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3 Reasons to Never Use Coconut Oil on Your Skin (bonus: 5 best skin oils)

Hello and welcome to The Awaken Beauty Podcast!

This mini-episode is a showstopper for sure!

I can guess you’ve probably purchased some coconut oil and slabbed it on your skin, thinking you’re getting the best and (cheap) skin benefit from this oil! OH NO HONEY, think again.

As a skincare creator, I absolutely understand the attraction to DIY products and keeping things simple. First off, our skin needs moisturizers to help prevent water loss. This is especially important for dry skin, dermatitis, aging and many other skin conditions.

I know it seems unavoidable since coconut oil is one (of many) natural oils that is often used as a moisturizer and seen as a miracle for everything! Just ask google. But the truth is, when applied to your skin, coconut oil can make your skin worse.

Don’t get me wrong I certainly use coconut oil in a myriad of ways! In this episode we’ll break down the top 3 ways coconut may make your skin worse in the long run and a bonus of what DIY oils to choose and a “Done For You option” I’ve developed and is found on

Enjoy, and let me know your thoughts!

On Today’s Episode, You’ll Awaken to:

👉 How 90%+ saturated fat is suffocating your skin

👉How the pH level of coconut disrupts your microbiome

👉What are great alternatives to coconut oil for the skin

👉Cannabis or CBD - is this a replacement for coconut?

👉How to integrate natural oils that nourish the skin into your life.

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Love and Light! - Kassandra
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Add These Most Influential Foods for Genetic Health and Aging

Hi there!

Genetics, 23 and Me, and MTHR are all phrases you’ve possibly seen in the last year around the discussion of optimizing our genetic health.

I’m also sure you’ve heard of the “80/20” rule. Well, below you’ll learn the importance and how I’ve put a new flare to this concept and relate it to our DNA health.



The truth of the matter is that in relation to genetics - science proves that 80% of our health state is from the daily choices and our direct environment. The other 20% is hard coded. This should come a a great relief (and a little pressure of course).

Did you know our nutrition has a DNA to it as well? It’s how it helps heals us.

Improve Your Longevity and Aging Adding Epigenetic Influence of Foods and Supplements

Learning more about what we eat and what impact it may have on our bodies, especially the potential epigenetic impact it may have on our DNA – the very “code of life” – is just one step on the path to better health.

When’s the last time you really thought about how the foods you eat positively or negatively affect your body, health, and wellbeing?

With more research and an increasing amount of practitioners, we can begin to unravel the mysteries of what may be contributing to our ailments and what could be done to help improve our health with a much more comprehensive understanding.


It’s intriguing to follow the progress of epigenetic testing and the benefits that analyzing the epigenome can have on guiding proper health regimens.

Polyphenols, for example, which are found in foods such as fruits, vegetables, olives, and chocolate, have been shown to be effective in promoting resilience again stress and reducing depression.

The combination of these compounds were found to epigenetically reduce stress and depression by modulating inflammatory responses and synaptic plasticity in the brains of those with depression.

Cool right?

So just for you, here’s the list of the most powerful foods studied to address your genetic health at the cellular level?

To age better. Feel better. To think better.

The Most Influential Foods for Genetic Health and Aging


Broccoli sprouts—Best source of sulforaphane, which prevents brain aging, excess estrogen and lowers cancer risk.


Pomegranate—anti-oxidant which appears also to reduce blood cholesterol count.



Neuroprotection, hearing and memory loss, possible anti-cancer benefits.



anti-inflammatory action via several independent mechanisms



Anti-inflammatory and possibly anti-cancer. Slows Alzheimer's progression.


Green tea.

Anti-oxidant, anti-cancer and anti-Alzheimer's effects


Molecular Hydrogen.

Great for cellular oxygenation and free radical repair


Fish—for omega 3 oils.

The best sources (in order) are mackerel, herrings, sardines, tuna, lake trout, sturgeon, salmon, anchovies, bluefish, halibut, bass, rainbow trout.



For alpha lipoic acid and lycopene


Cruciferous vegetables.

(broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, kale) for vitamins, anti-oxidants and anti-carcinogens.


Raw garlic and almonds.

May help reduce arterial plaques and lower homocysteine levels, lowering heart attack risk.



Creates homeostasis and everyday stress resilience



At the beginning of a meal, tempers the body's subsequent spike in blood sugar in response to carbohydrates.


Soy is a mixed blessing.

The phytoestrogens in soy products seem to protect against heart disease and some cancers. But there is a theory afloat that high consumption of soy may contribute to brain aging.

