Activate Your Bliss Gene (Strawberry Delight CBD Spritzer)


Feed your BLISS GENE


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Strawberry Delight
CBD Enhanced Spritzer


Love Ingredients

How to: 

  1. Combine fruit into a pitcher and gently blend.

  2. Add chilled beverage and stir.

  3. Using a strainer, pour the drink into your classy glass.

  4. Feed your 'bliss genes' and add the desired amount of CBD Elixir

  5. Eat more strawberries, relax and  ENJOY!

 Chances are, you're deficient in cannabinoids.  Learn why HERE. 

  Your KEY Players In the Mix


What are Phyto-Cannabinoids?
Outer: has a powerful ability to protect the skin and neutralize free radicals that lead to premature aging.

Inner:  Phyto-cannabinoid (CBD) hemp plant extract  directly enhances our   endocannabinoid system (ECS) -which is a living neural network regulating the  intrinsic tissue  in our body  and  is made up of millions of receptor sites which signal molecules and hormones throughout our body to either activate healing or signal discomfort.

Because the ECS regulates homeostasis, an imbalance could be the underlying cause behind many disorders from inflammatory and autoimmune diseases to depression, fatigue, and chronic pain.

When activated, CBD receptor sites produce a heightened sense of well-being, elevated health, and enhanced energy.   Learn more here!

"Clink, cheers and enjoy!"   - Kassandra

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