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Digestive Enzymes for Beautiful Health

Enzymes are the key components of your body's worker bees within your cells .   Chemical reactions are created to allow them to break down existing materials or create new ones. They also serve as the catalyst for cell growth,  renewal, and slowed down aging!


Enzymes and Beauty

Along with helping to clean the toxic sludge in your system that can dull your complexion, remove pigment from or thin your hair, contribute to acne, and lead to premature lines and wrinkles, enzymes also control the release rate of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which provides energy to every cell in your body. Since your body utilizes this energy for cell repair to keep your skin glowing, your hair growing, and your cells regenerated, the absence of enzymes can disrupt delivery of this all-important, life-sustaining energy.

What Are Enzymes?

Made from amino acids put together in very specific structures, enzymes are proteins that serve as catalysts to quickly bring about specific chemical reactions in your body's cells. Enzymes serve to cause certain cell actions, and to speed up others.

There are more than 3,000 types of enzymes in the human body, playing key roles in more than 4,000 biochemical reactions. Enzymes are important for digestion, metabolism, respiration, nutrient absorption and transportation, detoxification and purification, muscle movement, hormone production, cell repair, cell division, and many other bodily processes. Once an enzyme does its job in the body, it is destroyed and must be replaced by new enzymes in order to maintain the body's processes.

 Enzyme deficiencies can contribute to:

  • Indigestion, gas, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation

  • Arthritis and inflammatory disorders

  •  estrogenFatigue and muscle aches

  • Brain fog/ dementia

  • Heart attacks

Proper nutrition is important for all your body's functions. The ability to properly digest your food is critical for proper nutrition and to avoid getting toxic.

Why are enzymes important for your beauty?

What goes on in real life is that most of the enzymes we need to digest the food we eat are naturally present in the food. This occurs because enzymes are what a fruit or vegetable uses to ripen. As the ripening process continues, the food digests to where we consider it to be rotten. From the perspective of an apple or grain, for example, this is a perfect stage for the seed to use its food source so it can grow into an adult plant. These same plant enzymes also work in the acid environment of your stomach (where approximately 40 percent of digestion can take place) while animal enzymes can’t work until after they get past the stomach.

Many decades ago, food processor companies realized that they could prolong the shelf life of food from days to years by destroying the enzymes present in the food. They also discovered that using salicylates (the active component of aspirin) is a very effective way to destroy enzymes.

Because of this, most of the enzymes present in processed foods have been eliminated over the last 30 plus years. This corresponds to the period of time in which we have seen a dramatic increase in degenerative diseases and indigestion. Meanwhile, your poor pancreas has had to pick up the slack and make almost all the enzymes needed for digestion. Many people realized however that if they juiced or ate a raw food diet (cooking can also destroy enzymes) they felt dramatically better.

Food processing companies are learning new tricks. By gassing fresh fruits and vegetables, they can destroy the enzymes present even in these fresh foods. This way they can look appealing on the grocery shelf for weeks instead of developing those little brown spots that we don't like to see. Unfortunately, although the food looks good, it has lost much of its nutritional value.

What happens when I don't have enough enzymes? When you don't have enough enzymes to adequately digest your food, several things happen:

  1. You become deficient in proteins, carbohydrates, and /or fats depending on which enzymes you are missing

  2. You then crave the missing nutrient

  3. By eating excessive amounts of the nutrient you can’t digest, it can build up in your colon and become toxic.

  4. You absorb large chunks of proteins (instead of breaking them down to their component amino acids). Your immune system then has to treat them as outside invaders and use up its energy digesting those foods that make it into your bloodstream. This can exhaust your immune system while contributing to food sensitivities. If you check you may find that your temperature goes up around 40 minutes after eating as your immune system has to make up for a weak digestive system

  5. Your body works poorly because of the nutritional deficiencies. You feel poorly and have digestive disturbances.

All in all, you feel lousy, the stomach hurts, and you may have specific food cravings. Sound familiar?

Does it matter which enzymes I use?  YES!

Top Pick:  Premier Research Labs sells the BEST Enzymes around.  Here at Kasia Organic Salon, we highly suggest Premier Digest and HCL for all of our clients.  Not only does it reach to those that struggle with "gastro" complications, gluten sensitivities, etc.....but it enhances your stomachs detoxification which brings you a more 'beautiful self.'    -Kassie, Owner

It benefits your health and beauty to maximize your enzyme intake. By doing so, you will discover you have more energy, digest your foods much more easily, and look and feel better than you have in years.

Reference: Dr Jacob Teitelbaum MD

Digestive health and how to 'activate' your hydrochloric acid!


These two are absolutely our #1 priority and recommendation for anyone over 30 years old!

