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Bronzed Beauties: How to Get Glowing the Natural—and Safe!—Way


43ca9053b3bb5f5582182349989823d9 It’s officially summer —and finally warm here! The sun is out, the sky is blue and we’re wearing our favorite summer uniform of a breezy lace tank and comfy cutoffs. Other summer staples we make sure to always have on hand: sunscreen and self-tanner. Because even though that sun-kissed look makes us feel healthy and radiant, overexposure to the sun’s warm rays means damaging free radicals (read: lines and wrinkles!) and the increased chance of skin cancer.

Ready for a bronzed glow that’s as safe and natural as they come? Pick up Kasia Organic’s Honey-HoneyDip JPGDip Natural Sunless Tanner and Anti-Aging Cream. Reformulated with nourishing, anti-aging ingredients and an ultra-lightweight feel, it effortlessly gives skin a healthy glow. With 10% naturally-derived DHA, Honey-Dip offers a flawless, buildable tan, and perhaps most importantly, it smells divine and won’t ever look orange or have a typical self-tanner aroma. Perfect for getting that day-at-the-beach tan without damaging your skin!

Also currently slathered all over our face and body is Kasia’s Good Day Sunshine Sunshield. The SPF 35 product packs a vitamin- and antioxidant-rich, anti-aging punch that hydrates skin while protecting it from the sun’s harmful rays. It smells light and fresh, goes on smooth and comes in a mineral non-nano formula that means it’s safe for the entire family.

What’s all the hype about nano particles? Kasia founder Kassandra Kuehl explains:

“Sunscreens have been closely watched both by the consumer and the regulating organizations for the past few years, and rightfully so. With a brother who passed away from skin cancer at the young age of 24, I have been personally invested in formulating a sunscreen that is safe for all ages. GoodDay Sunshine Body SPF JPGWithin the past two years, broad spectrum sunscreens have exposed a new danger: Sunscreen manufacturers are now adding nano particles to sunscreens with titanium and zinc oxide to make application more smooth and clear (versus the traditional white effect). Unfortunately, nano particles are being added without appropriate labeling or reliable safety information, as they pose potential long-term risk to health.”

At Kasia, we put your "beautiful health" first and foremost. We are committed to using non-nano ingredients and have formulated a blend of broad-spectrum UVA/UVB protection with food-grade certified organic ingredients and antioxidant-rich oils to hydrate, protect, combat free radicals and promote youthful, flawless skin.

Contact our team at 612.824.7611 or

The Effects of Sun Inflammation and your Beautiful Health

It's been one HOT summer consumed of sun filled days.   Unless you are out in  a thick layer of sun protective clothing,  chances are - you are suffering sun damage with extended time in the sun.  When you use sunscreens like octylmethoxycinnamate or benzophenone, no matter what level of sun protection, they are reporting (ie SPF 100), you  are sustaining significant sun damage in addition to the added inflammation from the ingredients themselves."Sunburns" are a physiologic reaction to specific DNA changes that can be prevented by chemical absorption of UVB rays.  But please do not confuse a lack of redness with a lack of damage. Collagen/elastin (and other forms of skin) damage occur with extended time in the sun, whereas "sunburn" redness and pain are the direct result of the swelling, increased circulation and an inflammatory cascade that were stimulated by the DNA lesion.

As always Informed Beauty -- we strive to educate our you on a natural and safe alternative as well as the "proper way" to expose yourself to the sun.


Why is Kasia SUNSHIELD  part of only 8% of Sunscreens on the market, considered SAFE?

FACT:  There are few active sunscreen ingredients that effectively block both  UVA and UVB rays.  Kasia uses zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, which are the only ones that are both safe and effective for UVA and UVB protection and  do not penetrate the skin but block or reflect the sun.

Hit List to AVOID!

Sure, avoid Parabens, but take extreme caution in avoiding sunscreens with Oxtinoxate, Octisalate, Oxybenzone or Homosalate. These chemicals are toxic and have high absorption rates through the skin.  They act as either irritants, allergens, hormone disruptors or carcinogens.

Dioxybenzone and oxybenzone are quoted to be of the most powerful free radical generators known to man! YIKES!

Natural and Free from Harmful Chemicals

Good Day Sunshine Sunscreen, developed by local natural health and beauty care leader Kassie Kuehl, is a chemical-free sunscreen optimal for sensitive or traumatized skin and safe for children.

“Losing my 24 year old brother to skin cancer, I have grown well aware of the many underlying potential causes,” Kuehl said. “Unlike chemical sunscreens, I love that nature can provide remarkable ingredients that reflect and scatter away both UVA and UVB rays from your body by forming a physical barrier, without irritating or clogging your pores.”

