoid free radical production. On the contrary, getting adequate activity is essential for pumping your blood and your lymph so that they move through the liver more efficiently which supports the detox process. However when you are over working yourself you will start to over produce free radicals that the liver may not have the resources to properly deal with in a timely matter. If you have been over training it is possible that you need to take a break and give a little love to your liver.

7. Eating A Nutrient Poor Diet Overall: As mentioned in the description of the liver above, both phases of liver detox reply upon essential nutrients to facilitate their function. For example phase one relies upon a steady supply of Vitamin C, folic acid, Vitamin B3 and B6 and Vitamin E, just to name a few.  Phase two requires that you are ingesting plenty of sources of essential amino acids like Glycine and Taurine, as well as Calcium. If you have been eating a diet that is low in nutrition (ie a diet rich in processed foods, or a diet that is just not providing you with adequate food and calories overall) you may need to detox your liver because there is a chance that it will be over run with toxins that it was not able to deal with due to the lack of nutrients.

3 Awesome Liver Detox Recipes

If you feel that your liver could use a boost, try adding one of these recipes to your daily diet for a few weeks.

Liver Boosting Beet Juice

1. Liver Boosting Beet Juice:

  • 1 beet

  • 1 carrot

  • 1 lemon, peeled

  • 1 handful parsley

Instructions: Run all ingredients through a juicer and enjoy.

Deep Green Liver Detox

2. Deep Green Liver Detox:

  • 1/2 cucumber

  • 2 cups kale

  • 1 lime, peeled

  • 1 cup swiss chard

  • 1/2 lemon, peeled

Instructions: Run all ingredients through a juicer and enjoy.



Liver Detox Green Smoothie3. Liver Detox Green Smoothie:

2 oranges, peeled

  • 1/2 rib celery

  • 1 lemon, peeled

  • 1/2 cup dandelion greens (or other bitter green)

  • 1/2 cup parsley

Directions: Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.  Enjoy!

Bonus Liver Supporting Foods and Herbs

Here is a list of foods that you can ingest on a regular basis to help support your liver and its detoxification processes:

  • Beets

  • Carrots

  • Lemons

  • Limes

  • Grapefruits

  • Dark Leafy Greens

  • Sulphur rich foods like onions and garlic

  • Cruciferous veggies like broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower

Beet Root: Taken as a supplement, beet root can help to cleanse the liver of impurities.

Bitters: Bitters will help your liver to produce bile, an essential function in the digestion of fats. These herbs can help to support overall liver function.

Burdock Root: Burdock root is an extremely bitter root that is a powerful blood purifier. This will help to support your liver in its blood filtering work.

Dandelion Root: Dandelion root works to support the cleansing of the liver.

Milk Thistle: Milk thistle can work to cleanse and repair the liver tissues. This is most likely the most common of the liver supporting herbs.

Not sure if your body is showing the signs of a sluggish liver or a liver in need of detox?  Click here to visit the young raw site for  The 7 Reasons You May Want to Detox Your Liver.

Guest Blog & Thank You:

Look Younger by Balancing your Hormones


natural beauty

Lifeless hair, dull skin and wrinkles can be helped by improving your health. Learn the eight major hormones that can impact your appearance

Do you have lifeless hair, dull skin, and weak nails? If so, your new year’s resolution may be to turn back the clock and resolve these issues. I suggest starting your anti-aging regimen with an inside look at your hormones. Hormones affect everything from our immune response and inflammation to cellular growth and tissue repair. Let’s address each of the major hormones that impact our appearance and discuss methods you can use to achieve the healthy balance necessary for radiant, youthful looking skin.


thyroid lab

Insulin High levels of insulin can accelerate wrinkling of the skin. Excess insulin occurs with an overindulgence of foods high in sugar, such as pastries, muffins, white pasta, white rice and juice cause spikes in blood sugar and insulin. Avoiding these foods while also consuming a balanced diet of protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats every three to four hours will help keep your insulin levels balanced. Supplements such as chromium or conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) may help improve your insulin sensitivity, which results in less insulin release and overall lower insulin levels. Sleep deprivation is also associated with high insulin levels, so a good “beauty sleep” is essential.

Cortisol Stress is not only bad for your health, it also has documented aging effects on our skin cells. Studies conducted on laboratory rats, revealed that cortisol-induced collagen loss in the skin is ten times greater than any other tissue; It is one of the biggest culprits of dull, thin, and sagging skin. Anything that beats stress, beats aging too – adaptogens are great for reducing excess cortisol levels and increasing youthful DHEA levels. For best results, take two pills at night and one in the morning.

