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The 411 on Terpenes [CBD + Terpenes are Better Together]

LET’S CHAT TERPENES! Terp - what? ……

If you’ve been following the hemp revolution, you’ve most likely experienced or read about Terpenes.

The hemp plant is rich in terpenes. In fact, scientists researching the chemical structure of the plant have identified over 150 different types.

So, what are terpenes and why should you care?


The 411 on Terpenes

Terpenes (pronounced TUR-PEENS) are organic compounds that give cannabis varieties their distinct scents; such as pine, citrus, or berry. Just like cannabinoids (THC and CBD), terpenes are found in the resin of cannabis, a sticky oil produced by tiny glands that densely cover the surface of cannabis flowers, and to a lesser extent, their foliage. This why terpenes are often described as essential or aromatic oils.

 Although “terpenes” has become a buzzword amongst cannabis consumers, these organic compounds are not unique to cannabis. In fact, basically all fragrant plants and flowers, including fruits, vegetables, herbs, and spices contain some combination of terpenes. They develop terpenes as a survival mechanism to repel predators and lure pollinators. 

What’s the Difference Between Terpenes and Terpenoids?

You may have heard the words “terpene” and “terpenoid” used interchangeably. Both compounds are related; however, there are some key differences. 

Terpenesare volatile hydrocarbons present in the essential oil (resin) of cannabis. The term “volatile” means that these compounds easily evaporate at room temperature, releasing an aroma. Terpenoids, on the other hand, are derivatives of terpenes that have an additional atom due to the process of drying and curing of the cannabis plant. 

Cannabis contains both terpenes and terpenoids, although terpenes are the primary component found in resin and are of greatest interest to humans. 

What are Terpenes Used For?

Humans have been using terpenes to naturally flavor foods, perfumes, and cosmetics for centuries, and in more recent years, synthetic terpenes have even been created as food additives. 

We have also been reaping the rewards of their therapeutic properties. Have you ever noticed the soothing effect of lavender? Or the energizing sensation of citrus scents? Each terpene has its own unique effect. Some relieve stress and pain, while others promote focus and acuity. But what about the terpenes in cannabis?

Therapeutic Properties of Cannabis Terpenes

The terpenes found in cannabis, in particular, the cannabis flower, have displayed many therapeutic properties. 


Myrcene is the most prevalent terpene in cannabis, and one of the most powerful. Also found in lemongrass, mangos, and basil, it has an earthy aroma with hints of cardamom and cloves. Myrcene, in particular, β-myrcene, is believed to increase the permeability of the blood-brain barrier, enabling cannabinoids to diffuse across the barrier into the central nervous system easily. This is why, strains with a predominance of myrcene are shown to enhance the analgesic and sedative effects of cannabis, and offer potential medical value for chronic pain and insomnia. [1]


Also found in lavender and cinnamon, linalool is perhaps the most recognizable terpene in cannabis. Its soothing floral fragrance is shown to have anti-anxiety and analgesic effects, helping to relieve insomnia and counteract anxiety by calming and relaxing the mind and body. [2]In addition to its calming effect, linalool has potent anti-inflammatory properties. It has been shown to significantly reduce inflammation within the lungs caused by cigarette smoking, as well as reduce lung irritation associated with inhaling cannabis. [3]


Limonene, as you might have guessed, is found in lemons and has an uplifting citrus aroma that elevates mood and provides stress relief. [4]This powerful terpene has also shown potential as a natural treatment for acne due to its anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-oxidant properties. [5]Most recently, limonene is being investigated for its immunomodulatory properties, including potential anti-tumor effects. [6]


Pinene has an invigorating woody pine scent, which is shown to reduce inflammation associated with conditions like asthma, chronic pain, and stomach ulcers. Several studies have indicated that alpha-pinene (α-pinene) significantly reduces proinflammatory cytokines, including TNF-α,  interleukin-6, and nitric oxide. It’s also shown to inhibit cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), the same enzyme that non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen and aspirin, act on to reduce pain and inflammation. [7]


Also found in black pepper, the terpene beta-caryophyllene (β-caryophyllene) is a strong anti-inflammatory shown to act on CB1 receptors. It was once a common treatment for stomach ulcers in the United Kingdom and has shown great promise as a treatment for other inflammatory conditions, such as contact dermatitis. 

The Entourage Effect

While cannabinoids, like THC and CBD, are primarily responsible for the therapeutic and psychoactive effects of cannabis, terpenes also play an important role. Cannabinoids and terpenes actually work together to produce complementary or synergistic results in what is known as the “Entourage Effect.”

Terpenes not only provide their own medicinal value, as shown above, but these aromatic oils also mediate the effects of cannabinoids. For example, the floral fragrance of linalool works in harmony with THC to protect against the anxiety that can be experienced with cannabis. In another example, the uplifting aroma of pinene counteracts the negative effects of THC on memory and cognition by increasing alertness and mental clarity. 

Although more research is needed, studies show that terpenes also work together to enhance one another's effects. For example, both pinene and limonene assist with the absorption of other terpenes, ultimately enhancing their potential medicinal value. Due to the complementary properties of cannabinoids and terpenes, scientists are currently investigating the most effective combination in the treatment for a variety of conditions. 

A combination of CBD (the most therapeutic cannabinoid), Myrcene (a natural sedative) and Caryophyllene (a natural pain reliever) are proving to be a safe and effective natural sleep therapy. While a blend of CBD with anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial terpenes, like Limonene, Linalool, and Pinene is showing great promise as an acne treatment.  [9]

Bottom Line: Check the Terpene Profile on CBD

Although the scents between different strains of cannabis are subtle, the effects of terpenes are powerful. These organic compounds add great value through their synergistic effects and have opened up a new window of medical potential in the field of cannabis research. Today, cannabis laboratories can test for terpene content, allowing users to read the terpene profile and choose their product accordingly. 


  1. https://www.thieme-connect.com/products/ejournals/html/10.1055/s-0043-122240

  2. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0091305711002954

  3. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1567576915301089

  4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8646568

  5. http://casopisi.junis.ni.ac.rs/index.php/FUPhysChemTech/article/view/4060

  6. https://www.spandidos-publications.com/mmr/15/4/2339?text=fulltext

  7. https://www.worldscientific.com/doi/abs/10.1142/S0192415X15500457

  8. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17556587/

  9. https://s3.amazonaws.com/academia.edu.documents/51938614/Evolution_of_the_Cannabinoid_and_Terpene_Content_JNP_2016.pdf?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAIWOWYYGZ2Y53UL3A&Expires=1555308564&Signature=wUMgDwdJZSZEOO2ocvLCcWpcyEc%3D&response-content-disposition=inline%3B%20filename%3DEvolution_of_the_Cannabinoid_and_Terpene.pdf

⚠️ Amazon & CBD. Fake or fo-real?

Alright, ladies and gents.

If you've shopped CBD you know exactly how frustrating, confusing and daunting it can be.

Today I'm talking AMAZON. I love Amazon for my two-day impulses, although CBD is not one of them. As tempting as it is, here's what you need to know about FAKE CBD on any website - including Amazon.

