
How Your Lifestyle Accelerates Aging & Affects Skin Health [tips + science inside]

In my previous article, I noted that our body’s biological system is influenced by our genetics. In fact - science proves that 80% of our health state is from the daily choices and our direct environment. The other 20% is hard coded. This should come a a great relief (and a little pressure of course).

Why does our skin ages and what we can do about it?

Aging occurs because of two different factors: intrinsic and extrinsic. You don't have much control over intrinsic factors, which are influenced by your genes, ethnicity, and certain medical conditions. But there is a major upside because you can have a huge impact on your extrinsic factors like UV exposure, stress, smoking, nutrition and lifestyle choices, which are major contributors to the aging process.

How do these extrinsic factors contribute to aging? All of them can generate the trifecta of reactions that create fines lines, wrinkles, and skin sag: oxidation, inflammation, and glycation. When you combine these three things, you hit the jackpot for premature aging.

Below we get one to one on terminology, how it affects our fundamental biology, and how to integrate lifestyle and nutritional habits to assist healthy aging and brighter skin.

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Mitochondria are tiny "organelles," thousands of them in each cell, that are the power plants for our metabolisms. Their waste products include oxygen in a form that is super-reactive and therefore toxic. The cell has an effective mechanism for quenching these ROS (reactive oxygen species).

Insulin chemistry


The body gradually loses its ability to respond to insulin, and poisons itself with excess blood sugar.

All the food you eat gets converted into glucose, which is the simplest form of sugar that your body can use for energy. Foods containing more sugar—think packaged cereal, crackers, sauces as well as foods that are more readily converted into sugar like refined carbohydrates—can flood your system with glucose.

Glycation (cross-linking of proteins and sugars)


Skin + Glycation

When sugar combines with protein or fat in the bloodstream, the result is the formation of harmful compounds called advanced glycation end products (also knowns as AGEs). AGEs can be formed spontaneously in the body or they can be formed in foods like fried foods and highly processed products like red meat, margarine, nuts, and butter. Cooking methods using high temperatures—like frying, grilling, and toasting—can also contribute to AGEs formation.

In your skin, AGEs are formed with collagen and elastin causing these fibers, which are integral to a supple and youthful appearance, to become stiff, inflexible, and prone to breakage. Translation: Your skin becomes less elastic, wrinkled, saggy, and more vulnerable to sun damage.



An important tool for fighting infection, but it becomes over-reactive in old age, and the body begins attacking itself. Excessive inflammation plays a central role in cardio disease and in arthritis, and a lesser role in Alzheimer's disease

Skin +Inflammation: Your body is on a roller coaster of high and low blood sugar spikes and labile insulin levels, which can lead to skin sag, inflammation, and chronic disease. Chronic inflammation is at the root of chronic disease systemwide and your skin is no exception. Inflammation can worsen rosacea, psoriasis, and eczema and can also weaken the collagen and elastin in your skin over time, leading to skin laxity, poor wound healing, and uneven tone and texture.



A term for programmed cell suicide. Cells are programmed to die when they are unhealthy or when they become cancerous.

But there is evidence that in old age, healthy cells undergo apoptosis as part of the body's self-destruction program.

Telomeres & Replicative Senescence


All cells have built-in counters called telomeres tacked on to the end of each chromosome. With each time the cell reproduces, the telomere becomes shorter, and eventually the cell to stop reproducing.

Longer telomeres have longer life spans.



With age, DNA loses methyl groups that control gene expression, and as a result genes are expressed in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Let’s recap with some final tips!

Addressing Cellular Health by Eating for a Youthful Glow ….

So in closing, there are a lot of things in our food supply and environment that threaten our skin health, cellular health and our overall mood and appearance. Focusing on certain foods can make a huge ( all the ) difference.

1. Antioxidant-rich foods

Eating foods rich in antioxidants like tomatoes (lycopene), berries (polyphenols), dark leafy greens (Vitamin E), and spinach (carotenoids) can limit damage caused by free radicals and AGEs. Pair your meal with a few cups of green tea (catechins) and coffee (caffeic acid) for an added boost.

2. Anti-inflammatory foods

Adding in foods rich in carotenoid plant compounds like lycopene (tomatoes, watermelon, and guava), lutein (pumpkin, pistachio, dark leafy greens), and zeaxanthin (parsley, kale, egg yolk) will give you an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant jolt. Foods rich in zinc, selenium, and copper like lentils, eggs, dark chocolate and almonds are also vital to the formation of collagen and elastin and help decrease inflammation.

