Beauty Blueprint

Top 5 Tips How to Avoid a Allergic Reaction to Hair Color

Hey super natural!  

Have you ever wondered if your hair color is safe, void of lurking chemicals?

More like, what woman hasn’t?!

In this short read (or scroll down to the bottom if you’d rather watch), you’ll learn how avoiding just three letters could potentially save your scalp health and your hair.

I’ve been privileged to be a hair color educator and provide hundreds of women with beautiful hair color for over 20 years behind the chair. This means my hands have been deep in a myriad of ingredients that have been nourishing and good - and some not so great (harmful ingredients).   One of these “bad” ingredient is PPD (para-phenylenediamine).

Before natural was cool and organic was chic, I saw the ingredient safety issues around PPD, let alone it was highly allergenic. For this reason, over the last 15 years I’ve sought out the best hair color lines that provide  a PPD Free and Ammonia free for our hundreds of clients at Beauty Ecology.

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Why PPD  a leading concerning ingredient?


PPD is a powerful chemical sensitizer and I’ve seen it cause strong allergic reactions in everyday healthy women from out of nowhere.  

The top symptoms and reactions from PPD  are itchiness. Headaches, redness and irritation and at worst, PPD can also cause a anaphylactic shock reaction.    

Research Studies Share the Risk
University of Southern California study found that women who had colored their hair once a month for fifteen years or more had a 50% higher risk of bladder cancer.

A 2004 study published in the International Journal of Cancer, hair colorists who’d been working with color for more than fifteen years had a five-fold risk of getting bladder cancer compared to the general population.

PPD’s also been linked to non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (in the American Journal of Epidemiology in 2008).

Research at the University in Sweden in 2001, suggests PPD might compromise the immune system, setting off rheumatoid arthritis (women who’d colored their hair for 20 years or more had twice the risk of women who had not).

So what are the best ways to avoid a out of the blue” reaction, worse reactions if already experiencing symptoms and overall better hair and inner health?  

Top Five Tip to Avoid PPD Reactions in Hair Color

  1. Wrap it up.   Ask your stylist to remove risk by foiling lowlights to enclose the color and avoiding the scalp contact.

  2. Go blonder.   By using blonde shades and “lifting” the hair, you avoid dark tones which contain significantly higher levels of PPD.

  3. Go longer between coloring and disguise.  Use a powder to disguise regrowth and use a color conditioner that is PPD free.   

  4. Wear hats, avoid chlorinated pools, wash your hair less—all in the service of keeping your color as vibrant and healthy-looking as possible, so you need to re-color less often.

  5. Prep with Benadryl.   Hopefully you won’t fall asleep while applying color at home, but just in case, taking a anti-inflammatory supplement or OTC Benadryl will reduce symptoms. If you feel the slightest twinge of an allergic reaction after coloring, get medical help right away ( swelling, dizziness, difficulty breathing.)

    Last but not least.
    Always Always Seek out PPD-FREE formulas. The best place to start is to find hair color brands that are void of PPD, or at least very very low. Beauty Ecology is a top referal salon for safe, natural and conditioning hair color.


Contact our team and let us know if you’d like to benefit from PPD free color today!

CBD and the Endocannabinoid System. Your brain and body are dependent on it.

What is the Endocannabinoid System?


The word endocannabinoid roots itself in Latin, endo meaning within and cannabinoid describing a key in the complex system and is often referred to as the ECS.

The key roles of the ECS are growing daily through research studies by top universities and governing bodies.  

The biological influences of the body’s ECS are many, but to put it simply, it is the neurofeedback system keeping your body in balance despite fluctuations in the external environment.

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Keeping your ECS in Balance.

Throughout your body there are cell receptors and corresponding molecules which comprise your endocannabinoid system.

There are two primary cell receptors called Cannabinoid Receptor 1 (CB1) and Cannabinoid Receptor 2 (CB2). Your body produces cannabinoids with the assistance of fatty acids, not unlike those cannabinoids produced in the cannabis plant (hello CBD).

Your endocannabinoid presence acts as the master communicators with your cells to better regulate inflammation, pain, appetite, sleep, mood, insulin sensitivity, fat and energy metabolism, and also impact neurologic and immune conditions.  

Cannabinoids influence the activity of more than 1000 genes, and help increase our cellular antioxidant defenses as well as downregulate many pro-inflammatory mediators.  Most can attest that one of the most appreciated uses of CBD is it’s direct activation of serotonin receptors, providing you an anti-anxiety effect.

The symbiotic relationship of cannabinoids and your ECS.

