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Eating Right for Your Hair Type

What's one of the best-kept secrets for healthy hair?

As an "Informed Beauty" you probably will not be surprised that much of this is directly correlated to a healthy and balanced diet!   It is fundamental  that your grocery list contains  the right mix of high quality protein, veggies, iron, and other non-inflammatory nutrients can help improve the health, look, and feel of your hair.


Healthy Hair: Protein Is King

Your hair needs a well-rounded intake both from the outside- and inside that provides all the recommended vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. But it doesn't mean that when it comes to hair, all nutrients are equal, especially when it comes to protein.

A healthy body needs sufficient amino acids, and so does your hair.  A strand of hair is composed of mostly protein, therefore it needs protein to grow.  Protein creates a stronger hormonal and internal energy so your body can efficiently supply strong hair and nails.  There are 22 amino acids that combine to form different proteins, and 8 of these must come from the foods we eat. Our body uses these amino acids to create muscles, blood, skin, hair, nails and internal organs. Proteins help replace and form new tissue, transports oxygen and nutrients in our blood and cells, regulates the balance of water and acids, and is needed to make antibodies.


The Phase of Your Hair Growth

At any given time, about 90% of your hair is in the growing phase. For each individual hair, this growing phase lasts 2 to 3 years. At the end of that time, hairs enter a resting phase that lasts about 3 months before they are shed and replaced by new hair. If you don't get enough protein in your diet, a disproportionate number of hairs may go into the resting phase.

On a normal scalp, there are about 120,000-150,000 strands of hair, and about 50 to 100 strands of that are shed each day. Most people don't even notice that small amount. If a large number of hairs enter the resting phase at the same time, hair loss can become very noticeable.

Many of our clients at Kasia Salon are busy mothers and working women.  It is common to go through bouts of hair loss in ones life.  We often recommend taking inventory of  our guests stress levels and nutritional habits within a 3 month time period.   If this is a  problematic cause, it be reversed. By restoring protein to your diet, whether it comes from plants, such as beans and other legumes, or meat from animal sources, you can restore the normal hair cycle and stop the abnormal hair loss.

Iron and Other Nutrients

Protein isn't the only nutrient needed to maintain healthy hair. Iron, vitamin E, and trace minerals, such as selenium, copper, and magnesium to help keep your hair in good shape. These are all involved in the production of the various proteins that make up your hair.

Protein and Iron

Iron can make a very large impact on the health of ones hair.    This is especially true  for women (heavy menstral cycles)  and vegetarians. Not getting enough iron, like not getting enough protein, can cause hair loss.

Where do you find the best source of iron in your diet?  Meat    The best sources of meat is a organic land ean meat, like fish and chicken.

Good vegetarian sources of iron include pumpkin seeds, white beans, lentils, and spinach.  Keep in mind that iron from non-animal sources absorbs iron less efficiently from plants.

It is best to speak  with your doctor about your diet and hair concerns.  Your doctor can test the level of iron in your body to best determine whether or not you should consider taking an iron supplement.


Vitamin D and Your Hair

Another potentially important nutrient is vitamin D. Mirmirani says that though the evidence still isn't clear, some studies suggest that vitamin D may play a role in the hair cycle. "We can get vitamin D from the sun," Mirmirani says. "But dermatologists don't recommend a lot of sun exposure."

Dietary sources of vitamin D include fortified foods such as milk, orange juice, and cereals. But, Mirmirani says, according to some studies, many Americans aren't getting enough vitamin D. "And the actual recommended dosage is controversial," she says.  As with iron, she recommends talking with your doctor about your vitamin D needs and whether or not you should take a supplement.


Are Hair Supplements Necessary?

It is true that any hormonal, nutritional, or vitamin deficiency will cause hair loss. All the vitamins are important, although a B-complex, C, and E are very beneficial.  Getting the essentials is key and does not mean you need to buy special supplements for your hair.

Less stress, inflammation, and a balanced diet low in GMO grains is a promising return on your health and hair.  Although it will not hurt,  "beware of biotin" claims, as there hasn't been any good evidence that taking zinc or biotin supplements actually offers any benefits for hair.


Hair Health and Weight Loss Diets

Many women put themselves on a very strict calorie-deprived diet or fast detox and will lose weight very quickly.   Much of the time, the yo-yo effect on the body causes physiological stress, which also contributes to hair loss, beside the fact that the needed nutrients for anabolic activity is cut short.  After losing this weight, healthy individuals can expect their hair to  come back after weight stabilizes.

All in the Balance

It is important to remember that just like our work-life, exercise, mind, relationships, and food....."balance" is key.   A healthy diet, well-being, and the highest grade supplements  is best for you, and your hair.

Kassandra Kuehl is the founder of Kasia Organic Salon. Kasia Organic Salon is the pioneer of healthy beauty that delivers results to fit your lifestyle, because only Kasia is the authority in 100% natural products & services.  Visit and become an "Informed Beauty." 




SOURCES: Mayo Clinic: "Hair Loss." Christine Gerbstadt, MD, RD, spokesperson, American Dietetic Association. Carolyn Jacob, MD, Chicago Cosmetic Surgery and Dermatology.

Spring into saving time and money with these Express Treatments!

Save Time and Money!