3. Anti-glycation foods

Foods that limit rapid, sharp spikes in blood sugar can help limit AGE formation. So can utilizing cooking methods using low temperatures and water-based moisture like steaming, poaching, and stewing.

Apples, asparagus, figs, celery, green peppers, cauliflower, and onions have been shown to combat the process of glycation as they are rich in phytonutrients, beneficial compounds, including rutin, quercetin, and luteolin.

Adding in high fiber vegetables like artichokes and broccoli, as well as herbs and spices including cinnamon, ginger, turmeric, garlic, sage, thyme, and fenugreek can help keep blood sugar levels steady and block collagen-damaging AGEs.

The best part of all of this is that these foods can be used in so many delicious recipes. Protecting your skin doesn't mean only eating bland, boring food. So bon appetit and cheers to long-term skin health.

Hippocrates is famously quoted for saying, "Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food," but I would argue that food can be the fountain of youth, too.

Love n Light - Kassandra

5 Surprising Skincare Slip-Ups Causing Complexion Damage

Hey there! Little rituals, how we take the time to put intention into our routines, can make a big difference, over time. Here are a few tips!

The quality and condition of your skin will ultimately determine how youthful you look and can affect your overall appearance. Unfortunately, many people have slip-ups that cause complexion damage over time.

If you want to avoid harming your skin, there are a few common mistakes to avoid making.


Most people are aware that exfoliating is an important part of caring for your skin to remove dead skin cells and prompt regrowth to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It can be easy to over-exfoliate and buff away the top skin layer, which can mean removing the protective skin layer. The Skin Nerd explains that many chemical exfoliation products use acids to break down the skin and overuse of these can cause serious complications. If your skin isn't protected, it can increase your risk of sun damage and exposure to environmental toxins, which leads to aging. Experts recommend only exfoliating two to three times each week.

Drug Abuse

No one is going to say that drug use and abuse are good things, but very rarely do we talk about the serious damage drug use can have on every part of our bodies. The Recovery Village explains that methamphetamine causes acne, sores, and a substantial drop in your skin's elasticity, which can lead to premature aging. The blood vessels constrict with drug use, which can affect proper blood flow to the skin and can make it difficult for the body to repair any damage that has occurred. Your complexion will begin to lack a healthy glow and can start to sag, form wrinkles, and age rapidly.

Improper Cleansing

Improper cleansing of the skin also leads to damage to the complexion due to clogged pores that can lead to breakouts. It's important to cleanse your skin with a product that has the right ingredients, which includes witch hazel, which is a natural astringent. Salicylic acid is necessary for cleansing the pores and antioxidants should also be an added ingredient to offer protection. Acne, a leathery skin texture, and an increase in sores are common, which can add an extra decade to the individual's appearance.

Improper Treatment of Acne

Blemishes need proper treatment to ensure that they heal correctly and don't lead to scarring on the skin. Avoid pushing the infection to the surface of the skin and give it a few days to work itself up naturally. Rise and Shine recommends to avoid applying a drying treatment, which can cause it to become trapped underneath the skin. Dry and flaky skin can actually cause more pimples so using gentle oil-free moisturizer can help. With cysts, avoid picking the pimple because they'll never reach the surface. Opt for applying an anti-cyst product that will dissolve the infection.

Not Enough Vitamins

Hum Nutrition explains that vitamins affect skin health and are necessary to slow down the effects of aging. It's important to get enough omega-3 fatty acids to ensure that cells can hold enough water to reduce the risk of wrinkles. Vitamin B1 and B6 are also responsible for strengthening the skin and preventing stress from having a harmful effect. CBD oil can also be used with vitamins and can be applied topically treat eczema, reduce acne, and encourage abnormal cell death.

Skincare slip-ups are common but should be avoided if you want to improve the quality of your skin as you age. With the right care provided, you can feel proud to show off your skin and allow it to look youthful.

Having professional beauty services done can greatly improve your chances of avoiding these mistakes and slip ups! Let Beauty Ecology help you have the best skin you can possibly have!

How Your Skin’s Endocannabinoid System’s Changing the Game & Your Genes for Good

Inflammation no mo!

How CBD is Changing the Skincare Game & Your Genes for Good


Whether it's fighting free radicals, treating blemishes,  or reducing inflammation, the power of cannabinoids (CBD) are proving to be a key for treating a variety of skin concerns.

