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🧠 6 Ways Stress Accelerates Aging and What to do About It

We all know that Stress can have a detrimental impact on mental health.

Today we’re going to crack open how stress effects our health, and how this then roll’s over into our outer beauty. Essentially, how it accelerates aging, where - and how.  

Long term stress can eventually become chronic stress, which leads to depression, anxiety, insomnia, and frequent fatigue.

Depression is a serious mental health condition that can cause you to have negative feelings towards all aspects of life.  

Losing interest in things you used to enjoy, feelings of hopelessness, and suicidal thoughts are common symptoms of depression, but it can affect people differently.



Stress is proven to weaken the immune system, which is essential to keeping us healthy!  

The stress hormone, corticosteroid, suppress the immune function so that our infection-fighting white blood cells are less able to battle the antigens that enter our body.  

So, you may notice in particularly stressful times that you’re more prone to getting a sniffly nose or adrenal fatigue.

The body’s response to stress increases your heart rate. The stress hormone, adrenaline, that’s triggered by the natural “fight or flight” response, causes the heart to beat faster and blood pressure to increase. So, constant stress puts your internal self into overload – this is said to severely heighten your chance of cardiovascular disease, the leading killer of Americans.

High levels of stress are known to have damaging effects on your skin and hair, too!  




There are a few reasons why you might notice breakouts on your skin, whether that be in the form of acne, psoriasis or eczema. The release of the stress hormone, Cortisol, throws your other hormones off balance, causing imperfections to appear on the skin. Stress can also affect your gut, by outweighing the good and bad bacteria that sits in it. Uneven bacteria in the gut can cause rashes and hives, as well as unwanted pimples.

There’s the added factor of diet when you’re experiencing stress. When working long hours, it’s not uncommon for you to choose quick and easy food, as well as energy drinks or coffee to keep you going. These dietary choices can show up as pimples and blemishes on the skin, and exacerbate existing skin conditions.


Under-eye bags are far from ideal – they make you look tired and ill, and there’s only so much concealer you can cover them with. When you’re experiencing stress or burnout, there’s a high chance that you’re lacking the sleep you need, which in turn makes you feel more stressed. Sleep deprivation results in higher levels of Cortisol itself, so it antagonizes the body even more!  

Bags under the eyes are caused by the pooling of fluid to the area around the eyes, and the best way to fix them is by getting more sleep and staying hydrated. You can also apply serums, which can improve the appearance of under-eye bags.  

Evoq’s Eye and Lip Cream is proven to encourage the renewal of skin health, reduced inflammation and stagnation and tighten and hydrate the skin so it looks firmer.


When we are stressed, we can actually break the fragile and vulnerable capillaries under your eyes. The blood can leak into the epidermis and become oxidized, which will result in a dark purple hue and a discoloration of the skin, creating the dark circles – giving that tired appearance.

Not only this but when your body is dealing with stress, blood will be distributed to different, more important areas of the body, which doesn’t include the face and skin.  

The more stress your body is under, the more likely you are to look pale and drained as the blood is focused on the organs; making sure they keep working correctly. This, in turn, will make the appearance of dark circles more noticeable against the paler skin.


When we are stressed, our body can react in different ways. We may feel more emotional, lose our appetite, experience mood swings or it can affect our sleep – resulting in difficulty to function throughout the day.  

This is when the fine lines and wrinkles can form as a result of your body choosing to produce more cortisol. This stress hormone has been known to break down collagen in your skin, so the more stressed you are, the more the hormone will attack your skin regeneration, resulting in a few new fine lines and wrinkles.

With lack of sleep, you will begin to show signs of fatigue; Fine lines and wrinkles will appear as the elasticity weakens, with your eyes falling victim first.

Dehydration can be dangerous for your inner organs as well as your skin, which is itself an organ. Hydration is a key factor in the body’s production of collagen, which is what keeps your skin looking bright, youthful  and plump. Without collagen, wrinkles and fine lines are more visible, and skin may start to sag.

Staying hydrated will also keep your skin from looking dry and flaky – you should moisturize on the outside and stay hydrated on the inside to avoid dry skin! Try Evoq’s Ultra hydrating Youth Renew Oil or Pro-Collagen Cream for full-face hydration – taking the time to quiet your mind and  relaxation time you need!


Stress has been linked to hair loss and thinning, but the causes could differ! The same way stress can damage the appearance and feel of your skin, it can also be detrimental to the health of your hair.


There are three stages to the hair growth process: The Anagen stage (growth), the Catagen stage (transition), and the Telogen stage (rest).  

Stress can trigger what’s known as Telogen effluvium, which occurs when the hair growth cycle stops at the Telogen stage, and the follicles don’t grow any new hairs.

Telogen effluvium is a reversible condition and is just a temporary disturbance to the cycle. With changes to lifestyle, you can stop it.  

Alopecia areata is a condition where the immune system attacks the hair follicles, causing patches of hair to fall out at one time.  

It’s often associated with experiencing high levels of stress for an extended period. The cause of it is likely to be a weakened immune system, so once you lower stress levels, the hair will stop falling out and in most cases grow back.

If you are experiencing hair thinning, try the powerful Root Revival Hair Health program.  It’s proven to promote hair growth using actives that strengthens hair and encourages high cell turnover for new hairs to grow.  So powerful, its two times stronger than minoxidil.


Science backs up the saying that stress can make your hair go gray – it’s not just a myth.  

You see, when experiencing high-stress levels, the body struggles to produce a pigment called melanin, which is what keeps your natural color in your hair. When the body is experiencing long term stress, which happens with burnout, the imbalance of hormones can deplete the melanin-producing stem cells, which causes the hair to turn gray.


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Love and Light! - Kassandra

In the Meantime, STAY IN THE CONVERSATION! @awakenbeautyhq | #awakenbeauty



Cortisol is in charge of your bodies response to stress. ⠀ 

In healthy adults, cortisol is at its highest in the morning, giving you the drive and energy to begin another internal cycle within the body at the start of a new day. It is also released whilst we exercise. Well balanced cortisol levels are vital for basic human survival, but when these levels fall out of whack it can have unfavourable side effects. 

Cortisol is a natural steroid hormone created in the adrenal glands, where it then gets into the bloodstream and travels around the rest of your body.

Due to the very nature of the hormone and the fact that there are cortisol receptors within most of your body cells, it can effect everything: Skin, temperature, blood pressure, appetite, memory processes and many other things. Too much cortisol can overload natural body processes, and cause inflammation. 

