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How to Transition to Gray Hair Gracefully

The one common thought that has gone through women’s minds when coloring their "gray” hair through the quarantine and beyond is if NOW is the time to just “let it go.”

A transition to gray hair can become a daring fashion accent, a whimsical middle finger to the idea of “anti-aging” and youth … or just a simple statement of confidence—

Gray hair? Don’t care!

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Having transitioned many of my clients, I’ve learned its a very personal decision that is done at specific time in their life. I find that if a client is ready to transition and I sense it’s NOT out of being truly ready to embrace their gray, it’s often times, it’s around a big event, trauma, and at times - due to financial restraints.

If you’re on the fence - and before I dig into transitional “tips,” I ask that you dig deep in your heart, and knowing that this is what you want, with confidence -versus out of stress, depression, and feeling defeated.

Alrighty, let’s walk through some fundamentals of hair structure!

Why is Gray Hair Different Than Our Natural Colored Hair?

Growing out gray hair gracefully starts with understanding what makes gray hair different.

Gray hair is just like your normal hair, just without pigment (or melanin) in the hair shaft. This results in hair that has a different texture.

It can feel courser, drier, and thinner at the same time.

This is why many women love having a softer, shinier hair shaft when coloring.

How Long Does It Take for Gray Hair to Grow Out?

On average, hair grows nearly half an inch every month, so about 6 inches every year.

That’s why some stylists recommend a shorter cut to help expedite the gray transformation—it takes much less time to grow out the gray with short hair than long hair.

If you love having long hair, you can start with cutting it shoulder length.

If you're already comfortable with short hair, then you should try a pixie cut!

How Do I Grow Out Gray Hair Gracefully?

Do’s and Don’ts

Whether you started transitioning to gray hair unwillingly due to being in quarantine, finances, or your hair stylist isnt helpful, there are as many ways to go gray as there are hairs on your head.

As you explore different ways to embrace your natural hair and gray roots, think of this journey as spring cleaning, but for your hair.

During your color transition, keep these do’s and don’ts in mind:

Do your research – The foundation of a successful gray transition is understanding your natural hair color and face shape.

Gray hair works better with certain hair texture, color and skin tone, and different cuts work for different face shapes. Keep the current season in mind as your summer skin tone will be different than your winter skin tone. Work with your hairstylist to choose a highlight or lowight technique with the cut that will complement each other and your face.

Consider your lifestyle – No matter the style, the best gray look is always a well-maintained one. So find a look that works with your life and habits. If you enjoy your monthly salon appointments, you probably won’t mind starting with gray foiling your hair to blend that requires stretched out - maintenance. But if you prefer to go low-maintenance, strategic haircuts that remove old color off the ends can help you transition to gray without regular salon visits.

Don’t pluck out the gray – Resist the urge! Trust me, I can tell when you’re plucking :) Plucking will eventually lead to thinner hair and can damage the follicle. When the hair grows back out of that follicle, it will appear thinner.

Consider your hair color (quality) – Gray hair is more fragile than naturally pigmented hair. Harsh dyes and chemicals will weaken the strands and make you more prone to hair loss (no, thank you).

Opt for hair color without these ingredients:






Don’t forget to have fun – The journey to gray hair is an adventure in style, confidence, and beauty.


Cut and Color Methods to Graying Gracefully


Embracing gray hair means enjoying a whole new world of hairstyles. Below are the top ten methods for growing out gray hair :


The Pixie – This classic transition involves cutting your hair in a pixie style, which will allow your hair to grow in gray quickly and naturally.

The Au Natural – Also called the “cold turkey” …. Just let your natural gray hair come in as it will.

Highlights or Lowlights – Have your stylist weave gray highlights into your hair for more even distribution. If you want to ease into going gray, highlights and lowlights can offer a more subtle option.


The Slow Snip-and-Grow – Some women choose to shorten their hair a bit every two months and gradually grow out their grays. By balancing out the dyed parts of your hair with the gray, the shorter hair will make the gray coverage more encompassing over time.