Researcher and buyer beware, there is a lot of confusion and misinformation out there because of all the red tape  and the plethora of unregulated “me too CBD companies.”

In a previous editorial, we explored the body’s endocannabinoid system which is often referred to as ECS. We discovered the key roles your ECS plays in your overall wellness and outlined how CBD engages to bring equilibrium to your brain and body.

Next, we move onto the ECS and your skin!

Skin's Endocannabinoids System

Being in the skin industry for over two decades, the new re-discoveries around our skin’s very own endocannabinoid system and its own receptor ecosystem findings is beyond exciting. It put me into re-formulation mode (watch for our relaunch 2019).

When out of balance, the skin’s endocannabinoid system results in pathological skin conditions such as: acne, accelerated aging, dermatitis, psoriasis and seborrhea to name but a few.

The Gut Connection to our Skin’s Immunity

It is well-documented that the gastrointestinal tract, which, like the skin, is one of the primary physical barriers of the immune system, has abundant cannabinoid receptor sites.

Now, research has shown that the skin also has an endocannabinoid system of its own, which helps to regulate the production of various hormones and proteins, including cytokine causes the skin to spike into inflammation), which is also involved in the immune response.

The skin’s endocannabinoid system also helps to regulate various cellular processes including proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis or cell death. Thus, imbalance of this system is responsible for the occurrence of chronic skin conditions such as advanced aging, psoriasis and eczema, and developing targeted cannabinoid therapies may help to control the root of optimal skin health.

Many skin conditions are inflammatory in nature and the anti-inflammatory effects of cannabinoids on skin cells have been demonstrated. Both THC and CBD show anti-inflammatory effects.

What’s happening below the surface.  

Skin flare ups are common whether it’s acne, psoriasis or eczema because hormones like cortisol tell the glands in your skin to make oil, suppress your immune system and can cause an inflammatory response in the skin.  

Applying CBD topically is an effective method for introducing cannabinoids to the skin’s ECS for immediate absorption, and faster results.

Topical Application of CBD


Topical applications of Cannabidiol can penetrate as deep as one inch from the surface.  Imagine what our Evoq Nano infused CBD can influence at 1 billionth of the size! Topicals containing higher amounts of CBD (5 mg per application) can offer relief from physical pain, arthritis and rheumatism.

Communicating the Connection Points

Skin's Endocannabinoids System

Human tissues have at least two types of cannabinoid receptors, CB1 and CB2, each coupled with a protein. CB1 receptors are expressed predominantly at nerve terminals where they mediate inhibition of neurotransmitter release.

CB2 receptors are found mainly on immune cells, one of their roles being to modulate cytokine release.

Endogenous ligands for these receptors, endocannabinoids, also exist, and examples include the molecule anandamide. These discoveries have led to the development of CB1- and CB2-selective agonists and antagonists and of bioassays for characterizing such ligands. So in the future we can have much more targeted cannabinoid therapies.

Human skin cells or keratinocytes are part of the peripheral endocannabinoid system and showed a unique signaling mechanism of CB1 receptors, which may have important implications in epidermal differentiation and skin development.

How About Scalp and Hair Health?

Cannabinoid receptors have been found in even the smallest nerve fibers controlling hair follicles, and keratinocytes have also been shown to bind and metabolize anandamide, the most abundant endocannabinoid.  Plant cannabinoids Δ-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cannabidiol, cannabinol and cannabigerol (CBG) for their ability to inhibit the proliferation of a hyper-proliferating human keratinocyte cell line and for any involvement of cannabinoid receptors for ultimate hair health.  

In other research, published in The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) Journal, it was shown that cannabinoids produce lipids that can regulate skin conditions such as acne vulgaris, seborrhea and dry skin. They suggested further exploration of cannabinoids as “novel therapeutic tools" to treat dry scalp.   

In summary, we have many studies documenting the contributory nature of cannabinoids, their receptors, and the skin’s endocannabinoid system in the metabolism of psoriasis and eczema and other inflammatory diseases, of which aging of the skin is considered one.

In the coming years there is great hope for the use of targeted cannabinoid therapies to better control our overall skin health.    


Our topical formulations were developed with the well-being of your skin in mind by enhancing your powerful forces of nature with the highest quality of NANO CBD enhanced formulas soon to be offered in 2019!