There are few plants that render the phytochemical abundance of cannabis. Cannabis hosts over 400 unique chemicals and are critical for bioregulation and homeostasis throughout our body and brain.  

What happens when you take CBD internally?

When CBD is ingested, it acts as a supplement, if you will, that kick starts the body’s ECS which is stimulated to produce its own cannabinoids. Current research shows that ingesting CBD actually assists the body in switching on its own capacity for maintaining balance and well-being.  

Read that sentence again so it sinks in: Research is showing that ingesting CBD actually assists the body in switching on its own capacity for maintaining balance and well-being.


Game-Changing Discovery Linking the Brain and the Immune System

Cerebral Health + ECS


Cannabinoids have shown to have a protective effect in the brain and nervous system.  As a powerful neuroprotective antioxidant, CBD is superior to the largely known Vitamin E  and Vitamin C in preventing toxicity from excess amounts of the neurotransmitter glutamate.  

Cannabinoids are now being studied as a target as a new antidepressant and antianxiety solution due to its ability to help to balance mood by their effect on a serotonin receptors.  They even help regulate excitability in the brain, which now shows a track record on the impact on epileptic seizures.

Proactive Neuron Health

Certain cannabinoids offer an overall tonic for the brain, protecting against chronic stress, which can result in a decrease the growth and density of new neurons. They also influence mechanisms that govern the life and death of neurons, suggesting they may be helpful for neurodegenerative conditions and increase the capacity of the brain to adapt, change and remodel itself in response to experience. 

Your Body + ECS


The chronic stress and abundance of toxins in today’s culture is a great burden on our bodies. Cannabinoids are a first line of defence in combating the oxidative stress that burdens us all. They’ve shown to diminish damage related to diabetes, retinal disease, leaky gut, and other conditions associated with oxidative stress and immune activation.

As early adopters of CBD, many start taking Cannabinoids  to address inflammation and pain, which may also support musculoskeletal system function and joint health.  We also know how important recovery from sleep is. Good news! According to a 2017 review of scientific research,  cannabinoids were found helpful in improving disturbances in REM sleep leading to excessive daytime sleepiness.

In summary, nature in her brilliance and infinite creativity, has gifted us with a stream of plant bliss-genes,  blooming perfectly for our own innate regulatory cannabinoid system.

What happens when your ECS does not produce enough cannabinoids or regulate the cells properly?  

We are now starting to discover the everyday and more severe autoimmune health issues to be linked to a  “Endocannabinoid Deficiency Syndrome (ECDS).” I will help you explore this concept in a future article.  

We think CBD taken internally is pretty remarkable, which is why we created our tinctures to keep you in check. I think of our ECS as a great harmonizer, helping us to regain equilibrium and balance.

Thank you for following along and discovering more of your inner-brilliance!

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Are you happy?

It’s a journey to INNER JOY….

Everyone you meet always asks if you have a career, are married or own a house; as if life was some kind of grocery list

…. But nobody ever asks if you are happy.

- Heath Ledger

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The 2 Types of Hair Loss [and how to reverse it]

Why is my hair thinning!?

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We've all been there. Speaking from experience and empathy - I went through a 50% hair loss experience (dreadful) this winter due to stress and incredibly low hemoglobin. As my gut was healed, and my body restored - I see the fruits in full return from applying meditation, our Evoq products (especially the root activator), CBD, and disciplined sleep habits.

Hair loss has always been specialty of mine at BE Salon. I’ve witnessed hundreds of women battle thinning hair - so I can validate that 1 in 4 women will experience hair loss.

I’ve also helped these women throw their locks in a role reversal (positive). By understanding the catalysts to hair loss, we can then learn and be proactive in combating it. Sitting and fretting ads to the issue. Girl, LET’S GROW!

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There are two general reasons for hair loss: hereditary and reactive.

Hereditary hair loss refers to a genetic predisposition to hair thinning, which includes "male pattern balding" experienced by about 50% of men over the age of 50, though genes can also cause hair loss much earlier.

When it comes to hormones,women can experience this patterning.

Hormones play a huge role in regulating the hair growth cycle. Oestrogens (female hormones) are 'hair friendly' and help to keep hairs in their growth phase for the optimal length of time. Androgens (male hormones) are not very hair friendly, and can shorten the hair growth cycle.

An excess of androgens (which could be caused by an endocrine disorders) can cause hair loss. The extent of this is often down to genes - If you have a genetic predisposition to follicle sensitivity, a hormonal imbalance can affect your hair more than it would someone who does not have a predisposition.

I suggest seeing a Functional Medicine Practitioner to see what’s stressing your hormones and organs inside-out. Even if you're predisposed genetically, there are still plenty of lifestyle changes and natural remedies to explore.