- CBD & Amazon -

While it may seem convenient, CBD oils sold on Amazon have been heavily criticized for a myriad of reasons. More often than not, these oils are actually hemp seed oils with confusing marketing claims or have accusations of not containing the amount of CBD they claim.

Honestly, I am not only referring to Amazon here. I'll loop in other mass-selling CBD sites developed from deep pockets who have purchased "CBD" inclusive URL domains - flooding their site with "cheaper" products and pretty marketing.

Simply put, it is near impossible to decipher if the products have been tested and produced legally, if they are black market or fake CBD products.

One key metric to look for is the active source of "hemp."

What’s the Difference Between Hemp Oil, Hemp Seed Oil, and CBD Oil?

* Hemp seed oil is a hemp-derived oil that is being sold as a food product or dietary supplement. This oil contains beneficial fatty acids but does not contain any cannabinoids.

* CBD oil from hemp starts with different material- the mature hemp bud.

Understanding How “CBD Oil” on Amazon Works

Amazon’s terms for sellers do not allow the sale of CBD oil, so if you search for “CBD Oil” on Amazon, you will get many “hemp extracts.”

This labeling terminology is confusing and is being more widely adopted by legitimate CBD oils because of the regulatory environment around CBD and the purchasing power (and expense online."

Many low-quality CBD products have made their way onto Amazon with this workaround. It is important to be aware that these products might even be well-rated because of the ease of paying or trading free products to people for positive reviews. Sketchy sellers are all over on Amazon and know how to take advantage of the platform to make their products appear trustworthy.

The “Best” CBD Oils on Amazon…your guess is as good as mine.

Mission-driven CBD companies don’t sell their products on Amazon. Like Evoq's CBD collection, they stay in control with their own websites.

So Are Amazon “Hemp Oils” Any Good?

There are some CBD products on Amazon, but Amazon CBD oils are not worth the risk when real CBD products can be purchased from manufacturer websites that are backed by compliance.

In Conclusion

Can you feel the mounting concerns about Amazon selling CBD with unknown product origin and safety?

This is serious. Hemp is a remedial plant. It readily takes up heavy metals and contaminants from the environment. When CBD oil is made, the plant extract is concentrated. This means that pesticides and environmental contaminants become concentrated as well. Even trace residues can end up at unsafe concentrations in the final product.

Net net: Fake CBD oils on Amazon are not going anywhere soon. There is so much potential profit in the growth of the CBD market - that bad actors will go to extensive lengths to make money from the trend.

As a sole female-owned company, that artisanally formulates CBD tinctures for consistency, highly active cannabinoid saturation and no noticeable biological effects - this is a passionate topic of mine - for the health and safety of my clients and loyal Evoq consumers.

How to make sure you are buying real CBD Oil:

- Do not shop by price. Quality CBD is found through intentional research, not who pays for the most pay-per-clicks. Got ya- here.

- Certificate of Analysis. Reach out and ask for it to validate there are no pesticides, microbials, etc.

- Make sure you're getting true CBD "active cannabidiol" and not diluted CBD with MCT oil or hemp extract.

- Trust your instincts. It is nice to find bargains, but lower than standard prices are a red flag that there is a reason the price is so low.

All my love! Contact me for any questions about which CBD tincture or topical is best for your needs!

Remedies for Pain & Relaxation | Why & How with CBD Topicals


We have all had pain at some point in our lives.  Unfortunately studies show that women experience higher levels of pain and are more likely to have certain pain disorders than men.

We do not know all the reasons why, but hormones may play a role in women having more pain sensitivity. In addition, women have greater nerve density (more nerves in a given area of the body)—which may cause women to feel pain more severely than men.

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Feeling it?

✔️ Back pain

✔️ neck pain

✔️ menstrual pain

✔️ headache pain

✔️ chronic pain

✔️ arthritis, ... you name it.

  Check your box. Whatever’s it’s flavor, it's not fun.  

Here is another interesting fact about how our mind and body work together for balance: when experiencing pain, 75% of the experience is rooted in neuroplasticity (how we think/perceive pain), and the rest of the 25% of “pain” is actually organic within our physiological body.

WOW! This knowledge is empowering and puts you back in the driver's seat.  As a hypnotherapist, I’d love to be a guide around the “mind/body” if you experience pain, but for today, we’re talking TOPICALS enhanced with CBD for healing.  


I created our internal and external CBD remedies for women - just like us. Whether you suffer from pain, anxiety or insomnia, our new skin-healing and soothing benefits of topical CBD combined with our internal Organic Advanced CBD Tinctures. Learn more and shop Evoq’s NEW Topical Solutions below!

“Does Hemp CBD in a topical make a difference and worth the money?”

Based on our beta CBD topical users, I would say - YES! Feedback with our Evoq topicals helped with symptoms like:

  • Sensitive skin conditions

  • Arthritis

  • Cold sores

  • Back/neck pain

  • Overall skin  moisturization

  • Tennis Elbow

  • TMJ


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How does CBD work on the skin?
Let’s review the HIGH INTEL behind our new creations and connect the dots on how powerful cannabinoids can be used for skin healing, tension relief and even aging BETTER! 

What’s the relationship of cannabinoids and the skin’s Endocannabinoid System (ECS)?
In the skin, the ECS is intimately involved in processes like temperature, cell growth and death, and the regulation of hair follicles and sebaceous oil glands, the modulation of infections, and more.

Our Innate Neuro-immuno-endocrine System
As the largest organ with a complex system of neuro-immuno-endocrine functionality, it plays a vital part in maintaining the biological homeostasis and without any effort on your part, it orchestrates over 300 million cells perpetually regenerating and renewing into a new, healthy epidermis every 28 days.   

I’ve studied the science of skin for 15 years and with the resurgence of hemp has brought me new insight and excitement on how to help women optimize their incredible cellular symphony known as the endocannabinoid system (ECS). 

The ECS is a recently discovered family of molecules, receptors, and enzymes now known as the “master regulator” of the body – maintaining homeostasis (balance) across all of our physiological processes.

I do not have pain, so how’s a CBD topical help me? 
First things first.
Our skin is the ultimate agent of “safe boundaries” when it comes to environmental assaults like pathogenic threats, UV exposure, extreme temperatures, and chemicals.  It’s quick to tell us its has pain and pleasure at the same time.  

Epigenetics + Endocannabinoids
This system regulates and interacts with over 1000 genes and  – an 65 of them are found in our skin’s ECS.

Specifically, how Cannabinoids help your pain and underlying inflammation?  

Our “Universal Regulator,” the ECS helps modulate the initial pain by communicating with the central nervous system. 

When in danger, the ECS recognizes the excess signals, and after deciding that there is no longer a need for the increase of inflammation, the cannabinoid receptors in the surrounding immune cells and tissues will begin to bind with cannabinoids and start to slowly reduce these inflammatory responses. 

 When key players of the symphony go off-key and skins cell to cell rapport is disrupted, it puts us at risk for the development of skin conditions. 

Endocannabinoid receptors embedded in skin cell membranes produce a wide variety of reactions when stimulated by cannabinoids, which can be endogenous (made by our own body’s naturally occurring endocannabinoids) or exogenous (from the cannabis plant, which produces phytocannabinoids).