Stay tuned, and in the meantime, check out our internal tinctures or One Hit Wonder-ment Skin Oil to get you started here!

All the best, to you and to your skin’s best health. - Kassandra


M.Pucci, C. Rapino,A. Di Francesco, E. Dainese, C. D’Addario, and M. Maccarone, “Epigenetic Control of Skin Differentiation Genes by Phytocannabinoids,” British Journal of Pharmacology 170, no.3 (2013): 581.doi:10.1111/bph.12309

Addiction + Collagen’s Worst Enemy [must read]

Hello there!
Q: Noticing wrinkles, some deep lines or sagging in your skin?


Sugar may be one of the culprits.

Yes, sugar is classified as America’s top addiction, but you may not realize you have MORE POWER THAN YOU THINK when it' comes to taking control of advanced aging skin.

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What Happens When You Eat Sugar?

Regular cellular hits of all kinds of sugar can trigger a cascade of physiological events that may ultimately cause inflammation, AGE factors from glycation and flare up issues.

Collagen’s Natural Enemy | AGE

Wrinkles and sagging skin are a partial byproduct of the process known as glycation, in which excess sugar molecules attach themselves to collagen fibers and ultimately cause them to lose their strength and flexibility (we call these bondings AGEs, or advanced glycosylation end products).

The result? Skin becomes less elastic and more vulnerable to sun damage, fine lines and sagging.

Sneaky Sugars are found in high-glycemic carbohydrates such as breads, starches, potatoes, baked goods, pastas, desserts and soda, are rapidly converted to glucose in your bloodstream.

The Effects Are More Than Just Skin Deep

While wrinkled skin is one of the visible signs of AGEs, most degenerative diseases are affected one way or another by disease-producing glycation reactions.

In fact, AGEs lie at the very heart of the aging process—from the skin to the brain—and can be responsible for wrinkles, heart disease, cancer, diabetes and more, including age-related memory loss and even Alzheimer’s disease.

Simply put, the formation of AGEs is responsible for both internal and external damage to the body…and sugar is the primary culprit.

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With a few nutrition changes, you can get beautiful skin in no time!


Sugar ruins your skin by causing inflammation in the body. Sugar causes blood sugar levels to surge and plummet, which leads to inflammation. All sugars such as white and brown sugar, agave syrup, molasses, maple syrup, and honey, are to be looked for.

Opt in for fresh fruit or the natural sweetener Stevia instead.

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Sugar’s inflammatory properties also lead to wrinkles. Collagen is what keeps your skin looking young and wrinkle-free but sugar attacks collagen, eating it on a cellular level. This dehydrates your skin and makes it look dull. And, of course, dehydration also leads to premature wrinkles.


Whenever you eat foods with a high sugar content, your blood sugar rises rapidly and falls rapidly. When you experience this sugar crash, you often feel hungry, shaky, and moody. Every time this happens, your body experiences internal stress, which often leads to breakouts.

Stabilize your blood sugar levels, eat meals that contain plenty of fiber, protein, and healthy fats.


Free radicals cause inflammation and disease in the body. Studies have linked high-sugar foods and high-sugar diets with creating free radicals in the body. Antioxidants are important fighters in the war against free radicals, and foods with natural sugars, such as fruits and vegetables, are excellent sources.

Avoiding foods with added sweeteners, to boost your antioxidant levels and help your body win its fight against free radicals. H2 water is incredible to squash free radicals.


The inflammatory properties of sugar also cause red, irritated skin. Many people who suffer from rashes or are prone to yeast imbalances can blame their issues on a diet loaded with sugar.

Clear it up by removing refined and added sugars and focus on cruciferous green veggies and fiber-rich foods.


Sugar sucks the water from your body’s cells, leading to dry, puffy skin and those terrible under-eye circles that we all hate.

Invest in H2 rich water to instantly oxygenate your skin.


Sugar is very hard on your digestive tract and creates inflammation and flora imbalances in the gut, and any time food doesn’t digest well, it shows in your skin.

Reducing sugar leads to a better functioning digestive tract, fewer food cravings, and better skin.

So there ya go! If you have any questions about how to set up your skin for success, contact us - and our SKIN PRO’s will help you align a inflammation free skin care regime + matched with your new awareness on sugar and it’s impact on our skin! Email:

Leaky Face? Setting Healthy Skin Boundaries.