Here’s a GREAT read on how to test your Thyroid - often a partnering culprit.

Reactive hair loss refers to a harsh internal jolt to your system and external stressors that affect hair loss and strength. These include diet, hormones, stressors, behaviors, environmental factors, sudden weight loss/gain and even skin conditions such as psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis.

How does this happen? Androgen (male hormone) levels are yet again raised, which in turn can causes hair loss. Feeling like it’s out of your control?

Here’s a few ways to TAKE CONTROL of your HAIR VITALITY TODAY

Take note.

1. Eat well and Smart Supplements. 
Deficiencies in iron, zinc, B vitamins, protein, and complex carbohydrates can all have a negative effect on hair growth. B12, commonly found in animal products, is often found to be low in vegans and vegetarians. Hair is made of protein, making adequate daily intake of protein rich foods essential. Include at least a palm sized portion of protein at breakfast and lunch.


Generally speaking, it's important to eat plenty of vegetables to help chelate excess xenoestrogens to keep your hair and scalp in optimum shape. Say not to SUGAR! It’s a direct release of cortisol and can feel the follicle popping as I think about it!

2. Stay on top of immunity and hormonal balance.
Undiagnosed thyroid problems, hormone imbalances, autoimmune diseases and other conditions can be found at the root of hair loss. Be sure to consult a Functional Medicine Practitioner if you're experiencing any symptoms related to these conditions. Skilled to get to the root!

3. Take it easy on the styling.
Heat styling as well as tight braids, buns, and ponytails can take a toll on the strands. As for styling products, pay attention to ingredients. Polyethylene glycol and alcohol can dry out strands and lead to weak, brittle hair that's more prone to breakage.

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4. Gentle Ammonia Free Hair Color.
About 70% of women use hair color. I’ve witnessed it time and again - after our clients at Beauty Ecology. BE was one of the first salons to exclude professional-grade Ammonia, Resorcinol, and PPD from our services. We stay true to that commitment, making our color much gentler, safer, and kinder to the stylist, environment and most important -your healthier scalp!

5. Find healthy ways to cope with your stress.
Stress and anxiety can raise androgen levels, which increases the likelihood of hair loss. Therapy, meditation, and CBD, and natural supplements are effective ways to reduce stress in our day to day lives. I love adaptogenic herbs (CBD also acts like an adaptogen). Look for ashwagandha, rhodiola, and cordyceps - all shown to relieve stress.

6. Nourish your top crop and reactivate your scalp.

This is VITAL. Remember, your scalp and outer skin is the last chain of command to receive nourishment from the inside, so externally assistance for the scalp is a critical MUST from my experience. It’s why our Root Revival System has been a reviving blessing to many of our success - hair - full clients.

Experience our HAIR GROWTH ACTIVATOR that’s proven to be 2x’s MORE IMPACTFUL THAN MINOXIDIL (drug based).

When you purchase our Root Revival System YOU GET FREE SHIPPING!

Rehab Hair & Now with the NEW Cor.Restore Service

Dry, brittle, dull and weak hair is about to be of the past.

Introducing our NEW.BE service

CØR restore. 
Repair | Rebuild | Protect | Prolong



Brilliant hair color starts with a clean and healthy canvas (your hair). It’s what gives you color longevity, shine and dimension to your color results.

Like a true colorist, I’ve changed my own color up and went from dark ash to cool bright blonde myself, which always brings ….. DAMAGE. No ma’am.

In fact, all ages of my clients have been brightening it up as of late. There are no hair rules in the winter. Have fun! I’ll make sure you get there in the healthiest way.

Social Proof | Bleach FREE | 100% Natural Hair Color


You can go BRIGHT BLONDE or better maintain RICH BRUNETTE hair color with CØR Restore.

This new in-salon restorative treatment uses an innovative blend of amino acids and organic nourishments to reconnect broken bonds and repair the damage to hair that has been compromised by chemical processing, heat styling, and mechanical abuse.

In depth:

  • Improves and maintains hair strength and integrity

  • Helps repair damage from frequent coloring and bleaching

  • Lessens breakage and helps the hair grow longer

  • Reduces split ends

  • Tames frizz and makes hair shiner, smoother, and more manageable

What it’s made of:

  • Arginine – Stimulates Hair Growth

  • Glycine – Slows Aging Process

  • Alanine – Helps Retain Color

  • Serine – Strengthens the Hair

  • Valine – Nourishes the Hair Fiber

  • Proline – Builds Collagen

  • Threonine – Provides Protein and Collagen

  • Isoleucine – Plumps and Fills the Hair

  • Histidine – Strengthens the Hair Shaft

  • Aspartic Acid – Conditions Strands

  • Sodium PCA – Preserves Moisture

  • Phenylalanine – Helps Prevent Fading

Q & A

What’s the difference between our Keratin Express + CØR Restore Service?