 Stress & Your Skin
Stress causes a chemical response in your body that makes skin more sensitive and reactive. This is mainly down to cortisol preventing the release of substances in the body that cause inflammation, and we all know what unwanted issues chronic inflammation can bring. ⠀

High levels of perceived stress and increases in cortisol have been found to lengthen the wound-healing time in healthy adults. It also interferes with the testosterone pathway, making sebum sticky and therefore more likely to trap any bacteria build-up in the pores and cause breakouts. 

Your emotions and mental health are so closely connected to your skin and in order to try to keep those levels of inflammation down, its important to take note of what might be causing those cortisol levels to rise, as well as looking into any topical treatments or products. ⠀

Stress is proven to weaken the immune system, which is essential to keeping us healthy! The stress hormone, corticosteroid, suppress the immune function so that our infection-fighting white blood cells are less able to battle the antigens that enter our body. So, you may notice in particularly stressful times that you’re more prone to getting a sniffly nose or adrenal fatigue.

The body’s response to stress increases your heart rate. The stress hormone, adrenaline, that’s triggered by the natural “fight or flight” response, causes the heart to beat faster and blood pressure to increase. So, constant stress puts your internal self into overload –damaging effects on your health, skin and hair, too! 


skin vibes.gif


There are a few reasons why you might notice breakouts on your skin, whether that be in the form of acne, psoriasis or eczema. The release of the stress hormone, Cortisol, throws your other hormones off balance, causing imperfections to appear on the skin. Stress can also affect your gut, by outweighing the good and bad bacteria that sits in it. Uneven bacteria in the gut can cause rashes and hives, as well as unwanted pimples.

There’s the added factor of diet when you’re experiencing stress. When working long hours, it’s not uncommon for you to choose quick and easy food, as well as energy drinks or coffee to keep you going. These dietary choices can show up as pimples and blemishes on the skin, and exacerbate existing skin conditions.


Under-eye bags are far from ideal – they make you look tired and ill, and there’s only so much concealer you can cover them with. When you’re experiencing stress or burnout, there’s a high chance that you’re lacking the sleep you need, which in turn makes you feel more stressed. Sleep deprivation results in higher levels of Cortisol itself, so it antagonizes the body even more!

Bags under the eyes are caused by the pooling of fluid to the area around the eyes, and the best way to fix them is by getting more sleep and staying hydrated. You can also apply serums, which can improve the appearance of under-eye bags. Evoq’s Eye and Lip Cream is proven to encourage the renewal of skin health, reduced inflammation and stagnation and tighten and hydrate the skin so it looks firmer.


When we are stressed, we can actually break the fragile and vulnerable capillaries under your eyes. The blood can leak into the epidermis and become oxidized, which will result in a dark purple hue and a discoloration of the skin, creating the dark circles – giving that tired appearance.

Not only this but when your body is dealing with stress, blood will be distributed to different, more important areas of the body, which doesn’t include the face and skin. The more stress your body is under, the more likely you are to look pale and drained as the blood is focused on the organs; making sure they keep working correctly. This, in turn, will make the appearance of dark circles more noticeable against the paler skin.


When we are stressed, our body can react in different ways. We may feel more emotional, lose our appetite, experience mood swings or it can affect our sleep – resulting in difficulty to function throughout the day.

This is when the fine lines and wrinkles can form as a result of your body choosing to produce more cortisol. This stress hormone has been known to break down collagen in your skin, so the more stressed you are, the more the hormone will attack your skin regeneration, resulting in a few new fine lines and wrinkles.

With lack of sleep, you will begin to show signs of fatigue; Fine lines and wrinkles will appear as the elasticity weakens, with your eyes falling victim first.

Dehydration can be dangerous for your inner organs as well as your skin, which is itself an organ. Hydration is a key factor in the body’s production of collagen, which is what keeps your skin looking bright, youthful and plump. Without collagen, wrinkles and fine lines are more visible, and skin may start to sag.

Staying hydrated will also keep your skin from looking dry and flaky – you should moisturize on the outside and stay hydrated on the inside to avoid dry skin! Try Evoq’s Ultra hydrating Youth Renew Oil or Pro-Collagen Cream for full-face hydration – taking the time to quiet your mind and relaxation time you need!


Stress has been linked to hair loss and thinning, but the causes could differ! The same way stress can damage the appearance and feel of your skin, it can also be detrimental to the health of your hair.


There are three stages to the hair growth process: The Anagen stage (growth), the Catagen stage (transition), and the Telogen stage (rest). Stress can trigger what’s known as Telogen effluvium, which occurs when the hair growth cycle stops at the Telogen stage, and the follicles don’t grow any new hairs.

Telogen effluvium is a reversible condition and is just a temporary disturbance to the cycle. With changes to lifestyle, you can stop it.

Alopecia areata is a condition where the immune system attacks the hair follicles, causing patches of hair to fall out at one time. It’s often associated with experiencing high levels of stress for an extended period. The cause of it is likely to be a weakened immune system, so once you lower stress levels, the hair will stop falling out and in most cases grow back.

If you are experiencing hair thinning, try the powerful Root Revival Hair Health program. It’s proven to promote hair growth using actives that strengthens hair and encourages high cell turnover for new hairs to grow. So powerful, its two times stronger than minoxidil.

Not to forget all negative thoughts low in frequency literally dump maladaptive frequencies and stress producing hormones your body - effecting your health by lowering your immune system.

Is meditation or a cup of hot caffeine free herbal tea calling you?

Net Net:Today’s Epidemic of STRESS is Real - dangerous.  

 This is mission-critical -

When it comes to your wellness and beauty, do you seek the right techniques that will help you work smarter, not harder - yet you still find yourself stuck in complete overwhelm wanting to cut through the crap and get crystal clear on what’s really going on and what’s really draining you from achieving your deepest desires, goals & dreams? 

Your Mission should you choose to accept is to learn how to master your energy and time on a daily basis so that productivity, serenity, and clarity become a way of life for you. Complete each day having accomplished what you set out to do, feeling fulfilled, at peace and with joy.    

What to learn more about how you can address your stress at the deepest level by integrating quantum health and beauty biofeedback?

CONTACT ME TODAY | kassieannk@gmail.com

How to Detoxify Harmful Xenoestrogens From your Beauty Rituals | Part 2

Hi dear one!

I hope you’re doing great!  This powerful time together is a carry over [ part 2 ] from our previous conversation about estrogen mimickers called xenoestrogens.  