At some point in time, as women and natural care givers, we’ve struggled with knowing the extent of our own boundaries - right? Many times we don’t even know we’re venturing outside of our boundaries, later we find ourselves tired, agitated and often times just plain ANGRY.

With this same unconscious when it comes to protecting our soul - it’s the same when it comes to our SKIN. That’s right, the boundaries of your skin - that create the ultimate protective barrier - for happy, healthy and joyous skin.

* Don’t forget to scroll all the way to the bottom for my #1 Suggestion! *

Addressing Boundaries + Barriers - in our skin.

The stratum corneum is the outermost layer of the epidermis, consisting of dead cells (corneocytes). This layer is composed of 15–20 layers of flattened cells and skin sebum. Shingles on a house - in which protects and keeps damage out of its interior is a great visual as it pertains to the stratum corneum and dermal relationship.

Sebum, skin cells and lipids represent the food source that makes up our natural healthy bacteria, which gives the skin it’s homeostasis. 

The Skin’s Microbiome + Leaky Gut and [FACE]

Think of bacteria as your daily “professional skin aesthetician.”

The microbes micromanage our skin’s fundamental health by which stimulate secretion and cell turnover which stimulates our pores to keep our skin supple. Just like watching a “leaky face,” we cannot look past the possibility of a leaky gut which are commonly the cause blackheads, psoriasis and can be further damaged by rancid oils that are clogging oils, increase acne prone skin. 



Here’s a quick explainer video and detailed context below to further understand how to keep the biome and skin barrier optimized, plump and luminous.

skin layers

The Skin’s Natural ECOSYSTEM knows how to tend for itself. 

Again, our outer barrier protects the body from the external environment and is designed to hold water in and keep bacteria, microbes, and other external invaders out.

The strength and integrity of this barrier not only keeps our skin looking healthy and moisturized, it also plays a role in its clarity.

The Structure of The Stratum Corneum

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The dead skin cells “bricks” and the intercellular matrix (the lipids and fatty acids – aka sebum) make up the mortar. These waterproofing lipids are what keep skin hydrated, soft, and firm in appearance by preventing the evaporation of the water it absorbs from the environment and the deeper layers of the skin. It holds the water in and keeps bacteria (including acne bacteria!) and other impurities out.

What if holes and cracks occur?
Obviously water evaporates and escapes. This is when the skin becomes compromised and barrier repair is needed in order to prevent dehydration and bacteria from getting into the cracks.

Your Re-birthing Process
Using its own natural exfoliation process known as desquamation, fresh skin cells migrate from the bottom layer of the epidermis to the outer most layer of the skin. This process is wholly dependent on adequate hydration, so when this process gets disrupted, the skin becomes rough, scaly, and dry in appearance.

Unclogging Pores
If the outer most barrier isn’t repaired, the skin becomes dehydrated (even if you have oily skin), tightens and holds onto dead skin cells. Say “hello to clogged pores!” Bacteria is added to the concoction and makes a perfect soup for your body to react and attack those bacteria in which cascades quickly into inflammation.

** Therefore, even if you’ve cleaned up your lifestyle and still have acne, chances are you have a damaged outer most skin barrier.

The Outward Signs and Symptoms of a Barrier Damage

Many skin conditions can be exacerbated by a damaged stratum corneum. These include:

• Acne
• Dermatitis
• Dry skin
• Eczema
• Flaky skin
• Inflammation
• Itchiness
• Premature aging
• Psoriasis
• Redness
• Rosacea
• Scaly skin
• Sensitive skin
• Tightness

It is thought that over 70% of people who suffer from acne have some degree of damage to their outer most barrier.

Even those with oily skin can have dehydrated skin, so don’t be fooled by oily skin and hydration levels! ANY skin type can become dehydrated because the outer most barrier has been altered causing it to lose its ability to retain moisture.

So, What Causes a Damaged Barrier to Begin With?

There are several reasons why your outer most barrier may begin to deteriorate:

1. Constantly stripping away sebum
2. Cumulative damage that has affected the skin cell renewal cycle
3. Environmental conditions like dry, cold or hot weather, and wind
4. Not enough physical exercise
5. Not enough sleep
6. Nutritional deficiencies
7. Over-exfoliation
8. Over-washing your face
9. Poor diet high in processed foods and sugar
10. Stress
11. Sun damage
12. Unprotected winter skin
13. Using harsh products on your skin
14. Using hot water when washing and rinsing your1 face
15. Using too many chemicals on your skin

Experiencing any of the above for too long can start to alter the structures within the skin that are responsible for moisture retention and balance.