PRL Premier HCL Activator is designed to be used with   Premier HCL.

HCL Activator from Premier Research Labs is a botanical supplement that is designed for whole body detox and remethylation support.

Quantum HCL Activator is designed for use with HCL (hydrochloric acid) to liberate its well-known detox capacity of HCL to support the strengthening of the entire immune system and its extensive role in whole body health.


  • Supports whole body cleansing and health
  • All natural-source nutrients, free of toxic tagalongs.
  • Supports immune, gastrointestinal, arterial and whole body cleansing and health
  • Supports excellent oral and dental detoxification
  • Supports purification and deep-cleansing of the lymphatic system, especially congested tissue

The HCL Detox Program is a great program to support the cleansing of all the bodys organs and glands.

Most people on a western diet have had their stomach’s ability to produce hydrochloric acid (HCL) compromised by age 30 and need an HCL supplement as their most important digestive aid to properly break down their food. Rotting food is a breeding ground for parasites and bacteria. Heartburn and acid reflux are actually caused by a lack of HCL. Without enough HCL, the food starts to rot and produce lactic acid which causes the acid reflux. Anti-acids actually make the condition worse. HCL addresses the cause by helping to digest the meal properly.

HCL also has superior anti-infective properties and can be useful, at higher dosages, with any bacterial infestation. At very high dosages, for a long term (6-18 months) it has the potential to help the body dissolve calcium deposits, which is the underlying issue with arthritis.

Premier HCL Activator when used with Premier HCL, helps to liberate the deep seated detox capacity of HCL to promote peak efficiency of the entire immune system and its extensive role in whole body health. This HCL Detox is a highly effective, inexpensive procedure used by medical pioneers in the 1930s with outstanding results for cleansing all the body's organs and glands. Now you can benefit from this same amazing health procedure and enjoy the added benefits of all natural-source nutrients, free of toxic tagalongs.

Premier HCL Activator and Premier HCL can support the body with:

  • anti-aging/life extension - help restore a third of your life
  • malaria, tuberculosis, lymes disease, recluse spider bites
  • suppression of oncogenes and reactivation of tumor suppressor genes
  • most efficient cellular detoxification mechanism
  • most efficient vehicle to restore cellular methylation reserves - can achieve the complex transfer and cellular uptake essential for cell re-methylation

Fountain of Youth Bonus:

A marker of aging is the number of methyl groups in the cell. We use up about 1200 per day, if eating a raw food diet or using HCL for digestion after each meal. When eating cooked food without the HCL support, we use up 1800 methyl groups per day. Once gone, the cells are aged and degenerated. So using the Premier HCL Activator along with the Premier HCL can save up to a third of your life. Wow!

But even better news...when you add the HCL Activator to the Premier HCL, you begin a remethylation process. As you recover these methyl groups over time, you regain a portion of your life...and health.

Additionally, some people wonder if the HCL causes your urine pH to be more acidic. It actually helps you become more alkaline. Although it provides the needed digestive acid in the stomach, once processed by digestion, it becomes alkaline in the blood and urine. It also has a stearlizing and anti-infective affect.



Learn more about the essential needs of HCL in your diet HERE.

Contact Kassie at 612 824 7611 for further questions.

All products discussed can be purchased at Kasia Organic Salon.

Reference: Totalhealthsecrets (.) com

Nutrition that Works for your Beautiful Health!

  Many would agree, that each of us individually or someone that we know suffers from discomfort in their health and well-being.   An example of this is the drastic numbers of intenstinal issues.  In fact, in recent conversations with my medical community clients at Kasia Salon, there has been comments as strong as this is the most ignored epidemic of our time and intestinal  issues are the root of many illnesses evolving today.  Most just ignore the symptoms.


As busy as our team and myself have been behind the chair, I have had a rich time in diving back into the foundations of Functional Medicine.  The guests we see at Kasia are pure example of just needing to tweak their lifestyle a bit, or to learn about adding the benefits of "NUTRITION THAT REALLY WORKS!"


Please take the time to read more about the partnership with the cleanest nutrition on the market (Premier Research Labs) and offerings at Kasia Organic Salon and your Beautiful Health.  Kassandra is now trained in muscle testing to better understand your minor or major gaps to a more optimal life.  Only YOU have the power to put a stop to the chance of being an epidemic.



Kassie has studies and practiced whole health and nutrition for years, integrating and inside-out approach.   Our hair, skin, and desired healthy weight are directly linked to  how we metabolize hormones, internal detoxification, and the link of our “second brain” — our digestive health.  Kassie has partnered with PRL and has trained in on  state-of-the-art QRA 4-Polarity testing to be sure you are not doing more harm to your health – with toxic supplements and/or dis-ease within your health/body.