Different but both are just as valuable in maintaining the disulphide bonds within the hair structure. The difference is Cor.Restore is used during the color process. These bonds are normally broken down during the color process and can sometimes result in breakage and stretchy hair results mainly in high lift situations such as balayage, highlights or lift tints. It’s a must for anyone heading lighter, but just as powerful in tinting down.

Can I use the treatment if I am NOT coloring?

YES! From lightening, coloring to even using it as a stand-alone treatment, we can add it to a haircut or as a treatment by itself.

What is the cost?
$45: Includes treatment and blowout.

**SAVE 20% when you add to a color service ( only $36 )!

How Long does it take?

NO TIME, when you add to a hair color. As a separate treatment with a blowout or haircut, approximately 40 minutes.

Is this the same as OLAPLEX?

NO - but YES. The pursuit is the same in repairing the bonds in the cuticle.
But this is NOT Olaplex.

Here’s a shared explanation in understanding Olaplex Ingredients
According to the label, it contains the following:
Water (Aqua), Bis-Aminopropyl Diglycol Dimaleate, Propylene Glycol, Cetearyl Alcohol, Behentrimonium Methosulfate, Cetyl Alcohol, Phenoxyethanol, Glycerin, Hydroxyethyl Ethylcellulose, Stearamidopropyl Dimethylamine, Quaternium-91, Sodium Benzoate, Cetrimonium Methosulfate, Cetrimonium Chloride, Fragrance (Parfum), Polyquaternium-37, Tetrasodium EDTA, Butylphenyl Methylpropional, Etidronic Acid, Ascorbic Acid, Phytantriol, Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis (Sweet Almond) Oil, Tocopheryl Acetate, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice, Panthenol, Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil, Citric Acid, Potassium Sorbate.

According to sites like Truth In Aging,, and Paula’s Choice, the majority of the remaining ingredients constitute conditioning agents (propylene glycol, glycerin, hydroxyethyl ethylcellulose, stearamidopropyl dimethylamine, quaternium-91, cetrimonium methosulfate).
Others include emollients (cetearyl alcohol), preservatives (phenoxyethanol, sodium benzoate, tetrasodium EDTA), and cleansers (cetrimonium chloride).

​​​​At BE we always challenge the artificial norms of professional haircare with formulations that are both effective and gentle. Removing harsh chemicals wherever possible while including natural extracts and active minerals that deliver real benefits.

How does your hair color keep my hair healthier?
Our motto for over 2 centuries is : Start with healthiest color for inner-outer health.

100% FREE of Ammonia, PPD and Resorcinol!

  • PPD (p-Phenylenediamine) has been linked to bladder cancer, lung, kidney and nervous system disorders and severe allergic reactions

  • Resorcinol is classified by the European Union as harmful, irritant to eyes and skil and dangerous for the environment. It may also disrupt hormonal function, and lead to  hypothyroidism.

  • Ammonia can irritate the eyes, skin and respiratory system. It can also cause asthma and breathing difficulties.

Our components to help protect and boost hair health:

  • Illute (allows micro pigment to permeate and saturate hair with colour)

  • Kaolin (guards against colour fade and ensures colour stays locked)

  • Montmorillonite (nourishes the hair and scalp to improve hair and scalp condition)

  • Enjoy sunflower seed wax and sweet almond oil to further strengthen the hair and scalp.

READY? Whether you want to up-level your hair color, or put your locks through rehab. Allow us to personalize and help you.

Let your stylist know you’d like to ADD onto your upcoming color service! Perfect for looking your best for the holidays!

Hair Bondage. Why frizz happens, and how to fix it.

| 2 Min Read |

Hey there - let's explore a little hair bondage, shall we?

There’s one hot topic that NEVER escapes my chair - and your hair!   

Hair Frizz

Your Hair’s Inner Workings

Your hair is made up of keratin.  These proteins are present in the middle layer of the cuticle and are susceptible to changing shape on a humid day.

Outside of Keratin, your hairs made up of 50% carbon, 21% oxygen, 17% nitrogen, 6% hydrogen, and 5% sulfur.   

Hair Bondage

Keratin proteins chemically bond together in two different ways.


Disulfide Bond:
Molecules on neighboring keratin strands can form a disulfide bond, in which two sulfur atoms are bonded together. These bonds are permanent and determine the hair’s strength.  They are NOT affected by the level of humidity in the air.

