Use Essential Oils to Ease the Back to School Transition — Beauty Ecology

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Use Essential Oils to Ease the Back to School Transition


We  LOVE our mama's that frequent Kasia.  For many, the end is summer that is. We understand that as we approach the end of summer, this time of the year is particularly challenging as families re-assess their regimented routines.  Schedules are crazy, last minute vacations, finances, and trying to force some last days of sun and "relaxation."

 Something you may not have thought about in your “back to school” routine is adding aromatherapy!  This can be very helpful in dealing with  transition.  The following oils can be used for you or your child!


Create a Calming Environment

When children sleep well, they are emotionally and cognitivally better prepared to face the day ahead.  It is common for kids to feel fidgety and anxious. Establish a calming environment for them with  Lavender , which will help them wind down and get some restful sleep. You may also try a bedtime bath routine by adding 6 drops Of Lavender or Cederwood to a cup of sea salt and mixing this in the bath water.


Concentration and Focus

After having a fun time throughout the vacations, children may find it difficult to focus on studies and homework.  Peppermint and Rosemary are some oils that are known to stimulate the mind, strengthen memory and enhance concentration.

Prepare for the Day

Getting up early in the morning is probably the worst part about going back to school. If your child dragging to the breakfast table, help them perk up with Peppermint or Lemongrass.  These  oilsstimulate the mind while helping stay bright and alert throughout the day.

Boost Their Immunity

Back-to-school time is often associated with colds and other infections triggered by the change in routine and a new physical environment with germs. You can help your child stay healthy by asking them to place a washcloth with 2 drops of our Lavendaire Blend on their chest while taking a hot shower.   


A Positive Outlook and Frame Of Mind

Stress, anxiety and nervousness are all part of student and/or teenagers life.  If you or your child are undergoing bouts of restlessness or hyperactivity,  calm down with Lemongrass, Cedarwood, Grapefruit, Lemonlift, and Sweet Orange.   These are fresh scents that can help relieve feelings of depression, fear and anger, and can help make the transition easier.

All of these oils are great to use with Jojoba Oil for a massage for your child.   When giving your child a relaxing aromatherapy massage - it allows a way for you both to bond and relax.


All Oils Mentioned in this article are available at Kasia Organic Salon.  We source only the best - Organic, Certified, Pure...... 

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