Estrogen Estrogen is produced by the ovaries prior to menopause and by the adrenal glands after menopause. Your adrenal glands will produce less estrogen if they are fatigued, which is common with a stressful lifestyle, sleep disruption, irregular eating habits or illness. Estrogen levels begin to decline in most women in their mid to late 40s although some women, particularly those who are very thin, may experience a drop much sooner. Less estrogen production that naturally occurs with age makes our skin thinner and less elastic, which leads to more wrinkling and sagging. As estrogen dips, less collagen and elastin are produced. Estrogen also helps skin stay moist by boosting hyaluronic acid. A 1997 study of 3,875 postmenopausal women concluded that estrogen supplementation helped aging women have younger looking skin and also helped maintained skin’s collagen, thickness, elasticity and ability to retain moisture.

Simple dietary changes can also help support healthy estrogen levels through the intake of phytoestrogens, such as flaxseed and fermented soy products. Have one serving of organic, non-GMO soy along with two tablespoons of ground flaxseeds in your smoothies or salads, daily. Increase your intake of vegetables such as broccoli and Brussels sprouts—they contain indols, compounds that are essential to healthy estrogen balance. Herbal products such as licorice, angelica, red clover or black cohosh are also used to support healthy estrogen levels. Natural hormone replacement in the form of creams containing two types of estrogen (estriol and estradiol) may also be beneficial, but these need to be obtained by prescription through your MD or ND practitioner.

Testosterone Excessive testosterone, in women or men, may result in acne on the face, chest or back. With age, women tend to experience an increase in androgen (a male sex hormone) levels and a decline in estrogen, while men tend to experience the opposite – an increase in estrogen and a decline in testosterone, which causes the skin to dry out. If a testosterone deficiency is suspected, herbs such as tribulus terresteris, stress management and weight-bearing exercises may help to restore optimal levels for both men and women. You can also ask your health practitioner about bioidentical testosterone cream. For women who suspect too much testosterone, consider a supplement of saw palmetto.

DHEA Dry skin is a problem that increases with age. Interestingly, DHEA turns on oil production and seems to help combat this problem and improve hydration. DHEA is a hormone that is a precursor to other hormones, such as estrogen and testosterone. DHEA levels tend to decline with stress as well as with age. DHEA also increases the production of collagen, making skin appear smoother and younger looking. Our skin’s immunity also appears to improve with DHEA, which may help healing. DHEA supplements are not, however, without risks and, like all other hormones, should not be taken unless a clear deficiency has been established through proper assessment. Relora has been found useful to increase DHEA levels and to lower levels of cortisol. Good sleep habits may also help establish healthy DHEA levels.

Melatonin A proper beauty rest is achieved by sleeping in a pitch black room. Melatonin and serotonin, our happy hormone, are produced in our skin from the amino acid tryptophan. Note that if we do not get enough protein in our diets, melatonin levels may also decline. According to a July 2005 article from the journal Endocrine, melatonin is involved in hair growth and protection against melanoma. As an antioxidant hormone, melatonin guards us from UV radiation and appears to play a role in repairing burned or damaged skin. Whether it’s applied topically or taken internally, melatonin may shield us from environmental and internal stressors. If you choose to supplement with melatonin, 1 to 3 mg taken sublingually at eight to nine p.m. is optimal.

Progesterone Contrary to estrogen, progesterone levels often begin to decline in women in their mid to late 30’s, which leaves our skin looking dull and lacking luster. Ever wonder why pregnant women seem to have that special glow? The secret is the high level of progesterone. This revitalizing hormone is beneficial for skin elasticity and circulation. Progesterone levels decline with menopause as well as with stress. Low progesterone levels are also associated with conditions like PMS, fibrocystic breast disease, infertility, increased risk and incidence of miscarriage as well as polycystic ovarian syndrome. Men with prostate conditions also tend to have low levels. Progesterone levels may be supported with the use of evening primrose oil, herbs such as vitex (chasteberry) or natural progesterone creams. Stress management and sleeping well is also crucial to maintaining healthy progesterone levels.

Growth hormone If your skin is sagging—in your cheeks, chin or above the knees—declining growth hormone is probably the culprit. Since growth hormone tends to drop off as we get older, supplements are promoted as a way to “reverse” the effects of aging. Growth hormone is essential for skin-cell repair and the prevention of sagging. The production of growth hormone is closely linked to our exercise, sleep and nutritional habits. If we fail to exercise, sleep well or do not consume enough protein, we are literally accelerating the aging process because of a decrease in this repair hormone.

Guest Post: Natasha Turner, N.D.

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