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hydrochloric acid

Digestive health and how to 'activate' your hydrochloric acid!


These two are absolutely our #1 priority and recommendation for anyone over 30 years old!

PRL Premier HCL Activator is designed to be used with   Premier HCL.

HCL Activator from Premier Research Labs is a botanical supplement that is designed for whole body detox and remethylation support.

Quantum HCL Activator is designed for use with HCL (hydrochloric acid) to liberate its well-known detox capacity of HCL to support the strengthening of the entire immune system and its extensive role in whole body health.


  • Supports whole body cleansing and health
  • All natural-source nutrients, free of toxic tagalongs.
  • Supports immune, gastrointestinal, arterial and whole body cleansing and health
  • Supports excellent oral and dental detoxification
  • Supports purification and deep-cleansing of the lymphatic system, especially congested tissue

The HCL Detox Program is a great program to support the cleansing of all the bodys organs and glands.

Most people on a western diet have had their stomach’s ability to produce hydrochloric acid (HCL) compromised by age 30 and need an HCL supplement as their most important digestive aid to properly break down their food. Rotting food is a breeding ground for parasites and bacteria. Heartburn and acid reflux are actually caused by a lack of HCL. Without enough HCL, the food starts to rot and produce lactic acid which causes the acid reflux. Anti-acids actually make the condition worse. HCL addresses the cause by helping to digest the meal properly.

HCL also has superior anti-infective properties and can be useful, at higher dosages, with any bacterial infestation. At very high dosages, for a long term (6-18 months) it has the potential to help the body dissolve calcium deposits, which is the underlying issue with arthritis.

Premier HCL Activator when used with Premier HCL, helps to liberate the deep seated detox capacity of HCL to promote peak efficiency of the entire immune system and its extensive role in whole body health. This HCL Detox is a highly effective, inexpensive procedure used by medical pioneers in the 1930s with outstanding results for cleansing all the body's organs and glands. Now you can benefit from this same amazing health procedure and enjoy the added benefits of all natural-source nutrients, free of toxic tagalongs.

Premier HCL Activator and Premier HCL can support the body with:

  • anti-aging/life extension - help restore a third of your life
  • malaria, tuberculosis, lymes disease, recluse spider bites
  • suppression of oncogenes and reactivation of tumor suppressor genes
  • most efficient cellular detoxification mechanism
  • most efficient vehicle to restore cellular methylation reserves - can achieve the complex transfer and cellular uptake essential for cell re-methylation

Fountain of Youth Bonus:

A marker of aging is the number of methyl groups in the cell. We use up about 1200 per day, if eating a raw food diet or using HCL for digestion after each meal. When eating cooked food without the HCL support, we use up 1800 methyl groups per day. Once gone, the cells are aged and degenerated. So using the Premier HCL Activator along with the Premier HCL can save up to a third of your life. Wow!

But even better news...when you add the HCL Activator to the Premier HCL, you begin a remethylation process. As you recover these methyl groups over time, you regain a portion of your life...and health.

Additionally, some people wonder if the HCL causes your urine pH to be more acidic. It actually helps you become more alkaline. Although it provides the needed digestive acid in the stomach, once processed by digestion, it becomes alkaline in the blood and urine. It also has a stearlizing and anti-infective affect.



Learn more about the essential needs of HCL in your diet HERE.

Contact Kassie at 612 824 7611 for further questions.

All products discussed can be purchased at Kasia Organic Salon.

Reference: Totalhealthsecrets (.) com

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