Geranium Essential Oil - Balance Hormones & Aromatherapy Use — Beauty Ecology

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Geranium Essential Oil - Balance Hormones & Aromatherapy Use

Want to learn about Essential Oils? Want to know how to use them and what to use them for?

Kasia oils goes through GC/MS certifications, which allows us to guarantee that we are providing you with the highest quality essential oils available.

The best thing about Geranium essential oil is that it can be used for so many things, and suits everyone. Women in particular will love Geranium for its beauty-enhancing and balancing properties.


Geranium Essential Oil = Uses In Aromatherapy

The oil possesses potent astringent, antiseptic, antifungal and diuretic properties, which makes it an effective remedy for urinary tract infections, sore throat, oral ulcers and yeast infections.

Geranium’s most common and widespread use is in the realm of skin care and grooming. It can nourish dry skin, relieve itchy scalp conditions and smooth out fine lines and wrinkles. Many people like to use Geranium essential oil as a room freshener because of its delightful fragrance.

Geranium is both analgesic and antispasmodic.  It can provide relief from nerve disorders such as neuralgia and rheumatic arthritis.  It is also helpful in treating chronic anxiety and nervousness.

A natural phlebotonic, Geranium can also relieve haemorrohoids, varicose veins and excessive menstrual bleeding. Its effects on infertility and menopausal symptoms make it a particularly useful oil for women.

Geranium  Essential Oil = Weight Loss, Cellulite And Water Retention

A natural diuretic, Geranium essential oil stimulates the lymphatic system and aids elimination of excess water from the body.  It is  helpful in minimizing cellulite and edema of the ankles.

Geranium Essential Oil = Skin Care

Geranium oil has excellent cytophylactic and hemostatic properties which speed up the healing of wounds, burns and bruises.

As an effective anti-inflammatory, Geranium has also found use in the management of eczema, psoriasis and acne. The oil is specifically recommended for dry, oily or combination skin because of its astringent properties. It balances the production of serum and helps prevent skin breakouts.

Geranium Essential Oil = Inner Peace And Happiness

Geranium oil has a regulating effect on the nervous system and can help dispel depression, nervous anxiety and fear. Its scent is positive and uplifting, which instantly calms the mind and restores emotional balance. This is why it is indicated for both acute and chronic anxiety. Workaholic people who have lost touch with their inner self will find this oil very useful as it stabilizes the mind and enhances sensory perception and imagination.

Geranium Essential Oil For Hormonal Balance

Geranium oil is a tonic for the adrenal cortex which regulates the release of hormones. The oil helps maintain hormonal balance specifically in cases of puberty, premenstrual phases, menopause, sterility and menstrual irregularities.  It also provides relief from symptoms of PMS such as fluid retention and breast engorgement.

As a supporter of the adrenal system, it is especially helpful in managing chronic exhaustion and fatigue. Since hormones have a direct effect on our moods, Geranium can effectively combat depression, nervousness and weariness which are usually symptoms of hormonal imbalance.

How To Use Geranium Essential Oil

Since Geranium oil is non-toxic and hypoallergenic, it can be used by anyone.  You can choose just about any therapeutic method to enjoy the benefits of Geranium, including diffusers, bath, compresses, direct inhalation and massage.  Here are some recipes to try:

  • For instant relief from depression, anxiety, exhaustion or moodiness, add 5 drops each of  Geranium and Bergamot oil to your bath water. This recipe is also great for PMS.
  • For a restorative, balancing massage, combine 2 drops each of Geranium, Lavender and Rose essential oil with 1 tablespoon of carrier oil.

kasia_0003_HIGH1-200x300Harmonize Rose and Geranium So-Lux Body Oil

Bliss out with our incredibly rich yet lightweight, 100% natural So-Lux Beauty Oil. Infused with Vitamin E, pure essential oils and grape seed, arnica, safflower, jojoba and avocado oils, its quick-absorb formula is moisturizing and therapeutic to leave skin soft and supple.

Kasia Geranium Pure Essential Oil

A highly effective essential oil known to be relaxing during times of stress, while helping to relieve pre-menstrual symptoms.  All Skin Types, especially oil-prone complexions.

 Visit Kasia Salon for Geranium Inspiration Today!

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