Modern Chic – An in-vogue haircut will balance out the effect of the gray, whether you choose to dye your entire head or just add a few highlights and lowlights.

Play with Parts – This one you can do easily at home—take a look in the mirror and play around with your part. A dramatic pull of hair to one side may show off an alluring sprinkling of gray, or right down the middle may give your look an air of 60’s chic.

Whatever hairstyle best fits your personality, just remember your hair stylist already has a broken heart from not getting to see you at the salon, don't break it even more by dyeing your hair with bad permanent hair color products.

Your Style Guide to Going Gray

Update Your Wardrobe – Take your new hair on a shopping spree and look for clothes with a more modern flare. It will bring vibrancy and vitality to your ensembles, and turn your locks into a chic fashion statement. But don’t forget to wear clothes you feel good in!

Makeup – Depending on your skin tone, your gray hair may wash out your face. A few strategic strokes of a makeup brush can bring out the beauty in your facial features and enhance the drama of your new silvery hair. Be sure to focus on these three areas for maximum wow-factor

Cheeks – When going gray, blush is your best friend. A bit of color on your cheeks can add a rosy glow to your face.

Lips – A fresh glossy pink or a dramatic red lip perfectly complements the cooler tones of gray hair.

Brows – Dark defined brows with gray hair makes a stunning contrast. To achieve this look, make sure your brows are filled in and well-kept (yes, you can pluck gray eyebrow hairs, just make sure there’s plenty left!).

Beautiful Skin – The best accessory to gracefully graying hair? Nourished and rejuvenated skin. Incorporating anti-aging skincare into your daily routine will heighten your distinguished beauty.

Try Evoq’s Organic Skin line combined with some facial exercises to boost the firmness in your skin, decrease fine lines and wrinkles, and give yourself another reason to smile.

Caring for Your Silver Locks

The better you protect and care for your graceful gray hair, the healthier, fuller, and shinier it will look. Try these tips for maintaining your silvery mane:

Deep Conditioner – If you choose to dye your hair to speed up the full-gray effect or if you’re growing your hair out au natural, a deep conditioner is a must.

Pick Hue-Enhancing Shampoos – Certain colors in shampoo can brighten gray shades. The best colors for keeping your gray hair shining? Blue or purple shampoo!


Trüeb, Ralph M. “Pharmacologic Interventions in Aging Hair.” Clinical Interventions in Aging, Dove Medical Press, 2006,

Freydkin, Donna. “The Complete Guide to Gray Hair and How to Take Care of It.” Allure, 2018,

Barrell, Amanda, and Cynthia Cobb. “What to Know about Hair Growth.” Medical News Today, 2019,

Courtney, Nadine Jolie. “Everything You Need to Know Before You Transition to Gray Hair.” Oprah Magazine, Oprah Magazine, 18 Oct. 2019,

Monselise, Assaf, et al. “What Ages Hair?” International Journal of Women's Dermatology, Elsevier, 16 Feb. 2017,

Ready.......set.......FALL FASHION 2011!

We come to the final season of this new decade, which means it's the start of bringing our "Informed Beautys" up to speed on Fall Trends! 


This season  will go a long way, blending in to define 2012's fashion trends as autumn 2011 is a great time for building your wardrobe and evolving your personal style.  Of course the Kasia Team is here to help!

So what's in store for the seasons for men and women? Seventies fashion remains high on the list of carry-over trends, taking with it the likes of flares and wide-leg pants; while on the tough side, biker and punk follow through to the new season.

...."I know, I know...what about hair?"    To keep the next few newsletters brief, we will be breaking up the trends in two separate emails.  Look for hair color trends next!  For now- have you spoken to your stylist about a plan for fall fashion?  Allow our team to help piece together your hair, renewed skin, and makeup!!


Put a Wave in your BOB! 

wavy bob

With the bob in 2011 being generally longer and softer, it's much easier to pull off a waved style with it. While 40s-inspired pin curls are one option, here's one that's more suited to everyday. A casual, textured, beachy wave.

