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Hair coloring products linked to lymphatic cancer and Kassie's comments.

Hello, blooming Informed Beauty!

Unlike the unpredictable weather as of late, there is a solid and STEADY growing current of studies in the personal care/beauty industry that is now surfacing and being accepted.

This weekend I spent a couple hours reading a professional  forum on hair straighteners and which are safe in results of the "Brazillian Blowout" lie.  Believe it or not, there were 320 posts of stylists feeling sick, and desperately searching for alternatives.  Many are so fed up with the industry lies (much how they squeeze silent substitutes in quote "ammonia free color") and are purchasing instruments to measure the true chemicals at home/in salon.  WOW!

When I first started researching health in relation to the hair and skin booming industry, much  of the data was hidden, and highly controversial. I know that we are seeing more transparency and understanding  in our personal care due to the number of clients and friends that continually send feedback and emails sent to my email  inbox (ex: thank you Nancy, for the article posted in this newsletter!)

My suggestion is to always consider the source, the motive, and the end "action" of what you've read.  I am always here for further questions, as it my passion to always grow and learn in what our own revelations are in the choices we have.  Daily...moment by moment....and comfort isn't easy to break from.

Enjoy the following "blurb" and have a great one, Informed Beaute'

Hair coloring products linked to lymphatic cancer

Long-term use of hair dye promotes lymphatic cancer, says this new research from Yale University. The finding isn't surprising: the toxic ingredients used in hair dyes have long been known to be highly carcinogenic. It's yet another example of the health dangers of personal care products like deodorant, perfume, shampoo and soap: all of which contain toxic ingredients that are inevitably absorbed through the skin and enter the bloodstream.

The FDA openly allows personal care product manufacturers to use highly toxic ingredients by hiding behind the ridiculous position that such products are for external use only and, therefore, don't present a health hazard to the public. It wasn't too many years ago that most doctors and health researchers thought the skin was impermeable. But today, the FDA must certainly know that the skin is porous, since the agency has approved so many "patch" drugs that deliver chemicals to the bloodstream through the skin (such as the nicotine patch, for example).

Yet the FDA continues to allow personal care product manufacturers to use openly carcinogenic and toxic ingredients in their formulas, without any requirement whatsoever to even list those ingredients on the labels! An analysis of one popular perfume product, for example, showed it to contain more than forty toxic compounds known to cause liver cancer. None of the cancer-causing chemicals were listed on the label, and the FDA seems to be in no hurry to require such labeling. Can you imagine? "Poison: Yes, it's really poison."

That hair dyes have been linked to cancer is really no surprise to those familiar with the toxicity of personal care products. Practically every popular product contains at least one cancer-causing chemical, and hair dyes are near the top of the list.

Learn more:

Safety Issues of Hair Color Products and 'PPD'

"In Short...."

Much to our clients' surprise, hair dyes may actually further their hair loss or aggravate existing hair and scalp disorders. The reason is that most professional hair color products contain loads of harsh chemicals such as peroxide, ammonia and p-phenylenediamine that can wreak serious damage to our hair and scalp and cause hair loss.

In recent articles written about hair color damaging ingredients, there is a chemical that causes the most concerns among people, which is PPD aside from MEA and ammonia.

Synonyms or components of p-Phenylenediamine:

Paraphenylenediamine Para-aminoaniline (p-aminoaniline)

PPD         PPDA

1,4-Benzenediamine        Orsin™

1,4-Penylenediamine       Ursol™ D

Rodol™ D              Paradiaminobenzene

What is p-Phenylenediamine:

p-Phenylenediamine is a dark dye used extensively in permanent hair dyes, certain dark colored cosmetics as well as temporary skin tatoos. Contact of this substance with your skin may result in dermatitis as well as other skin disorders.

Oxford_Hairdresser Study

This important study published in the Oxford Journals Annals of Occupational Hygiene chronicles the habits of hairdressers when using hair color, and documents the presence of hazardous para-phenylenediamine on hairdressers hands throughout the process, even when using gloves. Suggestions for better occupational hygiene when working with hair dyes and changes to work routine are featured in the report.


