Aging Skin & the Root of it All — Beauty Ecology

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Aging Skin & the Root of it All

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Is inflammation the culprit to all skin inefficiencies?

At Beauty Ecology, we see our clients struggle to pinpoint what results they’re wanting to specifically achieve when getting a facial, let alone have ultimate trust that it’ll work.  

Of course every woman wants to reduce fine lines, wrinkles or pesky adult acne or sun spots.  

 Wouldn’t it nice if there was one trigger to identify and better understand so you could address overall skin health- all at once?!

Hmmmm… Posing that means I’ve got a unicorn answer, right?

Yupper - by the end of this quick read, you’ll mostly likely agree that a skincare routine loaded in anti-inflammatory tactics is the most effective way to treat many skin concerns. As you know, I’m dedicated to always get to the root of the matter.  

Let’s jump in. 


“My face isn’t red or agitated, so what’s this that my skin’s inflamed?”

First off,  each facial at BE is customized for your real time “needs” – and almost 75% of these “needs” are related to reduce fine lines, sun spots, and acne - but what your skin pro is REALLY focusing on …

(1) regenerative cellular health and      (2) calming inflammation.

We associate “inflamed skin” as an allergic reaction, a rash or hives. However, inflammation can take many forms and has many triggers.  The most alarming are the new studies validating that blue light from our tech obsessive lifestyles constantly put the skin into a low grade inflammatory (stressed) state.   In fact, it’s proven that most (if not all) aging stems from inflammation. I review the other key assaults further later.

Inflammation? It’s all good!

Heard it right!  It’s “good” because inflammation is our body’s built-in defense system to protect itself, as well as a great assistant in healing after an injury and is then designed to subside after your body is back to normal.

Here’s the rub.  

However, our modern day hustled and certain environments trigger long-term inflammation to stay constant in the body and contributes to unwanted skin conditions (and other ailments).

Common signs are:

- blotchy redness

- early signs of aging

- uneven hyper-pigmentation  

- stubborn breakouts

- Rosacea

Where could inflammation be coming from?

 | It’s either an external or internal source |

The healing power’s in your hands.  
Besides the obvious external environmental pollutants, external triggers causing chronic inflammation stem from forgetting to apply protective SPF, over-exfoliating and using chemical laden skincare products that don't keep your skin pH balanced.  Others triggers may be from harsh fragrances, essentials oils (80% of oils are adulterated) and using facial room technology or acids that are over abrasive on the skin.

Healing - It’s an inside job.  Let’s start there.

Stress says it all.  Due to the hormone, cortisol being elevated during stressful times, (short term is ok) and can backfire and catalyze long term inflammation. We know stress is hard to control, and ironically engaging in the 5 sensory engaged facial experience, scientifically validates the body is calmed, relaxed and able to reduce these inflammation markers.  In addition to that, the value add in a professional facial are result oriented treatments followed with anti-inflammatory calm-down techniques and home care products to keep the good vibes rolling. We’ll leave a meditation practice up to you!

Aging  and Commitment

We don’t attribute to the “anti-aging” panacea, but realistically age defying products need to be committed to for short and long term skin health.  If inflammation causes a weakened moisture barrier, meaning you skin loses its ability to retain water - you will remain dehydrated, leading to fine lines and thinned skin.   

- Inflammation causes collagen and elastin to break down at faster rates.

- Inflammation is also associated with adult breakout activity and is much more likely to leave behind a darkened spot. Picking those breakouts induces trauma that causes more inflammation,  and a longer healing time.

Self Care + the Ripple Effect on Inflammation


It takes awareness and action within our daily habits to bring true self-care. These efforts fundamentally include getting proper sleep and exercise combined with nourishing the body inside and out will help to keep inflammation at bay.

What we put in our body truly reflects the outer results (good and bad),  so do your best to avoid foods that cause inflammation ( saturated fats, fried foods, sugar, and refined carbohydrates). Focus on skincare loaded with antioxidant-rich fruits and botanics, healthy omega 3 & 6 essential fatty acids, hemp and Vitamins A, C & E.

Anti-inflammatory Recommendations  

CLEANSE: For soothing cleansers, check out Soothing Lavender Milk Cleanser.

TREAT: Our top inflammation-inhibiting treatment booster does more than calm - it's regenerative and antioxidant quenching properties are transformative! 

PROTECT: To protect you skin from damage even further, add a super-charged nutritive moisturizer  that oxygenates and reduces fine lines.    

SHEILD: To top off your routine, it's critical to use a chemical free broad-spectrum   SPF.   To assure you're getting your Vitamin D + Protection,  Evoq's Day Lite Prep & Protect  Moisturizer (SPF 35) is a perfect match and great for evening out most skin tones. 


The IN & OUT of Cannabis Skin Transformation


Several peer-reviewed dermatological studies performed in recent years have suggested that CBD, a cannabis active compound, might have anti-inflammatory or beneficial properties for various skin disorders.

Signs of aging is a result of oxidative stress caused by free radicals.

So hows CBD work?  The dense amount of antioxidants including vitamin C and vitamin E  bring therapeutic potential for a number of inflammatory and neurodegenerative disorders.  CBD also sends messages to the CB2 receptors to essentially take a chill pill. 

Bulk up your routine with CBD's protective nutrients from natural sources to prevent inflammation, and you’ll never have to choose which skincare goal you to focus on. You’ll be multitasking for the win!  Here's the OUTER & INNER

In closing,  it's fair to say that inflammation is a major catalyst that needs attention when it comes to optimizing our inner and outer health and and skin health (call it aging if you must).  Awareness, self care and quality ancillary products are all part of the equation. 


Till next time!  xo . Kassandra


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