Everyone needs a break!  Clean up this spring with express services that offer a shorter, quicker and less expensive version of some of our staple treatments.

Enhance, nourish, and encourage your DNA, hair and skin in less time. Instead of forgoing your needed relaxation all together due to lack of time,  save time... money.... and catch deep breath with our  team....."auhhh."

NEW Express Keratin Treatment at Kasia!

Take a small bit of your time to go deep down to reconstruct your stressed, dry or damaged hair with protein, moisture, strength and shine.

Frizzy and dry hair needs a deep Conditioner for moisture teamed up with a  high concentrations of protein, amino acids and other essential nutrients in order to build and protect. The results are long lasting but not permanent. The more often you use it, the more beautiful your hair will be.


Express Keratin Treatment --

This professional, semi-permanent service creates smooth, shiny texture through a enriching, chemical free, and deposit-only process.  Results last 7 to 10 shampoos. It's the go-to solution if you are seeking a sleeker look without the commitment returns to its original texture.

**This $50 treatment lasts for two to three weeks and takes 45-60 minutes.   Add a treatment to your hair color (additional 15 minutes) and receive 20% OFF!

"Yo"...girl-on-the-go Organic Facial

For a much-needed glow, introduce your skin to a "girl-on-the-go" Organic Facial, a 30-minute Focus Facial customized to each of your own skin needs. The treatment uses custom masks and skin products and includes an express version of cleansing, exfoliating and hydrating without the time crunch.

**This facial will only set you back $55.  Add a brow wax to your Focus for 50% OFF!

Hair Health's Leading Factors.

Many things can affect the quality and health of your hair, such at what you eat, your stress level,  health, over washing, and a myriad of other factors. But when it comes down to the bottom line your hair needs two things to be healthy:

Protein and Moisture.

If you have any curl or wave to your locks,  you may notice that your hair can "frey" and dry easily. More often times than not,  wavy hair types need that extra bit of care  when it comes to moisture.

Many of our guests try to "get by" with what they may already have at home, but the best thing to do is correctly stock up on some key products.   Our recently launched RESTORE OIL is first in line for hair and scalp salvation!  Restore is filled with cold pressed organic oils fortified  with moisture to enrich the quality of your hair.

If your hair (of any type)  is extremely dry from damage (be it, environmental, heat, or chemical damages), I strongly suggest picking up Kasia Restore Hair Oil, as well as look at our other few options.  Remember, you need very little bit when  done in the right way.

Come in and check out Kasia 'restoring' products  today!


Read more about Restores Benefits HERE

Frazzled?  Your split ends...that is. Read more HERE

Reading your Nails....a Health Diagnostic Tool?

Nail changes may signify a number of disorders elsewhere in the body. These changes may indicate illness even before the rest of the body does. Seek medical attention if any of the following symptoms are suspected.)

--Thick nails may indicate that the vascular system is weakening and the blood is not circulating properly. (Editors Note: It can also indicate Candida)

--Lengthwise grooves or ridges may indicate a kidney disorder and is associated with aging. An iron deficiency may also cause ridges.

--If the white moon area of the nail turns red, it may indicate heart problems; if it turns slate blue, then it indicates over exposure to silver or lung trouble.

--Brittle nails signify possible iron deficiency and thyroid problems, impaired kidney function, and circulation problems.

--Flat nails can denote Raynaud¹s disease.

--Yellow nails can indicate internal disorders long before other symptoms appear. Some of these are problems with the lymphatic system, respiratory disorders, diabetes, and liver disorders.

--White nails indicate possible liver or kidney disorder/or anemia.

--Dark nails and/or thin, flat, spoon shaped nails are a sign of vitamin B12 deficiency or anemia.

--Deep blue nail beds show pulmonary obstruction such as asthma or emphysema.

--Nail beading is a sign of rheumatoid arthritis.

--Yellow nails can indicate internal disorder before other symptoms appear. Some of these are problems with the lymphatic system, respiratory disorders, diabetes, and liver disorders.

--White nails indicate possible liver or kidney disorders, soft, shiny nails without a moon may indicate an overactive thyroid.

--White lines across the nail may indicate a liver disease.

--Thinning nails may signal an itchy skin disease (lichen planus).

--Nails separated from the nail bed may signify a thyroid disorder.

--A half white nail with dark spots on the tip points out a possible kidney disease.

--Raised nails at the base with small white ends show a respiratory disorder such as emphysema or chronic bronchitis. This nail condition may also be hereditary.

--Red skin at the bottom of the nail may indicate a connective tissue disorder.

--Ridges can signify a possible infection such as the flu.

--Downward curved nail ends may denote heart, liver, or respiratory problems.

--White lines show possible heart disease, high fever, or arsenic poisoning.

--Ridges running up and down the nails indicate a tendency to develop arthritis.

--Nails that resemble hammered brass indicate a tendency toward partial or total hair loss.

--Unusually wide, square nails can suggest a hormonal problems and frayed and split ends indicate psoriasis; vitamin C, folic acid, and protein are needed.

--Nails that chip, peel, crack, or break easily show a nutritional deficiency and insufficient hydrochloric acid and protein. Minerals are also needed.

--White nails with pink near the tips are a sign of cirrhosis. -Randi A. Scott, RNC

(Editors Note: The source of this information is unknown and information herein is unsubstanciated per Randi Scott)

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