Additional key benefits that set Good Day Sunshine Sunscreen apart from commercialized sunscreens:

  • True broad-spectrum UVA/UVB protection
  • Safe for toddlers and children
  • Non-chemical sunscreen
  • Moisturizing and healing properties
  • PABA-free and fragrance-free
  • Light and smooth formulation ideal for daily use and can be applied under makeup
  • Formulated for skin sensitive to traditional sunblocks and post-treatment patients
  • Formulation of  5% zinc and 5% titanium

In short, green tea helps protect your skin’s cells by providing antioxidant protection.

  • FREE of chemical laden fragrances…NON-zero….zilch.
  • FREE of parabens (harsh chemical or any harsh preservatives)..
  • FREE of Xenoestrogens!

The Sun and your Beautiful Health.

  1. UV exposure to bare skin (regardless of the sun protection) should never exceed 4 hours a day if you can help it because the skin is simply not designed to handle it.
  2. Chemical UVB sunscreens inflame the skin while inhibiting the skin's repair response/warning sign that is normally generated (aka sunburn) even though tremendous damage is still happening) and therefore should be avoided.
  3. There are an amazing number of drugs that cause sun-sensitivity and you should make every effort to get off of them because they result in an inability for your skin to heal itself after sun exposure which increases aging, damage and cancer risk dramatically.
  4. Sun-sensitizing drugs (including birth control pills) affect people differently. UV Protection Water will not stop the sunburn response in those people with substantial immunosuppression from medication but may work fine for many on those medications so a test is recommended.

Sunscreen is ONE Part of a Sun-Healthy Lifestyle

Kasia Makes EWG LIST of Best Sunscreens!

Sunscreen is just one part of a sun-healthy lifestyle.

It's important to spend time outdoors, but by incorporating some common-sense protective measures, we can play outside while still minimizing our exposure to UV rays.

1 USE SUNSCREEN that's effective and safe. Start with our "best" list. Make sure the SPF is 30 or higher. Buy new sunscreen every year and avoid powders and sprays.
2 GET YOUR VITAMIN D. Many Americans have low levels of Vitamin D. Sunlight triggers the skin to make this vitamin. The American Medical Association recommends that everyone get 10 minutes of direct sun (without sunscreen) several times per week.
3 KEEP KIDS SAFE since they're more sensitive to sun damage. Use sunscreen, play in the shade, and keep infants out of direct sun as much as possible. Check our special sun safety tips for kids below.
4 AVOID EXCESSIVE MIDDAY SUN WHEN INTENSITY PEAKS. Summer sun is more intense between 10 and 4, also at high altitudes and in the tropics.
5 SEEK SHADE OR BRING YOUR OWN. Cover up with a shirt, hat, and UV-protective sunglasses. Remember that invisible rays can reflect up toward you from the ground, so you may still need sunscreen if you wear a hat.
6 SLOP ON SUNSCREEN AND REAPPLY OFTEN. Put it on before you go out in the sun. Sunscreen washes off in water and can break down in the sun — reapply often. Wear daily on skin not covered by clothing.
7 AVOID PRODUCTS WITH BUG REPELLENT. You don't typically need them at the same time of day, and the mixture of ingredients leads to greater amounts of the pesticide soaking through the skin.
8 CHECK THE UV INDEX when planning outdoor activities.
9 SKIP SUNLAMPS AND TANNING BEDS Artificial tanning beds dramatically increase the risk of melanoma, the most deadly form of skin cancer. Tanning bed use before age 30 is especially risky.
10 CHECK YOUR SKIN for spots and changes, and remember that natural tone (not just tan) is beautiful. You know your skin best, so examine it for changes, lesions, and spots regularly. Be extra careful if you have freckles, moles, take certain medications (such as some antibiotics), or have a family history of skin cancer. Early detection is best, so consult your doctor for more information.

Sun Safety Tips For Kids

Kids are more vulnerable to damage caused by the sun. A few blistering sunburns in childhood can double a person's lifetime chances of developing serious forms of skin cancer. Keep your family safe in the sun by using a sunscreen that's effective and safe. Take these special precautions with infants and children:


Infants under 6 months should be kept out of direct sun as much as possible. Their skin is not yet protected by melanin. So when you take your infant outside, take special care:

  • COVER UP your baby's sensitive skin with protective clothing, tightly woven but loose-fitting, and a sun hat.
  • MAKE SHADE with your stroller's canopy or hood. If you can't find a shady spot to sit, put up an umbrella.
  • AVOID SUN DURING MIDDAY — take walks in the early morning or late afternoon.
  • FOLLOW PRODUCT WARNINGS FOR SUNSCREEN ON INFANTS UNDER 6 MONTHS OLD - Most manufacturers advise to avoid use for infants or to consult a doctor before using. The American Academy of Pediatrics now says that small amounts of sunscreen can be used on infants as a last resort when shade is not available.