Hair Dye Use and Lymphoma

This article posted on WebMD Health News suggests that long-term use of dark, permanent dye may raise lymphoma risk. Research shows that long-term use of permanent hair dye -- in dark colors -- doubles a person's risk of certain blood cancers.
Products used in the great majority of nationwide salons contain a wide range of toxic ingredients, including carcinogens, hormonal ingredients, and allergens," said Dr. Epstein, adding, "Exposure to them poses hidden dangers to clients, and much more so their stylists."

Ammonia Free, The Color of the Future­­­­­­­­­­­­ Blonde, brunette, red … and green!

Every day thousands of women have their hair professionally colored. In fact, 54% of us color our hair regularly!  The hair color industry is ever changing, and ever growing - unfortunately environmental and immunity complications for salon clients is also on the rise. Much of this is due to the adverse effects of ammonia. Leaving the salon far from “refreshed,” clients end up with headaches, stinging eyes, trouble breathing, or a nasty rash. Conventional hair dyes usually contain ammonia, which is specifically designed to burn and degrade surfaces. Many products labelled as ammonia-free contain a substitute,  which is just as harmful as ethanolamine. However, a new breed of hair color is available - green, fumeless, non-damaging ammonia free hair color. We look at why Kasia Organic Salon and other inspiring natural beauty salons are using or considering using ammonia-free color.  As we know, it’s part of the future of beauty!

Kassie at Kasia Organic Salon educates hairstylists, aiming to rectify the lack of knowledge in the hairdressing profession about the color lines they use on a daily basis. “The future is now, and it's high time hair salons start using healthier options for themselves as well”, says Kassie Kuehl.

No Ammo! Why Conventional Color Just Doesn’t “Cover” It

The reasons for choosing an ammonia-free (and ammonia-substitute-free) hair color falls into three categories:

  • Your body's general health
  • The health of your hair
  • The health of your environment

General Body Health

Ammonia-based hair dye in colors like dark brown and black were linked by the National Cancer Institute in 1994 to greater incidence of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and multiple myeloma. A study published in 2001 by the International Journal of Cancer found that people who use permanent hair dye are 100% more likely to develop bladder cancer than those who use no permanent dye. 4-ABP is a known human carcinogen, and was recently found in off-the-shelf hair coloring products.

Hair Health

The characteristic flyaway and faded look that you see on heavily peroxided colored women, comes after long-term use of ammonia agents, thus leaving the hair’s cuticle open, making the hair resemble a dry and brittle.  The tyrosine within hair is also damaged by ammonia-based color, which affects the hair's ability to hold onto color.

When ethanolamine is used in hair color in order to gain 'ammonia-free' status, it needs to be included in concentrations up to 5 times that of ammonia. Ethanolamine is an 'adhesive' type chemical, which can never completely be washed out of your hair and off your scalp. After coloring your hair with ethanolamine-containing products, every time you wash your hair the water acts as a mild oxidizer, and incurs further damage on your hair. Fading and gradually developed dryness after coloring are usually attributable to ethanolamine.

Kasia Organic Salon’s color line uses an plant based alkaline agent that slowly swells the cuticle and controllably closes the cuticle back to it’s closest previous state.

Environmental Health

Over 6.2 billion ounces of harmful chemicals from shampoos and conditioners are washed down the drains and out into our water every day.

Leaving the salon retouched … and refreshed!

Educator and salon owner Kassie Kuehl, spurred by her own health reactions due to working with accumulated amounts of  fumes at the salon, built her foundations with Aveda. Now her own business, Kasia Organic Salon, offers fabulous color services so clients can enjoy their experience without inhaling noxious chemicals or irritated skin and scalp.

Hair Color with a conscious, is it for YOU?

Who should use ammonia-free hair color?

Anyone that is concerned with the volume of chemicals they ingest every day should look into natural, ammonia-free hair color. However, it is even more useful at some particular stages of life! Look up your nearest organic salon if you:

  • Are pregnant - Our enormous, clunky bodies are well-sensitized to environmental hazards. Tiny, unformed human beings are not so lucky. Avoiding chemical exposure is especially important when you are pregnant - but that doesn't mean you have to give up that flexibility with your looks!
  • Are covering greys - If your hair is losing (or has lost) its natural color, you'll be looking to color more often. With ammonia-free color, your hair doesn’t lose the ability to hold color and remains strong and healthy, rather than developing the characteristic frizzy, flyaway look.
  • Young or elderly - Younger and older people are especially sensitive to harsh chemicals. Natural hair color is particularly recommended for under-18s and over 60s.

