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rosemary essential oil

Wake Up Aromatherapy for Valentine's Day

Will you be our valentine?

Love is in the air!   With cupid on the horizon I thought it would be a good time to wake up and invigorate your passion for those you LoVe!

Rosemary Essential Oil goes deep into history dating back to the Middle Ages where it was used to protect against the plague.  It is also known to be one of the earliest plants to be used for food and medicine.
Let us take a closer look at the essential oil form of Rosemary and ways to incorporate it in your daily life for healing.

ROSEMARY “Invigorating” -


  • Aids memory loss and concentration; Can help Alzheimer’s
  • Boosts confidence
  • Helps dispel grief


  • An astringent, analgesic, anti-infectious, and bactericide
    • Scalp stimulant for dandruff; Encourages hair growth
  • Relieves gout, rheumatoid arthritis, headaches, migraines, cramps, and colitis
  • Liver decongestant for gallstones, and jaundice; Circulatory stimulant that raises blood pressure
  • Other uses for Rosemary include: nerve stimulant and expectorant
  • A mild pain reliever easing headaches, acute injuries and cramps


  • Opens the third eye and heart charkas
  • Expands the conscious and instills loyalty and wisdom
  • Used in anointing, blessing, consecration, healing, casting out, protection, and purification ceremonies

Click Here to learn more health benefits and ways to use Rosemary in your daily life.

Suggested Uses: Use in a diffuser and cleanse the air in your home. Our recommendation for a FaBulOuS Diffuser, is HERE.

Put 2 or 3 drops in the bottom of the shower before showering to help break up congestion.

Add a drop to a towel or tissue and inhale to encourage focus and concentration.

Add  a few drops to the scalp with jojoba oil for scalp and hair growth stimulation, or drop to an application of shampoo to encourage a healthy dandruff-free scalp.

Kasia Apothecary Essential Oils and Blends are GC/MS tested for purity and are of therapeutic quality.

Essential Oils for Adrenals and Energy


Among their many healing properties, rosemary and pepperment essential oils are said to help improve memory, relieve headaches, soothe sore muscles, ease digestion, clear nasal passages, tone the nervous system, enhance circulation, invigorate the body and alleviate depression.

Diffusing A few drops of rosemary essential oil in our diffuser helps fight off fatigue, ease breathing and clear your mind.

Body and Bath Oil When added to the bath or mixed with a carrier oil (such as jojoba oil) helps soothe aching muscles, improve circulation and digestion, stimulate the lymphatic system, treat liver and gall bladder disorders, ease arthritis and clear up skin conditions such as eczema, acne, rashes and varicose veins.

Hair Care As a scalp treatment, Rosemary helps fight dandruff, stimulates the scalp, slows down the graying process and encourages hair to grow. Its astringent properties help combat oily hair.

Learn more about Kasia Apothecary Oils HERE!

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