A Mid-Summer's Perfect Look! — Beauty Ecology

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A Mid-Summer's Perfect Look!

We’re so excited to share with you how to stay gorgeous in this hot, humid weather with the

Kasia Mid-Summer's Perfect Look!

Of course you know "Infromed Beaute'" -- that if this look is coming from us it’s going to be easy and 'clean of toxies' - and to enhance your natural beauty!

Here is what you need:

Pureoderant -- most effective natural deodorant on the market, has you covered in the heat!

Good Day Sunshine Sunscreen -- protect mamma' to baby from the high summer sun!

Vision of Sunset La Bella Donna Bronzer -- apply this amazing bronzer  to use on décolletage, cheek, and face.

Kasia Cherry n'  Lemon Lip Balm with SPF -- this natural and moisturizing lip balm tastes and feels  amazing!

Kasia enMoist Moisturizer- adds nutrients to face, lips and cheeks, super important with sun exposure.

John Masters Organic Sea Spray -- make everyday hair look like a day at the beach.  Throw in  a little Kasia Dry Shampoo to prolong the pool-side memories!

Restore Hair Oil and Finishing Treatment --  we bring this in your beach bag and put it on your hair or hands at the beach  to tame the frazzled hair or dry "over-done" sun-kissed spots to soothe!



We know that a clean and healthy diet influences our hair and skin's  natural glow.  "Must not forget Informed Beaute', missing links that comes not only from what you put on your skin, but also from what you’re putting in your body.

Here is a quick nutrient tip to incorporate into your diet and your summer essence will sparkle!


Aloe is amazing for the skin.  Aloe is present in most Kasia Skin Care products to reduce inflammation, and this does the same thing internally, especially when it is ingested. Aloe cleanses cells and the blood stream providing total detoxification to the body. As noted, it reduces inflammation and provides collagen and elastin repair. Fresh, raw aloe juice can be found in high quality juice bars and health food stores.   Drink it straight up or throw it in your blender, Viola'!

In particular Aloe Vera can be used to influence internally:

  1. Diabetes
  2. High Cholesterol
  3. High Blood Pressure
  4. Constipation
  5. Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  6. Ulcerative Colitis
  7. Hepatitis
  8. Stomach Ulcers
  9. Viral and Fungal Infections


Are we missing something? Tell us about your favorite summertime Kasia beauty products!  Remember to lotion up with Good Day Sunshine Beaute's!



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