In closing, I hope this list of powerful DNA enhancing nutrients make it onto your shopping list! In return, it’ll protect you from the small daily chronic levels of stress we are exposed to everyday.

CHEERS! xo Love n’ Ligh, Kassandra

Skin Burnout? How to Address Mitochondria Burnout & Aging


Ground Zero | Energy and your Skin

While wrinkles and a sagging skin are an initial outward signs of aging, it actually begins deep within your cells. The same can go for your hair growth - and it’s vitality.

In this informed beauty lesson, I’m covering how Mitochondria are the power plants within your cells which create ground zero for energy production allowing you to feel full of energy while imparting better skin. 

 I'll also share two key players proven to transform you into a energizing bunny.   

Iconic beauty, right? 

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Mighty - Mito - Production


Let’s dive in!  

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Starting off, there are many theories when approaching aging skin. Most products seek to just improve the visible appearance of aging skin, but Evoq Beauty is different.  

The fundamental formulating principles within our Evoq “beyond organic” skincare system focuses on targeting the very underlying causes of skin degeneration  – better known as mitochondrial decay – to help rejuve and improve your skin’s health now and over time.

 - I call it the 80 / 20 rule -

Look around you … 
Glowing skin is in influenced by both our genetics and environmental factors.  Epigenetic medicine points out this critical component referenced as your “exposome.” 

Simply put - 80% of aging is the environment controlling your cell to cell messaging and only 20% is genetically encoded.

So if our body's 20% of the natural aging process is not within our control (referred to as intrinsic aging), it’s clear that we play a huge hand in controlling the other 80% which are the lifestyle decisions and environmental factors such as the sun, pollution, smoking and poor nutrition (referred to as extrinsic).

Taking Back Control
Let's swing back and layout the ONE MAJOR CAUSE of accelerated aging called “mitochondrial decay."

Over time, depletion at the cellular level breaks down and collapses collagen at deeper layers, manifesting lines, lost volume, lost radiance, uneven pigmentation, and dryness.

Capturing 2 key players to help you take back control.


The Role of Mitochondria
in Aging Skin

Mitochondria are small structures inside a cell that generate energy.

They produce 98% of the energy for the body.

For this reason, they are often called the ENERGY POWERHOUSE OF THE CELL.  

Down to a science. ...  The energy molecules are called ATP (adenosine triphosphate). ATP is essential to life – it supplies energy for all reactions in the body. Without it, life cannot exist.

Functions of Failure
Organs cannot borrow energy from one another, so the efficiency of each organ's mitochondria is essential to its repair processes and functions on it’s own. If an organ's mitochondria fail, then so does that organ. The skin is the largest organ in the body, so the enhancement and protection of actual mitochondrial function is instrumental in preventing and slowing skin aging.



Lost Mojo
When ATP is unable to be produced due to mitochondrial dysfunction, the resulting buildup of toxins leads to significantly lowered nutrient absorption. This is similar to what happens when an electrical circuit is obstructed and the energy flow is impeded.

The Free Radical Exchange
As ATP is produced by the mitochondria, a secondary waste by-product is naturally produced. These waste by-products are known as free radicals.   Free radicals are highly charged molecules lacking a paired electron making them very likely to bind to other atoms or molecules, which in turn gives rise to a process called oxidative stress. Not so great, because oxidative stress damages cells and is linked with various diseases as well as the commons signs of aging, including wrinkles in the skin.

The After Party Cleanup
When free radical parties are a little too loud, the clean up crew has to work harder than normal. As free radicals continue to rise, toxins accumulate until the cell is destroyed. Evoq’s skin nutrients provide antioxidants and oxygenation directly to the cells to alleviate the oxidative stress response and maintain energy production to allow the cells to detoxify and maintain integrity.

Evoq skin care naturally targets mitochondrial decay with our “Forces of Nature” approach which slows deterioration and simultaneously helping to sustain an optimize mitochondrial's functional ability in skin cells for long term skin health.

 Skin Care Solutions + 2 Key Game Changers


How Oxygen and Marine Plant Life brings
a New Force to your Skin's Vitality

A key component in almost every Evoq skin product encompasses components of the sea, and one specifically being phytoplankton.   This single-celled organisms lives amongst the various marine plant life species responsible for:

  • approximately 70% of the earth’s oxygen supply
  • a plethora of amino acids
  • fatty acids
  • antioxidants
  • micronutrients and macronutrients
  • minerals

Marine Biomimetic Super Power
By permeating the dermal membranes, marine plants deliver concentrated phytonutrients that directly benefit our cells rather than being held up in the digestive tract or decomposed and cleansed via the liver.

