Three Skin Issues Through a Whole-body Lens With Skin Mapping — Beauty Ecology

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Three Skin Issues Through a Whole-body Lens With Skin Mapping

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Believe it or not, the skin is a marvelous communicator and shares much with the body on a daily basis. From breakouts and dry patches to rosacea and blackheads, the skin tells us exactly what is going on with our bodies. Our internal health is mirrored by our skin, so it is important to pay attention to what our skin is saying. Holistic Skin Mapping can help identify the source of certain skin problems so that they can be addressed from the inside and out.

Mapping the skin is an ancient medical practice that began thousands of years ago in China.

The skin has connections to all of the other organs. In my research, there are many organ connections that are visibly reflected on the face. Over the last decade, I have been analyzing images and medical histories from my client's skin patients which led me to discover consistent patterns and causes related to most skin conditions.

Skin Mapping is a way to identify what causes the skin to malfunction so that it can be addressed holistically. Here, check out these tips for skin mapping:

Top Three Skin Conditions to Correct with Holistic Skin Mapping

1. Acne

Acne is a detox reaction that has little to do with bacteria or oiliness. The face is a key detox zone because of the increased circulation, the sebaceous glands, and its connection to the internal organs. Acne shows up on different parts of the face based on where the toxins are coming from. Estrogenic toxins (poisons that resemble estrogen) are purged in the commonly known “hormonal acne” zone along the jawline as well as the chest and back. Acne in the upper face is caused by candida toxins, a yeast that overgrows in different regions of the gut as a result of dairy, suga,r and hormone medication. Where it is growing in the gut will determine where on the face it appears. Forehead, as one example, is the large intestine. Take a look 

2. Rosacea and Redness

Redness in the face is an indication of inflammation of the digestive tract. Therefore, irritable bowel syndrome, gluten sensitivity, long term antibiotic use, candida, and other sources of damage will result in the face becoming red in the regions that mirror those organs. For example, if our nose is continuously red, it indicates the esophagus is inflamed which is commonly caused by hard alcohol.

3. Blackheads

Blackheads are the result of mucus being processed and purged out of the pores, which is why is comes out in the digestive zones. Mucus can be from allergies and post-nasal drip, or inflammatory foods like fried food, dairy, or citric acid in juices and candies.

Take a look at the map below for more info!

Skin Mapping_zpse1d16mge.png

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