Summer DIY Love and Care for your Feet — Beauty Ecology

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Summer DIY Love and Care for your Feet


Did you know? Each foot has 26 bones, 33 joints, 19 muscles, and 107 ligaments.  As my feet age every year, they let me know it!   As a vivid runner and a hairstylist, I am constantly on my feet. I used to be able to get by with a flat pair of flip flops from the local Target - but that day is NO MORE!    I have become smarter in what I purchase for quality  shoes or sandels, knowing I have many more years to go in a career that I love so dear!

images-1 DIY and self care tips for putting your best foot forward:


Warm Water Soak

To provide at-home TLC, try one of these warm water soaks!

Option: Add Epsom or sea salts (natural exfoliators) to relax the feet and soften rough, dry patches of skin.

Option: Add  2 cups of pure  pineapple juice to a foot soak. Enzymes from the bromelain naturally sloughs off dry skin.

Option:  shower or bathe to soften skin, then scrub calloused areas with a mixture of 1 tablespoon sea salt and 1 tablespoon sweet almond oil. A pumice stone and gentle body wash also work. Rinse, towel off, moisturize, then don fluffy organic cotton socks. 

Foot Massage

Massage encourages better blood flow, and it just plain feels good. When you release tension in your feet, your mind-body physiology follows. Use a small amount of pure jojoba oil with a few drops of  sessional oils.

Suggestions Oils:    Lemongrass, lavender, patchouli, or tea tree essential oil.  All possess potent anti-bacterial effects. Distribute the oil or lotion through the hands and rub onto the soles, then massage the rest of the feet with small strokes. Put on cotton socks, and it’s time for bed!


Let Your Feet Breathe

Our feet can perspire through about 250,000 sweat glands and up to 8 ounces of sweat a day.

**Don’t use harsh products that attempt to block foot perspiration — it’s your body’s way of eliminating toxins.

Take a footbath using essential oils with toning, astringent, and antiseptic properties. Oil options like eucalyptus, juniper, lavender, rosemary, and tea tree are great. Add 2 to 6 drops to warm water. The toning properties firm foot skin tissue, reducing the amount of oil and perspiration excreted. The antiseptic quality helps with potential odor.

 Keep the Blood Flowing

It’s quite a ways from your heart to the toes. For healthy, comfortable feet, it’s important to encourage blood flow. Massage and exercise play important roles, as do well-fitting shoes!

As noted earlier, don’t forfeit comfort for style or you may walk a painful path, possibly filled with bunions, calluses, plantar fasciitis, deformSummer is ed toes, and various other potential long term issues. 

Get a Pedi! 

Nothing is better than a relaxing pedicure -- allowing someone else to do the "labor."  Receive a Natural Pedicure at Kasia Organic Salon TODAY!  Learn more about our services and top of the market  non-toxic nail polishes.   


Acquarella’s Non-toxic Polishes

Hydrates Nail and Tissue – Promotes healthy growth
 Hydration of the nail is an indirect, qualitative look at the following properties of the nail: color, strength, flexibility, and growth rate. Normally, strength is inversely proportional to flexibility with use of conventional products.

Since Acquarella contains water and allows the nail to “breathe”, it creates a permeable environment where the nail can exhibit both qualities. We assert that consumers will see a change in their bare nails with pro- longed, repeated use.

This visible trail of evidence will allow you to see the nail turn from a state of discoloration to an ultimately clearer state (a natural French manicure). This will require a long-term observation. Over the course of months, newer healthy nail will re- place old, chemically damaged or stained nail structure and will be visibly different than nail closer to the cuticle.

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Contact Kasia Organic Salon to book your summer lovin' pedi today!  612.824.7611

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