Using a topical application of phytocannabinoids can provide any localized area fast relief and skin repair by the cannabinoids binding capabilities to receptors within the skin, activating the skin’s ECS. 

Pretty powerful, right?  Now for the RESOLVE.


Stress relief and deeper dream states - one swipe of CBD at a time

Evoq Hemp Calm Balm and Decompress Body Oil Key Benefits

  • Penetrate multiple epidermis layers and bind with our skin’s natural endocannabinoid receptors, sealing in hydration and helping downregulate inflammation signally for the most intensive results

  • Sun-grown, organic and natural ingredients.

  • Muscle and joint soreness 

  • Inflammatory skin conditions   

  • Calm Eczema and reduce skin irritation

  • Repair skin barrier

  • Balances oil production

  • Pre & Post Athletic Rub

  • Help Cramps

  • Calm TMJ

  • Ease tension headaches

CBD Extra Strength Calm Balm [1000MG]

A naturopathic healing balm to calm, soothe frayed nerves & aching muscles, and sweep tension away while moisturizing the skin barrier. 

Keep calm & hydrate: Ultra-rich Butter for Soothing Hydration and Pain-Relief 

Help dial down inflammatory discomfort and replenish vital moisture with our ultra-hydrating luxurious organic balm. It’s designed with a high concentration of plant actives, nourishing oils, and butters which may reduce blemishes, treat dryness, and promote naturally healthy skin. The abundant humectants draw moisture deep into the skin, while our whole plant hemp extract with CBD, terpenes, polyphenols, and fatty acids help to soothe aches, pains, and tension.

May help to:

-Muscle and joint soreness 

-Calm Eczema, Psoriasis and reduce skin irritation

-Ease tension from PMS and headaches

All Ingredients: Organic Full-spectrum CBD Oil Extract (500mg), Beeswax, Medium chain triglycerides, Organic Lavender essential oil, Organic Eucalyptus essential oil *Curated with organic, wildcraft, and food-grade ingredients.

Decompress CBD Body Oil [1000MG]

An antioxidant and CBD rich luxury body and massage oil to unknot, unwind, and release tension. Nourishes the skin barrier and endocannabinoid system for beautifully soft, supple, and silky skin.

It’s like a high-vibe cashmere blanket of healing skin, muscle and joint love.

Life may come and go with pain, but that doesn’t mean you have to miss out on the moments and how you perceive joy and freedom in your life. With our healing CBD body oil, you can decompress and reduce the minor aches and pains life holding you back.

An ultra-hydrating, organically sourced CBD body and massage oil nourishes the skin’s protective natural barrier function and dermal endocannabinoid system for beautifully soft, supple skin. This luxurious body and massage oil delivers three times higher active cannabinoids compared to conventional CBD topicals on the market. It has a concentration of 125mg of phytocannabinoids in every ounce and 1000mg per bottle. 

May help to:

-Body moisturizer and sports massage recovery oil

-Facilitate muscle recovery and soothe aches and arthritis pain 

 -Decrease symptoms of cramps and PMS

All Ingredients:

Activated Full Spectrum CBD Extract (1000mg), Sesame Seed Oil, Avocado Oil, Sunflower Seed Oil, Olive Oil, Safflower Seed Oil, Jojoba Oil, Vitamin E,  Mineral Oil, Vitamin A, Organic Lavender Essential Oil *Curated with organic, wildcraft, and food-grade ingredients.

How to find the RIGHT CBD topical through when there is a lack of industry standards.

What makes Evoq’s topicals different from the rest?   
We use a best-in-class 3rd party ISO/IEC-accredited facilities to ensure every batch of our products for consistency, quality, purity, and potency.

Surpassing industry standards, I’ve put 1000mg  of active topical phytocannabinoids in each bottle and jar - surpassing the average 250mg to 500mg standards.  

I’m thrilled with the initial evidence from our users and the future possibilities. And with growing consumer interest, companies are racing to the market with new products – but, buyer beware.

What’s “Really” in your investment? Mislabelling Issues

The Journal of the American Medical Association found widespread mislabelling issues.

 **A sum of 84 products were purchased and analyzed (from 31 companies) and only 30% actually contained the CBD concentration stated on the label, highlighting the need for manufacturing and testing standards and stronger regulatory oversight. 

Delivery system and fillers:  Filler ingredients found in topicals on the internet may inhibit the efficacy of the active cannabinoids, let alone ingredients not so “clean” and leaves you smelling like a medicine bomb (camphor/menthol).  

Example a CBD Topical Full of Ingredient Fillers:
Glycerin, Stearic Acid, Cetyl Alcohol, Stearyl Alcohol, Ethylene Glycol Distearate, Menthol, Sodium Acrylates Copolymer, Cannabis Sativa Seed Oil, Arnica Montana Flower Extract, Boswellia Serrata Extract, Allantoin, Propylene Glycol, Phenoxyethanol, Ethylhexylglycerin, Lecithin, Glycerylstereate, Peg 100, Stearate, Diasonilidyl, Tocopherol Acetate

Before you buy anything, make sure the company is transparent about its standards and testing for ensuring consistent purity and potency.

Evoq’s new CBD topicals smell heavenly - like a soothing warm caress of aromatic calming love of lavender, eucalyptus and herbals. 

Let’s review!

Why CBD Topicals?

Topicals with high enough percentages of cannabinoids are pain and inflammation relieving as well as skin-nourishing with a plethora of additional phytonutrients and essential fatty acids making it highly moisturizing, calming, conditioning, and protecting.

When to Use CBD Topicals

What woman isn't looking to release tension or fine-tune a targeted, localized area of discomfort after a long day or warrior workout?   Our Evoq CBD co-ingredients include essential oils like lavender oil to help calm body and mind before bed or in times of stress or headaches. 

How to include CBD Topicals in your day!

I highly suggest being consistent. The topicals best work when incorporated into your daily routine.   The great thing about CBD-infused topicals is that you can use them on the go! Using them before (or after) your workout, when you need a moment’s peace during a hectic day when your baby gets a “boo-boo,” or for the perfect pre-bed decompress. 

Whatever the case, you can use topicals liberally wherever and whenever you need their support.

Whether you’re looking for better skin barrier health (plump with less fine lines) or nagging pain or light headache - Evoq’s CBD-infused topicals are a great place to start (or continue) your CBD journey. 

We already use skincare on the daily, so this is an enhanced, scientifically proven way to nourish the skin in a remarkable way.   In addition, CBD brings a wider holistic approach to help you feel refreshed, calm, and rejuvenated no matter what’s happening in your jam-packed- every- day. 


Quality over quantity is our philosophy, all of our products are handcrafted in small batches and exceed industry standards.

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How to Detoxify Harmful Xenoestrogens From your Beauty Rituals | Part 2

Hi dear one!

I hope you’re doing great!  This powerful time together is a carry over [ part 2 ] from our previous conversation about estrogen mimickers called xenoestrogens.  