Cellular function, detoxification and overall immune support through   antioxidant content (which includes superoxide dismutase, Co2, astaxanthin, vitamin C and vitamin E) allows your body to more easily protect itself against free radicals.

Grab your oxygen mask and get a JUMP START!

Cellular Respiration with Oxygen
Our mind and bodies are bombarded by consistent variable levels of stress - slowing our reproduction capabilities. Validated research now offers the scientific proof of ways to “hack” and increase our health.

Get this, as we age, our skin’s ability to capture oxygen from blood circulation diminishes (50% by the age of 40).  

  • Capillaries failure limits circulation of oxygen-loaded hemoglobin which is vital skin nutrients.
  • Sluggish circulation interferes with the evacuation of toxins leading to skin aging symptoms including wrinkles, age spots and loss of tone and moisture.

The skin’s thirst for oxygen is vital in the production of collagen.  Evoq infuses liquid oxygen in our skin line to give an instant head start in promoting the dermal metabolic processes to enhance collagen formation resulting in the strengthening of the connective tissue matrix and firm, more youthful looking skin.

Like Meets “Like” and Inside Out
The electrolytes and micro-nutrients in marine life supports optimal cellular metabolism due to the composition of human plasma is said to be very similar to that of sea water. If this is the case, it would make sense to expand one’s regimen both externally and also internally with a diet beyond a land-based diet to also include the micro-nutrients, electrolytes and unique phytoproteins only afforded by ocean plant life.

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The Future of Your Skin + Care

Pretty dang powerful right?  Who wouldn’t want to infuse and resurrect their skin with oxygen and the most nutrient-dense food on Earth?

Evoq is a pioneer and leading research development company with authority on blending the most effective, high-potency phytonutrients with unparalleled botanical oils and terpenes in harmony with organic full spectrum hemp cannabinoids for rejuvenated skin.

We avoid fillers, harsh chemicals, estrogen mimickers, and artificial fragrances. We believe your skin, and the environment, deserve only pure, proven, non-toxic ingredients to nourish and support optimum cellular health.

 Xo . Kassandra

Retinol: What you really should know...

How does “that woman” get such smooth and bright skin?

Here, I lend my thoughts on RETINOL, a topic that tends to come up often when clients are inquiring about the best "anti-aging" skin room facial tactics to at home treatment care.  Most clients are first exposed to Retinol (and its many forms) in a medical spa or dermatologist office.    

Some believe that it is an amazing age renewal staple, and some tread much more lightly. However, it’s an ingredient to be well-informed about prior to using. It’s often recommended as a “cure-all” power-ingredient, but should it be?    Let's dig in. 

Retinol 101 - What it is?


Retinol, of the retinoid family, is a derivative of Vitamin A. There are many forms, names (retinyl palmitate, retinol, retinal, tretinoin) and percentages available of retinoids and it comes in both natural forms (for example, in rose-hip) and most popularly - synthetically derived forms.

True to it's longevity.... it’s been around since the late 1940s and was a "breakout"  in the 1980s when it hit the market as an anti-aging ingredient.  Later it became a hot item prescribed as Accutane or every teens’ favorite, Retin-A have been highly used by dermatologists for years. 

What It Does

Essentially Retinol plumps and sloughs off skin cells in which effectively “pushes wrinkles up from within the skin."    It works by stimulating and increasing the production of healthy skin cells.” This cell turn over can lead to more even skin tone and a brighter complexion.

Who It's Best For

If you’ve spent a substantial amount of time in the sun, retinol can help you reverse first signs of aging that have resulted from that prolonged sun exposure. The formulations that are widely available today without a prescription are lower in retinol concentration that can be enjoyed by virtually anyone who wants to refine skin texture, battle breakouts and fine lines.

Added Benefits

Retinol "action" can boost your collagen production, leading to a reduction in fewer wrinkles, and firmer skin.” It can even help unclog pores, which is why so many dermatologists recommend retinoids for teens fighting acne.

Retinol VS. Retin-A - What's the difference?   

In short, retinol is the stuff you can by at your local sephora and retin-A requires a prescription from your derm (as does Accutane).

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So why isn't everyone using it?

This is where my experienced, well researched and thoughtful opinion comes in.  There's a few points to debate on the topic of retinoid use.

1.  Retinols are put in so many products.  Sunlight makes products less effective, but most importantly — and we want to make this clear because it’s so, so important — retinol can make you very photosensitive. If you don’t wear sunscreen, you can get burned.  