Hydrogen Bond:
The other type of bond represents the link between adjacent keratin proteins and is much weaker and temporary.  The are the bonds that shift by creating shape whether curly or blown out straight - as new ones are forming each time your hair gets wet and dries again.

Hair is porous and it cannot help but to absorb moisture when there is humidity in the air. So if humid air has much higher numbers of water molecules than dry air, a strand of hair can form much higher numbers of hydrogen bonds on a humid day.

This interaction is what causes the hair to fold back on itself at the molecular level at a greater rate.

Keeping Frizz at Bay

Hair that is dry and fragile from hard water, heating agents, or chemically based hair treatments, leave it particularly susceptible.

Keeping your hair well moisturized with the right amount of protein is key to helping avoid frizz. With that said, hair is extremely susceptible to hydrogen bonds and will occur to some level no matter how well you narrow in on this issue at hand.     

No matter what your frizz scale is, I’ll share 3 simple ways to improve your hair health and shine.


Get on the Keratin Express


This is a easy and quick fix.  At BE, we offer a keratin express treatment that takes no time at all and can be conveniently added to the end of a hair color.  We simply wash your locks of love and layer by layer add keratin - blow dry and flat iron to seal the deal (bonds). What you take out, but be put back in - it’s the root of healthy hair.  


Protect & Smooth Home Care

As a 20 year stylist, I swear by this key step. Anti-frizz products help the hair to withstand humid environments, retain keratin and moisture, while protecting it from UV and heat-activated styling tools.  Our Treat & Protect Spray prevents your locks from expanding and frizzing up in high humidity.

Seal the Deal for Everyday Shine

Ending your hair care routine with a quality serum is a key step in banishing frizz for the rest of the day.  BEWARE of excess silicones! Silicone is known to hover the top of the cuticle to prevent the outer lift of the hair scales (frizz), but it simultaneously pulls out your hair’s NMF (natural moisturizing factor) over time.  Quite the opposite of what you want to do.

Grant your mane a sleek glossy finish with our weightless argan oil and keratin infused glossing serum free of heavy silicones to prevent your hair from looking flat and oleaginous (oil) like.

So there you are - now GO MASTER THAT FRIZZ!   Here if you need us - email for any additional questions or to book an appointment!  




Skin Burnout? How to Address Mitochondria Burnout & Aging


Ground Zero | Energy and your Skin

While wrinkles and a sagging skin are an initial outward signs of aging, it actually begins deep within your cells. The same can go for your hair growth - and it’s vitality.

In this informed beauty lesson, I’m covering how Mitochondria are the power plants within your cells which create ground zero for energy production allowing you to feel full of energy while imparting better skin. 

 I'll also share two key players proven to transform you into a energizing bunny.   

Iconic beauty, right? 

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Mighty - Mito - Production


Let’s dive in!  

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Starting off, there are many theories when approaching aging skin. Most products seek to just improve the visible appearance of aging skin, but Evoq Beauty is different.  

The fundamental formulating principles within our Evoq “beyond organic” skincare system focuses on targeting the very underlying causes of skin degeneration  – better known as mitochondrial decay – to help rejuve and improve your skin’s health now and over time.

 - I call it the 80 / 20 rule -

Look around you … 
Glowing skin is in influenced by both our genetics and environmental factors.  Epigenetic medicine points out this critical component referenced as your “exposome.” 

Simply put - 80% of aging is the environment controlling your cell to cell messaging and only 20% is genetically encoded.

So if our body's 20% of the natural aging process is not within our control (referred to as intrinsic aging), it’s clear that we play a huge hand in controlling the other 80% which are the lifestyle decisions and environmental factors such as the sun, pollution, smoking and poor nutrition (referred to as extrinsic).

Taking Back Control
Let's swing back and layout the ONE MAJOR CAUSE of accelerated aging called “mitochondrial decay."

Over time, depletion at the cellular level breaks down and collapses collagen at deeper layers, manifesting lines, lost volume, lost radiance, uneven pigmentation, and dryness.

Capturing 2 key players to help you take back control.


The Role of Mitochondria
in Aging Skin

Mitochondria are small structures inside a cell that generate energy.

They produce 98% of the energy for the body.

For this reason, they are often called the ENERGY POWERHOUSE OF THE CELL.  

Down to a science. ...  The energy molecules are called ATP (adenosine triphosphate). ATP is essential to life – it supplies energy for all reactions in the body. Without it, life cannot exist.

