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Skin Allergies:

STOP GUESSING, would you?

It's about time, I say.  

Life's been exhilarating and very busy, which brings a higher level of discipline and getting really serious about focusing on taking action.

On doing what matters.

Because you've landed here (thank you), I know you're passionate about your wellbeing and nutritional choices that are tailored to your body's individual needs, but are you giving your skin the same thoughtful approach?

Look forward to next post I'll  go over more key insights on THE most clinically studied SUPERS collagen and cell-rejuvenating skin care ingredients you can add to your daily ritual to reduce unnecessary skin inconsistencies and aging.

So tell me....


 Are your natural go-to skin products diluted with 80% water and laced with marketing ingredients?

Quit being DUPED, darling.   
Most commercial moisturizers are made up of primarily water and fillers with the smallest amounts of active materials.  POOF! The water absorbs quickly and leaves you with the same fine lines, patches and parched skin. (Ugh...)

Are your "natural" products doused with synthetics and tricky chemical names like triethanolamine or Vitamin A  that are irritating your skin and actually causing inflammation - resulting in cellular degradation (unhappy collagen + elastin fibers)?    

The truth is, most of us are cutting ourselves short (and our telomeres) daily on setting ourselves up for short and long term Health + AGING. 

I hear ya, sista!  "Duh" - a messy lifestyle of kids, work and fitting in play?  
No room for deepness and nuances.  (I live in this, biology, pathogens and peptides...)    


SIMPLY PUT, the secret to aging well is for your skin to be
able to heal and repair itself.  Yup. Super Simple.  


Like you, I don't like to waist my time (or damn hard earned money).  

The Craft of Small Batch Curating.
As a passionate formulator, I start with the premise in perfectly curating the most available and effective delivery methods and innovative technologies (void of any synthetics that age the skin).

The results you soak up (and confidently walk away with)
Evoq's bio-actives (skin affinitizing) are well researched and packed with the purest Forces of Nature's most precious ingredients that go skin deep; where it counts with our liposomal delivery systems.

STOP GUESSING AND WAISTING TIME (and your pocket book).

Step # 1. 

Ponder and do a little critical thinking versus trigger purchases and build a little bit of 'beauty biology' knowledge over time.  

Critical thinking?  
Over 10 years of obsession?  Sh$t doesn't slide past me! 
Good news for YOU!   I already figured out (and never stop) the pieces to the puzzle.

I bottle these critical "pieces" up so you can build your beauty biology  with the proper fit (down to your skin’s receptors) for repairing and maintaining the most radiant skin. 

Stay Tuned.

 I've been in the cosmetic creative kitchen and over the next year we'll journey down your beauty and health pathology equipped with easy road maps of where we need to focus and what to throw out, alright?

So again, I say Efficiency

Allow me to take the burden off your plate, share bitesize and fun decoded information so future investments in your overall wellness decisions feel more effortless and less guessy- guessy.

No more missing pieces.

It's really about getting off auto pilot and putting strategy, critical thinking into your inner-outer beauty + care + OH SO YOU everyday rituals.

All for now lovely - catch me on instagram until we meet next! 

-BE Well.  Kassandra

Kasia BERRY- FRESH SOAP NUTS * USDA * All-purpose Cleaner


organic all-purpose cleaner



The growing informed consumer is becoming aware of facts that previously went unnoticed such as the presence of Triclosan in anti-bacterial soaps, bisphenol-A in plastics and that air fresheners doused in phthalates.  These hazards are present in items that a person uses on a daily basis, but also harmful to health but also deplete the environment.

Soap nuts as a detergent

Soap nuts are actually not a nut at all; they are in fact a berry from trees that grow in particularly in India and Nepal.  Saponins are nature’s cleansing agents that act like soap when they come in contact with water. The saponins dissolves in the water and function as detergents. The soap nuts allow water to penetrate well into the fabric thereby washing and cleaning them. The dirt is attached to the surfactant which is then drained along with the water.

An Easy Win-Win

Simple to use, cost effective, safe and “YES!” they work. Think about it. The less that we expose ourselves to chemicals, the better off we are right?  If you stop and think about the quantity of products and environmental impact we have contact our skin everyday and the conglomerate of particles that we inhale, there is no doubt we are a walking chemical slew.

With the dramatic up-swing of allergies and disease, more people every day are becoming aware of and  notice the effects of the chemicals that we are exposed to (through no fault of our own).

Long term effects of chemicals in detergents and soaps…

  • Remain trapped in the clothes then create skin irritations and release harmful vapors
  • Detergents contain allergy causing enzymes and dermatitis.
  • Lung and heart problems can occur from the Sodium hypochlorite
  • Higher risk to develop breast/prostate cancer or infertility from the nonylphenoxy ethoxylates
  • Clothes wear out much faster
  • Sodium hypochlorite presents in the detergents cause lung irritation, respiratory reactions, and cardiovascular damage and damage your eye and skin.