2.  Many (including myself) Skin Therapists also believe that retinol is overused. “Retinol is useful for people who have genetically challenging acne. However, in my opinion, if you have not had consistent breakout since the onset of puberty, or tend to have pimples here and there, retinols are usually not the answer to your breakout problems.   

3. Worst yet, Retionols used over time or in intense treatments, can thin out your skin or change how the oil glands within your skin work.  

Caution When Using:   Heavy-duty retinoid medications, like Accutane, are so strong that they can cause birth defects and liver issues. Retinoids can can over due your skin, especially if you’re young enough - that you just don't need that heavy of a hitter. 

My bottom line.... 

There are multiple products and specific ingredients that can catalyze a response just like retinoids produce. Retinoids are pretty harsh on the skin and as a formulator, I've included this same byproduct and action through botanical extracts.  I personally do not want to subject myself to treatments I walk away from completely red and peeling. At Beauty Ecology, accurate exfoliating practices at home and services such as professional-strength none invasive peels and  our newest tech skin needling collagen rejuvenation pen - are incredible alternatives that work.    

When to consider stronger exfoliating and cell renewal treatments.

I suggest strong cellular turnover type products for those well into their aging process and in need of a boost. Typically, this would be someone over the age of 35, because its known our skin cell turnover rate starts slowing around 30 years old.


Natural alternative ingredients to look for that can help with cell turnover:

-Vitamin C (we use Vitamin C Esters)  which possesses a superior ability to stimulate growth of the cells (fibroblasts) that help produce collagen, elastin and fosters tissue growth and repair.  Fat-soluble Vitamin C Ester-unlike ascorbic acid, drives deeper and does not go rancid when exposed to air giving it's full potential as an anti-aging agent.

From the Deep Sea:  Marine actives provide concentrates of vital elements in our age-defying skin care products, and are the safest and most effective alternatives available.


-Our active seaweed ingredients (Laminaria + HCL algae complex) testing demonstrated a reduction in the appearance of wrinkles by 35% over a 90-day period. This demonstrates our ability to deliver results comparable to Retin-A and Alpha Hydroxyl Acids without the skin irritation usually associated with those ingredients. WOW, right?!

-Red Algae is beloved due to its high water and vitamin content, red algae is a perfect ingredient to help with the exfoliating process.  I use red algae in our skincare products to clarify and balance the skin, bring cellular renewal and for its firming effects.

-Alpha hydroxy acids (our sea flora glycolic peel)

-Marine Criste Extract or “Sea Retinol” is a patented Sea Retinol visibly smoothes wrinkles and creates a radiant complexion.

-Flower Acids are an incredible breakthrough! Flower acids are obtained from the hibiscus flower in South Africa to provide skin exfoliation without the burn. This anti-inflammatory approach is made possible by the fact that it contains pyruvic acid (an AHA) that converts to lactic acid only when it has penetrated into the skin. This allows for a gradual peel “without the burn.”

-Rosehip seed oil is also an excellent source of trans-retinoic acid that may not have the risk of potential irritation that prescription retinoid acid might cause. Rosehip is plentiful in our CBD Skin Healing Booster.


How to properly choose and use retinol.

Before purchasing OTC retinol or getting a prescription through your dermatologist, here are some basic guidelines:

- All forms of Vitamin A break down and become unstable in the presence of exposed light and air, so it’s crucial to purchase retinol that is packaged in opaque containers or tubes, which is why they often come in metal tubes in prescription form.

- Do not apply retinol daily, but rather every other day. Gradual usage is key here so that your skin can acclimate to this active ingredient. If your skin is resilient and shows no signs of sensitivity, thereafter you may apply it once a day. Stop using retinol if irritation occurs with persistent use.

- The best time to apply retinol is at night because exposure to the sun can decrease its effectiveness.

- Use nourishing ingredients to help protect your skin while using this potent vitamin. Our Evoq products are wonderful to use in conjunction (and sometimes in place of) with retinol.

- Always wear sunscreen on a daily basis when using retinol.

The drawbacks of topical prescription retinoids.

- Skin irritation and side effects including: dryness, flakiness, thinning of the skin (if overused), sun sensitivity and redness.

- Filler ingredients such as: stearic acid, isopropyl myristate, polyoxyl 40 stearate, stearyl alcohol, and butylated hydroxytoluene are commonly used in retinoid creams and gels. Though not all ingredients prove toxic, do these align with your skin care philosophy?

- Cannot be used during pregnancy.

- Not suitable for sensitive skin, rosacea or eczema.