Sunscreen is an essential part of any day in the sun. However, young children have skin that is especially sensitive to chemical allergens, as well as the sun's UV rays. When choosing a sunscreen, keep these tips in mind:

  • TEST THE SUNSCREEN by applying a small amount on the inside of your child's wrist the day before you plan to use it. If an irritation or rash develops at any time, try another product. Ask your child's doctor to suggest one that will not irritate.
  • SLOP ON SUNSCREEN and reapply often, especially if your child is playing in the water or sweating a lot.


Children should exercise healthy habits for outdoor play while at school. Sometimes school policies interfere with children's sun safety. Many schools see sunscreen as a medicine, and require written permission to use it, or require that the school nurse apply it. Other schools ban hats and sunglasses on campus. Here are a few questions to ask your school:

  • What is the policy on sun safety?
  • Is there shade on the playground?
  • Are outdoor activities scheduled to avoid the midday sun?


Fashion-conscious teenagers may seek a tanned look through sunbathing, tanning salons, or use of self-tanning products. Each of these activities carries health consequences. Overexposure to the sun increases the risk of skin cancer. The tan obtained at a salon can also damage the skin — in fact, the UV radiation in tanning parlors can be as much as 15 times that of the sun. The chemicals in self-tanning products have not been tested for safety; the major self-tanning chemical, dihydroxyacetone, is not approved by FDA for use in cosmetics around the eyes.

Your teen should know that being tan does not mean being healthy. Here are a few more tips to help your teen stay healthy:

  • MAKE SUNSCREEN A ROUTINE part of any outdoor sport or activity.
  • FIND FASHIONABLE SUN PROTECTION clothing, hats, and sunglasses.
  • PARENTS OF TEENS: BE A GOOD ROLE MODEL — be sure to let your teen see you protecting yourself from the sun.

Learn more about Kasia Good Day Sunshine Sunscreen HERE! 

Sunscreens Exposed: Nine Surprising Truths

  Sunscreens prevent sunburns, but beyond that simple fact surprisingly little is known about the safety and efficacy of these ubiquitous creams and sprays.  EWG’s review of the latest research unearthed troubling facts that might tempt you to give up on sunscreens altogether. That’s not the right answer. Despite the unknowns about sunscreens’ efficacy, public health agencies still recommend using them, just not as your first line of defense against the sun. At EWG we use sunscreens, but we look for shade, wear protective clothing and avoid the noontime sun before we smear on the cream. Here are the surprising facts:

1. There’s no consensus that sunscreens prevent skin cancer.

The FDA’s 2011 sunscreen rules allow sunscreen makers to advertise that using their products can decrease the risk of skin cancer and sun-related skin aging.  But a wide range of public health agencies – including the FDA – have found very little evidence that sunscreen prevents most types of skin cancer. In reviewing the evidence, the FDA said that the available clinical studies “do not demonstrate that even [broad spectrum products with SPF greater than 15] alone reduce the risk of skin cancer and early skin aging.”   The agency also said that it is “not aware of any studies examining the effect of sunscreen use on the development of melanoma.”  The International Agency for Research on Cancer recommends clothing, hats and shade as primary barriers to UV radiation. It says that “sunscreens should not be the first choice for skin cancer prevention and should not be used as the sole agent for protection against the sun”

2. There’s some evidence that sunscreens might increase the risk of the deadliest form of skin cancer for some people.

Some researchers have detected an increased risk of melanoma among sunscreen users. No one knows the cause, but scientists speculate that sunscreen users stay out in the sun longer and absorb more radiation overall, or that free radicals released as sunscreen chemicals break down in sunlight may play a role. One other hunch: Inferior sunscreens with poor UVA protection that have dominated the market for 30 years may have led to this surprising outcome. All major public health agencies still advise using sunscreens, but they also stress the importance of shade, clothing and timing.

3. There are dozens of high-SPF products — but no proof they’re better.

The FDA has proposed prohibiting the sale of sunscreens with SPF values higher than “50+.” The agency has written that values higher than 50 would be “misleading to the consumer,” given that there is an “absence of data demonstrating additional clinical benefit” (FDA 2011a), and that “there is no assurance that the specific values themselves are in fact truthful…” (FDA 2007). Scientists are also worried that high-SPF products may tempt people to stay in the sun too long, suppressing sunburns (a late, key warning of overexposure) while upping the risks of other kinds of skin damage.

Flouting the FDA’s proposed regulation, companies continue to sell high-SPF offerings in 2012. More than 1 in 7 products now lists SPF values higher than 50+, compared to only 1 in 8 in 2009, according to EWG’s analysis of more than 800 beach and sport sunscreens. Among the worst offenders are Walgreens and Aveeno brands.  These manufacturers boast SPF values greater than 50+ on more than 40 percent of their sunscreens.