Why you should use soap nuts

Extremely Economical and Cost Saver

  • They replace many products such as laundry softner, additives, and dryer sheets. Just look at the taxes alone you are saving from not having to buy so many products.

·      You save on water consumption and water softeners

·      They reduce clutter. With so many less products to buy no need for tons of storage.

·      They cut down on waste. With lots less products to buy, means less garbage to dispose of.

·      Safe for the environment and you. They are 100% biodegradable….non polluting……organic…non hypoallergenic…safe for septic systems

·      Easy to use: Can use them in their natural state, or grind them into a powder using a coffee grinder or blender. Store the whole nut, or the grindings in an air tight container.

Soap Nuts for Managing Eczema & Psoriasis

Instead of prescription medicine to manage your eczema and psoriasis, try using soap nuts liquid as it provides a completely natural and hypoallergenic laundry detergent with no chemicals for treatment. Soap nuts are so gentle on the skin that they can even be used for babies and people who develop allergies to commercially available washing products.

This is extremely helpful for people who suffer from skin disorders because many times the clothes that are being washed with conventional detergents or soaps can cause the skin condition to worsen. Soap nuts are a natural product and have a very mild and pleasant aroma. Using them as a laundry detergent instead of usual commercially available detergents is a very simple way of getting relief from these skin conditions.

How to use for Laundry, a little is a lot!

Fact:  A 1lb  bag of soap nuts hand packed in biodegradable packaging is highly capable of 160-200 loads of laundry!

1.         Put 5–6 Soap Nuts (about 1/2 oz.) into a ‘wash bag.’ 
         If desired, add in your favorite Essential Oil for extra 
         antimicrobial properties and scent.

2.         Toss bag in washing machine with dirty laundry.

3.         Reuse wash bag 4–7 times — or more. 
         (Note: Number of loads vary due to water temperature, hardness, washer type, duration of cycles, etc.)

So just how many soap nuts is enough?

Warm water causes the release of the saponin contained in the soap nuts, so base the amount according to the degree of soiling in the laundry items.

2 soap nuts for hot water, 4 for cold water or heavy staining,4-5 in hard water

(reuse soap nuts about 5 times then discard used shells in the compost bin)

Using as a liquid detergent
for everyday cleaning

Soap Nuts also are a safe replacement for many chemical-based, multi-purpose cleaners. Liquify the Soap Nuts and use the solution to clean windows, bathrooms, kitchens and floors. It can also serve as liquid hand soap, laundry soap for ultra delicates and shampoo.

“Liquid Soap Nut Soak” Recipe

1.  Bring four cups of water to a boil in a heavy sauce pan with a lid.
    2.  Turn off the heat and toss 6–8 Soap Nuts in the saucepan with 
the hot water.  
3.  Cover the sauce pan. Let it sit overnight.
    4. In the morning, remove and discard the remaining shells.
    5.     Pour the cooled liquid into a container with a lid. Give your Soap Nut Soak a scent of essential oils — lemon or tea tree oil for bathroom cleanser, lavender for cold water laundry loads, and sweet orange for dishwasher cleaning liquid.

This batch of Soap Nut Soak will 
wash at least 8 loads of laundry 
use 1/4 to 1/2 cup for each load).

For powdered soapnut crush the soapnuts in coffee grinder. Or boil soap nuts and strain the liquid then can be frozen in cubes and place in the muslin bag when needed.

Customize your Load by adding Quality Essential Oils

If you prefer a scent, you can some essential oil of choice to the soap nut wash bag before dropping it in the wash. The scent of the oil will remain. Alternately put the essential oil on a clean and absorbent cloth, and toss it in the dryer (like using a dryer sheet).

The perfect oils for the perfect scent

Give your Soap Nut Soak a scent of essential oils — 
lemon or tea tree oil for bathroom cleanser, 
lavender for cold water laundry loads, and 
sweet orange for dishwasher cleaning liquid.





Shampoo & conditioner

Clean, silky shiny hair, dandruff treatment

1 tsp. soap nut ground, mixed with a little water.

Body wash

Clean, healthy, soft soap free skin,

1 tsp. soap nut mixed with a little water.

Head Lice

Effectively kills lice and makes it easy to remove eggs

Same as shampoo

Dish Washing

Clean chemical free dishware

1 tsp. added to dish water


No soap residue, chemicals, less fading, no need for fabric softener

Small net bag with a 5-6 soap nuts in it

Jewelry Cleaner

Gold, silver sparkle again

Make a paste with 1 tsp ground soap nut, and water rub on and polish

All purpose cleaner

Floors, counters, almost any surface

Boil about 1/4c.soap nut shells in 2 c. water. let simmer for 10 mins.

Pet shampoo

Gentle leaves coat clean and shiny

Same as for shampoo


Natural garden pesticide

Mix one tsp, in 2c. water

Thank You, Mother  -Nature for soap nuts.