On the FRINGE 

bangs You may be wondering, is the bang in or out? The bang never went away, and is still best worn thick, blunt, and long (sweeping the top of the eyes preferably). And it's still best worn in one of the following ways:

My favorite is when it's worn with a messy, neo-bohemian, grungy edge with an aura of '70's nonchalance.

Pixie it UP short cut

With another evolution of  short hair  it seems as though it reverts to the same short length that was last popular in 2007. In 2010 it was a haircut all about short sides and a longer fringe, as a 2011 haircut though the pixie crop is short all over.

What to wear with the half up braided hairstyle

braid You could wear this double braid hairstyle with a wide variety of clothing styles and looks ranging from the very classic to the modern.

It can lean to sporty, tomboy cool if worn with pared makeup. Exaggerate the hairstyle's texture for a look that will create interest and sexy wispy.



Contact the Kasia Team today @  612.824.7611  to freshen up your look - '70's nonchalant - sassy or classy!

Audrey Hepburn Inspiration. Stunning Before and After Photo!

I absolutley LOVE Lori's BEFORE and AFTER picture.  We were incredibly inspired by (my favorite celeb) Audrey Hepburn.

Classy, focussed and stunning!

This shows how to play with shape on a face to pull out one's natural features.

Do not hide behind your hair ladies!



Contact us today at Kasia Organic Salon to emphasize your Color, Cut and over-all  presence of YOU today!


#. 612 824 7611

Frazzled Split Ends?

  Whether you are growing your locks out or maintaining your recent professional cut from Kasia, there's no hair enemy as fierce as the dreaded split ends.

The Kasia Hair Team can agree that the number one complaint of clients when coming in for a cut are their frazzled ends.  Old or young, chemically treated strands or your savaged natural hue, you stand at risk of experiencing this science.

"Split ends occur when the outer protective layer of the hair cuticle wears away because of external stressors such as heat styling, excessive pony tails, environmental stressors and chemically derived products that break the hair down over time,” explains Kassie, owner and stylist at Kasia Organic Salon.


There is no return back once the internal structure of the hair is exposed, it becomes weak, thirsty and damaged, resulting in split ends,” says Kassie.



The Way

While there is one road to ridding your luscious locks beaten up ends in having them snipped off, there are several ways to nurture your noggin’  between salon appointments to improve the look of damage and prevent more splits from occurring.


Condition and spread: Apply Kasia Weighless Conditioner or Restore Hair Oil Treatment in the shower, slowly run a wide-tooth comb through hair until all the tangles are out. This prevents the harsh pressure and breakage that results from trying to brush out hair that is roughed up from a towel-dry.


Mind your heat tools: The cheap blow-dryer or half off flat iron that barely heats up may be a tempting snatch, but inexpensive tools tend to dangerously overheat over time and burn ends into splits.  Do your homework and  use a brand recommended by a pro.


Be gentle: Treat your hair as a well-worth asset!  Just like the new suite you purchased, it will last longer and look better as you present yourself to the world

Use as natural and non-chemcially derived products as possible to achieve a long term health and shine to your locks.


Get your Omega’s, Protein, folic acid and biotin:  Nutrients literally build the proteins that make up your hair strands. B vitamins folic acid and biotin of  in particular,  have been shown to supplement hair health, length and thickness.


Folic acid helps the production of red blood cells, which powers the growth of hair. Foods rich in folic acid include green leafy veggies, oranges, soybeans and wheat. Biotin strengthens both hair and nails through its metabolism of fats, carbs and proteins. Brown rice, lentils, peas, sunflower seeds, walnuts and soybeans are all rich in biotin.


Antioxidants give you the anti aging protection against the diseases and help slow down the aging process of your skin, cells, tissues and organs. The main antioxidants found in food include vitamins A, C and E, the minerals selenium and zinc and all of the phytonutrient carotenoids.  Antioxidants keep free radicals from ravaging your body and stealing the life from your cells.