4. Too little sun might be harmful, reducing the body’s vitamin D levels.

Sunshine serves a critical function in the body that sunscreen appears to inhibit — producing vitamin D. The main source of vitamin D in the body is sunshine, and the compound is enormously important to health – it strengthens bones and the immune system, reduces the risk of various cancers (including breast, colon, kidney and ovarian cancers) and regulates at least a thousand different genes governing virtually every tissue in the body (Mead 2008). About one-fourth of Americans have borderline low levels of vitamin D, and 8 percent have a serious deficiency (CDC 2012). Particular groups are at the highest risk – breast-fed infants, people with darker skin and people who have limited sun exposure (NIH 2012).

Some people can make enough vitamin D from 10 to 15 minutes of unprotected sun exposure several times a week. But many others cannot. The right amount depends on the individual’s age, skin tone, the intensity of sunlight,  time outdoors and skin cancer risk. Check with your doctor to see if you should get a vitamin D test or if you should take seasonal or year-round supplements.

5. The common sunscreen ingredient vitamin A may speed development of cancer.

Recently available data from an FDA study indicate that a form of vitamin A, retinyl palmitate, may speed the development of skin tumors and lesions when applied to skin in the presence of sunlight (NTP 2009). This evidence is troubling, because the sunscreen industry adds vitamin A to 25 percent of all sunscreens.

The industry puts vitamin A in its formulations because it is an anti-oxidant that slows skin aging. That may be true for lotions and night creams used indoors, but FDA recently conducted a study of vitamin A’s photocarcinogenic properties – the possibility that it can promote cancerous tumors when used on skin exposed to sunlight. Scientists have known for some time that vitamin A can spur excess skin growth (hyperplasia) and that in sunlight it can form free radicals that damage DNA.

In the FDA’s one-year study, tumors and lesions developed sooner in lab animals coated in a vitamin A-laced cream than animals treated with a vitamin-free cream. Both groups were exposed to the equivalent of just nine minutes of maximum intensity sunlight each day.

It’s an ironic twist for an industry already battling studies that have questioned whether their products protect against skin cancer. The FDA data are preliminary, but if they hold up in the final assessment, sunscreen makers have a big problem. In the meantime, EWG recommends that consumers avoid sunscreens with vitamin A (look for “retinyl palmitate” or “retinol” on the label).

6. Free radicals and other skin-damaging byproducts of sunscreens.

Both UV radiation and many common sunscreen ingredients generate free radicals that damage DNA and skin cells, accelerate skin aging and cause skin cancer. An effective sunscreen prevents more damage than it causes, but sunscreens are far better at preventing sunburn than at limiting free radical damage. While typical SPF ratings for sunburn protection range from 15 to 50, equivalent “free radical protection factors” come in at about 2. When consumers apply too little sunscreen or reapply it infrequently – and that’s more common than not – sunscreens can cause more free radical damage than UV rays on bare skin. The FDA could improve sunscreens’ ability to reduce free radical skin damage by strengthening standards for UVA protection.

7. Pick your sunscreen: nanomaterials or potential hormone disrupters.

The ideal sunscreen would completely block the UV rays that cause sunburn, immune suppression and damaging free radicals. It would remain effective on the skin for several hours and not form harmful ingredients when degraded by UV light. It would smell and feel pleasant so that people use it in the right amount and frequency.

Unsurprisingly, there is currently no sunscreen that satisfies all these criteria. The major choice in the U.S. is between “chemical” sunscreens, which have inferior stability, penetrate the skin and may disrupt the body’s hormone systems, and “mineral” sunscreens (zinc and titanium), which often contain micronized- or nanoscale particles of those minerals.

After reviewing the evidence, EWG determined that mineral sunscreens have the best safety profile of today’s choices. They are stable in sunlight and do not appear to penetrate the skin.   For consumers who don’t like mineral products, we recommend sunscreens with avobenzone (3 percent for the best UVA protection) and without the notorious hormone disrupter oxybenzone. Scientists have urged parents to avoid using oxybenzone on children due to penetration and toxicity concerns.

8. Europe’s better sunscreens.

Sunscreen makers and users in Europe have more options than in the United States. In Europe, sunscreen makers can select from among 27 chemicals for their formulations, compared to 17 in the U.S.  Companies selling in Europe can add any of seven UVA filters to their product, but they have only three available for products marketed in the U.S.  Sunscreen chemicals approved in Europe but not by the FDA provide up to five times more UVA protection; U.S. companies have been waiting five years for FDA approval to use the same compounds. Until the FDA approves these ingredients and lifts restrictions on combining certain active ingredients, strong UVA protection will be scarce in US sunscreens.