As noted, EVOQ BEAUTY brings the most effective and biomimetic ingredients the forces of nature can provide. While I do understand that the medical approach to skin care, it's good to know there are more options for everyday care in the world of vitamin A!  Let's not be so hard on ourselves, and our skin!


XO Kassandra  ** Book online or ping me if you have questions about our incredible skin resurfacing (GLOW) treatments!   

The Effects of Sun Inflammation and your Beautiful Health

It's been one HOT summer consumed of sun filled days.   Unless you are out in  a thick layer of sun protective clothing,  chances are - you are suffering sun damage with extended time in the sun.  When you use sunscreens like octylmethoxycinnamate or benzophenone, no matter what level of sun protection, they are reporting (ie SPF 100), you  are sustaining significant sun damage in addition to the added inflammation from the ingredients themselves."Sunburns" are a physiologic reaction to specific DNA changes that can be prevented by chemical absorption of UVB rays.  But please do not confuse a lack of redness with a lack of damage. Collagen/elastin (and other forms of skin) damage occur with extended time in the sun, whereas "sunburn" redness and pain are the direct result of the swelling, increased circulation and an inflammatory cascade that were stimulated by the DNA lesion.

As always Informed Beauty -- we strive to educate our you on a natural and safe alternative as well as the "proper way" to expose yourself to the sun.


Why is Kasia SUNSHIELD  part of only 8% of Sunscreens on the market, considered SAFE?

FACT:  There are few active sunscreen ingredients that effectively block both  UVA and UVB rays.  Kasia uses zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, which are the only ones that are both safe and effective for UVA and UVB protection and  do not penetrate the skin but block or reflect the sun.

Hit List to AVOID!

Sure, avoid Parabens, but take extreme caution in avoiding sunscreens with Oxtinoxate, Octisalate, Oxybenzone or Homosalate. These chemicals are toxic and have high absorption rates through the skin.  They act as either irritants, allergens, hormone disruptors or carcinogens.

Dioxybenzone and oxybenzone are quoted to be of the most powerful free radical generators known to man! YIKES!

Natural and Free from Harmful Chemicals

Good Day Sunshine Sunscreen, developed by local natural health and beauty care leader Kassie Kuehl, is a chemical-free sunscreen optimal for sensitive or traumatized skin and safe for children.

“Losing my 24 year old brother to skin cancer, I have grown well aware of the many underlying potential causes,” Kuehl said. “Unlike chemical sunscreens, I love that nature can provide remarkable ingredients that reflect and scatter away both UVA and UVB rays from your body by forming a physical barrier, without irritating or clogging your pores.”

Additional key benefits that set Good Day Sunshine Sunscreen apart from commercialized sunscreens:

  • True broad-spectrum UVA/UVB protection
  • Safe for toddlers and children
  • Non-chemical sunscreen
  • Moisturizing and healing properties
  • PABA-free and fragrance-free
  • Light and smooth formulation ideal for daily use and can be applied under makeup
  • Formulated for skin sensitive to traditional sunblocks and post-treatment patients
  • Formulation of  5% zinc and 5% titanium

In short, green tea helps protect your skin’s cells by providing antioxidant protection.

  • FREE of chemical laden fragrances…NON-zero….zilch.
  • FREE of parabens (harsh chemical or any harsh preservatives)..
  • FREE of Xenoestrogens!

The Sun and your Beautiful Health.

  1. UV exposure to bare skin (regardless of the sun protection) should never exceed 4 hours a day if you can help it because the skin is simply not designed to handle it.
  2. Chemical UVB sunscreens inflame the skin while inhibiting the skin's repair response/warning sign that is normally generated (aka sunburn) even though tremendous damage is still happening) and therefore should be avoided.
  3. There are an amazing number of drugs that cause sun-sensitivity and you should make every effort to get off of them because they result in an inability for your skin to heal itself after sun exposure which increases aging, damage and cancer risk dramatically.
  4. Sun-sensitizing drugs (including birth control pills) affect people differently. UV Protection Water will not stop the sunburn response in those people with substantial immunosuppression from medication but may work fine for many on those medications so a test is recommended.

Does Chronic Exfoliation Age the Skin? A Paradigm Shift.

Excerpt by Dr. Ben Johnson

The following information represents a dramatic departure from the philosophies spouted by thousands of physicians (myself included) and estheticians over the last two decades. Virtually every aspect of the facts presented here are well-proven and/or based on sound scientific theory or evidence. All I am trying to do is "connect the dots".