A Beautiful Health Lifestyle - Where to Find Ammonia Free Hair Color

What is ammonia free?

Once you know the dangers of ammonia-based hair colors, those 'Ammonia Free!' labels sitting on the shelf right next to all the others look pretty tempting. Of course this is a better alternative in purchasing a shelf coloring product, but remember from our conversation above in manufacturers  discovered alternative, the ethanolamine.   Check for both ammonia and ethenolomine ingredients in any hair color you buy off the shelf.

What to do with your new, nutrient-rich color now that you have it?

Ask your hairstylist about after-care and everyday maintenance products that let you keep up with the natural snowball you've started rolling!

Harsh ingredients and harsh environments contribute to fading color.  By choosing the proper shampoos, conditioners and UV protected styling products will help prolong the life of color.  Avoid harsh ingredients  such as Sodium Lauryl Sulfates, and petrochemicals such as Propoline Gylcol and Parabens

The better the health and condition of your locks, the your color lasts, the springier your curls and the smoother and glossier your hair will be. Think of it as an investment in your investment. Let your hair feel as good as your conscience!

Natural Beauty is on the move!

There are a number of organic beauty salons growing across the country, where you can discover that your hair can be just as silky and glossy, your skin as vital and fresh, and your cosmetics just as potent and long-lasting, but without the harsh chemicals!

Contact the Kasia Team today!  612 824 7611

How does your investment of Kasia Color Services Differ?

Common Questions on

ammonia vs. ammonia-free dyes:

Q. I would like to color my hair more often but am afraid of the effects from chemicals:

A. It is rightly a concern because many consumers experience tearing, headache, scalp irritation, breathing discomfort, etc., during and after coloring services.  This is mostly due to the effect of ammonia.

Q. Do all hair dyes contain ammonia?

A. A strong alkaline like ammonia is needed to open the cuticle layer for the depositing of dye pigments in permanent color.  It is also a catalyst in the dye development process.  Ammonia is a very harsh chemical that is the root cause of dryness, roughness and pre-mature fadage in colored hair.

Q. Are there hair dyes that are ammonia-free?

A. Ethanolamine (MEA) is used in many semi- or demi-permanent colors for its lower alkalinity and odorless properties.  Some salons apply heat to these colors to achieve a somewhat more permanent effect but predictably with less than satisfactory results.  MEA is not safer than ammonia because it is a toxicant and a carcinogen (Environmental Working Group).

Q. Are there ammonia-free permanent colors?

A. There are a handful of ammonia-free permanent brands.  It is formulated by tripling the amount of ethanolamine as in its demi cousins.  However, these products are very dangerous due to the high MEA content and its carcinogenic properties.  MEA also has a high tendency to stick to the hair, which leads to dullness and off-tone fadage after prolong usage.

Q. Why is Kasia’s coloring service so unique?

A. Kasia uses a hair dye that does not contain either ammonia or ethanolamine.  It is the safest and most gentle product available.  There is zero damage to the hair, which leads to vibrant and long lasting color with perfect gray coverage and natural shine.

Toxic Cleaning Cabinet? Our Recommended Hard-working Essential Oils for Home!

The Kasia Way -  Our Recommended Hard-working Essential Oils for Home!

Here’s the bare minimum to stock up on when it comes to cleaning...

* Lemon essential oil

* Tea Tree essential oil

* White Pine essential oil (or your favorite piney oil!)

* Lavender essential oil

* Peppermint essential oil

"So...What's in your Cleaning Cabinet?"

AIR FRESHENERS: Work by coating your nasal passages with an oil film and/or reduce your ability to smell odors. Often containing Formaldehyde, a highly toxic ingredient, which can irritate eyes, nose, throat, and skin. High exposure can cause nausea, headaches, nosebleeds, dizziness, memory loss and shortness of breath. They may also include Phenol, a skin irritant that can cause swelling, burning, and peeling. High doses of Phenol can also cause cold sweats, convulsions, circulatory collapse, coma, and even death. Most Air Fresheners contain artificial fragrances, which are petroleum based.