Critics used to claim there was no evidence that topically based products affected skin aging. Over the years, a remarkable number of published studies have proven these skeptics wrong! Science clearly substantiates the role that free radicals play in causing skin aging and the fact that topically applied antioxidants confer significant protection and can even partially reverse some aspects of skin aging. Indeed, various animal and human studies have proven that low molecular weight antioxidants, especially vitamins C and E, as well as alpha-lipoic acid exert protective effects against free radical damage (oxidative stress) (Podda et al. 2001).


Essential Fatty Acids offer anti aging benefits to dry skin, hair, and nails.   EFA’s will give your body the nutrients it needs for smooth, glowing skin and healthy hair and is even known to help balance hormones.


Fatty Acid (Omega 3) anti-aging benefits and reduction may be directly linked to cell inflammation. They help to keep the cells healthy and reduce the inflammation that may occur in the cell when omega 6 levels are too high.


Use leave-in conditioner or treatment oil: A leave-in conditioner will add extra protection that stays on strands as you heat and style your hair. Consider Kasia Restore Hair Oil Treatment, which you apply after every wash on towel-dried hair for best results.


Sunflower oil (comprised in Kasia Restore Hair Oil) contains fatty acids and are essential to hair health and effective in preventing hair loss from male and female pattern baldness and alopecia areata.


Lastly, get regular cuts: As stated, a good cut is the only way to fully get rid of split ends, regular trims provides the best protection against them. The longer you wait, the greater your split ends will make way up the shaft. It might sound oxy-moronic, but hair that remains the healthiest are those that receive frequent trims.  Especially if you're trying to grow longer, healthier hair.  The Kasia Organic Salon Hair Team suggests  getting a cut or trim at least every six to eight weeks.


Kasia Organic Salon provides beautifying services with a side of environmental awareness. Put your eco-conscience and its cranial encasement at ease during your services at Kasia.

The former nurtures noggins with customized blends of essential oils, repairing damaged follicles while helping to prevent dandruff, some hair loss, and scalp irritation.

With the health of your head restored, a skilled scissor shaman will get to work on the style.  We are devoted to designing looks that let each client's personality shine through, so whether you are fun and flirty, serious and sophisticated, or enraged and enamored, you'll leave the salon with a 'do' to match your personality.




John Master Organics - Styling - NOW at Kasia!

Kasia Organic Salon NOW CARRIES JOHN MASTERS ORGANICS styling products!

We're addicted!   We have now filled any "holes" Hamdi could not fill for your styling needs.

...The  Deep Scalp Follicle Treatment promotes volume and hair growth...and is my favorite.

Our second favorite?  The Bourbon Vanilla and Tangerine Texturizer!

18481-100.jpgJohn Masters - Shine On Leave-In Treatment • organic kelp creates incredible shine, volume and softness • gives a natural looking shine without weighing hair down • does not leave oily build up on the hair shaft, which leads to dullness • contains no petroleum-based silicone • great for all hair types, even fine hair • to add shine and volume to dull, limp hair • excellent leave-in hair treatment to strengthen and fortify hair

jmasters.brb.van.tan.text.1.jpgJohn Masters - Bourbon Vanilla & Tangerine Hair Texturizer

An extra strength hair pomade that's perfect for shaping hair into any style desired, from spiky to smooth. Adds amazing texture to hair, leaving it soft and shiny, not greasy or stiff.

Deep Scalp Follicle Treatment jmasters.deep.scalp.treat.1.jpg

A leave in topical solution that promotes healthy hair growth by improving the condition of the scalp and papilla (roots). A unique combination of organic herbs, anti-oxidants, essential fatty acids, seaweed, essential oils, and vitamins work to insure intake, balance sebum production, and eliminate free radicals. The result is an optimal scalp condition and healthy hair! Dry Hair Nourishment & Defrizzer

A 100% blend of pure plant and essential oils chosen for their protective, moisturizing and restorative properties. A "leave-in" treatment, it's been proven excellent for dry and frizzy hair. As well as a theraputic scalp tonic. jojoba oil, helio-carrot oil, squalene, evening primrose oil, essential oils of lavender, cedar and rosemary

masters.sea.mist.salt.spry.lavender.9oz.1.jpgJohn Masters - Sea Mist - Sea Salt Spray with Lavender

Now every day can be a day at the beach. Simply spray desired amount on hair for that extra body and wave you love at the ocean. Essential oil of lavender helps to protect the hair and combat the natural drying effects of sea salt. Masters - Sweet Orange & Silk Protein Styling Gel

This new Sweet Orange & Silk Protein Styling Gel is an alcohol-free formula full of body-building nutrients. The improved formula has stronger holding power, leaving your hair feeling thicker, never flaky.

