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Autumn Chinese Principles & Shifting Inner Health & Outer Beauty

Autumn Ancient Chinese Principle to Shift our Inner + Outer Being


In traditional Chinese medicine we recognize that humans, like animals and plants, are affected by seasonal changes.

Anything done to the body has equal consequence for the mind and spirit also. If you feel good physically, you will be more balanced emotionally, mentally and spiritually”

Autumn is a time of establishing a rhythmic order and turning inward.  The softer calm and re-centering energy ground us from a restless mind and body.

As Women, we innately “nest” in the fall as we prepare our hearts and home with comfort foods brimming with sensational scents of garlic, fennel and sustaining broths.

Lungs, Skin & Large Intestine

Fall corresponds to the lungs, skin, and large intestine.  The lungs and large intestine are in charge of digestion and elimination.  Fall is the best time to focus on digestive health by integrating a light cleanse.


Full of Inspiration

The fall element consists of metal and is our source of new ideas and is where new emotions take shape, since it’s our inhalation-connection (lung) to the universe.  


“The Large Intestine ‘lets go’ of what is no longer necessary. A healthy balance between the Lung and Large Intestine is demonstrated by a person that can honor commitments, but then let go of a relationship when it is over.”

It’s a time to let go of old ideas, beliefs, and attachments, leaving room for new space to grow and evolve.

Autumn + Skin Health

Skin is our largest organ, but it is the LAST to receive essential building blocks from your daily food choices.  

Essentially the ability to convert the energy and metabolism from the inner intestinal track throughout the rest of the body - is key.  

Why are Dry Skin + Pesky Breakouts are at their worst during Fall?

Frequent dry spots, skin irritation and ailments like blemishes and psoriasis can be at their worst during Autumn months.

Warm and cool air trap the skin’s cellular turn over, met with the natural shifts biorhythm cause inconsistency and much-needed exfoliation and rich oils to replenish the deep layers of the skin.

Your dry, brittle hair and sun-worshipped skin will thank you for it.

Yin + Yang = Cause + Affect

The inability to eliminate through regular bowel movements or continue to move the lymphatic system (we have more lymph than blood).   

If the Lungs are strong, the skin will be more clear, vibrant and firm.


Shopping List Love

Add nourishing {yin foods} to your diet to promote body fluid, soothe the lungs and protect you from dryness.


The taste associated with metal is pungent or spicy.


Wild rice, raw onions, garlic, radish, turnip, kohlrabi, cinnamon, mint, rosemary, scallions, cloves, fennel, anise, dill, mustard greens, horseradish, mustard, basil, nutmeg are considered metal foods.  


Restore your skin and spirit with our leading Evoq Signature Skin Care home rituals brimming with rich oils and minerals.  All essential for restoring the root - to dewy, firm and plump skin - and bright.



Autumn Ancient Chinese Principle to Shift our Inner + Outer Being

Autumn Ancient Chinese Principle to Shift our Inner + Outer Being


In traditional Chinese medicine we recognize that humans, like animals and plants, are affected by seasonal changes.

Anything done to the body has equal consequence for the mind and spirit also. If you feel good physically, you will be more balanced emotionally, mentally and spiritually”

Autumn is a time of establishing a rhythmic order and turning inward.  The softer calm and re-centering energy ground us from a restless mind and body.

As Women, we innately “nest” in the fall as we prepare our hearts and home with comfort foods brimming with sensational scents of garlic, fennel and sustaining broths.

Lungs, Skin & Large Intestine

Fall corresponds to the lungs, skin, and large intestine.  The lungs and large intestine are in charge of digestion and elimination.  Fall is the best time to focus on digestive health by integrating a light cleanse.


Full of Inspiration

The fall element consists of metal and is our source of new ideas and is where new emotions take shape, since it’s our inhalation-connection (lung) to the universe.  


“The Large Intestine ‘lets go’ of what is no longer necessary. A healthy balance between the Lung and Large Intestine is demonstrated by a person that can honor commitments, but then let go of a relationship when it is over.”

It’s a time to let go of old ideas, beliefs, and attachments, leaving room for new space to grow and evolve.

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Autumn + Skin Health

Skin is our largest organ, but it is the LAST to receive essential building blocks from your daily food choices.  Essentially the ability to convert the energy and metabolism from inner intestinal track through out the rest of the body - is key.  


Why are Dry Skin + Pesky Breakouts are at their worst during Fall?

Frequent dry spots, skin irritation and ailments like blemishes and psoriasis can be at their worst during Autumn months.

Warm and cool air trap the skin’s cellular turn over, met with the natural shifts biorhythm cause inconsistency and much-needed exfoliation and rich oils to replenish the deep layers of the skin.

Your dry, brittle hair and sun-worshipped skin will thank you for it.

Yin + Yan = Cause + Affect

The inability to eliminate through regular bowel movements or continue to move the lymphatic system (we have more lymph than blood).   

If the Lungs are strong, the skin will be lustrous and firm.


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Shopping List Love

Add nourishing {yin foods} to your diet to promote body fluid, soothe the lungs and protect you from dryness.


Roasted carrots

The taste associated with metal is pungent or spicy.


Wild rice, raw onions, garlic, radish, turnip, kohlrabi, cinnamon, mint, rosemary, scallions, cloves, fennel, anise, dill, mustard greens, horseradish, mustard, basil, nutmeg are considered metal foods.  