 Many personal care products such as cosmetics, shampoos, and body lotions, contain  harmful chemicals. For example, one of the most common chemicals found in personal care products is “Fragrance,” which can be made up of hundreds of various chemical compounds. Fragrances are linked to liver and kidney damage, cancer and endocrine disruption which interferes with your adrenal, thyroid and reproductive glands.

When we use these personal care products we can inhale the toxins as well as absorb them through our skin (the largest organ that connects to the inside of our body). 

It’s simple enough just to say “Opt for natural plant-based alternatives with simple ingredients that have names you recognize…” its just as important to know the why and how to recognize the unwanted ingredients damaging our health.  

Before we move forward, make sure you’re read up on how the pesky chemicals mimicking our estrogens succumb us and cause havoc in the first place! 

For a quick review: 


Xenoestrogens are synthetic substances that mimic estrogen. Unfortunately, unlike estrogen, which the body fully eliminates after its job is done,  xenoestrogens are stored in fat cells where they disrupt the proper functioning of the reproductive system and increase hormone imbalances and the risk of disease in the breast and ovaries. 

Causes of Estrogen Dominance

The body accumulates excess estrogen in two ways:

Endogenously (inside) - We make too much of our own estrogen and it’s not being properly eliminated.

Exogenously (outside) - Excess estrogens enter the body from external sources, such as foods, the environment, toxins, and chemicals, and are not being properly eliminated.

Excess Estrogen Common Catalysts:


Surprise!  The leading cause of endogenous estrogen stems from excessive and prolonged stress which inversely decreases progesterone production to make more cortisol, the main stress hormone. This results in high estrogen levels in relation to progesterone.

Impaired Liver Function – 

Mentioned in part one, we know the liver removes excess hormones from the body, and if not working properly - it leads to estrogen dominance.


A higher count of bad bacteria vs. good bacteria in the gut inhibits the conversion of estrogen into water-soluble molecules.  This causes the estrogens to recirculate back into the bloodstream where it can re-exert its effects. Gut health is very important for the metabolism of all hormones.

Now onto the deeper understanding of  ( Xenoestrogens ) from Personal Care Products

You may be overwhelmed, but trust me - reducing your xenoestrogen exposure through awareness when applied to your beauty products is easier than you think.    The impact is huge, and I have no doubt this will be helpful and clarifying for you and your beautiful health! 

Two Reasons Why Xenoestrogenss Hidden in Skincare Is Harmful

Increase of Cancer Risk

About 40% of all cancers in women are hormonally driven. When estrogen mimickers are present in our beauty products - it increase the overall levels of circulating hormones. This is why it may also increase our risk for certain cancers, specifically breast cancer.

Breast cancer is estrogen-dependent.  Research has shown that xenoestrogens in personal care products can pose an increased risk of breast cancer.


In women, exposure to xenoestrogens can predispose us to estrogen dominant related health conditions like PCOS, Endometriosis, and Fibroids and fertility.   

Exposure to xenoestrogens is not the sole cause of these fertility, rather it’s constant exposure to these endocrine-disrupting compounds, like in your daily skincare routine that affects these conditions.

When becoming pregnant, xenoestrogen exposure can also be harmful.  In mice, exposure to xenoestrogens during pregnancy has been shown to affect the estrogen levels of the developing fetus. Men are perhaps even more susceptible to the negative effects of xenoestrogens on their fertility than women are. 

Xenoestrogens could be contributing factors to the deterioration of these men’s semen quality, resulting in their inability to conceive.

So, if you and your partner are having trouble getting pregnant, xenoestrogens in a beard oil or facial cream should be assessed as a easy way to reduce your exposure to these endocrine-disrupting compounds.

Herb powders.jpg

Which leads me to how to awaken to xenoestrogens in our personal care and beauty products.


When you consume chemicals internally they are first filtered through the liver before they make their way into the bloodstream, but when you use skincare products that contain xenoestrogens, they may pose risk  through absorption.  


Phthalates: Are round in cosmetics, cleaning products, food packaging, and detergents, PVC plastic, toys, and plastic wrap.

Buyer beware, the worst part about Phthalates is that Phthalates often times hide in the ingredient list under “fragrance.” Companies are able to vaguely label a group of ingredients as simply “fragrance” in order to protect trade-secret ingredients.

  • Phthalate

  • DEP

  • DBP

  • DEHP

Parabens: found in deodorant, antiperspirant, moisturizer, sunscreen, and makeup.

Parabens show up in personal care products because they are antimicrobial agents and preservatives.

  • Ethylparaben

  • Butylparaben

  • Methylparaben

  • And other ingredients ending in “-paraben”

Looking for a “paraben-free” label is the easiest way to avoid exposure to these xenoestrogens in your skincare products.

Formaldehyde: A known carcinogen and irritant found in nail products, hair dye, fake-eyelash adhesives and some shampoos. It has been banned in other countries.

Fragrance: Has hormone-disrupting effects. Fragrance is also connected to headaches, dizziness, asthma and allergies. Instead, use products with natural fragrances only.

Lead: A known carcinogen and hormone disruptor found in certain eyeliners, hair dye and lipsticks.

Mercury: A known irritant and allergen that, with body accumulation over time, can impair the brain and nervous system.

Oxybenzone: An active ingredient in chemical sunscreens that accumulates in fatty tissues and is linked to allergies, hormone disruption and cellular damage. I recommend wearing skin-protective clothing and using natural minerals or zinc products.

DEA/TEA/MEA (Ethanolamines): Used as emulsifiers and foaming agents for shampoos, hair color, body washes, soaps and topical application. It’s been associated with cancer in animal studies.

Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS, SLES): A former industrial degreaser now used to make soap foamy, it’s absorbed into the body.

Diethylene glycol (or DEG): A central nervous system depressant and potent kidney and liver toxin. Sometimes found in fragrances. 

Note: Glycerin and propylene glycol are sometimes contaminated with DEG, which are common ingredients in personal care products.

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Stay Beautiful Inside and Out by Focusing on Nutrition and Detoxification

In conclusion, reoccurring toxins that build up in the body can adversely impact one’s health, hormones, looks and overall well-being.

I suggest checking your beauty-product labels, eating a plant rich diet, frequent exercise and plenty of water to stay hydrated and help your body naturally flush out toxins not only keeps xenoestrogens at bay but might also deter blemishes and fine lines that show up on your skin. 

If you are having skin issues or any hormonal imbalance symptoms you should have your hormones tested instead of guessing. The comprehensive hormone panel is an excellent starting place for evaluating hormone function. 

Small changes can add up to big impacts, so keep your eyes open for them and continue making healthy choices where and when you can.

