The Vibration of Aging Well & Health-Fully — Beauty Ecology

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The Vibration of Aging Well & Health-Fully

Thresholds & Transitions

We find ourselves in a moment of transition, a crossing of physical & symbolic thresholds as we face new paradigms at the energetic level.

'Without warning thresholds can open beneath our feet. These thresholds are also the shorelines of new worlds.' - John O'Donahue

We have a body that’s meant to be healthy and age optimally. 
That’s the plan, that’s the design. 

But a funny thing happens on the way through this life, we lose the directions on how it works - completely full of overwhelm, confusion and, contraction.

The most exciting is the development of the science of epigenetics. “Epi” means above. 

The word literally means above genetics and it implies how genes are controlled by their environment. 

The development of epigenetics goes even further. 

Today we know through the work of people like Dr. Bruce Lipton, a cellular biologist, that genes are not a sentence to a predetermined health outcome. Genes interact with proteins. The previous understanding was that one gene would create one protein. 

Today we have learned that one gene can create 30,000 different variations of a protein and depending upon that interaction, the function of the gene can be changed.


This is important because when stem cells start out, their function is not predetermined. A cell’s function will be determined by its experiences. “Epigenetic tags act as a kind of cellular memory. 

A cell’s epigenetic profile — a collection of tags that tell genes whether to be on or off — is the sum of the signals it has received during its lifetime.” And, it is this epigenetic profile that determines what the function of the cell will ultimately be.

Genes are important, but it is the epigenetic profile that directs the genes and the cells. 

So, what makes the difference? 

What causes a gene to alter its function? 


As a gene goes through time, there are different needs that have to be met by the body. Since genes are adaptable, they may become what is needed.

Who does the directing? 

Who tells the genes what to become? 


You are not aware of it, yet

But, it’s you. Your thoughts, your actions, your focus sets everything in motion for how well we age, our joy, possibility of sickness, every layer of our health.  

After years of reading and research, and learning how we work from the works of people like Dr. Bruce Lipton (Biology of Belief)  Candace Pert (Emotions and the Issues are in the Tissues), and Sharry Edwards (Healing through Sound Bioacoustics.......

I’ve learned we are part of the very fabric of the entire Cosmos and how we are energetically capable of directing our own health.


We live out of our primitive brain in the need of safety, comfort and security.
This is accomplished through constantly being hypervigilant through our perceptions of our environment. We are unconsciously observing our surroundings and determining if we are in danger or if everything is OK.

Most of us have not acquired the skill of intentional self-healing, and we approach it backward through engaging with ......

-gurus outside ourselves 

-jumping diet to diet

-filling our bathroom with chemical chemical-laden products

-ignoring ourselves and always helping others 

Yet if we see that our health is dependent upon the maintenance of our subtle energies and our energetic blueprint, then our next question should be this:

“Can we find ways to literally measure these subtle energies to see where we are out of balance on a constant basis - to make choices in our mind, body and spirit to live optimally?  


Problem meets the modern-day QUANTUM HEALTH SOLUTIONS:
I’ve learned FIRST hand that YES, with the right tools, our personal subtle energies (and blocks) can be measured.

Secondly, they can also be adjusted or tuned up. 

Medical professionals around the world use quantum biofeedback to help individuals achieve their life desires and health faster - and with more ease.


Biofeedback allows us to see how the body responds in much the same way as a musical instrument. 

If two tuned guitars are placed side by side and the “e” string is struck on one, the “e” string on the other will start to vibrate. However, if the “e” string is not in tune, if its vibrational frequency has not been tuned, the string will not vibrate, it will not respond.

In the human body, all of our organs, glands and body systems have their own unique subtle vibrational frequencies. 

When a body part is identified as being out of tune, the question then becomes “how can we change the current vibrational frequency back to its healthy vibrational frequency?”

This is accomplished by exposing the body part to its proper vibratory frequency rate.  The body part in need of vibratory restoration has lost its vibrational memory.

Such things as flower essences, nutritional supplements and different foods all have their own vibrational frequencies. Once exposed to the proper operational frequency, the body part will start to return to normal vibratory functioning.

Its vibrational memory will be restored. This is a process of measuring energetic levels throughout the body and then identifying and matching the weakened or malfunctioning body part with its vibratory restorative.

Through the use of items such as flower essences, crystals, nutritional supplements and foods whose vibratory rates are known, proper vibratory health and hence proper function and health can be restored.

Health may also be maintained and improved using this same approach. Before physical disease or sickness presents itself, vibratory deterioration can be detected and the proper restorative can be applied. It is safe, for everyone and it’s effective.


If you tend to your body’s vibrational needs, you’ll keep your life in a state of physical harmony and you’ll help support your mental and emotional well being. 

While I could go on for volumes, the bottom line is, I LOVE helping soul-driven  women who wish to excel in their health and mindset faster through getting clear on EXACTLY whats holding them back.

Do you want to learn more about how Quantum Biofeedback can help bridge you back to your authentic self by stripping away all that you are NOT - allowing you to live from your TRUE nature? 


💖 Kassandra. 

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"If you strive for safety and self-preservation, you're guaranteed to die without really living. If you live for a vision bigger than yourself, meet that vibration - you'll live forever."

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