Restore your skin and spirit with our leading medical aesthetician by integrating seasonal earth clay masks combined with Evoq Signature Skin Care home rituals brimming with rich oils and minerals.  All essential for restoring the root - to dewy, firm and plump skin - irritation free. 


Contact us today to schedule a Custom Organic Facial

{E} hello@beautyecology.com

Newsletter: Autumn Beautiful Health according to Chinese Medicine‏

Click HERE to view our most recent Newsletter!

Greetings! October! Unbelievable isn't it? The weather has blessed us with enjoyable temperatures, but according to the number of "sniffles and lethargy" in our team's chairs this past month, lack of immunity and colds are testimony of needing to prep our "Beautiful Health" for Autumn.

I thought it would be interesting to look at this in a Chinese Medicine perspective! (Don't forget to grab our Kasia Tips below) Enjoy!


Seasonal Balance: Autumn Health and Immunity Tips

Things begin to fall and mature in autumn. TCM believes that autumn correlates with the lung system, which dominates the skin, respiration, body fluids metabolism, blood circulation, immunity and melancholy emotion.

In Autumn, TCM holds that everything needs to turn inwards so as to prepare for the harsh winter. Foods are important to ensure that the body adjusts to the changing seasons. The dry weather usually causes an itchy throat, a dry nose, chapped lips, rough skin, hair loss and dry stools. We need to eat to promote the production of body fluids and their lubricating effects throughout the body.

It is advisable to eat more food with sour flavors and reduce pungent flavors as such things like onion, ginger and peppers induce perspiration, while sour foods like pineapple, apple, grapefruit and lemon have astringent properties and thus prevent the loss of body fluids.

The Seasons, Stress, and Colds and Flu

Seasonal change, like any change, can cause stress. The main cause of stress in TCM is Wind. Wind is said to be the " agent of 10,000 diseases, " Wind is understood to be not just the movement of air, but also, any sudden change. TCM has known for thousands of years that stress can cause sickness, and modern research has certainly proved this.

Kasia helps you create a routine to combat autumn stresses and void of colds lethargic energy!

Strengthen your immune system with a * powerful diffuser * any 3 Kasia Apothecary Diffusion Blends to keep viruses and bacteria out of the air

*Infrared Sauna Cleanse and Rejuvenation

The Consequences of Not Adapting to Autumn

* Immediately: Injury to the Lung and Immune System.

* Later: In the winter, metabolic and digestive problems including diarrhea and undigested food.

Fall seasonal diet additions advised by TCM: Cool & sour foods: sesame, honey, dairy products, pineapple, pear, sugar cane, lily, banana and white fungus.

Kasia Cool*Down Hair Rehab Tips!

The Kasia Team has been very busy with our Informed Beauty Bella's …repairing, moisturizing and color corrections from the  summer fade.

"Don't doubt the fact there's life within you. Yesterday's ending will tomorrow life give you. All that dies, dies for a reason, To put it's strength into the seasons.

Simple hair rehab tips!

1. Brush before you shampoo

Brush before you shampoo ad jump in the shower.  This action stimulates the scalp and promotes blood flow to deliver nutrients like oxygen to the hair follicle.  Brushing also reduces product buildup and scalp flakes.

2. Clarify the scalp and shaft!

Get  rid of build up from hard water and synthetics (silicon and petroleum are hidden in many hair care products …even Aveda).   Over time hard water can make hair look lackluster and impart a brassy hue to tresses. The damaging minerals can also make hair a tangle town mess - hard and difficult to be managed.

3. Moisture Me!

The  Kasia  team strongly suggests our custom professional deep conditioning treatment once a month. This is a great way to relax and keep your hair healthy and shiny in the cooler months. If this isn’t in their budget, we recommend our at home products:

Hamadi Moisturizing Mask

John Masters Dry Hair Nourishment & Defrizzer

(Apply the product to clean, damp hair. Leave on for 5-10 minutes and rinse out.)

4. Air dry!

We encourage our clients to try and let their hair dry slightly before blowing it completely dry. The less hot air they infuse into their locks with the drier, the more moisture they will seal in from their shampoo and conditioning products.

5.  Keep frizz away.

Frizzy hair is one of the worst things about the  approaching cool weather dryness (think static cling, hat hair…ect.) Kasia’s upcoming shampoo and conditioner launch will have ingredients to help  ‘tame the frizz,” but in the meantime….try Shine On from John Masters or Hamadi Shea Spray, an anti-frizz and moisture protector that is applied to towel-dried, damp hair.

Beautiful Health Nutrition

We are what we eat.  The same rules apply for the health of the hair. Adequate amounts of protein and minerals can make a huge difference in the overall appearance of hair and skin


Our Kasia Skin Care “enMoist” moisturizer delivers  the proper nutrition in direct antioxidants of Vitamins A and C, and E which are essential to maintaining stability, protection, building block, and more.


Add dark green leafy vegetables have both vitamin A and C and also provide you with calcium and iron too. Beans are not only good for the heart, but promote hair growth with a punch of protein. 3 or more cups of legumes a week is recommended.

Other excellent sources of protein include nuts, poultry, and eggs. Create your plate!

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