To start making confident and empowering decisions today, head on over to www.evoqbeauty.com where you’ll find Xeno-FREE hair, skin and wellness products galore!  

Awaken Beauty Podcast:
Please like, subscribe if you’re not already part of our tribe and comment what you learned with your 5 star review! 

Want to grab the top most offensive xenoestrogens in youre life? Just head to Awakenbeautyhq.com and find this mini episode with show notes! 

Looking for natural, organic and hormone disruption free skin and body care?  Then you know where to go! Head to Evoqbeauty.com. E-V-O-Q beauty.com and enter “AWAKEN” for your very first order! 

XO Love n’ light,   Kassandra

A Woman's Guide to Overcoming Estrogen Dominance from Xenoestrogens | Part One

A Woman's Guide to Overcoming Estrogen Dominance from Xenoestrogens | Part One

Did you know that your stress levels and hidden chemical-laden skincare products may actually be behind your stubborn weight gain to a myriad of other symptoms?

Here, I share informative hormone health tips that I discuss on the Awaken Beauty Podcast.

We explore what happens as a consequence to our inner and outer ecosystem and daily actions that may be putting us at risk when we have “too much” or an imbalance of Estrogen.

Estrogen is what gives us women our beautiful hips, breast and thighs and keeps our entire body well lubricated. Estrogen also increases the health of our bones, plump skin, mood and much more.

Feeling it?

  • Irregular or heavy periods

  • Water retention

  • Acne Breast swelling and tenderness

  • Headaches

  • Fibrocystic breast changes

  • Weight gain

  • Mood swings

  • Hair loss

Today we review exactly how your estrogen gets out of balance and the critical key actions you can take to become aware and detoxify them!

Listen to the show below (scroll down to watch on Youtube)

How Does Your Estrogen Get Out of Balance?

Based on endocrine research, an imbalance happens in two primary ways.

1. Inability to metabolize hormones.

Not being able to rid our body of excess estrogen is becoming more common and is caused by a myriad of factors including genetics, stress, diet and lifestyle.

These may all contribute to an excess of hormones in the body and known as endogenous (internal).

The leading biomarker to test is if you have a optimal biological function to detoxify efficiently on a daily basis. There are tests to learn more about your personal ability to methylate and what specific detoxification pathways your body engages — good or not so good.

If left unchecked, a long term circulation of hormones can lead to an excess of certain hormones, particularly estrogen, in the body tissue.

2. Exposure to excess hormones in our outer environment.

Exposure to exogenous (external hormones) or hormone like substances can make a woman go crazy - and it’s the consequence of modern day living exposure to hormone like substances on a daily basis.

It’s these excess hormones that are obtained from a coined word knows as “xenoestrogens” that may directly contribute to unhealthy weight gain and other health deficiencies.

How’s this happen? Glad you asked!


Xenoestrogens are a group of endocrine-disrupting chemicals that mimic our body’s natural hormone, estrogen. Normally our endocrine system releases an appropriate amount of each hormone for the body to function optimally. When’s the last time you’ve felt fully balanced?

This disruption happens because these chemicals bind to or block our natural hormone receptors.

So these xenoestrogens, in particular, get in the way of our estrogen receptors. This keeps our natural estrogen from binding as it normally would.

This leads to higher levels of circulating estrogen free flowing in our bloodstream, known as estrogen dominance

So in a nutshell, the more xenoestrogens we’re exposed to, the more total estrogen we’ll have in our bodies.

Mimicking estrogens effect on weight gain in a couple ways:

First, Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals target signaling proteins to make more fat cells which can promote weight gain.

Next, this can further change the energetic balance and the metabolism of ghrelin and leptin, the chemicals which control hunger and satiety. Errored thinking and a double minded confusion then leads to overeating.

Endocrine Disruptors and Estrogen Dominance

Unfortunately our environment is so filled with these chemicals (both inside and outside our home), our bodies are constantly inundated with and exposed to them.

Signs of this estrogenic excess weight are usually found around the abdomen, thighs, breast and the back of the arms.

Instigating the situation even more, excess estrogen processes an enzyme called aromatase, which converts our adrenal steroids (hormones) into estrogen. MORE ESTROGEN!

See the cycle?

It’s a cruel twist of biological fate, that estrogen prompts the formation of more fat cells, and the cycle just perpetuates itself.


How about he role of stress?

Cortisol is the primary stress hormone produced by the adrenal gland and can easily sabotage weight loss. This is a basic biological function intended to protect us from starvation. When we experience high levels of stress, we produce high levels of cortisol, and our bodies store fat, sort of like an emergency backup plan.

So if you’re leading a high stress lifestyle, and wondering why you can shed those pesky pounds despite your best efforts, finding a way to de-stress is a must.

Feeling stressed? You can address overwhelm in a matter of seconds. I trust you’ll love the 7-11 breathwork exercise.

Exercice: Take a moment and close your eyes closed and put your hand on your stomach. As you take it deep breath in for seven and release for a count of 11, allow your stomach to gently push your hand out and in until you’ve changed your state into a calm, clear, clean, quiet, powerful and peaceful mind.

Now that we are clear and calm, let’s go in depth and create a plan on how to improve detoxification for overall wellness and weight management.

5 Steps to Balancing Your Estrogen Naturally

Love Your Liver. Your liver is responsible for metabolizing and releasing estrogen out of the body.

Nutrient density – Eat quality protein
– Eat plenty of garlic and onions
– Take a B complex
– Eat a minimum of 3 cups of cruciferous vegetables weekly

Fix Your Gut.
Once the liver processes estrogen for elimination, it is up to your gut to move it out! If you are experiencing constipation, there is a good chance your estrogen isn't making its way out, but instead, going back into circulation in the body. Figuring out and treating the underlying cause of your digestive issues is crucial in creating optimal hormonal health.

Eat Fiber. Aim for at least 25 grams per day by eating plenty of vegetables and fruits. Fiber will keep your bowels regular and help eliminate waste, including unnecessary estrogen.
Stress Less.

Sleep! Seven hours is the minimum you should be getting nightly. Your body needs sleep and your hormones demand it.

Remove Products Containing Endocrine Disruptors

Front and center, as a formulator, I can see first hand how estrogen mimicking chemicals are traditionally found in personal care products. As I started formulating over 12 years ago- I made sure none of my skin and hair products were free of hormonal disruptors.

I’ll go deeper into Xenoestrogens in beauty products on a upcoming episode, but for today’s purposes, I want to leave you with a overview of the top 3 offenders you can address immediately.