The vast majority of  discomfort have a root cause in hidden infections, chemical or other toxic exposure, and low functioning organs. Once the body’s organs are properly tonified and toxins are eliminated, many illnesses can be effectively cleared for the long term.

*Note:  Kasia Organic Salon offers multiple PRL Products. Please contact Kassie ( for further questions or availability.

Wasting your money on  “Supplements?”

Chances are the products you are using may not be utilized by your body.  QRA can prove it to you.   Clients are pleasantly surprised when they start on PRL.  Feel the difference in your “Beautiful Health”  energy!

What is Quantum Reflex Analysis?

QRA  is a simple way of allowing the body to tell us what it needs to heal. It is the union of science-based kinesiological testing, time-proven ancient therapies,  analysis of the body’s  biofield, and outstanding nutrition and detoxification breakthroughs. QRA provides a comprehensive system to initiate the most rapid resolution.

Most supplements, believe it or not, test toxic.  PRL products are EXCIPIEN FREE.  They contain no toxic tagalongs like magnesium stearate, fillers, or dyes. Over time, those things can destroy the DNA.   Dr. Marshall has invested in state-of-the-art equipment that tests every product that is sent to his lab.  Whatever tests toxic is immediately sent back to the manufacturer  Dr. Marshall uses only herbs and products from parts of the world that are free of pollutants.


The body has the ability to heal itself given the right component. If you have been struggling with your health it is time to seek new modalities, this could be the answer for you.

  • Sometimes just eliminating Interference Fields can change a person’s life.
  • Nutritional support
  • Sometimes addressing  stress
  • Emotional blocks

Premier Research Labs is the world’s first producer of cellular resonance products that are capable of restoring  coherence to the body’s inherent biofield.

QRA  and Ingredient Testing

PRL conducts scientific laboratory testing of every incoming container of raw material and all finished products, as well as state-of-the-art QRA™ 4-Polarity testing of all ingredients. PRL has pioneered the use of QRA™ 4-Polarity testing to ensure the customer is con­sistently getting the best quality.  In addition, we use the most ad­vanced lab equipment and test methods to assure the potency and reliability of every ingredient and to scan for many contaminants that other companies typically do not test ― such as radiation, heavy metals, pesticides and excess moisture.

What about tablets? Tablets ALWAYS contain excipients (that is how they are made; they cannot be made without them); therefore, we believe it is wisest to especially avoid nutritional products as tablets.  One common example of a questionable excipient is magnesium stearate, a cheap lubricating agent. Research shows it may be immune-compromising.

Read more about PRL and common FAQ at

Hormonal Imbalances Related to Acne


Acne is associated with genetic factors, hormonal imbalances, a junk food diet, and emotional problems.   It is associated with excess secretion of the sebaceous glands, which secrete an oil (sebum) to prevent aging.  Testosterone, a major male hormone also present in women, stimulates secretion of this oil during puberty.   In acne prone individuals, excess sebum accumulates in skin follicles and feeds the always-present bacteria.  As the oil breaks down into fatty acids, the cells lining the follicles stick together causing clogged pores impacted with dead cells.  This leads to whiteheads, blackheads, pimples and cysts.  First, let’s summarize causes.  I will skip the genes.  Everyone has them.  If you have acne genes, then you are predisposed to acne but that doesn’t mean you have to get it.


Hormonal Imbalances Related to Acne

Low thyroid function is a primary causal factor in acne.  Why?  Because when thyroid hormone is deficient, the body cannot convert cholesterol to the anti-aging steroids, including pregnenolone, progesterone and DHEA.  Of these, progesterone is the most important hormone in the prevention and cure of acne.  It inhibits both estrogen and testosterone. Although progesterone is the major female hormone, it is also helpful for males with acne.  Dr Raymond Peat has a cream containing 3% progesterone, which is useful in this purpose.  Peat reports his studies using dissolved progesterone on both females and males.  Both experienced a regression of their acne.  Peat says that his clients consistently reported that the use of progesterone at the first sign of a pimple stopped the development and prevented the outbreak, and within a few days resulted in a relatively clear skin.  In males, this progesterone support is important because it inhibits the excessive testosterone present in male (and some female) acne sufferers.  However, I must caution males to not inhibit their testosterone to the extent that they lose their whiskers and libido!

Why is the thyroid hormone so important in acne?  Because the thyroid hormone along with adequate vitamin A works by ensuring progesterone formation, providing you have adequate LDL cholesterol.