 Many personal care products such as cosmetics, shampoos, and body lotions, contain  harmful chemicals. For example, one of the most common chemicals found in personal care products is “Fragrance,” which can be made up of hundreds of various chemical compounds. Fragrances are linked to liver and kidney damage, cancer and endocrine disruption which interferes with your adrenal, thyroid and reproductive glands.

When we use these personal care products we can inhale the toxins as well as absorb them through our skin (the largest organ that connects to the inside of our body). 

It’s simple enough just to say “Opt for natural plant-based alternatives with simple ingredients that have names you recognize…” its just as important to know the why and how to recognize the unwanted ingredients damaging our health.  

Before we move forward, make sure you’re read up on how the pesky chemicals mimicking our estrogens succumb us and cause havoc in the first place! 

For a quick review: 


Xenoestrogens are synthetic substances that mimic estrogen. Unfortunately, unlike estrogen, which the body fully eliminates after its job is done,  xenoestrogens are stored in fat cells where they disrupt the proper functioning of the reproductive system and increase hormone imbalances and the risk of disease in the breast and ovaries. 

Causes of Estrogen Dominance

The body accumulates excess estrogen in two ways:

Endogenously (inside) - We make too much of our own estrogen and it’s not being properly eliminated.

Exogenously (outside) - Excess estrogens enter the body from external sources, such as foods, the environment, toxins, and chemicals, and are not being properly eliminated.

Excess Estrogen Common Catalysts:


Surprise!  The leading cause of endogenous estrogen stems from excessive and prolonged stress which inversely decreases progesterone production to make more cortisol, the main stress hormone. This results in high estrogen levels in relation to progesterone.

Impaired Liver Function – 

Mentioned in part one, we know the liver removes excess hormones from the body, and if not working properly - it leads to estrogen dominance.


A higher count of bad bacteria vs. good bacteria in the gut inhibits the conversion of estrogen into water-soluble molecules.  This causes the estrogens to recirculate back into the bloodstream where it can re-exert its effects. Gut health is very important for the metabolism of all hormones.

Now onto the deeper understanding of  ( Xenoestrogens ) from Personal Care Products

You may be overwhelmed, but trust me - reducing your xenoestrogen exposure through awareness when applied to your beauty products is easier than you think.    The impact is huge, and I have no doubt this will be helpful and clarifying for you and your beautiful health! 

Two Reasons Why Xenoestrogenss Hidden in Skincare Is Harmful

Increase of Cancer Risk

About 40% of all cancers in women are hormonally driven. When estrogen mimickers are present in our beauty products - it increase the overall levels of circulating hormones. This is why it may also increase our risk for certain cancers, specifically breast cancer.

Breast cancer is estrogen-dependent.  Research has shown that xenoestrogens in personal care products can pose an increased risk of breast cancer.


In women, exposure to xenoestrogens can predispose us to estrogen dominant related health conditions like PCOS, Endometriosis, and Fibroids and fertility.   

Exposure to xenoestrogens is not the sole cause of these fertility, rather it’s constant exposure to these endocrine-disrupting compounds, like in your daily skincare routine that affects these conditions.

When becoming pregnant, xenoestrogen exposure can also be harmful.  In mice, exposure to xenoestrogens during pregnancy has been shown to affect the estrogen levels of the developing fetus. Men are perhaps even more susceptible to the negative effects of xenoestrogens on their fertility than women are. 

Xenoestrogens could be contributing factors to the deterioration of these men’s semen quality, resulting in their inability to conceive.

So, if you and your partner are having trouble getting pregnant, xenoestrogens in a beard oil or facial cream should be assessed as a easy way to reduce your exposure to these endocrine-disrupting compounds.

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Which leads me to how to awaken to xenoestrogens in our personal care and beauty products.


When you consume chemicals internally they are first filtered through the liver before they make their way into the bloodstream, but when you use skincare products that contain xenoestrogens, they may pose risk  through absorption.  


Phthalates: Are round in cosmetics, cleaning products, food packaging, and detergents, PVC plastic, toys, and plastic wrap.

Buyer beware, the worst part about Phthalates is that Phthalates often times hide in the ingredient list under “fragrance.” Companies are able to vaguely label a group of ingredients as simply “fragrance” in order to protect trade-secret ingredients.

  • Phthalate

  • DEP

  • DBP

  • DEHP

Parabens: found in deodorant, antiperspirant, moisturizer, sunscreen, and makeup.

Parabens show up in personal care products because they are antimicrobial agents and preservatives.

  • Ethylparaben

  • Butylparaben

  • Methylparaben

  • And other ingredients ending in “-paraben”

Looking for a “paraben-free” label is the easiest way to avoid exposure to these xenoestrogens in your skincare products.

Formaldehyde: A known carcinogen and irritant found in nail products, hair dye, fake-eyelash adhesives and some shampoos. It has been banned in other countries.

Fragrance: Has hormone-disrupting effects. Fragrance is also connected to headaches, dizziness, asthma and allergies. Instead, use products with natural fragrances only.

Lead: A known carcinogen and hormone disruptor found in certain eyeliners, hair dye and lipsticks.

Mercury: A known irritant and allergen that, with body accumulation over time, can impair the brain and nervous system.

Oxybenzone: An active ingredient in chemical sunscreens that accumulates in fatty tissues and is linked to allergies, hormone disruption and cellular damage. I recommend wearing skin-protective clothing and using natural minerals or zinc products.

DEA/TEA/MEA (Ethanolamines): Used as emulsifiers and foaming agents for shampoos, hair color, body washes, soaps and topical application. It’s been associated with cancer in animal studies.

Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS, SLES): A former industrial degreaser now used to make soap foamy, it’s absorbed into the body.

Diethylene glycol (or DEG): A central nervous system depressant and potent kidney and liver toxin. Sometimes found in fragrances. 

Note: Glycerin and propylene glycol are sometimes contaminated with DEG, which are common ingredients in personal care products.

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Follow Awaken Beauty on IG!

Stay Beautiful Inside and Out by Focusing on Nutrition and Detoxification

In conclusion, reoccurring toxins that build up in the body can adversely impact one’s health, hormones, looks and overall well-being.

I suggest checking your beauty-product labels, eating a plant rich diet, frequent exercise and plenty of water to stay hydrated and help your body naturally flush out toxins not only keeps xenoestrogens at bay but might also deter blemishes and fine lines that show up on your skin. 

If you are having skin issues or any hormonal imbalance symptoms you should have your hormones tested instead of guessing. The comprehensive hormone panel is an excellent starting place for evaluating hormone function. 

Small changes can add up to big impacts, so keep your eyes open for them and continue making healthy choices where and when you can.

To start making confident and empowering decisions today, head on over to www.evoqbeauty.com where you’ll find Xeno-FREE hair, skin and wellness products galore!  

Awaken Beauty Podcast:
Please like, subscribe if you’re not already part of our tribe and comment what you learned with your 5 star review! 

Want to grab the top most offensive xenoestrogens in youre life? Just head to Awakenbeautyhq.com and find this mini episode with show notes! 

Looking for natural, organic and hormone disruption free skin and body care?  Then you know where to go! Head to Evoqbeauty.com. E-V-O-Q beauty.com and enter “AWAKEN” for your very first order! 

