Could your thoughts be causing your sleep-less nights? — Beauty Ecology

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Could your thoughts be causing your sleep-less nights?

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Hi lovely.


There are many origins. MANY ….

Some include…….

  • hormones and cortisol being FLIPPED

  • hidden parasites

  • retro-viruses

  • nutrient deficiency

  • blood sugar

  • blue lights

  • etc etc etc.

THESE biological cause and effects are not the topic for today.

Today we talk about our thoughts and how they apply to rest and sleeping.

As a clinical hypnotherapist, I have learned over the last two years how to utilize my brain (BEST ASSET EVER) to help nourish my mind and sleep relationship.

Notice, it’s tempting to use the word “battle” - but its not a battle, its a relationship I can be a part of.

It’s an equation - and a recipe - and for ALL WOMEN who struggle with sleep - our thoughts about sleep and “not getting enough sleep,” is the ROOT of the problem.

The rest follows. Why?

Because the way we think, feel and then our bodes “DOES” (do) - all links back to the neurochemicals that are released from the brain and body connection.

So let’s get into the framework and quick MIND SHIFT you can start with tonight to help your mind and body relax.


If we think stress is immune-boosting and build resiliency - the body will respond a certain way. 

If we think that stress is depleting, anxiety-inducing, and causes fatigue, the body will respond a certain way. 

Our thoughts start as an emergency (self-infliction) and cause an EMERGING-(emergency) flood of neurochemicals and reactions that in result, keep you up all night.  


Resisttance through the thought of “I cannot sleep,” will only make it stronger.  What we resist, persists simply grows 10x’s stronger in the mind and felt in the body. 

Thought Shift: Net-net: Use self-nourishing thoughts versus all the drama. 

SHIFTING self-soothing thoughts to try on instead >>>

I can rest without sleeping. 

I can chill out and restore even if I’m aware I’m not in deep REM sleep.

I will soon be entering into my deeper resting phase, and I’m thankful I have a safe and supportive bed to sleep in.

Tomorrow I will be energized even though I may not yet be asleep.


Another key piece here is that there is a difference between :

Physical fatigue from sleep.

Versus TIRED as an emotion, caused by our thoughts that you’re aleays “tired.”

So that’s it my dear.

My hack is to always start in my mind, and using this to direct my body, and trusting my relationship with myself and self power in my entire mind, body and spiritual ecosystem.

I will say this too, my EVOQ CBN (not CBD) Tincture is a critical component I’ve found to help interfere with the glutamate receptors in the mind trying to send you signals that are rooting in the subconscious mind, pain, etc.

Please reach out if you’d like to learn more about just ONE hypnotherapy session may help you with your sleep. We need to get to the root - navigating the mind first. The rest follows.

Learn more here about hypnotherapy to help sleep!

I’m also happy to send you our CBN to help the process.


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