9. The FDA is still not protecting consumers.

In June 2011 the FDA announced new rules on labeling and effectiveness testing for sunscreens. They will ban the use of misleading claims like “sunblock,” “waterproof” and “sweatproof” and define which sunscreens can claim “broad spectrum” protection. FDA recently granted a 6 month delay in the implementation of these rules, until mid-December 2012. But even when implemented many gaps will remain.

The standard for UVA protection is weak and will allow nearly 90 percent of sunscreens to use the label “broad spectrum” without any reformulation. A weak standard gives companies no incentive to develop better, more effective sunscreens and masks major differences between products.

The FDA has not yet evaluated the efficacy and safety of new sunscreen ingredients or ingredient combinations.  It has no plans to consider evidence of hormone disruption for sunscreen chemicals. The new rules  still allow sunscreen makers to use ingredients such as vitamin A that can damage the skin in sunlight. They fail to require makers to measure sunscreen stability despite ample evidence that many products break down quickly in sunlight.

Kasia Good Day Sunshine Sunshield

Kasia SUNSHIELD is part of only 8% of Sunscreens on the market, considered SAFE?

Natural and Free from Harmful Chemicals

 Key benefits that set Good Day Sunshine Sunscreen apart from commercialized sunscreens:

  • True broad-spectrum UVA/UVB protection
  • Safe for toddlers and children
  • Non-chemical sunscreen
  • Moisturizing and healing properties
  • PABA-free and fragrance-free
  • Light and smooth formulation ideal for daily use and can be applied under makeup
  • Formulated for skin sensitive to traditional sunblocks and post-treatment patients
  • Formulation of  5% zinc and 5% titanium

Learn more about Kasia SUNSHEILD HERE

Reference EWG- Read more here.

SUNSCREENS…The good, the bad and the ugly


This article looks at some sunscreen agents commonly in use:

Octyl Methoxycinnamate and other cinnamates cause photo and contact allergy and do not effectively block UVA. We must ask, what is the point of using a sunscreen agent that causes allergy in the presence of sunlight?

Benzophenones/oxybenzone/benzoylmethanes do absorb some UVA radiation but have been found to cause photo/contact allergy and most significantly, they tend to imitate and therefore exacerbate existing skin disease (including acne).

Titanium dioxide effectively blocks out UVA radiation and therefore protects against skin cancer. Although this is also a photon scattering agent (UV reflector), it does absorb UV radiation which produces free radicals in the presence of water. Many manufacturers use different methods to “coat” the particles, making them less reactive.

Salicylates commonly cause photo allergy.

PABA (Paramino benzoic acid) is part of the B group of vitamins. Taken internally, it can help prevent UV damage. Used externally, it causes phototoxicity and sensitisation. PABA generates free radicals when exposed to sunlight, predisposing the skin to cancer. It does not effectively block UVA radiation.  It is banned as a sunscreen agent.

Zinc oxide effectively blocks out UVA radiation, has the benefit of being inert on the skin (it does not absorb UV radiation) and has skin healing properties. It does, however, contain large particles and can form a paste when applied to the skin. The finer the zinc particles, the less visible they are on the skin. Micronized superfine zinc is the best choice for minimizing the “paste-effect” without resorting to nanoparticles.

Iron oxide is found naturally in mineral clays.  Due to the large particle size, iron oxide also acts as a UV reflector and is inert in the sun (does not produce free radicals). Natural mineral clays also contain varying proportions of other UV protectors such as titania.

It must also be noted that this discussion of the active constituents in sunscreens is academic without paying respect to the ingredients in the carrier or base formulation. Do they cause free radical damage themselves and in particular, how well do they stand up to sun exposure?

There are instances of people using sunscreens who have reacted to the excipients (base materials/carriers) included in the formulation, such as preservatives, fragrances and emulsifiers, which have caused contact allergies. So there is cause for concern not only about the active ingredients in sunscreens, but about the inert ingredients as well. Ed note: I don’t know about anyone else but standard sunscreens make my eyes sting and water particularly after swimming in the surf. I worked out that for me, it is probably the product fragrance that is causing this effect. In any case, it has been a long time since I have used a conventional sunscreen as I prefer to stick to zinc oxide based products, including GOOD DAY SUNSHINE Sunscreen from Kasia Organics.

There are a number of base ingredients to look for such as antioxidant vitamins C and E at effective concentrations. Vitamins C and E (tocopherol) are known to protect against skin cancer, particularly when applied topically as they prevent free radical damage from UV radiation. Certified organic shea butter, sesame and avocado oils have natural UV protective qualities, primarily due to their vitamin A and E content. Shea butter also protects against burning (UVB radiation) and is an excellent emollient, softening the skin and preventing the formation of wrinkles. Aloe vera, a plant which has been shown to prevent DNA damage to the skin following sun exposure and its use in treating burns of all descriptions is well-known and an excellent inclusion as a base ingredient. Antioxidant medicinal strength herbal extracts of ginkgo biloba, green tea and pomegranate are also excellent for their ability to protect against DNA damage from UV radiation.