XO Love n’ light,   Kassandra

​How Your Body Boosts it’s Own Endocannabinoid’s (CBD free calming bio-hack)


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to keeping a health ENDOCANNABINOID SYSTEM.

Hey Hey!

As you know, I'm all about helping you better connect your beauty + biology.  So to lay the ground work for this important article, I think it's critical we each know how we produce our OWN endocannabinoids. The ”cannabinoids” are the healing support agents from phytocannabinoids in CBD in the market.  

What to know: Cannabinoids do NOT just come from CBD. There's a critical piece for you and your underlying biology to make this mind + body + beauty saving compound. 

From the Beginning

Shortly after the first cannabinoid was isolated from the cannabis plant, scientists discovered that the human body produces similar substances on its own. These substances are now known as “endogenous cannabinoids.” Not only do humans produce their own cannabinoids, but they also have receptors designed specifically to recognize and respond to the endogenous cannabinoids produced. Together, the body's endogenous cannabinoids and the receptors that bind with them form the endocannabinoid system. This system is responsible for a number of functions within the human body, such as maintaining homeostasis.

How it Works

The body's endocannabinoid system relies on the natural production of endogenous cannabinoids in order to function properly. In order to produce the proper amount of endogenous cannabinoids, the body requires a sufficient amount of Omega-3 fatty acids.

Omega-3 fatty acids are the precursor to endogenous cannabinoids. If they are in short supply, the body will not be able to manufacture the amount of endogenous cannabinoids it needs to maintain a healthy endocannabinoid system. In addition, Omega-3 fatty acids are also essential to the health of other components in the endocannabinoid system. For example, these compounds facilitate the growth and healing of CB1 receptors, which are required in order to process cannabinoids of any type. Furthermore, Omega-3s are important for the overall health of brain cells in general.

Omega-3 Deficiencies

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If your diet doesn't contain a sufficient amount of Omega-3 fatty acids, your body may be unable to produce the proper amount of endogenous cannabinoids on its own. In addition, because Omega-3 fatty acids grow and repair your CB1 receptors, the cannabinoids your body does produce may not affect the endocannabinoid system as strongly as they should. For this reason, it is important for everyone to eat a diet high in Omega-3 fatty acids. Not only are these compounds important for the endocannabinoid system, but they also promote human health in general by boosting fertility, lowering cholesterol, lubricating the joints, protecting vision, improving heart health and providing a number of other important benefits.

Endocannabinoid Deficiency Syndrome

Unfortunately, modern diets do not always contain the nutrition required to maintain the endocannabinoid system properly. In cases where nutritional deficiencies or other problems are causing the endocannabinoid system to fail, a person may develop a condition known as “Endocannabinoid Deficiency Syndrome”. This can lead to a variety of symptoms and related conditions, including irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, migraines and more.

ECS Tone Treatment Options

If you are suffering from Endocannabinoid Deficiency Syndrome, you may be able to improve your condition by increasing the amount of Omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. This will help to heal your CB1 receptors, facilitate the growth of more receptors and increase the amount of endogenous cannabinoids your body produces.

It may also be helpful to supplement your body's endogenous cannabinoids with cannabinoids from external sources, such as CBD Cannabidiol. Taking a cannabidiol supplement will increase the concentration of cannabinoids in your body, thus leading to a more efficient and effective endocannabinoid system.

Head over to Evoq Beauty and purchase our everyday Clean Calm and Connected CBD oil to give your ECS a boost.

CBD and the Endocannabinoid System. Your brain and body are dependent on it.

What is the Endocannabinoid System?


The word endocannabinoid roots itself in Latin, endo meaning within and cannabinoid describing a key in the complex system and is often referred to as the ECS.

The key roles of the ECS are growing daily through research studies by top universities and governing bodies.  

The biological influences of the body’s ECS are many, but to put it simply, it is the neurofeedback system keeping your body in balance despite fluctuations in the external environment.

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Keeping your ECS in Balance.

Throughout your body there are cell receptors and corresponding molecules which comprise your endocannabinoid system.

There are two primary cell receptors called Cannabinoid Receptor 1 (CB1) and Cannabinoid Receptor 2 (CB2). Your body produces cannabinoids with the assistance of fatty acids, not unlike those cannabinoids produced in the cannabis plant (hello CBD).

Your endocannabinoid presence acts as the master communicators with your cells to better regulate inflammation, pain, appetite, sleep, mood, insulin sensitivity, fat and energy metabolism, and also impact neurologic and immune conditions.  

Cannabinoids influence the activity of more than 1000 genes, and help increase our cellular antioxidant defenses as well as downregulate many pro-inflammatory mediators.  Most can attest that one of the most appreciated uses of CBD is it’s direct activation of serotonin receptors, providing you an anti-anxiety effect.

The symbiotic relationship of cannabinoids and your ECS.

There are few plants that render the phytochemical abundance of cannabis. Cannabis hosts over 400 unique chemicals and are critical for bioregulation and homeostasis throughout our body and brain.  

What happens when you take CBD internally?

When CBD is ingested, it acts as a supplement, if you will, that kick starts the body’s ECS which is stimulated to produce its own cannabinoids. Current research shows that ingesting CBD actually assists the body in switching on its own capacity for maintaining balance and well-being.  

Read that sentence again so it sinks in: Research is showing that ingesting CBD actually assists the body in switching on its own capacity for maintaining balance and well-being.


Game-Changing Discovery Linking the Brain and the Immune System

Cerebral Health + ECS


Cannabinoids have shown to have a protective effect in the brain and nervous system.  As a powerful neuroprotective antioxidant, CBD is superior to the largely known Vitamin E  and Vitamin C in preventing toxicity from excess amounts of the neurotransmitter glutamate.  

Cannabinoids are now being studied as a target as a new antidepressant and antianxiety solution due to its ability to help to balance mood by their effect on a serotonin receptors.  They even help regulate excitability in the brain, which now shows a track record on the impact on epileptic seizures.

Proactive Neuron Health

Certain cannabinoids offer an overall tonic for the brain, protecting against chronic stress, which can result in a decrease the growth and density of new neurons. They also influence mechanisms that govern the life and death of neurons, suggesting they may be helpful for neurodegenerative conditions and increase the capacity of the brain to adapt, change and remodel itself in response to experience. 

Your Body + ECS


The chronic stress and abundance of toxins in today’s culture is a great burden on our bodies. Cannabinoids are a first line of defence in combating the oxidative stress that burdens us all. They’ve shown to diminish damage related to diabetes, retinal disease, leaky gut, and other conditions associated with oxidative stress and immune activation.

As early adopters of CBD, many start taking Cannabinoids  to address inflammation and pain, which may also support musculoskeletal system function and joint health.  We also know how important recovery from sleep is. Good news! According to a 2017 review of scientific research,  cannabinoids were found helpful in improving disturbances in REM sleep leading to excessive daytime sleepiness.

In summary, nature in her brilliance and infinite creativity, has gifted us with a stream of plant bliss-genes,  blooming perfectly for our own innate regulatory cannabinoid system.

What happens when your ECS does not produce enough cannabinoids or regulate the cells properly?  