Functions of Failure
Organs cannot borrow energy from one another, so the efficiency of each organ's mitochondria is essential to its repair processes and functions on it’s own. If an organ's mitochondria fail, then so does that organ. The skin is the largest organ in the body, so the enhancement and protection of actual mitochondrial function is instrumental in preventing and slowing skin aging.



Lost Mojo
When ATP is unable to be produced due to mitochondrial dysfunction, the resulting buildup of toxins leads to significantly lowered nutrient absorption. This is similar to what happens when an electrical circuit is obstructed and the energy flow is impeded.

The Free Radical Exchange
As ATP is produced by the mitochondria, a secondary waste by-product is naturally produced. These waste by-products are known as free radicals.   Free radicals are highly charged molecules lacking a paired electron making them very likely to bind to other atoms or molecules, which in turn gives rise to a process called oxidative stress. Not so great, because oxidative stress damages cells and is linked with various diseases as well as the commons signs of aging, including wrinkles in the skin.

The After Party Cleanup
When free radical parties are a little too loud, the clean up crew has to work harder than normal. As free radicals continue to rise, toxins accumulate until the cell is destroyed. Evoq’s skin nutrients provide antioxidants and oxygenation directly to the cells to alleviate the oxidative stress response and maintain energy production to allow the cells to detoxify and maintain integrity.

Evoq skin care naturally targets mitochondrial decay with our “Forces of Nature” approach which slows deterioration and simultaneously helping to sustain an optimize mitochondrial's functional ability in skin cells for long term skin health.

 Skin Care Solutions + 2 Key Game Changers


How Oxygen and Marine Plant Life brings
a New Force to your Skin's Vitality

A key component in almost every Evoq skin product encompasses components of the sea, and one specifically being phytoplankton.   This single-celled organisms lives amongst the various marine plant life species responsible for:

  • approximately 70% of the earth’s oxygen supply
  • a plethora of amino acids
  • fatty acids
  • antioxidants
  • micronutrients and macronutrients
  • minerals

Marine Biomimetic Super Power
By permeating the dermal membranes, marine plants deliver concentrated phytonutrients that directly benefit our cells rather than being held up in the digestive tract or decomposed and cleansed via the liver.

Cellular function, detoxification and overall immune support through   antioxidant content (which includes superoxide dismutase, Co2, astaxanthin, vitamin C and vitamin E) allows your body to more easily protect itself against free radicals.

Grab your oxygen mask and get a JUMP START!

Cellular Respiration with Oxygen
Our mind and bodies are bombarded by consistent variable levels of stress - slowing our reproduction capabilities. Validated research now offers the scientific proof of ways to “hack” and increase our health.

Get this, as we age, our skin’s ability to capture oxygen from blood circulation diminishes (50% by the age of 40).  

  • Capillaries failure limits circulation of oxygen-loaded hemoglobin which is vital skin nutrients.
  • Sluggish circulation interferes with the evacuation of toxins leading to skin aging symptoms including wrinkles, age spots and loss of tone and moisture.

The skin’s thirst for oxygen is vital in the production of collagen.  Evoq infuses liquid oxygen in our skin line to give an instant head start in promoting the dermal metabolic processes to enhance collagen formation resulting in the strengthening of the connective tissue matrix and firm, more youthful looking skin.

Like Meets “Like” and Inside Out
The electrolytes and micro-nutrients in marine life supports optimal cellular metabolism due to the composition of human plasma is said to be very similar to that of sea water. If this is the case, it would make sense to expand one’s regimen both externally and also internally with a diet beyond a land-based diet to also include the micro-nutrients, electrolytes and unique phytoproteins only afforded by ocean plant life.

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The Future of Your Skin + Care

Pretty dang powerful right?  Who wouldn’t want to infuse and resurrect their skin with oxygen and the most nutrient-dense food on Earth?

Evoq is a pioneer and leading research development company with authority on blending the most effective, high-potency phytonutrients with unparalleled botanical oils and terpenes in harmony with organic full spectrum hemp cannabinoids for rejuvenated skin.

We avoid fillers, harsh chemicals, estrogen mimickers, and artificial fragrances. We believe your skin, and the environment, deserve only pure, proven, non-toxic ingredients to nourish and support optimum cellular health.

 Xo . Kassandra

Aging Skin & the Root of it All

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Is inflammation the culprit to all skin inefficiencies?

At Beauty Ecology, we see our clients struggle to pinpoint what results they’re wanting to specifically achieve when getting a facial, let alone have ultimate trust that it’ll work.  

Of course every woman wants to reduce fine lines, wrinkles or pesky adult acne or sun spots.  

 Wouldn’t it nice if there was one trigger to identify and better understand so you could address overall skin health- all at once?!

Hmmmm… Posing that means I’ve got a unicorn answer, right?