All this information tells us that we need to achieve balanced hydration within our skin cells in order to repair the outer most skin barrier.

The first steps you want to take are things like lowering stress, getting quality sleep, exercising regularly, drinking enough water daily, and eating a clean healthy diet.

While improving those aspects of your life, you should begin taking steps towards improving your skincare routine like using cooler water to wash and rinse, switching to a gentle cleanser, avoiding harsh exfoliants or over exfoliating, and allowing your skin to recover its hydration levels.

Water Content + Temperature
The worst thing you can do is use hot water or steam on your face, washing too often, stripping your skin’s oils, or scrubbing your skin too often. All this will do is dry out, strip, and damage the outer most barrier making it harder for your skin to hold onto water.

100% Non-toxic
Harsh chemicals in your face/beauty products can weaken and strip the skin and cause irritation and deterioration of the lipid layer.

Tearing Down Your Protective Barrier
”Even if your skin pro says it’s A-OK,” beware of the motives. Using harsh exfoliants and over-doing micro-needling and peels can actually scratch open the skin (microscopically) and allow water to evaporate.

UV Protect!
Wear your daily sunscreen if you plan on being out in the sun. 20 Minutes of raw sun is fab for natural Vitamin D needs, but anything over this is detrimental short and long term.

Up-level Your Skin Hydration

Aside from the above, here are a few tips to quickly repair your barrier:

1. Barrier restoring ingredients
Lipids are excellent ingredients to use as they tend to mimic those found in the stratum corneum. The best ones to use are those that contain ceramides and are rich in linoleic acid such as baobab, evening primrose, rose hip seed oil, safflower oil (high linoleic acid), shea butter, and sunflower oil (high linoleic acid). Most, if not all Evoq Skin products contain ceramide rich nutrients.

2. Humectants
Humectants are essential for repairing the outer most barrier as they attract water from deep below the epidermis as well as from humidity in our environment. This moisture is drawn into the stratum corneum where it holds in moisture and repairs the skin.

Some of the best humectants include glycerin and hyaluronic acid. These are found in all of our Booster Serums.

Avoid synthetic humectants like:

• Polyethylene glycol (PEGs) – a petroleum byproduct that dries out the skin over time
• Propylene glycol – the synthetic version of glycerin, also a petroleum byproduct known to irritate the skin
• Urea – a preservative that releases formaldehyde; a known carcinogen that can cause dermatitis (there is naturally occurring urea in the skin which is part of the natural moisturizing factor of the skin or NMF)

3. Skin identical ingredients
Using ingredients like peptides, sea algae and omegas will help restore the acid mantle and balance the skin’s natural moisturizing factor.

4. Skin protectants – aka “occlusives.”
Ingredients like shea butter, avocado oil, sunflower oil, cocoa butter, jojoba oil, squalene, evening primrose oil, and baobab oil are all wonderful emollients and are rich in phytosterols that heal and buffer the skin against dehydration.

Learn more about our TOP ceramide-rich skin protectant will help keep your skin soft, supple, and firm in appearance.


Our Youth Renew Oil is superior for repairing your lipid barrier - not allowing hydration to leak and keeping your skin bright, plump and luminous. 

** Cold­pressed, organic fruit seed oils rank high in omegas and naturally derived antioxidants that create the “power of 10” anti­-aging benefits. Infuses your skin with omega fatty acids that protect and improve your skin from sensitivities, skin allergies, and environmental aging while enhancing cellular metabolic functions.

Thanks for joining me on yet another skin lesson! Let me know if you have any questions on setting healthy barriers in your skin + life! E: XO MUCH LOVE!

Thank you, Holistic Health Herbalist

Look Younger While Living Longer (a plastic surgeon's perspective)

As a beauty and health professional, I get all types of questions form our guests about what I think about botox, lasers and potential natural alternatives.  While I am not here to position my opinion (every case is personal and individual), I thought this podcast would help add to the conversation on botox, skin health and "aging" tactics. 

The Episode

This episode explores the question of how we can maintain a naturally youthful look as we get older. Brett — a New York City oculofacial plastic surgeon who specializes in both non-surgical and surgical cosmetic and reconstructive procedures of the eyes and face — shares some remarkably practical advice on everything from the most extensive procedural options, down to the simple steps one can do themselves, starting today, that can make a tremendous impact.  