Ready to take action?

The importance here is to bring awareness to our inner and outer everyday trance of “normalcy” by assessment because I want to make sure that you're informed and you know how to support your hormones in every way possible.

So let’s jump into the power of removing these top three!

3 Most Common Endocrine Disruptors and How to Find Them

1. Bisphenol A (BPA)

BPA is a chemical that has been associated with cancer, including breast cancer. But beware! The chemicals they use to replace BPA are equally concerning in regards to the negative health effects like sabotaging your fertility, causing your weight to climb, and painful periods.

BPA is Commonly Found In:

  • Receipts

  • Plastic bottles and containers

  • Canned foods

  • Food packaging

2. Flame Retardants

Your rest it at night may be in conflict with your hormones!

The tricky thing about flame retardants is that they aren’t just in our couch cushions or mattresses. They are also in our pets beds, find their way into the dust in our home, are in baby car seats, electronics, and on kid’s pajamas.

  • Flame Retardants Are Commonly Found In:

  • Mattress

  • Furniture

  • Pet beds

  • Children’s Car Seats

How to Avoid Flame Retardants:

  • Check the labels on clothes and don’t even touch those synthetic pajamas in the store.

  • Check the labels on furniture before you make a new purchase

  • Purchase flame retardant free mattress

  • Choose pet beds without flame retardant

  • Use a HEPA or other air filter in your home

3. Phthalates

Ever wonder why you hear avoid fragrance when it comes to hormones? That’s because fragrances can be a source of phthalates, which are known to cause harm to reproductive health.

Phthalates Are Commonly Found In:

  • Personal care products

  • Plastic wrap and food storage containers

  • Plastic children’s toys

  • Fragrances in trash bags, diapers, and candles

  • Air fresheners

How to Avoid Phthalates:

  • Read labels and avoid products that list phthalates or fragrance

  • Eat out of glass, rather than plastic storage containers

  • Ditch air fresheners and opt for essential oils instead

  • Buy natural, beeswax candles only (or at minimum fragrance free)

  • Use laundry detergent that doesn’t have artificial fragrance

Eating organic foods as often as possible

Avoiding Xenoestrogens (like personal care products or cleaning products that can disrupt our hormones)

Avoiding further exposure by not eating out of plastic containers and not touching the paper receipts from the grocery store.

Make sure you're getting a variety of fiber-rich foods that can help you carry waste out. And, at the same time, those foods are supporting your overall hormonal system, your nutrient health, and your liver detoxification.

You can also support detoxification and elimination of chemicals that harm your hormones by supplementing with:

  • Diindolylmethane (DIM)

  • Broccoli seed extract

  • Resveratrol

  • Chrysin

  • Calcium D-Glucarate

  • Folate

  • Magnesium

Well ladies, that’s it! I get pretty heated up around hormone disrupting invaders in our life.

Stay tuned to a story shared with Julie Tebben on Episode 11 and how it directly relates to the importance of our beauty and personal care products we use as women, every day.

Here’s a few facts to preface my next mini episode on Xenoestrogens and products.

The average US woman uses 12 personal care products a day, containing 168 different chemicals

While most men use fewer products, they’re still exposed to about 85 such chemicals daily

Women with higher levels of personal-care chemicals in their bodies experienced menopause two to four years earlier than women with lower levels

Ok, Enough for now. I hope you enjoyed this savvy info.

Watch on Youtube!

You can listen to the episode here.

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Looking for natural, organic and hormone disruption free skin and body care? Then you know where to go! Head to Evoqbeauty.com and enter “AWAKEN” for 25% your very first order!


Dr Jolene Brighten



Hormonal Frustration? It Could Be Linked to Your Endocannabinoid System.

Hormonal Frustration? It Could Be Linked to Your Endocannabinoid System.

Do you feel like you used to have a lot more energy?

Maybe you could get a good night's sleep, or were more easy going and positive about life.

So what’s causing this and who says what stays and what goes?

Some of us figure we're getting old.

Sometimes, life’s journey is not entirely in our own hands. For example, maybe there was an life event that took something out of you - an illness, or a new baby. After that, you were never the same.

If you don't feel like yourself - if you feel depleted and can't catch up - it is very possible that not only your hormones are out of balance - but your endocannabinoid system which is the largest “endocrine” messenger system in the body - is what we’re now discovering that we need to address first to accurately control the hormone cascade. The ECS is striving to keep us naturally in balance!

meditation bottom.jpg

Understanding the LINK between hormones and your endocrine system.

It’s important to have a basic understanding of hormones themselves, the endocrine system, and the relationship between the two.

Hormones are essentially chemical messengers. They are involved in numerous bodily processes, including growth and development, metabolism and appetite, sexual function, reproduction, and mood.

How do cannabinoids affect your hormones?

Studies have shown that the endocannabinoid system is also involved in managing endocrine processes. It does so by activating receptors in the brain and body, which directly influence activity in endocrine glands like the thyroid, pineal, and pituitary glands.

Hence, by stimulating the endocannabinoid system, cannabinoids can directly affect hormone levels in the body.

What does a endocannabinoid deficiency look and feel like?

Depression, anxiety, mood swings, hair loss, mental fog are common symptoms of deficient or imbalanced hormones.

Estrogen, progesterone and testosterone (the main female and male hormones) have powerful effects on the brain and the body.

Thyroid hormone is a key regulator of body and mind, and low thyroid function is more common than conventional tests can show.

If your adrenal glands are not healthy, you will have many emotional and mental symptoms in addition to body discomforts.

And low or high neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine cause fatigue, anxiety and depression.

OK, enough doom and gloom! That’s not who we are, or called to be.

As women, we may want to just “treat our hormones” to feel better - there’s actually deeper story here. Studies are now discovering our endocannabinoid system MUST be in good working order for a healthy - HORMONES, body, mood, hair growth, …. You name it.


So in closing, with the recent recognition of the critical and complex bidirectional effects of the endocannabinoid system and the dominant female hormone – estradiol – we have entered a new era, a new future filled with many potential opportunities both for the benefit and sometimes the detriment of women.

We must now begin our journey with the attainment of a solid knowledge-base of the endocannabinoid system, and an understanding of its complex role in reproductive, emotional, and immune health in women.

I’m beyond passionate in providing in-depth education for women, to enable them to assess their risk of both the potential for good and for harm from their contraceptive choices, pharmaceuticals used, exposures to endocrine disruptors, and equip them with the ability to make good decisions regarding their use of both CBD and medicinal cannabis.