Yupper - by the end of this quick read, you’ll mostly likely agree that a skincare routine loaded in anti-inflammatory tactics is the most effective way to treat many skin concerns. As you know, I’m dedicated to always get to the root of the matter.  

Let’s jump in. 


“My face isn’t red or agitated, so what’s this that my skin’s inflamed?”

First off,  each facial at BE is customized for your real time “needs” – and almost 75% of these “needs” are related to reduce fine lines, sun spots, and acne - but what your skin pro is REALLY focusing on …

(1) regenerative cellular health and      (2) calming inflammation.

We associate “inflamed skin” as an allergic reaction, a rash or hives. However, inflammation can take many forms and has many triggers.  The most alarming are the new studies validating that blue light from our tech obsessive lifestyles constantly put the skin into a low grade inflammatory (stressed) state.   In fact, it’s proven that most (if not all) aging stems from inflammation. I review the other key assaults further later.

Inflammation? It’s all good!

Heard it right!  It’s “good” because inflammation is our body’s built-in defense system to protect itself, as well as a great assistant in healing after an injury and is then designed to subside after your body is back to normal.

Here’s the rub.  

However, our modern day hustled and certain environments trigger long-term inflammation to stay constant in the body and contributes to unwanted skin conditions (and other ailments).

Common signs are:

- blotchy redness

- early signs of aging

- uneven hyper-pigmentation  

- stubborn breakouts

- Rosacea

Where could inflammation be coming from?

 | It’s either an external or internal source |

The healing power’s in your hands.  
Besides the obvious external environmental pollutants, external triggers causing chronic inflammation stem from forgetting to apply protective SPF, over-exfoliating and using chemical laden skincare products that don't keep your skin pH balanced.  Others triggers may be from harsh fragrances, essentials oils (80% of oils are adulterated) and using facial room technology or acids that are over abrasive on the skin.

Healing - It’s an inside job.  Let’s start there.

Stress says it all.  Due to the hormone, cortisol being elevated during stressful times, (short term is ok) and can backfire and catalyze long term inflammation. We know stress is hard to control, and ironically engaging in the 5 sensory engaged facial experience, scientifically validates the body is calmed, relaxed and able to reduce these inflammation markers.  In addition to that, the value add in a professional facial are result oriented treatments followed with anti-inflammatory calm-down techniques and home care products to keep the good vibes rolling. We’ll leave a meditation practice up to you!

Aging  and Commitment

We don’t attribute to the “anti-aging” panacea, but realistically age defying products need to be committed to for short and long term skin health.  If inflammation causes a weakened moisture barrier, meaning you skin loses its ability to retain water - you will remain dehydrated, leading to fine lines and thinned skin.   

- Inflammation causes collagen and elastin to break down at faster rates.

- Inflammation is also associated with adult breakout activity and is much more likely to leave behind a darkened spot. Picking those breakouts induces trauma that causes more inflammation,  and a longer healing time.

Self Care + the Ripple Effect on Inflammation


It takes awareness and action within our daily habits to bring true self-care. These efforts fundamentally include getting proper sleep and exercise combined with nourishing the body inside and out will help to keep inflammation at bay.

What we put in our body truly reflects the outer results (good and bad),  so do your best to avoid foods that cause inflammation ( saturated fats, fried foods, sugar, and refined carbohydrates). Focus on skincare loaded with antioxidant-rich fruits and botanics, healthy omega 3 & 6 essential fatty acids, hemp and Vitamins A, C & E.

Anti-inflammatory Recommendations  

CLEANSE: For soothing cleansers, check out Soothing Lavender Milk Cleanser.

TREAT: Our top inflammation-inhibiting treatment booster does more than calm - it's regenerative and antioxidant quenching properties are transformative! 

PROTECT: To protect you skin from damage even further, add a super-charged nutritive moisturizer  that oxygenates and reduces fine lines.    

SHEILD: To top off your routine, it's critical to use a chemical free broad-spectrum   SPF.   To assure you're getting your Vitamin D + Protection,  Evoq's Day Lite Prep & Protect  Moisturizer (SPF 35) is a perfect match and great for evening out most skin tones. 


The IN & OUT of Cannabis Skin Transformation


Several peer-reviewed dermatological studies performed in recent years have suggested that CBD, a cannabis active compound, might have anti-inflammatory or beneficial properties for various skin disorders.

Signs of aging is a result of oxidative stress caused by free radicals.

So hows CBD work?  The dense amount of antioxidants including vitamin C and vitamin E  bring therapeutic potential for a number of inflammatory and neurodegenerative disorders.  CBD also sends messages to the CB2 receptors to essentially take a chill pill. 