We are now starting to discover the everyday and more severe autoimmune health issues to be linked to a  “Endocannabinoid Deficiency Syndrome (ECDS).” I will help you explore this concept in a future article.  

We think CBD taken internally is pretty remarkable, which is why we created our tinctures to keep you in check. I think of our ECS as a great harmonizer, helping us to regain equilibrium and balance.

Thank you for following along and discovering more of your inner-brilliance!

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Are you happy?

It’s a journey to INNER JOY….

Everyone you meet always asks if you have a career, are married or own a house; as if life was some kind of grocery list

…. But nobody ever asks if you are happy.

- Heath Ledger

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CANNA-PEDIA | Cannabis Terms & Definitions

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An analgesic is any drug or compound which acts on the peripheral and central nervous systems for the purpose of pain relief. Analgesic drugs are distinct from anesthetics, which have a temporary effect and often completely eliminate sensation or cause unconsciousness. Research into CBD’s effects on humans suggests that it may be an effective analgesic for pain caused by inflammation as well as chronic pain due to illness or injury.


Anandamide (N-arachidonoylethanolamine or AEA) is a neurotransmitter which plays a role in mood regulation. The word originates from the Sanskrit word ananda, which translates to “joy, bliss, delight.” Research has shown that CBD can lead to elevated anandamide levels. CBD is being studied for its therapeutic use in treating anxiety, depression, addiction and other related ailments.


An anorectic is a drug which reduces appetite. Anorectics are also known as anorexics, anorexigens, anorexiants or appetite suppressants. Studies suggest that CBD has anorectic properties and may have potential as a therapy for the treatment of habitual overeating and obesity.


Anti-epileptics (AEDs), also known as anticonvulsants, are the most commonly used drugs for treatment of epilepsy. AEDs are also known to be mood stabilizers and are increasingly being used in the treatment of conditions such as bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder, as well as for the treatment of neuropathic pain. CBD has been proven in Phase I clinical trials to reduce seizures in patients with intractable epilepsy. Many U.S. states have already approved the use of CBD as an anti-epileptic.

Anti-inflammatory, Inflammation

An anti-inflammatory is a substance which has the ability to reduce inflammation. Inflammation is a natural response of the body to injury or illness. Inflammation often manifests as pain, swelling, redness and heat. Many pain relievers work by reducing inflammation, as opposed to opioids, which block pain signaling to the brain. As shown in numerous studies, one of CBD’s most prominent therapeutic properties is its ability to reduce inflammation.


Anti-insomnia drugs are used to treat sleep disorders. They are intended to induce sleep and prevent premature waking. A variety of studies have shown that CBD may have anti-insomnia properties, and many patients with insomnia claim CBD helps them to fall asleep faster and sleep better.


Anti-ischemic drugs are used to control myocardial ischemia in patients with coronary artery disease. Ischemia is a restriction in blood supply to tissues, which causes a shortage of oxygen required for cellular metabolism. This condition also reduces the availability of nutrients and the removal of metabolic wastes. Research is ongoing as to whether CBD may be an effective anti-ischemic with therapeutic benefits for patients with cardiovascular conditions.


Antipsychotic drugs are used to manage psychosis such as delusions, hallucinations, paranoia, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder and are increasingly being used to treat non-psychotic disorders. Pharmaceutical antipsychotics are known to cause unwanted side effects such as involuntary movement disorders, gynecomastia and metabolic syndrome. Research indicates that CBD may have therapeutic properties which may be useful in assisting the treatment of psychosis. Some U.S. states have approved the use of CBD in the treatment of psychosis.


Antispasmodic drugs are used to suppresses muscle spasms or to prevent spasms of the stomach, intestine or urinary bladder. Recent research indicates that CBD may have antispasmodic properties and may be useful for the treatment of spastic muscles and for improving digestive motility issues.


Antibacterial drugs, also known as antibiotics, either kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria and are used in the treatment and prevention of bacterial infections. Some experts consider antibacterials to be external disinfectants such as antibacterial soap, while antibiotics are used as internal medicine. Studies have shown that CBD possesses antibacterial properties.


Antidepressant drugs are used to treat major depressive disorder, dysthymia, anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, eating disorders, chronic pain, neuropathic pain and, in some cases, dysmenorrhoea (painful menstruation), snoring, migraines, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD/ADD), addiction, dependence and sleep disorders. Many of these ailments are characterized by low levels of anandamide in the brain. CBD has been shown in lab studies to increase levels of anandamide.


Antidiabetics are drugs used to treat diabetes by lowering blood sugar levels. Researchers have shown that CBD has the ability to lower blood sugar in animal studies and further research is investigating whether CBD may be useful in treating and preventing diabetes in humans.


Antiemetic drugs are used to reduce vomiting and nausea caused by conditions such as motion sickness as well as the side effects of opioids and medications used in chemotherapy. Research suggests that oral application of CBD may be an effective antiemetic.


Antifungal compounds, also known as antimycotics, are pharmaceutical fungicides used to treat and prevent fungal conditions such as athlete’s foot, ringworm and candidiasis (thrush), as well as serious systemic infections including cryptococcal meningitis. Studies have shown that CBD possesses antifungal properties and may prove to be useful for these conditions.


Antipsoriatic drugs are used to treat a skin condition known as psoriasis. Numerous studies have attested to CBD’s antipsoriatic properties, suggesting that it may be a useful compound in treating this common skin disorder.


Anxiolytic drugs are used to prevent or treat a number of forms of anxiety. Patients suffering from anxiety often have reduced anandamide levels in the brain. CBD has been shown in numerous studies to increase anandamide levels. The treatment of anxiety, including PTSD, is the most common reason given for using CBD. Many U.S. states have approved the use of CBD to treat PTSD and other anxiety-related disorders.


The term biphasic refers to a compound’s propensity to have different effects depending on the dosage being administered. Researchers have shown that, used at lower doses, CBD promotes alertness while at higher doses it promotes sleep.

Cannabidiol (CBD)

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a phytocannabinoid (a cannabinoid produced in plants), most commonly extracted from industrial hemp, which has been shown to act as a neuromodulating molecule mimicking the effects of certain endocannabinoids(those produced naturally by the human body). CBD has also been shown to have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antibacterial properties, among others.


Cannabinoids are a class of molecules which have neuromodulating effects in the human body. Endocannabinoids are those produced by the human body, whereas phytocannabinoids are those produced by plants such as cannabis. CBD is a phytocannabinoid compound.


Cannabis is a species of plant which produces phytocannabinoids, such as CBD, which is known to have medicinally therapeutic benefits. Phytocannabinoids have been shown to mimic the effects of signaling molecules known as endocannabinoids, which are naturally produced by the human body. Hemp and marijuana are both varieties of cannabis.

Cannabinoid Receptor

Cannabinoid receptors are of a class of cell membrane receptors which interact with both endocannabinoids (human cannabinoids) and phytocannabinoids (plant-derived cannabinoids)There are two types of cannabinoid receptors in the human endocannabinoid system — CB1 and CB2. CB1 receptors are found mainly in the brain and central nervous system, and CB2 are found throughout the body, especially in the cells or other major organs. The endocannabinoid system is involved in a variety of physiological processes including modulation of appetite, pain-sensation, mood and memory.