Cheers to the journey of discovering more about the symphony of our endocannabinoid system and the interplay of these systems and of their implications for mental, hormonal and emotional wellbeing.

If you’d like to hop onto premium clinical grade CBD - curated for potency, bioavailability and fast healing - head on over to the EVOQ SHOP.

Want to learn all about your stress hormones, cannabinoids (CBD) with women and for women only?

Tap Below.

PS: Don’t forget, we host WOMEN and CBD EVENTS every last Sunday of the month so you can have a seat at the round table and learn more about your endocannabinoid system.

xo Love n’ Light - Kassandra

The Dry Skin + Brain Fog Connection and what to do!

Many women struggle with understanding the endocrine system and hormonal health.  We're overtired, in constant rush and have a revolving checklist in the back of our multi-tasking minds.  

Then layer on the weight gain (or loss) to exhaustion, brain fog, depression, anxiety, and dry skin, and.... thyroid dysfunction. 

Thyroid imbalance causes a wide range of symptoms.  Its root causes are notoriously hard to diagnose and treat, and, perhaps unsurprisingly, experts agree that it’s woefully underdiagnosed.

Conventional tests rarely identify thyroid dysfunction properly, and even when properly diagnosed, many patients haven’t found conventional pharmaceuticals to be effective at healing their thyroids or their immune systems (for most, thyroid dysfunction is associated with autoimmune disorders).

Dr. Amy Myers, a functional-medicine M.D. with a clinic based in Austin, Texas, has combined conventional and holistic practices to help thousands of women struggling with these issues.

Her latest book, The Thyroid Connection, explores the underlying causes of thyroid dysfunction, as well as a way forward, making the process of addressing thyroid issues with your doctor clearer and easier.  


Let's go deep, darling......

Q&A with Dr. Amy Myers


How common is thyroid dysfunction, and why is there a discrepancy between the number of women and men affected?


It’s very common: About 27 million Americans have thyroid dysfunction of some sort; 60 percent do not know it. Statistics show that women are five to eight times more likely than men to be affected by thyroid dysfunction.

Most thyroid dysfunction is autoimmune in nature—the vast majority is Hashimoto’s Syndrome (autoimmune hypothyroidism)—and women are eight times more likely to have an autoimmune disease than men. This discrepancy is thought to be connected to the estrogen-based fluctuations that women go through in their lives.

For women, thyroid dysfunction occurs more often during times of hormonal change: pregnancy, postpartum, perimenopause, menopause. When estrogen is high, there is effectively less free thyroid hormone circulating in the body to be used because there are more proteins available to bind to the thyroid hormone. “Free” means that a hormone is not bound to a protein and can go into our cells; when a hormone is bound to a protein it can’t be used by the body. It’s likely that high levels of estrogen are not good for the thyroid, and that the fluctuation of estrogen levels throughout a woman’s life accounts for the discrepancy between the number of women and men affected by thyroid dysfunction.


What are the symptoms of an underperforming thyroid and an overperforming thyroid?


Underperforming thyroid (hypothyroidism): The thyroid is basically our metabolism; with an underperforming thyroid, everything slows down. There are thyroid receptors on every cell in our body, so the range of symptoms can be wide and seemingly vague—every organ in the body can be affected, which is one of the reasons why it can be difficult to diagnose a thyroid issue. The symptoms of an underperforming thyroid include: brain fog, depression, slow heartbeat, dry skin, brittle hair (it can also fall out), feeling cold or low body temperature, weight gain (or difficulty losing weight), slow digestion, constipation.

Overperforming thyroid (hyperthyroidism): Hyperthyroidism is the opposite—everything speeds up. Symptoms include: anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, restlessness, racing brain, fast heart rate, weight loss, hair loss, feeling warm, diarrhea.

What’s confusing is that you can have symptoms of both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. For instance, someone with hyperthyroidism may feel depressed, as opposed to anxious. When people with crossover symptoms read the checklist of symptoms for hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, they often don’t go see a doctor, or a doctor might not think that the patient has thyroid dysfunction, because they don’t fit neatly into a symptom box.


How does the thyroid system work?


The hypothalamus (responsible for managing hunger, thirst, sleep, hormones, body temperature), monitors the level of thyroid hormones present in your bloodstream. If it finds that energy levels are low, it sends out TRH, thyroid releasing hormone, to your pituitary gland. The pituitary gland releases TSH, thyroid stimulating hormone, which signals your thyroid to produce more of a thyroid hormone known as T4.

This is the storage form of the hormone. When your body needs more power, storage T4 is converted into Free T3, the active form of the hormone. Free T3 attaches to receptors in your body’s cells and powers metabolic processes—it’s like the gas in a car. Some T4, though, is converted into Reverse T3 (RT3), which I think of as the brakes of a car. RT3 tells your body’s metabolic processes to slow down when we’re starving or stressed out, and need to preserve energy and nutrients.


Which tests are best at diagnosing thyroid dysfunction?


The standard test most doctors use to screen thyroid dysfunction measures the amount of TSH in the blood—the thyroid stimulating hormone released by the pituitary gland and sent to the thyroid. But this really only tells us what the pituitary is doing based on the hypothalamus feedback loop. It’s a measure of how the pituitary is talking to the thyroid—not a measure of the thyroid itself. For this reason, doctors should also be testing levels of other free hormones; see below for my suggestions.

It’s also important to know if your thyroid condition is autoimmune (again, most are). Hashimoto’s is the likeliest autoimmune disease, but other commonly correlated diseases include: Addison’s, Graves’, premature ovarian failure, type 1 diabetes, lupus erythematous, pernicious anemia, rheumatoid arthritis, thrombocytopenic purpura, vitiligo, and Celiac. Once you develop an autoimmune disease, you are three times more likely to develop another. But there are things you can do to prevent this, and to help you reverse an existing autoimmune condition: i.e. eating an anti-inflammatory diet free of processed foods, sugar, gluten, and dairy—and also ensuring that your leaky gut is healed and you don’t have infections like SIBO (small intestinal bacteria overgrowth) or yeast (more below).

Diagnosing and treating thyroid issues is very much a partnership between patient and doctor.   Although these tests aren’t commonly performed, none are new, and they are all available at conventional labs,


What typically causes thyroid problems?


There are identical-twin studies looking at autoimmunity in general that suggest autoimmune diseases are about 25 percent genetic and 75 percent environmental. I see five environment-related factors that often play a role in thyroid dysfunction and autoimmunity: diet, leaky gut, toxins, infections, and stress. These five factors make up a pie: All five play a role in thyroid dysfunction and autoimmunity, but for some people, certain factors have more of an effect, so those pieces of the pie are bigger. For example, gluten could be more problematic for one person, while for another, stress is the biggest issue.


