3 Reasons to Never Use Coconut Oil on Your Skin (bonus: 5 best skin oils) — Beauty Ecology

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3 Reasons to Never Use Coconut Oil on Your Skin (bonus: 5 best skin oils)

Hello and welcome to The Awaken Beauty Podcast!

This mini-episode is a showstopper for sure!

I can guess you’ve probably purchased some coconut oil and slabbed it on your skin, thinking you’re getting the best and (cheap) skin benefit from this oil! OH NO HONEY, think again.

As a skincare creator, I absolutely understand the attraction to DIY products and keeping things simple. First off, our skin needs moisturizers to help prevent water loss. This is especially important for dry skin, dermatitis, aging and many other skin conditions.

I know it seems unavoidable since coconut oil is one (of many) natural oils that is often used as a moisturizer and seen as a miracle for everything! Just ask google. But the truth is, when applied to your skin, coconut oil can make your skin worse.

Don’t get me wrong I certainly use coconut oil in a myriad of ways! In this episode we’ll break down the top 3 ways coconut may make your skin worse in the long run and a bonus of what DIY oils to choose and a “Done For You option” I’ve developed and is found on Evoqbeauty.com

Enjoy, and let me know your thoughts!

On Today’s Episode, You’ll Awaken to:

👉 How 90%+ saturated fat is suffocating your skin

👉How the pH level of coconut disrupts your microbiome

👉What are great alternatives to coconut oil for the skin

👉Cannabis or CBD - is this a replacement for coconut?

👉How to integrate natural oils that nourish the skin into your life.

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Love and Light! - Kassandra
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