ALL-PURPOSE CLEANERS: often contains Propylene Glycol, a chemical that can cause nausea, convulsions, slurred speech, disorientation, and heart and kidney problems if ingested.  Ninety percent contain Sodium Laurel (Laureth) Sulfate. Some all-purpose cleaners may contain Sodium Hydroxide (Lye), also found in drain cleaners, stain removers, and bathroom cleaners. A highly reactive chemical, lye can react violently with water and other materials, sometimes generating enough heat to ignite nearby combustible materials. Extremely corrosive to all tissues, especially the eyes as it can cause blindness. Aerosol sprays containing this chemical can also lead to lung injury. Extremely dangerous when coming in contact with skin, mucous membranes, mouth, throat, esophagus and stomach tissues.

AMMONIA: a volatile chemical, commonly found in window cleaners, and some stain removers and detergents. Ammonia can damage your eyes, as well as respiratory tract and cause ski irritation. Ammonia adds nitrogen to the environment, which can damage some ecosystems.

ANTIBACTERIAL CLEANERS: contains Sodium Laurel (Laureth) Sulfate and Triclosan, a chemical that, if absorbed through the skin, may contribute to liver damage. Eliminates *good* bacteria, and studies suggest bacteria acquires resistance to antimicrobial agents.

CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY SHAMPOO: Highly toxic ingredients include Perchlorethylene, a carcinogen that can damage the liver, kidneys, and nervous system. They also contain Ammonium Hydroxide, which is extremely irritable to eyes, skin and respiratory passages.

CHLORINE BLEACH: a strong corrosive with fumes that can irritate or burn the skin, eyes, and respiratory tract. If ingested, bleach can cause pulmonary edema or vomiting. Extremely dangerous when mixed with ammonia, as the resulting fumes can be deadly.

DISHWASHER DETERGENTS: often contain highly concentrated amounts of chlorine, a leading cause of child poisonings (see Chlorine Bleach). They also contain Sodium Laurel (Laureth) Suflate and phosphates that can cause severe skin irritation, burns and chronic poisoning if inhaled or ingested.

DRAIN CLEANER: often contains Sodium Hydroxide (Lye, see All Purpose Cleaner above), Hydrochloric Acid or Trichloroethane. Hydrochloric Acid is a corrosive element that can irritate skin, and damage kidneys, liver and digestive tracts. Trichloroethane is an eye and skin irritant that can depress the nervous system and damage liver and kidneys.

FURNITURE POLISH: many include Petroleum Distillates, a highly flammable skin irritant, and Phenol (see Air Fresheners). Some also include Nitrobenzene, a toxic material easily absorbed through the skin, or Methyl Chloroform, which can cause skin irritation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, irregular heartbeat, headache, drowsiness, symptoms of drunkenness, kidney damage, liver damage, convulsions, and even coma. A variety of other petroleum-based solvents may be used that can cause mucous membrane irritation, as well as headache, dizziness, and nausea at higher concentrations.

LAUNDRY ROOM PRODUCTS: contains Sodium Laurel (Laureth) Sulfate, and  Sodium or Calcium Hypochlorite, highly corrosive materials that can irritate or burn skin, eyes or respiratory tract. Other chemicals include Linear Alkylate Sulfonate, which can be absorbed through the skin and may cause liver damage, and Sodium Tripolyphosphate, a skin and mucous membrane irritant that can cause vomiting. Liquid detergents may also contain Ethyl Alcohol, which can cause coughing, drowsiness, fatigue, and headaches.

MOLD AND MILDEW CLEANERS: ingredients often include Sodium Hypochlorite, a corrosive material that can irritate or burn skin and eyes. In cases of high exposure, can cause pulmonary edema, which can lead to coma or death. Many such cleaners also contain Formaldehyde (see Air Fresheners).

OVEN CLEANER: contains Sodium Hydroxide (Lye), a strong irritant to skin and eyes; can also inhibit reflexes (see All-Purpose Cleaner).