Can you talk a bit about the role the gut plays?


The vast majority of thyroid hormone converts from T4 (storage form) to T3 (active form) in our gut. That conversion can be thrown off if the gut isn’t functioning properly—namely, if you have a leaky gut, which is when the junctions in the intestinal lining break apart, and particles including toxins and undigested food escape from your intestines and travel throughout your body via your bloodstream. Another consequence of a leaky gut: We aren’t digesting and absorbing nutrients properly, and we need proper nutrients (tyrosine, zinc, selenium, iodine, B vitamins, vitamin A, vitamin D) for the conversion of T4 to T3. Often, when the problem is that the body simply isn’t making the conversion from T4 to T3, it’s really due to nutrient deficiency, which can be fixed with diet and supplement changes.

The main causes of leaky gut are gluten (and other inflammatory foods, i.e. processed and sugary), infections (such as candida overgrowth and intestinal parasites), medications (acid-blocking, antibiotics, and ibuprofen) and toxins (like mercury and lead). Gluten is particularly problematic because the gluten molecules look very similar to our thyroid tissue. Through a process called molecular mimicry, when we eat gluten—particularly if we have a leaky gut—the gluten slips into our bloodstream and our immune system goes on high alert, warning that the gluten should not be there. But because gluten looks so similar to our thyroid tissue, our immune system inadvertently attacks our thyroid, trying to rid the body of gluten. This is one of the theories behind autoimmunity and thyroid dysfunction.


What kind of diet do you recommend for people with hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism?


The diet that I recommend to patients is something I call The Myers Way ®, which was born out of years of experimenting on thousands of patients and myself. Early on in my functional medicine practice, I used the standard elimination diet from the Institute for Functional Medicine, which included getting rid of toxic (alcohol, sugar, and processed) and inflammatory (gluten, dairy, eggs, and corn) foods. The diet helped many of my patients recover from conditions such as allergies, IBS, headaches, and weight gain. But as I started to see more complex patients, especially those with autoimmunity (including thyroid), chronic fatigue syndrome, and fibromyalgia, I realized that there were additional dietary changes that could help reverse these chronic conditions. I experimented on myself first by removing all grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, and nightshade vegetables (tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, peppers) for a few weeks, and the results were dramatic. I started using this same protocol with all of my autoimmune patients and the results were again astounding.

I’ve found that eliminating grains and legumes, in particular, is a really good thing for most people. Grains and legumes contain certain amino acids and proteins that can be very irritating to the gut if you don’t soak and cook them properly. Also, many of my patients have small intestinal bacteria overgrowth (SIBO) or candida (yeast) overgrowths and the way to get rid of these infections is to really starve them out by getting rid of carbs, even the healthy ones.

Neither the diet or lifestyle components of my recommended treatment plan differ much for people with hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, because we aren’t trying to treat a problem of the thyroid; we are treating a problem of the immune system that happens to be affecting the thyroid. With autoimmunity, the problem is in your immune system, not a particular gland or organ (and indeed, more than one can be affected).

I also recommend the same general treatment plan for thyroid dysfunction even if you haven’t been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. You may not have hit autoimmunity yet (it’s also hard to diagnose in the first place), but your body is still vulnerable to the same things (for instance, toxins). And you’ll want to do the same general things to heal the thyroid and immune system: Repair the gut, relieve stress, and so on. Many women find that they can add back in some of the foods they eliminated after going through the program, but everyone can benefit from it.


What about supplements?


Supplements are one area of the program that differs depending on whether a patient has hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. With hypothyroidism, you need key nutrients such as selenium, zinc, and iodine to support the conversion of T4 to T3—so a high quality multivitamin is very important. There are a host of supplements that are specific to hyperthyroidism, which help replenish the nutrients that the body is burning through. Also, rather than taking harsh medication to shut down the thyroid (which is what I initially did when I was diagnosed), there are a number of calming thyroid herbs that are safer and can help to suppress an overactive thyroid, like motherwort, bugleweed, and lemon balm.


Which toxins are problematic for the thyroid?


In your cleaning and beauty products, you especially want to avoid parabens (preservatives) and phthalates (plasticizers), which are both endocrine disruptors, meaning that they affect estrogen and other hormone levels. These toxins are harmful because they look and act like estrogens in the body, and as a result more proteins are secreted, which bind to your thyroid hormones. When the thyroid hormones are bound they cannot go into the receptors in our cells where they do their job, potentially leading to hypothyroidism. So using these chemicals can have a large impact on your estrogen levels and your thyroid.


What’s your stance on iodine?


The thyroid needs iodine to produce its hormone and to function optimally. Humans used to eat a diet rich in iodine (with sea vegetables, seafood, iodized salt), but the modern diet is iodine-deficient. On top of that, environmental toxins—including bromine, chlorine, and fluoride, which are all halogens—displace iodine in our body. Bromide is in our food, clothes, mattresses, sofas, and rugs. Chlorine is in our water, and fluoride is in toothpaste, medication, and water. Conventional medicine can make iodine seem taboo to those with thyroid dysfunction, but I’ve found that supplementing the body’s iodine intake can be very helpful—along with eating a diet rich in seafood/seaweed, limiting exposure to halogens and endocrine disruptors by doing things like putting a water filters on your shower, choosing nontoxic products and mattresses, and avoiding packaged foods. You need to be cautious with iodine supplements, but I often recommend a multivitamin with micro amounts of iodine to my patients because most of us are very deficient.


What about stress?


The Myers Way Thyroid Connection Plan addresses the five factors that I’ve found to be at the root of thyroid dysfunction: Diet, leaky gut, toxins, infections, and stress.  

Stress is a bigger part of the puzzle than I initially recognized. We can’t get rid of our stress entirely, but we can learn to relieve it. Things like how you prepare for bed are important—in addition to helping your body’s natural detox abilities, a good night’s sleep decreases stress levels. The first step in the morning (after you get up and drink two cups of water with lemon juice to get rid of toxins) is doing something calm and centering for yourself—and this is also how you should end the day. My plan has stress relieving options for everyone—there are simple and free tips that only take a few minutes each day, as well as more comprehensive ones to try weekly or monthly, such as neuro-feedback, massage, acupuncture, or going to a float tank.