Reference: by Tess Dingle ND

7 surprising things you're not supposed to know about sunscreen

  Almost nothing you hear about sunscreen from traditional media channels is accurate. So here's a quick guide to the 7 most important things you need to know about sunscreen, sunlight and vitamin D:

#1) The FDA refuses to allow natural sunscreen ingredients to be used in sunblock / sunscreen products

It's true: If you create a truly natural sunscreen product using exotic botanicals with powerful sunscreen properties, you will never be able to market it as a "sunscreen" product. That's because the FDA decides what can be used as sunscreen and what can't, regardless of what really works in the real world. And there are really only two natural ingredients the FDA has allowed to be sold as sunscreen: Zinc oxide and titanium dioxide.

Any other non-chemical sunscreen ingredients, if sold as "sunscreen," would be considered mislabeled by the FDA and result in your products being confiscated... even if they offer fantastic sunscreen protection!

Not surprisingly, this whole monopoly over sunscreen chemicals is designed to protect the profits of the chemical companies while marginalizing the natural product companies which could easily formulate far better solutions. I have personally spoken to the founders of several health product companies who have figured out amazing sunscreen formulations using nothing but natural botanicals, but the FDA won't let them market their products as sunscreen products!

It's just another example of the FDA standing in the way of health innovation.

#2) Nearly all conventional sunscreen products contain cancer-causing chemicals

Read the ingredients list of any sunscreen product sold at Wal-Mart, or Walgreens, or any other mainstream store. I dare ya!

You will not be able to pronounce most of the chemicals found in the ingredients list. That's because most sunscreen products are formulated with cancer-causing fragrance chemicals, parabens, harsh alcohols, toxic chemical solvents and petroleum oils. A typical sunscreen product is actually a chemical assault on your body. That's why research shows that using sunscreen actually causes more cancer than it prevents (

#3) In a nation where over 70% of the population is vitamin D deficiency, sunscreen actually blocks vitamin D production

Vitamin D deficiency is perhaps the most widespread vitamin deficiency in North America. According to the research, 70 percent of whites are deficient in vitamin D, and up to 97 percent of blacks are deficient (

Chronic vitamin D deficiency promotes cancer (, winter flu and infections, depression, osteoporosis and hormonal imbalances. Depending on whom you believe, vitamin D alone can prevent anywhere from 50% to nearly 80% of all cancers (

By blocking vitamin D production in the skin, sunscreen products actually contribute to cancer-promoting nutritional deficiencies.

This doesn't mean you should never wear a sunscreen product, of course. If your skin is really pale and you're planning a day on the beach in Hawaii, you will obviously benefit from some level of sun protection using a truly natural sunscreen product. But an informed health-conscious person would try to allow their skin to achieve a natural, healthy tan (yes, a tan truly is healthy if it's combined with good nutrition, see below) through sensible exposure levels that activate vitamin D production in the skin.

#4) You can boost your internal sun resistance by changing what you eat

Here's the real secret about sun exposure that no one in conventional medicine is talking about (because, as usual, they are woefully ignorant about nutrition): You can boost your internal sunscreen by eating antioxidant-rich foods and superfoods.

The supplement astaxanthin, for example, is very well known for boosting your skin's natural resistance to sunburn. Its fat-soluble carotenoids are actually transported to skin cells where they protect those cells from UV exposure.

The more natural antioxidants you have in your diet, the more sunlight your skin will be able to handle without burning. Nearly everyone mistakenly believes that a person's sunlight burn response is purely a genetic factor. They're wrong. You can radically improve your resistance to UV exposure through radical dietary changes.

I'm a great example of this, actually, as I used to burn in just 20 - 30 minutes of sunlight when I was on a junk food diet years ago. But now, as someone who eats superfoods and high-end nutritional supplements every day, I can spend hours in the sun and will only turn slightly red (which fades a few hours later and does not result in a burn or skin peeling).

Except for one time on an all-day visit to a water park, I have not worn sunscreen in over 8 years. I spend a large amount of time in the sun, and I have absolutely no concerns whatsoever about skin cancer. My skin, most people tell me, looks significantly younger than my biological age. That's not from sunscreen; it's from nutrition. Sun exposure does not make your skin "age" if you follow a high-nutritional density diet.

#5) UV exposure alone does not cause skin cancer

It is a complete medical myth that "UV exposure causes skin cancer." This false idea is a total fabrication by the ignorant medical community (dermatologists) and the profit-driven sunscreen companies.

The truth is actually more complicated: Skin cancer can only be caused when UV exposure is combined with chronic nutritional deficiencies that create skin vulnerabilities.