Before we go into how we currently treat the skin and its many conditions we first need to analyze the process of aging. We know that in our entire lifetime our epidermis never thins. On the contrary, at some point in our twenties and for the rest of our life after that, our dermis thins at a rate of about 1-1.5% a year. No one questions those facts and yet there is a lot that can be taken from that information that is not discussed. First, it tells us that the skin puts a priority on maintaining the epidermis because it knows that a loss of epidermis will ultimately lead to death (through infection, fluid loss, etc). This priority is also evident in that the dermis receives all of the nutrients of the skin (through its capillary beds) and has to decide what goes where and it still sends those scarce supplies up to the epidermis even while it thins itself. Most people recognize that the dermis thins because it is overwhelmed with free radicals and inflammation that result from sun, diet and stress primarily.

Darker skin types tend to thin less rapidly due to the protective effects of extra melanin and those smokers and partiers thin faster because of the added toxins that vasoconstrict the blood vessels which further reduce the food supply. So many of us have overlooked the dermis as a target choosing to focus more on the declining rate of epidermal turnover which often slows from 30 days to significantly longer as we get older. The question you should ask yourself is why does the epidermis slow down? I think the answer is simple; it can’t thin (because of the identified risks) and with its food supply becoming more scarce, the only logical thing to do is slow down.

A helpful analogy would be taking a healthy person and putting them on a 300 calorie/day diet. Of course our metabolism is going to slow down because they can’t maintain their normal cellular activity levels without the support of critical nutrients. Our fat and muscles will waste away (analogous to dermal thinning) and the critical processes (analogous to the epidermis) will keep going at a slower rate to keep us alive. Where skincare “went wrong” is that we thought the slowing epidermis just needed help to go faster…that somehow it did not know what it was doing and was in need of outside intervention. While it is true that a slowing epidermis happens to most skin types as we age, I submit that it is the byproduct of too much inflammation and not enough nutrition. There is no question that exfoliating the epidermis does speed turnover but it is not because it is a healthy event, it is because the skin is rushing to fix the damage…to the detriment of the dermis. You see, when the dermis is forced to fix the damaged epidermis, it must divert nutrients and repair activity that it would have used to maintain itself. This leads us to the possible conclusion that chronic exfoliation speeds aging. This is “dot” number one.

I have spent a lot of time reading "theories", "suggestions", and "strategies" for improving the health of the skin and making it look younger. Almost universally, the experts have stated that our skin "needs" exfoliation help. I used to say it so I am not trying to question anyone’s position per say. However, when we look at the research on what chronic exfoliation does, the mild,temporary improvements that result seem meaningless in the face of the long term damage that results. Let us analyze this idea a little closer by reviewing everything that has been proven to result from exfoliating the skin. The benefit is usually temporary plumping of fine lines and mild lightening of hyperpigmentation. On the flip side, the skin has less melanin protection, more damage to repair from the acids being, loss of moisture from the loss of protective lipids which often leads to oil/oily T-zone, and, most importantly, a significant increase in the amount of free radical damage to our skin cells and their DNA. The FDA has considered putting cancer-promoting warnings on the bottles of AHA products. Since we know that free radicals and increased sun exposure is the primary cause of aging/damaged skin, how can we recommend a process that makes that substantially worse? This is the second "dot".

The truth is that we do not fully understand how the skin works. Based on the fantastically complex processes involved in wound repair, DNA repair and normal skin/cell maintenance, I would argue that we are better off not second-guessing the skin's decision to slow down but rather work with it to restore its normal activities. There is no logical reason why adding inflammation could make our skin younger or healthier. Even when we look at research on the body's ability to repair itself, it almost universally has shown us that it never recovers 100% (and it certainly does not recover 110%) when damaged. The theory of daily exfoliation has been suggested and implemented for the last 30 years. There is no evidence that it has benefitted the skin and there is a tremendous amount of evidence that is leads to more damage. It is time we try a new approach to restoring the skin's health and repair activities to the full potential.

Kasia Organic Salon partners with Osmosis. Our facial services are result orientated and safe for your skin.

Natural alternatives to a botox and wrinkle free lifestyle.


Think organically!  Natural alternatives to anti-aging, wrinkles, toxins and modalities as we uniquely age.


One of the most difficult signs of aging to 'correct', wrinkles begin appearing on our faces in our 20s, and continue to deepen and multiply right through the rest of our lives. The fight against the innocent wrinkle has caused the rise of the Botox phenomenon ... but the insanity of injecting the world's most lethal disease into our body purposefully has given rise to the organic wrinkle-treatment ideology! If you like the idea of looking younger and healthier, but don’t like the idea of paralyzing your face for it, read on. We examine the natural alternatives to Botox for a smooth, glowing, radiant complexion ... and for Beautiful Health.


