Sip coconut for better metabolism and beautiful health. What's not there to LOVE! — Beauty Ecology

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Sip coconut for better metabolism and beautiful health. What's not there to LOVE!


What isn't there to LOVE about COCONUT!


There are times when your body runs on that "flight or fight" mode for way too long.   This causes the pH levels in the deeper digestive system to fall. That's when the coconut can step in to heal. It is capable of ridding toxins, helping to purify the digestive system. Tender coconut simply balances acid levels and cools the system. This makes it superior to other herbs and fruits that can cool down the body.

Coconut Benefits!


  • Coconut is a natural stress-buster.

  • Combined with spices like cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, cloves, cumin, coriander, and turmeric, coconut is not only delicious and versatile, but also facilitates healing in the digestive system and promotes better metabolism.

  • The juice of tender coconut has been billed "the world's safest natural soft drink" for being a nutritious thirst-quencher.

  • 52Combined with poppy seeds and ghee, coconut can help you sleep better!

  • Coconut has  properties that  improves hair quality. Applying coconut oil to hair every day-maintains the proteins and nurtures your long, lustrous locks.

  • Coconut is cooling, so it is good for curing stomach disorders.

  • Due to its soma-enhancing or nurturing value, coconut heals hot flashes and restores emotional stability in menopausal women.

  • Coconut improves the complexion. You can make coconut-based skin packs at home. Mix coconut oil with oatmeal powder and a little bit of lavender to make a soothing facial pack.

  • A burning sensation in hands and feet is cooled down by drinking coconut water/milk. Also make a paste of crushed middle-aged coconut and apply it on hands and feet.

  • Coconut is traditionally considered a wound healer, especially effective at preventing the formation of scars if applied topically.

  • If you have urine retention from heat, then coconut water helps stimulate excess fluid from the system. Similarly, liver problems, such as inflammation, are also soothed by drinking tender coconut water

  • Recent research suggests that coconut is good for burning fat and lowering cholesterol.

  • Coconut helps detoxify and remove toxins from the body.  Best of all, it is delicious!





Coconut Cooking 101


  • You can drink the liquid that comes out of a coconut, but don't use it in cooking.

  • Fresh coconut is always best, but if it is not readily available, you can generally find good quality dried, grated coconut and coconut chips in natural food stores. Use the unsweetened type, which is free of chemical ingredients.

  • Tender coconuts, or ones with pulp and water, are generally available at grocery stores. Slash off the top with a sharp knife (the store will sometimes help open coconuts), insert a straw, and enjoy!

  • Use coconut milk the same day. Grate fresh coconut and blend with a little warm water. Squeeze to get the rich first extraction. Add more water re-blend and squeeze again to get a thinner second extraction. Strain.

  • The hot days of summer are great for cooking-and cooling-with coconut.

  • Coconut oil is so yummy for your hair, face, and body!

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