STAIN REMOVERS: often contain Petroleum Naphtha, a petroleum distillate that can inflame and damage lungs.

TOILET BOWL CLEANERS: may contain Hydrochloric Acid, a highly corrosive irritant to both skin and eyes that can also lead to kidney and liver damage. May also include Hypochlorite Bleach, another corrosive irritant that can burn eyes, skin and respiratory tract. Ingestion can lead to pulmonary edema, vomiting or coma. If combined with other chemicals may result in potentially fatal chlorine fumes. Other products can include Phosphoric Acid, an extremely corrosive material that can cause severe irritation and burns to skin.

Your Questions Answered about Ammonia Free Color

Does Hair Color Really Cause Cancer?

An “Informed Beaute’s” right to know to Know

It is proven that hair dyes currently on the market may be hazardous to your health. Recent studies in toxicology have identified dangerous carcinogens and mutagens in certain types of coal tar hair dyes, and he European cosmetic regulatory body has confirmed the majority of hair dyes on the market, are linked to bladder cancer.

Recently, in 2008, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) concluded that hair dyes used in hair salons are very probable in the increase the risk of cancer. While results of the studies completed so far are inconsistent, many studies have shown an increased risk of bladder cancer, breast cancer and other health problems linked to the use of personal hair dye.


Is Your Hair Coloring Product Toxic?

Not only do  “other” hair coloring services strip away the natural moisture and oils from the hair and scalp, break down the hair shaft, but they also put your health at risk.

Kasia Organic Salon offers an alternative if you want to preserve your hair – and your health.

Toxic Compounds Found in Common Hair Coloring Products

Ammonia: A compound used in the chemical coloring process, ammonia can leave the hair looking dry, dull and brittle. Ammonia strips away the hair and scalp’s natural moisture and oils, and although it helps the synthetic color stick to the hair for longer, it is ultimately a toxic ingredient.

Say NO to Ammonia

* A strong irritant for skin, eyes and lungs.

* A suspected carcinogen.

Say NO to Ethanolamine (MEA)

* A toxicant for the immune, respiratory, reproductive, neurological & nervous systems.

* A carcinogen.

Resorcinol: A common ingredient found in synthetic hair coloring products, this compound can be absorbed through the skin. According to toxicology reports, short-term effects of resorcinol include irritation to the eyes, skin and respiratory tract, and long-term effects include the formation of methaemoglobin in the blood.

Proven Health Risks Associated with Hair Dyes

  • Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma: The National Cancer Institute reports that 20 percent of all cases of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in women are the result of using permanent, chemical-laden hair coloring products on a regular basis
  • Skin Allergies: Health line indicates that parabens such as propyl, methyl, butyl and ethyl – preservatives that are commonly used in hair color – are toxic and can cause an allergic reaction or other skin conditions.
  • Bladder Cancer: A study published in the International Cancer Journal found that women who use permanent hair color may be more likely to develop bladder cancer than those that do not. COLIPHA, a European cosmetic regulatory body, has also confirmed that PPD found in hair dyes causes bladder cancer.
  • Ovarian Cancer: The Harvard School of Public Health’s epidemiology department has found that women who undergo chemical hair processing more than five times per year are twice as likely to develop ovarian cancer as women who never use hair dye.
  • Cancer of the Immune System: The American Cancer Society reports that people who use hair dye for two decades or more were at an increased risk of dying from cancers of the immune system, as well as multiple myeloma.
  • Swollen Eyelids or Rashes: Kathleen Davis, an integrative dermatologist in New York City reported allergens   can cause temporary swelling of the eyelids and rashes.

Allergic to Hair Color?

There are a growing number of phone calls coming into Kasia Organic Salon   in complaint of common allergic reactions to hair dyes such as skin rashes, contact dermatitis, swelling of the face and neck, and irritation of the eyes, and headaches.

If you have experienced allergic reactions while sitting in the styling chair, it’s a relief to know you do have other options, not having to settle for discomfort and rashes, when you should relax, and enjoy your coloring service/investments

Kasia offers a number of benefits for people with allergies and hair coloring is one that “we wise women” do not wish to give up, it’s too fun!