To create skin cancer, in other words, you have to eat a junk food diet, avoid protective antioxidants, and then also experience excessive UV exposure. All three of those elements are required. Conventional medicine completely ignores the dietary influences and focuses entirely on just one factor: Sunscreen vs. no sunscreen. This is a one-dimensional approach to the issue that's grossly oversimplified to the point of being misleading.

The medical industry, it seems, does not want people to figure out they can literally eat their way to healthier skin. It's amazing, actually: Your skin is made entirely out of the food you eat, so how could your diet not affect your skin health? Yet no one in conventional medicine -- not the dermatologists, not the doctors and not the health regulators -- has the intellectual honesty to admit that what you eat largely determines how your skin reacts to UV exposure.

#6) Not all "natural" sunscreen products are really natural

Be careful when shopping for so-called "natural" sunscreen products. While there are some good ones out there, many are just examples of greenwashing, where they use terms like "natural" or "organic" but still contain loads of synthetic chemicals anyway.

A good guide for checking on sunscreen products is the Environmental Working Group guide (EWG) at: Read the ingredients labels to see for yourself. Don't use any sunscreen product containing ingredients that sound like chemicals:

• Methyl... • Propyl... • Butyl... • Ethyl... • Trieth... • Dieth... etc.

Always buy unscented sunscreen unless for some reason you just enjoy coating your skin with artificial perfume chemicals. A typical sunscreen product is made with over a dozen cancer-causing fragrance chemicals, and they're absorbed right through your skin. Most sunscreens, when applied as directed, are really just toxic chemical baths that heavily burden your liver and can give you cancer.

#7) Many "chemical free" sunscreens are loaded with chemicals

Search for "chemical free natural sunscreen" and you'll see a listing for:

Jason Natural Cosmetics - Earth's Best Sun Block Chemical Free, 4 oz cream

Click on the product and you'll find a listing of its ingredients which includes: C12-15 Alkyl Benzoate, Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Sorbitan Isostearate, Sorbitan Sesquioleate, Ethylhexyl Palmitate, Ethyl Macadamiate, Calcium Starch Octenylsuccinate, Stearalkonium Hectorite

So how are those not chemicals? Ethylhexyl Palmitate is NOT a chemical? Who are these people kidding? The description (title) of this product is false and misleading. In all fairness, however, this product title looks like it was added into the system by the vendor and not the Jason company itself. But it's an example of how the information you see from online vendors can often be misleading.

Always read the ingredients of any sunscreen product before using it. Don't poison yourself with sunscreen!

Beware the  surrounding sunscreen products

Perhaps more with sunscreen than any other personal care product, the "official" information distributed through the mainstream media is hopelessly misleading (if not downright false). Remarkably, no one in the media or the government is even willing to admit that fragrance chemicals are bad for your health. Similarly, no one is willing to admit that the chemicals you put on your skin get ABSORBED by your skin.

Without those two truths being acknowledged right up front, the rest of whatever they say about sunscreen is worthless babble. Any honest talk about sunscreen must acknowledge the simple truth that the chemicals you put on your skin get absorbed into your skin, and that most sunscreen products are made out of a chemical cocktail of cancer-causing substances.

This is the truth about sunscreen that both the sunscreen industry and the cancer industry doesn't want you to hear. It's the dirty little secret of sunscreen: The more you use, the more you CAUSE cancer in your body! (And the more money the cancer centers make "treating" your cancer with yet more deadly chemicals known as chemotherapy.)

So buyer beware. Sunscreen products are a minefield of lies, fraud and disinformation designed to keep you ignorant of the importance of sun exposure as well as the health risks associated with using cancer-causing chemicals on your skin.

Stick with truly natural sunscreen products (when needed) and try to build up a healthy tan while consuming large quantities of superfoods and antioxidants in your diet. Consider taking astaxanthin or other fat-soluble nutrients on a regular basis. Engage in daily juicing of fresh fruits and vegetables which are loaded with living nutrients. Time your sun exposure to build up a healthy tan so that you don't need sunscreen at all. Contrary to all the misinformation we've all been fed, a healthy tan is actually a good sign that you're achieving adequate vitamin D synthesis in your own skin.

Kasia Good Day Sunshine Sunblock

Why is Kasia SUNSHIELD is part of only 8% of Sunscreens on the market, considered SAFE?

FACT: There are few active sunscreen ingredients that effectively block both  UVA and UVB rays.  Kasia uses zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, which are the only ones that are both safe and effective for UVA and UVB protection and  do not penetrate the skin but block or reflect the sun.

Hit List to AVOID!

Sure, avoid Parabens, but take extreme caution in avoiding sunscreens with Oxtinoxate, Octisalate, Oxybenzone or Homosalate. These chemicals are toxic and have high absorption rates through the skin.  They act as either irritants, allergens, hormone disruptors or carcinogens.

A Mid-Summer's Perfect Look!