What planet do wrinkles come from?

Unfortunately, we can’t just send them back where they came from! Wrinkles are caused by several factors. Some of these are beyond our control, and some we can have an effect on. The following are the main causes of wrinkles:


Aging - The middle layer of skin, the dermis, begins to thin with age. The structural proteins that bind the dermis to the epidermis loosen and unravel, meaning that the epidermis sags away from the dermis. The extent to which your skin wrinkles as you age is determined genetically.


As you age, your skin also loses some of its ability to retain moisture, declines in elasticity, produces less oil, and takes longer to heal. All of these factors have an impact on how much your skin wrinkles.


Sun damage - Up to 80% of the wrinkles that appear on our faces have been shown to be caused by sun damage. UV light can damage collagen fibers in the skin, as well as causing excessive elastin production. Wrinkles from sun damage basically form when your skin has to heal the damage produced by the sun over and over again, resulting in minute scarring.


Contraction of the facial muscles - Habitual expressions, such as frowning, squinting, and even smiling, can cause your skin to droop and wrinkle.


How the Sun Damages Skin

The skin gets its shape and firmness from a network of proteins outside our cells, made up of collagen, elastin and glycosaminoglycans. Collagen gives the skin its basic structure, and elastin creates flexibility.  The sun damages these proteins by triggering our skin’s DNA to act in abnormal ways.[1][2][3] The sun’s rays degrade the collagen and elastin proteins that our skin cells produce in future [4]. These degraded cells are less elastic and have a less-youthful appearance than cells which are not exposed to the sun [8].


What is Botox?

Botox is derived from the botulinum toxin, the most lethal naturally occurring substances in the world. It is used to correct wrinkles The popularity of injecting your face with a lethal disease seems to indicate some sort of mass insanity, but in 2007, Botox injections to smooth wrinkles were the most commonly performed cosmetic surgery procedure, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.


Botox will correct wrinkles such as:

  • Forehead lines
  • Crow's Feet
  • Frown lines


Botox does not work on wrinkles caused by sun damage or by gravity. Its mechanism of action is to block the nerve signals from the brain to the muscle, causing it to relax and soften, rather than contract.


The side effects of Botox include:

  • The inability to control the muscles which were injected. You won’t be able to frown or raise your eyebrows.
  • Having your eyelids uncontrollably dropping for up to three weeks after the procedure
  • Temporary facial bruising
  • Possible neurological or fetal effects in patients who are pregnant, or have a neurological disorder.


How to prevent wrinkles - Fighting off the invaders


Prevention is far more practical than a magic pill or ‘quick cure'.  In the case of creeping crows feet, in the early stages you should use nutrient rich skin care, sun care, and abundant hydration . These are the only ways to avoid these creepy invaders. Let’s take a closer look at some things you can do to prevent wrinkles forming, and for beautiful health!

  • Wear a sunscreen every day. Choose a physical block and chemical free brand, so that you minimize the amount of chemical you absorb through your skin.
  • Don't take up smoking, or give it up as soon as possible. Smoking reduces the collagen production of your skin cells.
  • Drink your daily allowance of water. Water is necessary to help the skin stay 'plumped'. Dehydrated skin sags noticeably more than well-hydrated skin.
  • Try to include polyunsaturated fats, plenty of omega-3 and omega-6, and a wide variety of different fruits and vegetables in your diet. The free radical theory of aging is one of the most widely accepted (although it does have its detractors!). The theory states that oxidative stress is one of the main causes of aging and related conditions - such as wrinkles. Oxidative stress is thought to be caused by free radicals, which can be reduced in your body by eating foods rich in antioxidants. Blueberries, papaya and whole grains are good examples.
  • Exercise regularly, to help ensure maximum vitamin and mineral flow to your skin as well as increase oxygen content.


Lifestyle choices to help reduce wrinkles


The preventive measures above are all lifestyle factors that can help reduce the number and intensity of your wrinkles, as well as helping prevent new ones forming. Here are some other choices you can make that will reduce the appearance of current wrinkles, and prevent new ones forming.

  • Don’t wash your face with tap water more than twice a day. Your skin needs its natural oils to prevent wrinkling, and washing (especially with soaps), strips them away.
  • Avoid alkaline soaps and deodorants. Ask your beauty therapist about which organic soaps will clean your skin, while allowing it to retain moisture.
  • Even if you will only be outside for short periods of time, apply sunscreen every day. Use moisturizers and cosmetic products such as minerals with sunscreen included.
  • Don’t drink alcohol before you go to bed. Alcohol increase capillary leakage, which ultimately makes your skin look saggy and puffy. This leakage is also exacerbated when you lie down.


