Two Fast Hacks to Overcome Morning Fatigue — Beauty Ecology

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Two Fast Hacks to Overcome Morning Fatigue

Hey love….. I’ve got TWO STRESS REDUCERS for you!

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You know those morning’s where you wake up and despite having a ton of sleep, you just feel #Triggered

You’re tired, snappy, grumpy and you’ve magically developed a migraine (like, how does that happen WHILE SLEEPING?!)

You just want to wake up feeling rested and energized, even on those night’s when your child decides it’s a good idea to pee ten times (for all you lovely mothers out there).

⁣You’ve tried coffee, working out first thing, and even a morning meditation, but you still don’t feel entirely energized for your day.


You need a two-step “Wake Up Fresh AF” process:

Intentions For The Win

You need to set the intention for how you want to wake up BEFORE you wake up…


I read a study once that looked at the intentions made before someone went to bed.

In a nutshell, it didn’t matter whether someone slept 5 or 8 hours. If they set the intention before sleeping that they would wake up rested and energized, then they were far more likely to wake up that way.

Another option is to reach for our friendly plant healers.

The best morning and evening health insurance plan for a good day - on the cool, calm and connected is EVOQ CBD hands down.

CBD to Move out of “Fight or Flight” and into Peace, Calm and Healing

To wake up feeling refreshed, we need to be able to hit our deep REM sleep state, and CBD is an incredible plant healer to help you destress, calm your nerves and SLEEP!

Q: What CBD Tonic is Best?

You cannot go wrong!

The Evoq 300MG Everday Tonic is a great starter.

The Evoq 500MG Immune Defence to keep stressors at by.

The Evoq 1000MG Extra Strength is a game changing tonic for great sleep and anxiety and pain

The Evoq 500MG CBN Rest and Wind Down is our NEW EPIC SLEEP tonic! 


Reach out with any questions on the best CBD for you!

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