Detox your LOX and HOT 09' Celeb Style!

The condition of hair is the essence of everything Kasia Salon does! Going into the new year, unless the hair is in good condition, the rest of our hairdressing is not fully realized.   Just like our Kasia skin care routine, we believe treatments are a regimen-based method, recognizing that healthy hair relies on consistency and a healthy scalp.

Most don't realize that even the 'organic' and 'natural' brands carry chemicals and/or use heavy ingredients that weigh hair down and cause scalp to become dry, irritated; producing unhealthy locks.

Your scalp should be treated no different than your skin, absorbing 60% of everything into the blood stream, making it react and even cause hair loss.

Q. My hair is very dry, brittle and damaged. How can I repair it and make it look and feel better and healthier?

A. Detox your hair! If our skin and hair are such a huge part of our WHOLE-istic system, then why not detox your hair. Give your hair a break from harse chemicals and provide it with nutrients, ph balance, healthy organic and natural moisturizing and cleansing treatments.

Kasia Salon clients LOVE Hamadi and what it's done for them..... so give it a try  on your hair for 6 weeks.  Your hair will thank you - look - feel much, much better.  Damaged hair will be restored. You'll never go back to shampoos with detergent and chemicals again.

14350-002168_s.gif=     Volush-healthy, Hair 959a.jpg

Ready to fall in love?

  • Hamadi Ginger Soymilk Hair Wash – “Organic” hair wash that gently cleanses your hair. For all hair types. Essential oils of ginger, sweet orange and rosewood. Gentle enough to use every day. Soymilk seals in moisture and proteins. Tested on actresses, never on animals.
  • Hamadi Shea Rice Milk Conditioner –“Organic” detangling conditioner for all hair types.  Greatly improves condition of dry, brittle, damaged hair. Essential oils, clary sage and ylang ylang. Shea butter smoothes and moisturizes. Rice Milk proteins nourish and fortify. Tested on actresses, never on animals.
  • Hamadi Shea Leave-In Conditioner –“Organic” versatile, conditioning and styling cream. Moisturizes and adds shine without being too heavy. Great for straight or wavy hair.  Tested on actresses, never on animals.
  • Hamadi Shea Hair Mask –“Organic” deep moisturizing treatment. A perfect weekly indulgence to repair dry, brittle and damaged hair, to maintain healthy hair and for color maintenance.  Hydrates from roots to ends.  Tested on actresses, never on animals.

Take the 2 week HAIR DETOX test! For the month of January purchase any Shampoo/ Conditioner  +  Hamadi 4oz. Hair Mask or Shea Spray and recieve a FREE Travel Size shampoo/conditioner of your choice!

*(Until supplies last)

2 week test Hamadi Card.jpg

Last but not Least......InStyle just released their top hairstyles for 2009. Here were our favorite from their top 10 list.

Katie Holmes's Bob

Jennifer Garner Voluminous Waves

Jennifer Aniston's Casual Straight

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Makeover mother-maven took the top spot for the second year in a row. The stylish star has sported several different bobs, but this winning look combines two of our most popular categories—bangs and browns.
Spray damp hair with a Hamadi Shea Spray and then blow-dry with a round brush. "Dry in 2-inch sections—you need a nice amount of hair to heat it up and keep the temperature." Quickly roll up each section in a Velcro roller (1½-inch roller is best) before it cools. After 30 minutes release rollers and lightly brush out hair with your hands to soften the look.

Jen became a hair icon years ago with "the Rachel" and now with a lightly-layered straight style, she's still on top.

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