Check out this podcast hosted by Peter Attia showcasing Brett Kotlus, MD.  I've also left the show notes to skim through the chit chat. 

The Discussion Outlined

  • History of medical training that led to Brett’s current interests [5:00];
  • What changes occur that make skin look older over time? [8:00];
  • How to avoid the “unnatural” look associated with cosmetic surgery [17:00];
  • Facial augmentation, fixing eye-bags, and picking the right provider [22:15];
  • Common botox mistakes, and how to do it right [37:30];
  • Protect and rejuvenate your skin with these 3 main tools [46:30];
  • Latest trends in cosmetic industry, botox, cryolipolysis, the various forms of facials, and PRP [1:05:00];
  • Importance of picking a provider you trust, rather than a device you want [1:31:30];
  • Future of the cosmetic field [1:33:00]; and
  • More.

Dont miss our awesome discount below to get started NOW on healthy, long term aging to cover all the fundamental levels of the dermis and its critical regenerative abilities.  

You can find all show notes and the PODCAST HERE. 

My Final Comments

On a professional level in the skin industry, it's a delight to see Brett commenting on UV protection, the power of the RIGHT kind of vitamin C (although I much prefer C-Ester due to it being enveloped in fatty acids to travel deep and deliver), and more education on the great tactics of Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP).

Really, the critical piece to capture on healthy aging come down to drinking plenty of water, quality nutrition, fresh air with doses of healthy sun, moving our body for detoxification and ridding old negative thought patterns.  

In closing, here are my top HIGH POWERED skin solutions with levels of actives need for true skin transformation - when used consistently.  


I'm OFFERING a limited time discount to get you started. 

ENTER ' GREATSKIN ' and you'll receive 15% off your order!

 SEA PEARL EXTRACT­ Works to slough away dull epidermal cells and reveal a brighter, more luminous complexion.ISOTONIC SEA WATER­ Infuses skin with essential minerals and trace elements needed for healthy skin.SHEA BUTTER + SUNFLOWERProtec…



Works to slough away dull epidermal cells and reveal a brighter, more luminous complexion.


Infuses skin with essential minerals and trace elements needed for healthy skin.


Protects skin from everyday toxins and promotes cell renewal, while soothing dryness, dermatitis, eczema, and psoriasis with Vitamins A and E.



educes skin discoloration by inhibiting the transfer of melanosomes, which can create dark spots. 


Gently brighten skin to reduce dark spots and scars, and regulates oil production.


Decreases the look of fine lines and wrinkles by increasing skin’s volume

 HIBISCUS SYRIACUS, RUTIN, & IRIS PALLIDA STEM CELL EXTRACTS­ Plant­ based stem cell extracts stimulate cellular turnover, giving skin a younger, fresher look and feel.SODIUM HYALURONATE­ Locks in moisture to plump up wrinkles, leaving…



Plant­ based stem cell extracts stimulate cellular turnover, giving skin a younger, fresher look and feel.


Locks in moisture to plump up wrinkles, leaving skin looking firmer, and helping to diminish the appearance of fine lines.


An anti­-inflammatory extract of algae that reduces redness and calms irritated skin.

 HIBISCUS MALIC ACIDNatural acids increase cell turnover to support fresher, younger, smoother looking skin.MARINE CRISTE EXTRACT OR “SEA RETINOL” Patented Sea Retinol visibly smoothes wrinkles and creates a radiant complexion.LIQUID OXYGE…



Natural acids increase cell turnover to support fresher, younger, smoother looking skin.


Patented Sea Retinol visibly smoothes wrinkles and creates a radiant complexion.


Decreases the look of fine lines and wrinkles by increasing skin’s volume and improves the look of dark circles over time.


 25% NON­-NANO ZINC OXIDE 35 SPF­ Reduces visibility of skin damage by eliminating free radicals that increase the risk of skin cancer. Safe for the whole family. VITAMIN D3 (CHOLECALCIFEROL)­ Traditional sunscreens block natural…



Reduces visibility of skin damage by eliminating free radicals that increase the risk of skin cancer. Safe for the whole family. 


Traditional sunscreens block natural intake of vitamin D but our Primer is infused with it to offset what your skin doesn’t take in on its own.


­Naturally a UV absorbent, it reduces the appearance of wrinkles and lightens dark, under­eye circles and scars.


    Time to Ditch Your Skin Type. 😱

    Hi there!  

