
The Basics of Beautiful Health Nutrients


Beautiful Nutrients™

Eating a nutrient-dense and enzyme-rich diet of living fruits and vegetables, nuts, grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats have proven to have a profound effect on skin, health and disease.


We want to inspire you with the truth that optimum health and beauty can be achieved by the intake of fresh, anti-inflammatory, chemical/toxin-free, enzyme-rich foods that detoxify and rejuvenate the mind, body and skin.


Beware of Silent Inflammation–inflammation that falls below the threshold of perceived pain. That's what makes it so dangerous. If this consistent inflammation goes on unknown for years, eventually it erupts into what we call chronic disease.  We are in control–our food choices are critical when it comes to causing and controlling inflammation.

This inflammation may be caused by:

-      Eating a pro-inflammatory diet (i.e., high glycemic carbs)

-      Excess exposure to ultraviolet light

-      Environmental stressors            – Weakened immune system

-      Hormonal changes            – Stress

The most important factor in fighting inflammation is the food you eat every day. Studies have shown that when foods like fruit, vegetables and fish are digested, they produce anti-inflammatory metabolites. In contrast, red meat and dairy produce pro-inflammatory metabolites.

Improve Your Digestion

Contrary to what we have been lead to believe, we are not just what we eat–more importantly we are more about what we can digest and absorb. The health of our digestive tracts is highly integrated in our overall health.

The classic signs that all is not quite as it should be in the area of digestion are often low energy, poor skin, headaches, foggy thinking and food allergies.  This leads to all sorts of other symptoms–from depression to weight gain, to aches and pains to arthritis.


The basic principles of gut health are essentially the principles of good health in general: Eat natural foods, including lots of fiber, hydrate thoroughly, choose low-glycemic carbs, and avoid sugar, white flour, and processed food.




Toxin/Chemical Free

Eating foods grown with chemicals and prepared with synthetic preservatives and additives have shown to create accumulative reactive toxins, resulting in acne, rashes and other problematic skin conditions.

Over a period of time, toxins in the digestive system clog the pores and internal channels that carry moisture and nutrients to the deeper layers of the skin.  Results from this are: aging skin/spots, wrinkles, and dullish look.


Healthy skin depends on reducing the levels of toxins in your body, and the first step to doing this is to take fewer toxins in.

Essential components of what you should eat to reduce inflammation are Omega-3 essential fatty acids and antioxidants.

Cold-pressed Seed Oils/

Essential Fatty Acids


The most dramatic and positive skin changes come under the influence of an essential fatty acid intake/supplementation.  Dry and sensitive skin affects one in every two women.  An inadequate essential fatty acid intake induces water loss across the epidermis.


Kasia suggests supplementation with revolutionary Immuno-Viva’s Core seed oil, offering both a cold-pressed essential fatty acids and free radical prevention in one!


Did you know?  Topical skincare products address about 20% of your skin’s needs. The other 80% comes from proper nutrition.


Beautiful Nutrient Suggestions


Immuno-Viva’s nutritional supplements help to heal and strengthen cellular membranes and protect cells’ internal structures.  They work synergistically with Kasia Organic Skincare’s topical products to improve the health of skin, hair and nails.

Immuno-Viva Core ™

Immuno-Viva Core’s rich Omega fatty acids and diverse blend of antioxidants help your body fight the aging process from the inside out, and counteract many health problems associated with modern living.

Immuno-Viva Probiotic+ ™                                                        Good health begins with a balanced digestive system. Immuno-Viva Probiotic+ delivers a robust blend of seven probiotics, or "good flora," balancing your system and enabling your body to efficiently absorb the nutrients your skin, hair and nails need to thrive.

Cold-Pressed Oil Synergy of Black Cumin With Other Oils Multi-antioxidants, with addition of black cumin produced by plant seed oil extraction, can yield super-potent antioxidants greater than their weighted averages (synergism). Black caraway adds stability.


Example of Daily Nutrition

Breakfast: Organic/natural yogurt with chopped fresh fruit and nuts OR fresh fruit!

Lunch: A big salad. rich with colorful fresh vegetables, sesame or pumpkin seeds, olive oil, and using lemon juice and herbs for flavor!