CBD oil refers to either the essential oil extracted from CBD-rich cannabis varieties such as hemp, or medicinal oils which have been infused with CBD. CBD oil is commonly used for its supplemental and medicinal benefits.


CBDa is the acid form of cannabidiol. When heated to a certain temperature for a certain amount of time, CBDa is converted into CBD. The process of converting CBDa into CBD is known as decarboxylation.


This term refers to the essential extract of a hemp plant which is high in CBD.

CBD Enriched

This term refers to a product which has been enriched by infusing it with CBD.

Cannabidivarin (CBDv)

Cannabidivarin, or CBDv, is a non-psychotropic cannabinoid found in Cannabis. CBDv is thought to have therapeutic properties similar to those of CBD such as reducing nausea.

CBD Concentrate, CBD Distillate

CBD concentrate or CBD distillate refers to a distilled reduction of raw hemp extract. A distillation process is used to remove waxes and other compounds to produce a product with a higher-than-natural concentration of CBD.

CBD Isolate

CBD Isolate is a crystalline form of pure CBD which is made by subjecting hemp extract to a series of distillation processes which remove all other compounds leaving behind only pure CBD. CBD isolate is often used in CBD-enrichedpreparations such as vape oil.


Decarboxylation refers to a process by which a carbon atom is removed from a carbon chain in CBDa, converting it to CBD, which is more easily absorbed and metabolized by the human body. This is usually done by exposing the compound to higher temperatures for a period of time.


This term refers to edible preparations that have been infused with CBD, such as candies and baked goods. CBD-infused edibles are often used to treat ailments of the stomach and intestines.


An endocannabinoid is a cannabinoid compound produced naturally by the human body. Endocannabinoids are part of the human endocannabinoid system, or ECS.

Endocannabinoid System (ECS)

The human endocannabinoid system, or ECS, consists of cannabinoid compounds produced by the human body and their associated cannabinoid receptors. The ECS acts as a signaling system which has the ability to modulate a number of physiological processes on a cellular level.

Entourage Effect

This term refers to the combined overall therapeutic effects produced by the active compounds found in CBD-rich hemp extracts such as cannabinoids and terpenes, each of which has its own particular set of effects.

Essential Oil

Essential oil refers to an oil which has been extracted from a plant. In the case of hemp, this essential oil contains a host of cannabinoids and terpenes as well as other compounds such as chlorophyll. Some extraction processes remove compounds such as chlorophyll while leaving the cannabinoids and terpenes intact.

Extract, Extraction

An extract is the end product of an essential oil extraction process. In the case of hemp, the essential oils are extracted using a solvent such as supercritical CO2 or ethanol. The resulting product is referred to as hemp extract.

Full Spectrum

A full spectrum CBD oil is a product which contains a variety of cannabinoids and terpenesFull spectrum oils are valued for their part in the entourage effect.

Gel Capsule, Gelcap

A gel capsule, also known as a gelcap, is a capsule made from gelatin and other ingredients which contains a medicine or supplement —  in this case, CBD oil — to be administered orally.

Hemp Oil / Hemp Seed Oil

Hemp seed oil, also sometimes referred to as simply hemp oil, is the oil produced by pressing hemp seeds. It is not to be confused with the plant’s essential oils,which are extracted from the plant’s flowers and leaves. Hemp seed oil contains neither cannabinoids nor terpenes; however, it is rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids and essential fatty acids, and is often used as a base for producing CBD oil.

Hemp, Agricultural Hemp, Industrial Hemp

Hemp is a variety of cannabis which is used for agricultural and industrial purposes such as textiles, construction materials, biofuels and food. Unlike marijuana, another variety of cannabis, hemp contains negligible amounts of the psychotropic cannabinoid, THC.


This term refers to a state of human physiology in which a variety of physiological processes are well balanced, producing a state of good health. CBD is often used to maintain or promote a state of homeostasis.


An immunomodulator is a chemical agent which is used to modify human immune response or improve the functioning of the immune system. Research suggests that CBD possesses immunomodulation properties.


An inhaler is a medical device which is used to administer a measured dose of a medicinal compound such as CBD via the lungs. Inhalers are used primarily to treat asthma and other forms of lung inflammation.

Intestinal Prokinetic

Intestinal prokinetics are drugs used to treat intestinal motility disorders. Some researchers believe that these conditions may be the result of an endocannabinoiddeficiency and that CBD may be useful in treating them.


Marijuana is a variety of cannabis which contains high levels of THC, a psychotropiccannabinoid. Marijuana is not to be confused with hemp, which has negligible amounts of THC.


This term refers to medium-chain triglycerides, a form of saturated fatty acids. Commonly made from coconut oil, MCTs provide a variety of health benefits including improved cognitive function and weight management. MCT oil is often used as an ingredient or base for CBD-enriched oils.


This term refers to the life-sustaining chemical processes which occur within cells, such as the conversion of sugars and fats to energy and the elimination of wastes. It can also refer to the combined chemical reactions which sustain living organisms. The endocannabinoid system is thought to be involved in the regulation of some of these processes.


A metabolite is the waste product of a compound which has been through the process of metabolism.

Nanoencapsulation, Microencapsulation

Nanoencapsulation and microencapsulation are processes by which CBD oil is converted into a water-soluble preparation by encapsulating the oil in microscopic beads of an emulsifier or wax, allowing them to be more readily absorbed into the bloodstream.


This term refers to a compound’s ability to protect or repair neurons and other nerves in the central nervous system from various types of damage. CBD has been shown in multiple lab studies to have neuroprotective properties.

Neuropathic Pain

Neuropathic pain refers to a type of chronic pain which results from damage to the central nervous system, caused by conditions such as diabetes. Research studies have shown that CBD may be a useful therapeutic agent in the treatment of neuropathic pain and many U.S. states have approved the use of CBD as a treatment for neuropathic pain.


A neurotransmitter is a chemical substance released from the synapses where nerves connect to other nerves, muscles or other structures, triggering an impulse. Research has shown that CBD may be an effective modulator of neurotransmitters such as anandamide.


Phytocannabinoids are cannabinoids produced by plants such as hemp. CBD is a phytocannabinoid which has the ability to mimic cannabinoids produced naturally by the human body, which we call endocannabinoids.

Psychoactive, Non-Psychoactive

A psychoactive drug or chemical is one that changes brain function and results in alterations in mood or behavior such as relieving anxiety. CBD is psychoactive in that it can alter mood and may reduce anxiety. Many U.S. states have approved the use of CBD to treat anxiety-related conditions such as PTSD.

Psychotoxic, Non-psychotoxic

A psychotoxic drug or chemical is one that produces detrimental effects on brain function such as causing psychosis, depression, anxiety or hallucinations. CBD is non-psychotoxic.

Psychotropic, Non-psychotropic

A psychotropic drug or chemical is one that alters brain function in such a way as to cause changes in cognition and behavior like causing a high or euphoric feeling. THC is psychotropic. CBD is non-psychotropic.