Dr. Amy Myers is the founder and medical director of Austin UltraHealth, a functional medicine clinic based in Austin, Texas. Dr. Myers specializes in women’s health issues, particularly thyroid dysfunction. She is also the New York Times bestselling author of The Autoimmune Solution and The Thyroid Connection.

Original Blog Share from GOOP/Amy Myers. 


Newsletter: Opt-OUT of Nasty Chemicals With Kasia's Vegan Straightening System

A 'Beautiful Health' evolution is a constant at Kasia, take note! 

What's NEW!

Our team is very excited to bring you a hair smoothing and straightening treatment that is safe, natural, and with no nasty chemicals to hide.

Two weeks ago I sent our stylist Mackenzie to California to become a local educator for Zerran.   You will see our model's process below along with further information on this revolutionary alternative!

Sick of your frizz?  No time to blow dry?  It's perfect for the season, and gives multiple options of just how smoooooooth you want to be!  



Don't forget to book your May and June appointments!  Graduations and weddings are here, and the schedules are filling fast.  Call 612.824.7611

We strive for you to flourish like a spring blooming flower .....  both inside and out.   

Opt-OUT of Nasty Chemicals With Kasia's Vegan Straightening System

Got Frizz? Get smooth, silky hair that will last for months!


Beautiful Health Benefits

Zerran RealLisse is a Vegan Hair Treatment that differs from ANY other market on the market with zero harsh chemicals.

It's natural, fume-free and safe for all women, including pregnant women. Many women have looked for an alternative from the Brazilian Blowout. Zerranis the first 100 percent vegan, botanically based, paraben-free and formaldehyde-free hair smoothing treatment on the market.


Before Photo


As you can see Sharon has a strong texture to her hair, and is curly, but frizzy. Sharon will have more time for her children in the morning while her blow drying time will be cut down immensely and hair left in incredible shape.


Before treatment 


All natural and perfect for pregnant women, or those looking to get an alternative from the Brazilian Blowout.


The Process 


First, we washed Sharon's hair with shampoo and carefully applied the treatment on small sections of her hair.  Next the hair is dried and the same small sections are flat ironed. The flat iron traps the moisture and creates a smooth glossy finish. The process is hassle and fume-free from start to finish and only takes two hours. Sharon was thrilled with the results!


After treatment

Sharon is advised to let the treatment "cure," waiting at  least two to three days before washing. All clients receive a Zerran's shampoo/conditioner to help retain the results. With good home care, this keratin alternative can last up to 4 months.


How the Ingredients Deck Up   Don't expect to find hard-to-read ingredients or animal products in Zerran's recipe. The 100% vegan formulation contains plant proteins to relax curls and tame frizzy hair, with no keratin or other animal products involved.


Kasia Organic Salon Zerran Special 

Right now pay only $199 for the Zerran hair treatment ($300 value)      

Hurry, expires June 25th! 


Say goodbye to frizz for months and get the shiny & smooth hair you desire.  You can repeat this service as much as you would like.  It only gets better!  



Learn more HERE.

Follow Kasia Organic Salon's Facebook Page for recent tips, specials, and updates.


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Kasia Launches AgeLess Skin Serum!


Our new facial serum is incredibly moisturizing, smells fabulous, and will transform your skin with instant results!  For this lovely formulation we used a local chemist that utilizes the most powerful patented *cold pressed oils that are sure to nourish your skin no matter what your age!

Inside -  Out!

Protect, rejuvenate and moisturize skin - naturally.

Apply topically am or pm or both to help reduce the appearance of:

  • Wrinkles
  • Dehydrated skin
  • Scars
  • Yes....Stretch marks
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Wonderful take home after a Kasia Glycolic Facial service

Learn more HERE!

Kasia™ Organic Skin Care was formulated to penetrate the skin with vitamins and organic ingredients that nourish, moisturize, protect and balance your skin. Each ingredient supports the health of your skin and helps protect it from environmental damage.


Current Event

Women's Health & Hormone Happy Hour!

Thank you to our clients Anne and Tami for co-hosting Julie Tebben from MN Natural Medicine!    What a great night surrounded by "Informed Beauties"  and discussing Women's Health and Hormones.

The biochemistry of the female is designed such that the matrix of each cell really seeks small amounts of hundreds of different phytonutrients in order to function at its ideal cellular resonance.

Highly Recommended We discussed hormone metabolism to nutrition.... but one product that really sticks out that has really benefited our clients is Fem Balance.

Fem Balance-FX  is a botanical supplement that provides healthy endocrine support during PMS, menopause and perimenopause.

  • Premier female support nutraceutical formulation for healthy endocrine support during menopause, PMS and perimenopause.
  • Supports healthy balance of estrogen and progesterone.
  • Supports alleviation of cramps, hot flashes and night sweats.
  • A unique formula that can be used by women of all ages: Younger women: supports healthy menstrual cycles, Older women: supports healthy menopause.
  • Tests on to all 4 biofield polarities, thus delivering optimal nutritional resonance
  • Manufactured in an NSF-GMP registered facility for superior quality assurance.
  • Pure vegan. Excipient-free.

Fem Balance-FX helps support the balance of hormones naturally.

Contact Kassandra at 612.824.7611 to ship out your Fem Balance today. 

Women's Health Hormone Happy Hour!

  Current Event


Women's Health Hormone Happy Hour!

Thank you to our clients Anne and Tami for co-hosting Julie Tebben from MN Natural Medicine!    What a great night surrounded by "Informed Beauties"  and discussing Women's Health, nutrition and hormones.

The biochemistry of the female is designed such that the matrix of each cell really seeks small amounts of hundreds of different phytonutrients in order to function at its ideal cellular resonance.

We discussed hormone metabolism to nutrition.... but one product that sticks out that benefits women is Fem Balance.

Fem Balance-FX  is a botanical supplement that provides healthy endocrine support during PMS, menopause and perimenopause.

  • Premier female support nutraceutical formulation for healthy endocrine support during menopause, PMS and perimenopause.
  • Supports healthy balance of estrogen and progesterone.
  • Supports alleviation of cramps, hot flashes and night sweats.
  • A unique formula that can be used by women of all ages: Younger women: supports healthy menstrual cycles, Older women: supports healthy menopause.
  • Tests on to all 4 biofield polarities, thus delivering optimal nutritional resonance
  • Manufactured in an NSF-GMP registered facility for superior quality assurance.
  • Pure vegan. Excipient-free.

Fem Balance-FX helps support the balance of hormones naturally.


   Contact Kassandra at 612.824.7611 to ship out your Fem Balance today. 

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