She has given us a healthier life style for our families!

Dramatically reduced our exposure to harmful chemicals!

Give back to the  environment after meeting our needs!

PLUS! Saved us a ton of money….

$21.95 for....up to 200 washes!

Your Questions Answered about Ammonia Free Color

Does Hair Color Really Cause Cancer?

An “Informed Beaute’s” right to know to Know

It is proven that hair dyes currently on the market may be hazardous to your health. Recent studies in toxicology have identified dangerous carcinogens and mutagens in certain types of coal tar hair dyes, and he European cosmetic regulatory body has confirmed the majority of hair dyes on the market, are linked to bladder cancer.

Recently, in 2008, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) concluded that hair dyes used in hair salons are very probable in the increase the risk of cancer. While results of the studies completed so far are inconsistent, many studies have shown an increased risk of bladder cancer, breast cancer and other health problems linked to the use of personal hair dye.


Is Your Hair Coloring Product Toxic?

Not only do  “other” hair coloring services strip away the natural moisture and oils from the hair and scalp, break down the hair shaft, but they also put your health at risk.

Kasia Organic Salon offers an alternative if you want to preserve your hair – and your health.

Toxic Compounds Found in Common Hair Coloring Products

Ammonia: A compound used in the chemical coloring process, ammonia can leave the hair looking dry, dull and brittle. Ammonia strips away the hair and scalp’s natural moisture and oils, and although it helps the synthetic color stick to the hair for longer, it is ultimately a toxic ingredient.

Say NO to Ammonia

* A strong irritant for skin, eyes and lungs.

* A suspected carcinogen.

Say NO to Ethanolamine (MEA)

* A toxicant for the immune, respiratory, reproductive, neurological & nervous systems.

* A carcinogen.

Resorcinol: A common ingredient found in synthetic hair coloring products, this compound can be absorbed through the skin. According to toxicology reports, short-term effects of resorcinol include irritation to the eyes, skin and respiratory tract, and long-term effects include the formation of methaemoglobin in the blood.

Proven Health Risks Associated with Hair Dyes

  • Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma: The National Cancer Institute reports that 20 percent of all cases of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in women are the result of using permanent, chemical-laden hair coloring products on a regular basis
  • Skin Allergies: Health line indicates that parabens such as propyl, methyl, butyl and ethyl – preservatives that are commonly used in hair color – are toxic and can cause an allergic reaction or other skin conditions.
  • Bladder Cancer: A study published in the International Cancer Journal found that women who use permanent hair color may be more likely to develop bladder cancer than those that do not. COLIPHA, a European cosmetic regulatory body, has also confirmed that PPD found in hair dyes causes bladder cancer.
  • Ovarian Cancer: The Harvard School of Public Health’s epidemiology department has found that women who undergo chemical hair processing more than five times per year are twice as likely to develop ovarian cancer as women who never use hair dye.
  • Cancer of the Immune System: The American Cancer Society reports that people who use hair dye for two decades or more were at an increased risk of dying from cancers of the immune system, as well as multiple myeloma.
  • Swollen Eyelids or Rashes: Kathleen Davis, an integrative dermatologist in New York City reported allergens   can cause temporary swelling of the eyelids and rashes.

Allergic to Hair Color?

There are a growing number of phone calls coming into Kasia Organic Salon   in complaint of common allergic reactions to hair dyes such as skin rashes, contact dermatitis, swelling of the face and neck, and irritation of the eyes, and headaches.

If you have experienced allergic reactions while sitting in the styling chair, it’s a relief to know you do have other options, not having to settle for discomfort and rashes, when you should relax, and enjoy your coloring service/investments

Kasia offers a number of benefits for people with allergies and hair coloring is one that “we wise women” do not wish to give up, it’s too fun!

Disclaimer:  We always require a patch test, as this may not apply to everyone.

Ammonia Free & Long Lasting RESULTS?

There are several reasons to choose Ammonia Free color over chemical-laden lines available over the counter or at the hair salon.

Optimize your coloring results in avoiding chemicals that reduce the strength and integrity of your hair, increasing breakage, split ends, brittleness and fading.


The Benefits of Kasia Salon Color Services

* Have a much more pleasurable experience at Kasia. No more: scalp stinging, itching, burning or marking.

* The colors have a strong, reduced-fade factor, since the cuticle (the outside layer of the hair) is largely returned to its original position.

* The hair has better shine and looks more natural.

* Excluding ethanolamine and other harmful ingredients.

* Achieve up to 5 levels of lift

* Unlimited possibilities with 60 shades

* Covers grey with uniform results

Hair Insurance!

Choosing the proper shampoos, conditioners and UV protected styling products will help prolong the life of color.  We Love Hamadi Organics

Receive $20 Dollars OFF when you book your first Hair Color Service at Kasia Organic Salon!

Book Online!

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