Disclaimer:  We always require a patch test, as this may not apply to everyone.

Ammonia Free & Long Lasting RESULTS?

There are several reasons to choose Ammonia Free color over chemical-laden lines available over the counter or at the hair salon.

Optimize your coloring results in avoiding chemicals that reduce the strength and integrity of your hair, increasing breakage, split ends, brittleness and fading.


The Benefits of Kasia Salon Color Services

* Have a much more pleasurable experience at Kasia. No more: scalp stinging, itching, burning or marking.

* The colors have a strong, reduced-fade factor, since the cuticle (the outside layer of the hair) is largely returned to its original position.

* The hair has better shine and looks more natural.

* Excluding ethanolamine and other harmful ingredients.

* Achieve up to 5 levels of lift

* Unlimited possibilities with 60 shades

* Covers grey with uniform results

Hair Insurance!

Choosing the proper shampoos, conditioners and UV protected styling products will help prolong the life of color.  We Love Hamadi Organics

Receive $20 Dollars OFF when you book your first Hair Color Service at Kasia Organic Salon!

Book Online!

How do Kasia Color Services DIFFER from other "Ammonia Free Color lines?"

I cannot believe it's been almost 3 years since a local distributor contacted me to start testing the now used Ammonia Free Color Line at Kasia Organic Salon.....After becoming the local educator, and gaining knowledge to science and difference to other hair colors on the market, my fellow hair stylists are finally starting to see the benefit of utilizing a more integritive color formulation.

The new team at Kasia Organic Salon caught on very fast in how to shift to a European Color System.  We recieve  many phone calls of anxious women and fashionista's wanting this better option!

Questions are answered regularly of how the line used at Kasia Salon differs from other "Ammonia Free" lines, icluding ones sold at Whole Foods and Co-ops.  Aside from it being VOID of MEA - I will leave the laundry list aside, and direct you back to the following article.

With all of this said, the market is starting to catch up.  L'Oreal, "a Fortune 500 Co. and beyond..."  has caught on to the trend to add to their bottom line investmet.

Below we share a few points of difference of the Ammonia Free color line used by
Kasia Organic Salon Colorists VS newly "INOA"

L'Oreal Professional will be launching a no-ammonia hair color "INOA" nationwide in the U.S. in January. The line has been used in two dozens Kerastase salons for a few months.

1. INOA replaces ammonia with ethanolamine (MEA), a carcinogen, while our line's alkaline agent to open the cuticle is based on a plant-derived amino acid.

There are at least 12 other professional and consumer brands replace ammonia with MEA, including Organic Color Systems, Perfecta-Faipa, Farouk-Chi, Nutritint and Herbatint. 2. Most existing MEA-based products have long-term performance problems due to its sticky chemical property imparted on the hair-shaft, causing hair color to oxidize every time it is washed. The INOA system has to  include a special wash to better remove the residual color after processing.

3. INOA "adapted" the oil conditioning base for better depositing, which was originally created by the line used at Kasia Salon.  The oil base comes in a separate bottle apart from the dyes. Therefore, the stylists inquires additional waste/tasks, and has to mix three components to make any color.

4. It does not seem to contain anti-oxidants, or at a low enough level that it is not part of the product's performance or marketing claim. The anti-oxidants in ]will enhance delivery and they contribute to the longevity of the colors tremendously.

5.  Comparably, it is less flexible as to demi-permanent and pre-filling the hair for better and lasting results to compromised hair, lacking ability to fine-tuning the results desired.

6. It uses a traditional and cheaper 2-base alkalinity system as compare to our refined tri-base system.  Kasia Organic Salon invests in companies that do not cut corners, our tri-base system gives the hair color much more depth, and helps VOID color fadage, especially to coppers and reds.

As you can see, Kasia Organic Salon's Color services compare very favorable to INOA, and at the same time, CELEBRATE the rising competition and steps toward the betterment and advancement in this industry I so love.

Are you a first time client at Kasia Organic Salon?

We know you will just LOVE our Ammonia Free Hair Color services. Recieve $20 OFF your first Fabulous Color.

Get your SPRING on and schedule an appointment today with our Experienced Hair Colorists. Call us today at  612 824 7611

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