Get results with natural  products and procedures for wrinkle reduction


Antioxidant products - So popular it has almost become a meaningless buzzword, 'antioxidants' are a critical component of an anti-wrinkle skincare regimen. However, to reverse the affects of oxidation organic or all-natural products are recommended - many antioxidant products contain a wealth of additional chemicals that actually destroy your skin's health, rather than promote it.


Glycolic peels - These can be very effective at removing fine lines, scarring and discoloration from skin. Kassie Kuehl, founder of Kasia Organic Salon, uses a natural 2-stage system of a 2%-acid deep cleanser and 8% exfoliate formulation of the facial peel, which basically strips away dead skin cells and the outermost layer of skin, taking away lines to reveal new, fresh cells beneath. You can expect improvement in:

  • Elasticity and firmness
  • Tone, color and texture
  • Moisture balance
  • Fine line and wrinkle appearance
  • Acne scarring and reduction of future acne


Moisture serums - Top organic salons like Kasia recommends using a nightly treatment that combines highly effective fruit acids, also known as Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA) made from organic sources.


Heal your skin while you slumber, by using products like “ByNight “ from Kasia Skin care, formulated to minimize wrinkles, acne, and age spots, and help improve many other skin conditions. ByNight also strengthens the skin's barrier against outside chemicals.  Enjoy the scent of organic peach and plum extracts and pumpkin ferment, among other anti-aging ingredients. You will notice much smoother skin after using this product.



A Beautiful Health Lifestyle:  What to remember


Remember to focus on the prevention end of the wrinkle reduction scale, by stopping smoking, applying sunscreen every day, eating a healthy, varied diet, and exercising daily, even if it is only for a short period. When looking for wrinkle-reduction and skin improvement products, seek ingredients, think “long term", and go natural!   Nature has provided all of the solutions you need to stay looking like your kids (or kid cousins!) ... ask your skin care professional for solutions unique to you!


[1] Uitto J, Olsen DR, Fazio MJ. Extracellular matrix of the skin: 50 years of progress, J Invest Dermatol 1989; 92:61S-77S.

[2] Uitto J, Fazio MJ, Olsen DR. Molecular mechanisms of cutaneous aging: age-associated connective tissue alterations in the dermis. J Am Acad Dermatol 1989; 21:614-622.

[3] Timpl R. Structure and biological activity of basement membrane proteins. Eur J Biochem 1989; 180:487-502.

[4] Ryynanen M, Knowlton RG, Parente MG, et al. Human type VII collagen: genetic linkage of the gene (COL7A1) on chromosome 3 to dominant dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa. Am J Hum Genet 1991; 49:797-803.



BIO: Kassie Kuehl is a professional stylist, specializing in ammonia free hair color, in addition to being a health and nutrition coach. Kassie opened Kasia Organic Salon, a chemical-free, natural and euphoric experience, located in Minneapolis, MN.  Kasia Salon “gk: pure,”  believes that our hair and skin reflects the state of the body's health and looks its best when properly nourished and hydrated, naturally.  Learn more about Kasia   Organic Salon and Kasia Beautiful Health Skin Care at:

What is Lifestyle Ageing?

  Wrinkles can be caused in a number of different ways. Twin studies verify that lifestyle choices can cause a significant difference in the appearance and wrinkling of the skin. In fact the argument can be made that while we cannot control our chronological age – we can control lifestyle aging to a significant degree. In other words LIFESTYLE AGING is the area in which we can make most impact in regard to our skin's appearance, particularly when it comes to premature aging.

How does aging effect your skin?  There are two basic types of skin aging.

Intrinsic and extrinsic, or in simpler language .....  chronological and lifestyle/environmental. 

Intrinsic aging  is how the skin ages chronologically or biologically in relation to age. Biological aging includes processes like, the slowing of collagen production, enzymes which attack collagen and elastin and the loosening over time of the dermal/epidermal junction. Most creams target this type of aging, largely ignoring extrinsic aging factors.

Extrinsic aging  is caused by environmental and lifestyle factors – and exactly what Kasia Organics Skin Care addresses. Lifestyle Aging can happen as a result of stress, diet, excess sugar, UV damage, smoking, pollution and so on. It is important to be aware and devoted to lifestyle aging and the environmental factors which cause us to age, targeting the cause as well as the symptom.

With a holistic approach to anti-aging at Kasia, we focus on each person and the significance of everyone ages differently for different reasons.



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