Dietary Factors

Please read the  dietary rules list and avoid a junk food diet.  This includes all processed, refined, junk foods and non-foods such as all commercial dairy, meat, poultry and eggs.  Sometimes, just avoiding junk and processed foods is enough.  But, if you have hormonal problems, changing your diet will not be sufficient.

There are many nutrients important in preventing skin conditions.  Instead of taking megadoses of synthetic vitamins and minerals, why not eat an organic, whole foods diet?  This will supply you with adequate amounts of B-vitamins, minerals, including zinc, folic acid and the entire B complex including biotin, and the fat soluble vitamins, such as vitamins A and E, both of which are very important in skin health.

Friendly bowel bacteria are called probiotics and have many beneficial functions in the intestinal tract.  Among them are Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus bifidus, and Streptococcus faecium.  These are not enzymes but they help the body produce enzymes such as protease, lipase, and lactase, B vitamins, and natural antibiotics, which inhibit at least 27 types of pathogenic bacteria.  They thus aid healing of skin diseases including acne.

Emotional Problems

Severe emotional problems suppress the immune system, reduce thyroid function, and contribute to all problems, including acne.  I am listing these problems here so as not to negate the importance of emotional health and realizing when there are emotional problems that need to be resolved.

Below is a general program for acne sufferers.

Nutritional Program for Acne Sufferers

  • Eat a whole, organic food diet.  Avoid processed, synthetic foods.  This includes all refined sugars, grains, processed foods and junk foods.
  • Use a multiple digestive formula to facilitate digestion of your foods.  Find out what you have trouble digesting and minimize it.
  • Check your thyroid function.  If you have a sluggish thyroid gland, you are a candidate for acne (and a lot of other health problems).
  • Women should use Peat’s 10% progesterone oil.  Men should use the 3% progesterone cream.  Refer to the chapter on anti-aging steroids for more details.
  • Use topical creams.  These include:  natural progesterone in vitamin E, retinyl palmitate and creams containing salicylic acid (active ingredient in aspirin) and alpha-hydroxy acid (glycolic acid).
  • Premier Research Labs supplements are an option for malnutrition and balancing the body.


Be sure to check out Kasia's Specialty Medical Grade Facials and Peels! 



Premier Research Labs and your Beautiful Health!


*Note:  Kasia Organic Salon offers multiple PRL Products. Please contact Kassie ( for further questions or availability. 


Kassie has studied and practiced whole health and nutrition for years, integrating and inside-out approach.   Our hair, skin, and desired healthy weight are directly linked to  how we metabolize hormones, internal detoxification, and the link of our "second brain" -- our digestive health.  Kassie has partnered with PRL and has trained in on  state-of-the-art QRA 4-Polarity testing to be sure you are not doing more harm to your health - with toxic supplements and/or dis-ease within your health/body.

The vast majority of  discomfort have a root cause in hidden infections, chemical or other toxic exposure, and low functioning organs. Once the body’s organs are properly tonified and toxins are eliminated, many illnesses can be effectively cleared for the long term.

Wasting your money on  "Supplements?"

Chances are the products you are using may not be utilized by your body.  QRA can prove it to you.   Clients are pleasantly surprised when they start on PRL.  Feel the difference in your "Beautiful Health"  energy!

What is Quantum Reflex Analysis?

QRA  is a simple way of allowing the body to tell us what it needs to heal. It is the union of science-based kinesiological testing, time-proven ancient therapies,  analysis of the body's  biofield, and outstanding nutrition and detoxification breakthroughs. QRA provides a comprehensive system to initiate the most rapid resolution.

QRA can be used to clearly identify:

- Regions of weakness within the body

- How your body, and individual organs, etc., responds to individual supplements

- Whether your body responds to specific foods with strength or weakness

- What your body is weakened by, involving toxins, allergies, and so much more

Most supplements, believe it or not, test toxic.  PRL products are EXCIPIEN FREE.  They contain no toxic tagalongs like magnesium stearate, fillers, or dyes. Over time, those things can destroy the DNA.   Dr. Marshall has invested in state-of-the-art equipment that tests every product that is sent to his lab.  Whatever tests toxic is immediately sent back to the manufacturer  Dr. Marshall uses only herbs and products from parts of the world that are free of pollutants.


The body has the ability to heal itself given the right component. If you have been struggling with your health it is time to seek new modalities, this could be the answer for you.

  • Sometimes just eliminating Interference Fields can change a person’s life.
  • Nutritional support
  • Sometimes addressing  stress
  • Emotional blocks

Premier Research Labs is the world's first producer of cellular resonance products that are capable of restoring  coherence to the body's inherent biofield.

Look for upcoming articles on the best use of PRL products and Beautiful Health Topics on the Kasia BLOG!

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