How Hair Ages & How to Halt and Repair for Healthy Locks — Beauty Ecology

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How Hair Ages & How to Halt and Repair for Healthy Locks

Today we’re breaking down…how your hair breaks down as we age.

Healthy roots become thin, dry, dull and split at the ends over time.

The principles are the same with the rest of our bodies,, but even more so with hair, it’s the lifestyle factors and the quality of the hair color you use that accelerates the aging process once it’s out of the scalp.

And if that hair is decimated through lack of care, there’s no going back until it is replaced by new hair.

You see, once hair leaves the scalp it’s no longer connected to the metabolism so it cannot repair itself.

FUNDAMENTALS: Fully protected and cared for hair is durable.

So for hair and our whole bodies, the key is to eliminate the factors that accelerate aging, by adding protein building and moisture-enhancing products to inject some extra love and care.


These three images speed through from healthy roots to shattered ends.

BUT, it doesn’t have to be this way and I’ll share a solution below.

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1. The first image from the microscope shows a healthy hair shaft. Full, complete, and with the outer cuticle lying flat. This will reflect light better, hence shiny hair.

*The healthy protein structure will hold 3% water giving it flexibility.

2. The second image shows dehydration and breakdown of the protein structure and the outer cuticle lifting away exposing the inner core. This accelerates loss of hair mass.

*The raised cuticle will feel rough and harder to comb, and absorb more light hence be less reflective and shiny. It will have started to become noticeably thinner and be more difficult to style. Colors will fade quicker too as the molecules leach out.

3. The third image shows the structure so weakened, dehydrated and brittle that the ends shear apart.

Yup, here comes the split ends. Much hair in this poor condition will also snap off lower down before it gets a chance to split.


Keeping the hair structure hydrated and complete is the key to slowing down the aging process. Nothing I’ve come across in 20 years of hairdressing does this as well as regular application of our Repair and Protect Spray and our Replenish and Color Preserve Shampoo & Conditioner.

If you wear your hair very short then much of this is irrelevant. Inch long hair is replaced every two months and unless you are really destructive with say, color changes every week, then your hair will cope with most of what life throws at it.

But any longer lengths will be around for enough time to suffer the aging effects of:

  • Silicones and dehydrating oils

  • Aggressive blowdrying

  • Swimming pool water

  • Chemical treatments

  • Harsh hair products

  • UV rays from sun

  • Hot styling tools

  • Poor quality brushes and combs


Minimise the bad stuff.

Maximise the good stuff ….

and you’ll be amazed at the transformation in the first few months alone.

That’s what we do. I’ve done this for over 20 years. And I’m still passionate about giving people their best hair back because I know it’s so transformational; to your look, your confidence, and your most radiant self.

It’s not called ‘A Bad Hair Day’ for nothing right?

Taking it even further, making sure your scalp is optimized for hair growth is just as important as the fabric of our hair. You can get the ULTIMATE GUIDE TO THE 15 REASONS OF HAIR LOSS (and how to reverse it) HERE!

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