Bulk up your routine with CBD's protective nutrients from natural sources to prevent inflammation, and you’ll never have to choose which skincare goal you to focus on. You’ll be multitasking for the win!  Here's the OUTER & INNER

In closing,  it's fair to say that inflammation is a major catalyst that needs attention when it comes to optimizing our inner and outer health and and skin health (call it aging if you must).  Awareness, self care and quality ancillary products are all part of the equation. 


Till next time!  xo . Kassandra


SEA ACTION - 10 Oceanic Ways to Age Defying Skin




If you desire healthy, youthful skin, there are vital nutrients needed to promote cellular renewal and collagen synthesis. For the most part, our diets not provide you with all of the nutrients you need to achieve the desired results.

When used at the right percentage and each ingredient synergistically empowers the other, nature can give us an abundant source of life and skin action.  

he ocean is the absolute apex of mineral water, and its molecular makeup is nearly identical to our own cellular makeup - making it biomimetic and instantly usable.    

Naturally, we can tap into that power of oceanic building blocks to restore the missing nutrients needed.

At Evoq, each product taps into the depths of the sea with natural, organic and wild-crafted extracts that provide instant replenishment. When used daily, over time your skin will be restored back to its youthful glow by utilizing seaweed - the perfect food for your skin!


10 therapeutic properties of sea algae great for your health — both on the inside and the outside.

Brimming full of sea nutrients.  

Small Batch  |  Food Grade  |  Filler Free  | Gluten Free  |  Organic


1. DNA Repair

- One of the biggest threats to your skin’s health is the sun.

- Overexposure to the sun changes your skin’s DNA.

- Marine plankton repairs sun-damaged DNA with enzymes..

- Works as quickly as two hours when applied as a topical cream.

- Recent studies show plankton may even prevent skin cancer.


2. Youth-Renewing Skin Effects

- Many types of seaweed contain L-Fucose.

- This sugar molecule strengthens skin’s collagen and elastin..

- Reduces signs of aging and firms and plumps your skin.

- Topical seaweed treatments that contain L-Fucose thickens your dermis.

- A thicker dermis means less visible wrinkles and an uplifting effect for younger-looking skin.


3. Nutrient-Richness for Cellular Regeneration

- Seawater contains all of the known elements of life.

- Seaweed get their nutrients from seawater.

- Seaweed becomes a rich storehouse of life-giving elements.

- Utilize marine plants to deliver all of the sea’s nutrients right to your skin.

- Seaweed supports and speeds up cellular regeneration.

- Seaweed baths infuse your skin with magnesium, potassium, iodine, copper, and zinc, which promote the creation of collagen.


4. Smooths and Hydrates

- Marine polysaccharides found in seaweed are natural moisturizers.

- Seaweed locks in moisture, reduces inflammation, and smooths and firms.


5. Stimulates Collagen Production

- Cold-water seaweed creates special peptides

- These peptides stimulate collagen production and firm your skin.


6. Reduces Inflammation and Improves Skin Conditions

- Many factors trigger an inflammatory response in our skin.

- Prolonged inflammation speeds up the aging process.

- Two of the most powerful anti-inflammatory agents are plentiful in seaweed.

- Applied topically, they can help treat rosacea, eczema, and dermatitis.


7. Imparts Antioxidants to Your Skin

- Free radical exposure attacks your skin and impacts your overall health.

- Seaweed is the richest source of antioxidants and carotenoids.

- Creates a protective shield against free radicals to prevent aging and protect your health.


8. Increases Metabolism and Promotes Healthy Weight Loss

- Giant kelp helps you slim down thanks to iodine and carotenoids.

- Seaweed supplements boost metabolism.

- Stubborn and unwanted fat is burned.

- Seaweed wraps and baths reduce cellulite and defines your legs.


9. Flushes Out Toxins

- Seaweed is chock full of calcium and magnesium.

- These two minerals help your body get rid of toxins.

- Seaweed wraps stimulate return circulation to flush out toxins.

- Improves water retention, cellulite, and other degenerative age-related conditions.


10. Balances Your Hormones

- Iodine in seaweed helps your reproductive organs balance estrogen levels.

- Estrogen imbalances cause many health-related issues for women.

- Breast cancer, advanced aging, weight gain, and reproductive issues.

- Topical treatments along with a seaweed supplement help balance estrogen.

Utilizing seaweed is like tapping into the very source of life itself. Seaweed gives us a host of gifts that restore and replenish our bodies inside and out. At Evoq, we’ve taken advantage of these amazing properties to give you products that are natural and truly medicinal.

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