A sublingual medication or supplement is one that is administered under the tongue and absorbed into the bloodstream via capillaries in the tissues on the inside of the mouth. A liquid sublingual such as CBD oil is often referred to as a tincture.

Terpenes, Terpenoids

Terpenes are oily compounds produced by plants such as cannabis which give it it’s aromas and flavors. Many terpenes are physiologically active when consumed. For example, a terpene called limonene is responsible for the smell of citrus fruits and can have an uplifting effect on mood. A terpenoid is a metabolite of a terpene.

THC: Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol

THC is the psychotropic cannabinoid produced in marijuana which causes a feeling of euphoria. Hemp, hemp extract and CBD oil made from hemp extract do not generally contain THC.


A tincture is a liquid preparation such as CBD oil which can be administered sublingually.


A topical is a liquid, cream or balm that is applied externally to the skin and absorbed into the body. CBD infused topicals are used to treat skin conditions as well as to reduce inflammation and relax tense muscles.

Toxic, Non-toxic

A toxic substance is one that is poisonous or harmful to human tissue and organs.CBD is non-toxic.


A transdermal preparation is one that is applied to the skin via a patch. The active ingredient is then absorbed into the bloodstream via the skin. CBD can be administered in the form of a transdermal patch.

Vaporizer, Vape, Vaping

A vaporizer, or vape, is an implement which atomizes or gasifies a solid or liquid substance so that it may be inhaled and absorbed into the bloodstream via the lungs. Oils used in vaporizers are often referred to as vape oilVaping is the act of using a vaporizer. Vape oils can be infused with full spectrum CBD oil or CBD isolate.


A vasorelaxant is any drug or compound used for its ability to relax arteries, veins and capillaries for the purpose of lowering blood pressure. CBD has been shown in numerous studies to exhibit vasorelaxant properties.

CBD and Breast Cancer [and what research says]


There’s a lot of research out there and it can be overwhelming!   I'm devoted to providing validated research that crystalizes clarity for you to get the information you need to help you and your family live healthier lives.

As you read through, I encourage you to frame this information with gratitude of the present knowledge we have available and the options from both the natural realms - and western medicine opportunities at hand when it comes to addressing cancer.   There is certainly no cure all - but as self advocates, knowledge is king ( ok...queen)!

CBD & Breast Cancer

Besides skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in the United States. The great news is that many researchers have found evidence that CBD may be able to slow the progression of invasive breast cancer, which will affect approximately 1 in 8 U.S. women at some point in their lives.

CBD is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid found in the stalks, seeds, and flowers of cannabis plants like hemp. 

After breast cancer is identified and diagnosed, the efforts move towards inhibiting the  spread of the cancerous tumor. When reaching beyond the breast and nearby lymph nodes, it’s considered advanced, or metastatic.  

The great news is that studies over the recent years suggest that CBD may help inhibit metastasis in breast cancer cells. In 2014, researchers from the California Pacific Medical Research Center found that CBD appears to inhibit the Id-1 and Akt genes, which have been known to play a role in tumor growth.  Study: CBD Kills Breast Cancer Cells 

Here’s an excerpt from this study conducted by the  American Association for Cancer Research 

“It suggests that cannabinoid-based medicines may be useful for the treatment of most breast tumor subtypes, stating that “these compounds exert anti-proliferative, pro-apoptotic [cell-killing], anti-migratory and anti-invasive actions in a wide spectrum of cancer cells in culture.” 



With a 1 in 8 stat, we all know a family who has been affected by breast cancer.   My hope is that whether we have a chronic or threatening disease, we shift to preventative care by using CBD as part of our self-care routines on a daily basis. 

The United States government has been resistant to recognizing the therapeutic properties of cannabinoids, but has now recently declared in agreement that it has medicinal benefits by creating a pharmaceutical synthetic form of CBD.  Cannabinoids vs. Cancer  

From the TOP - DOWN.
The National Cancer Institute (NCI), under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, updated its website to acknowledge the benefits of cannabinoids as a “treatment for people with cancer-related symptoms caused by the disease itself or its treatment.”

In short, the NCI describes CBD as potentially benefiting those with breast cancer in two separate capacities:

  • CBD has demonstrated anti-cancer properties
  • CBD can help patients manage symptoms related to cancer treatments

In Depth: The Findings of CBD’s Anti-Breast Cancer Properties

In its overview on cannabinoid research, the NCI highlights the findings of studies suggesting CBD is potentially beneficial for fighting and inhibiting the spread of breast cancer.

These anti-cancer effects may be related to CBD’s influence over the endocannabinoid system’s CB1 and CB2receptors, as one study confirmed that CB1 and CB2 receptors are potential targets in breast cancer. However, an in vitro study looking at the effect of CBD on breast cancer found that the compound effectively “induced programmed cell death, independent of the CB1, CB2, or vanilloid receptors.”

In that in vivo study, CBD was able to inhibit the survival of breast cancer cells by inducing apoptosis, a process of programmed cell death. The higher concentration of CBD administered, the greater the anti-breast cancer effects were. At the same time, CBD had little effect on normal breast cells.

The NCI points out that other preclinical studies have found evidence of CBD’s anti-tumor effects in breast cancer. CBD has also shown to increase the uptake of traditional anti-cancer drugs to improve their efficacy for inducing apoptosis of cancer cells, according to the findings.

 “The potential benefits of medicinal [cannabinoids] for people living with cancer include antiemetic effects, appetite stimulation, pain relief, and improved sleep,” according to the NCI page.

Studies have found CBD to reduce nausea and vomiting caused by common cancer treatments like chemotherapy. In several animal models, the compound has also shown to have anxiolytic properties to reduce anxiety and regulate mood.

“CBD, in particular, is thought to have significant analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and anxiolytic activity without the psychoactive effect (high) of delta-9-THC,” reads the NCI page.

Other Groundbreaking Findings About Cannabinoids

The benefits from daily use of CBD are without bounds.  Attitudes toward cannabis are shifting as credible medical research efforts continue to reveal the plant’s exciting therapeutic potential.

Ample studies over the past decade, medical research has made intriguing discoveries about cannabis and its therapeutic effects. Studies have shown that medical cannabis:

  • can slow the progression of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases
  • reduces the debilitating seizures caused by epilepsy 
  • reduces spasms experienced by those with multiple sclerosis 
  • minimizes the neurological damage caused by spinal cord and traumatic brain injuries
  • can boost bone density and assist in healing.


In conclusion, OVERCOME FEAR WITH KNOWLEDGE and share with friends and family.  Remain updated on the available resources to help you make an informed decision.

We've listened to the many questions people have raised, and have worked diligently to supply a comprehensive cannabinoid education and purchasable phyto-cannabinoids natural and organic medicinal tincture options for you to explore and experience.

Learn how cannabinoids naturally interacts with the body’s systems, and become clear on the quality versus confusion of the array of products available. If you decide cannabinoids are right for you, feel free to reach out with any questions you may have - I'm happy to help!  

This loving plant is here to stay, and while its not the "cure all," it's synergistic value it brings to the formulated components that surround it, bring extreme bioavailability and benefits to those that believe in it.  

All my love -  Kassandra 

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