Dinner: A hot meal of fresh (organic) fish, chicken or lean meat or a vegetarian alternative made from beans, lentils or tofu.  As a side you can steam vegetables with a small amount of oil and water.

Snacks: Fresh fruits, raw vegetables, raw nuts anddehydrated crackers.

Drinks: At least six glasses of fluids/liquids a day:  water, herbal and fruit, juicing of fresh fruit and vegetable, and once in a while, dairy-free smoothie.

Steer clear of protein bars, high-energy drinks, and starches.  These foods make our hormones and adrenals get out of  balance, and leaves us severely dehydrated. _____________________________________________________

About the Author: Kassie Kuehl, a natural products hair stylist and health coach, and believes that it is important for women pay close attention to the ingredients in their hair, skin, and body care products. Her goal is to help you wake up to the power of the choices you make every day, and how those choices impact your health and well-being.


Kassie has many educational articles and info about her Organic Salon Services at

Best tips for your dry, winter skin!

The cool weather winter can be rough on your skin. In the  winter your skin deals with a lot of harsh environments, strong winds, cold air, indoor heaters, rain, snow, sleet and an overall lack of a good healthy dose of sunlight. (Especially if you've been in MN this winter) Skin functions differently in the cooler months so you need to change your routines.  With the right support, the relief  to your skin’s ailments can be solved simply, if dedicated.  Your skin’s goals when it is cold out should be to moisturize, exfoliate and moisturize again.

Kasia Winter Skin Care Tips

Cleanse: Now is the time of year when you need to put away your stringent cleansers and stock up on  a more "mild" modality.

Tone: Also put away your stripping and/or astringents over to a toner for winter.  Your skin needs to be soothed, protected and balanced and not dried out.

Moisturize Your Face: Choose heavier lotion in the winter than you would in the warmer months.  A heavy duty tip is to use Kasia onCure  Eye Crème ( contains tripeptides – encapsulated into liposomes – stimulates the natural   process of the skin leading to a gentle,  brighter, smoother and more even complexion) around your lips and other dry spots on the face.  If your skin is itching it is because the dry air is causing the moisture in the top layer of your skin to evaporate quickly.  You will need to slather those areas with extra moisture until you feel relief. Never be afraid of using  jojoba oil   on your skin in the winter.

Moisturize Your Hands & Body: During the cold and flu season you should wash your hands liberally but be certain to apply a heavy hand lotion every time you wash your hands.

Exfoliate Your Face: Exfoliate twice per week to remove dead skin cells and allow your skin to absorb the extra moisture you are lathering on.  The central heating plays havoc on the sebum our skin normally produces, which makes our skin lose water which should be retained in the lower dermis of the skin.

Be cautious not to over exfoliate.  Kasia soPure Exfoliating Mask works WONDERS  with light jojoba beads that are not harsh to the dermis. Our NEW Walnut Scrub for the body is customizable with your own favorite essential oils!

Have you ever wondered about the areas of your skin that looks like your skin is flaking off your body?  What happens is that during the winter months there are thousands of dry skin cells ready to be sloughed off the surface and they become clumped together with oil which forms what appear to be flakes.  Don’t be flaky, exfoliate!  Exfoliate your facial skin and re-moisturize with jojoba oil!

Wear your SUNSCREEN every day! Good Day Sunshine Sunscreen

Exfoliate Your Body: Exfoliate your body with sugar or salt scrubs followed by rich oils or butters.  Your body will soak every ounce!

Hydrotherapy: For a simple in home hydrotherapy, start out your day with a hot steamy shower and just as you are finishing switch the water to cold for about fifteen seconds.  Repeat the process for two minutes.  This hydrotherapy technique will revitalize your skin by stimulating the flow of blood through the skin.  During cold and flu season you can add 1-5 drops of Kasia Apothecary Blends of Peppy-mint, Lemonlift, and Lavendaire oil to the corner of the shower and let the steam create a wonderful aromatherapy treatment.

The key to healthy cold weather skin is to remember to moisturize, exfoliate and moisturize again!

References: Personal Care Truth

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