We’re so excited to share with you how to stay gorgeous in this hot, humid weather with the

Kasia Mid-Summer's Perfect Look!

Of course you know "Infromed Beaute'" -- that if this look is coming from us it’s going to be easy and 'clean of toxies' - and to enhance your natural beauty!

Here is what you need:

Pureoderant -- most effective natural deodorant on the market, has you covered in the heat!

Good Day Sunshine Sunscreen -- protect mamma' to baby from the high summer sun!

Vision of Sunset La Bella Donna Bronzer -- apply this amazing bronzer  to use on décolletage, cheek, and face.

Kasia Cherry n'  Lemon Lip Balm with SPF -- this natural and moisturizing lip balm tastes and feels  amazing!

Kasia enMoist Moisturizer- adds nutrients to face, lips and cheeks, super important with sun exposure.

John Masters Organic Sea Spray -- make everyday hair look like a day at the beach.  Throw in  a little Kasia Dry Shampoo to prolong the pool-side memories!

Restore Hair Oil and Finishing Treatment --  we bring this in your beach bag and put it on your hair or hands at the beach  to tame the frazzled hair or dry "over-done" sun-kissed spots to soothe!



We know that a clean and healthy diet influences our hair and skin's  natural glow.  "Must not forget Informed Beaute', missing links that comes not only from what you put on your skin, but also from what you’re putting in your body.

Here is a quick nutrient tip to incorporate into your diet and your summer essence will sparkle!


Aloe is amazing for the skin.  Aloe is present in most Kasia Skin Care products to reduce inflammation, and this does the same thing internally, especially when it is ingested. Aloe cleanses cells and the blood stream providing total detoxification to the body. As noted, it reduces inflammation and provides collagen and elastin repair. Fresh, raw aloe juice can be found in high quality juice bars and health food stores.   Drink it straight up or throw it in your blender, Viola'!

In particular Aloe Vera can be used to influence internally:

  1. Diabetes
  2. High Cholesterol
  3. High Blood Pressure
  4. Constipation
  5. Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  6. Ulcerative Colitis
  7. Hepatitis
  8. Stomach Ulcers
  9. Viral and Fungal Infections


Are we missing something? Tell us about your favorite summertime Kasia beauty products!  Remember to lotion up with Good Day Sunshine Beaute's!



Pressure to the FDA from the Senate on NEW SPF Sunscreen Label Rules!


Senator Pressures FDA to Finish Long-Awaited Sunscreen Label Rules

The Rhode Island senator wants sunscreen makers to be held to a higher standard, complaining that while the companies are required to slap a sun protection factor (SPF) label on their products they do not have to tell consumers about protection from UVA rays -- which can damage skin and increase risk of skin cancer. The current SPF labels refer to another kind of ultraviolet light known as UVB, responsible for sunburns.

"They're getting protection from getting burned, but they're not getting protection from skin cancer," Reed spokesman Chip Unruh said.


Kasia Good Day Sunshine Sunscreen rated TOP SUNSCREEN on EWG!

Natural and Free from Harmful Chemicals

Good Day Sunshine Sunscreen, developed by local natural health and beauty care leader Kassie Kuehl, is a chemical-free sunscreen optimal for sensitive or traumatized skin and safe for children.

“Losing my 24 year old brother to skin cancer, I have grown well aware of the many underlying potential causes,” Kuehl said. “Unlike chemical sunscreens, I love that nature can provide remarkable ingredients that reflect and scatter away both UVA and UVB rays from your body by forming a physical barrier, without irritating or clogging your pores.”

Numerous studies now show that green tea is a powerful antioxidant, especially used on the skin.  When applied topically,   green tea is highly capable of   assisting in skin damage reduction and sun radiation.  In short, green tea helps protect your skin’s cells by providing antioxidant protection.

  • FREE of chemical laden fragrances…NON-zero….zilch.
  • FREE of parabens (harsh chemical or any harsh preservatives)..
  • FREE of Xenoestrogens!

    Active Ingredients: Titanium Dioxide 5% & Zinc Oxide 5%

  • Inactive Ingredients: Triple Purified Water/Aqua, Aloe Barbadensis (Aloe Leaf) Gel, Vegetable Glycerine, Cucumis Sativus (Cucumber) Fruit Extract, Chrysin, Palmitoyl Oligopeptide, Hydroxysuccinimide, Palmitoyl Tetrapeptide-3, Palmitoyl Pentapeptide- 3, Persea Gratissima (Avocado Seed) Oil, Simmondsia Chinesis (Jojoba Seed) Oil, Vittis Vinefera (Grape Seed) Oil, Vegetable Glycerine, Capric/Capryllic Triglycerides, Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea Butter), Stearic Acid, Glyceryl Monostearate, Cyclomethicone, Tocopheryl (Vitamin E), Cetyl Alcohol, Mica


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