    The secrets out, I am doing a complete rebrand for our Organic Beauty line (EVOQ Beauty).  As I set sail to completing our skin diagnostic questionnaire to set you up for a glowing success, you will not be faced with “name and claim” your skin type.  I view "types" as a tool for the state your skin takes on within that moment, time of life, or season.  It is not a definite or absolute. 

    Hear me out.   We’ve always been taught to classify our skin type.  

    You know…. Fill in the blank:

    I have  ________ [ oily, dry, normal, combination, acne-prone... skin ]

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    I believe our skin is too complex to fit just one or two descriptions.

    Would you define your personality and soul state in just one word?  Right?

    Just as our spirit and state of mind can be shifting (hopefully into a high vibe) at any moment, so does our skin.  It’s just as unique and dynamic as you are.

    Empathy - even for your skin.
    By putting rigid labels on our skin type, we automatically create an image of what our skin needs, instead of tuning in and listening to what it actually wants.

    We then limit ourselves to the products we think are suitable for our “skin type”, skimp on a purchase because we rarely need to ( exfoliate, mask, etc) our skin due to dryness, instead of using products that our skin is craving along with it's very own mood shifts.

    I also believe a skin care routine can be minimal, and simple.   

    Many women are turning back to the skin professional and asking how they can best holistically care for their skin.  Professional facials are a great way to enter a deeper level of regeneration and a opportunity to focus in on your skin's   inner and outer needs at that time.  

    Here’s a few suggestions so you can better understand your skin and it’s nuances.  

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    Understand skin cravings.

    Your skin is an ever-changing organ. Stress, diet, sleep, weather, work/school schedule, and hormone levels are all factors that affect your skin condition from day to day. Depending on your needs of the day, you may be reaching for different types of products.

    Feel like you're dragging along?

    Your skin may be feeling the same. Some gentle exfoliation with fruit acids (AHAs) will help give your skin a little boost so that it can continue its natural process of renewing. Give our cellular awakening mask and exfoliation cleansing treatment (in one) a shot!  

    Is your skin congested because you haven’t been eating well or because it has been humid and polluted outside?

    BE's professional facials offer a new generation of sea flora acids (peel) to safely reach a safe yet deep level of dermal turnover.  Unclog your pores while reducing inflammation!

    Is your skin dehydrated because the summer sun’s got you outdone from being outdoors quite?

    Grab a refreshing and hydrating toner as well as a healing serum filled with humectants can help. Serums and toners are most effective when applied right after the shower.

    Are you fighting pigmentation from acne, the sun, hormonal dysregulation?

    Build a C-Ester and sea algae enriched ritual to create consistency  so both inflammations is reduced and lightening actives can evolve for results over time.

    Is your protective barrier compromised, with hot irritation or dry patches from sensitive skin?

    Drop the heavy actives and focus on healing the matrix your skin is built on - it’s barrier. Incorporate a product that contains barrier-friendly ingredients, such as ceramides and cold pressed fatty acids rich with natural moisturizing factor and antioxidants.  Our Youth Renew Serum is a top seller and a great option that will help soothe, age defy and rehabilitate your barrier.


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    Listen to what your skin loves and what it doesn’t.  

    Your skin is incredibly unique. Start paying attention to how your skin reacts to different ingredients instead of listening to the old voice of reason relating to your “skin type.”

    Don’t be short sighted.  Commit to your products, and give them the time to work. Two people of the same “skin type” can have very different reactions to the same ingredient.  

    Tune out the BS & destress.

    Trust the person that knows you inside/out.  Yourself. Once you’ve connected to skin rituals that love you back, have the willpower to stand up to trendy products or crazy promises.    It's proven that stress releases cytokines, in which attack the skin and break down the barrier of protection.  That's a great reason to de-stress. 

    Does it cover your skin's fundamental balancing needs?  If we detach from systems and teach ourselves to first position a question - and then listen - we see that even our skin can teach us about ourselves.

    No more labels, shoulds, FOMO and “skin types,” and listen to your beautiful ever evolving body and it's largest living organ!

    Living Life Awakened - Love Kassandra


    Skin Burnout? How to Address Mitochondria Burnout & Aging


    Ground Zero | Energy and your Skin

    While wrinkles and a sagging skin are an initial outward signs of aging, it actually begins deep within your cells. The same can go for your hair growth - and it’s vitality.

    In this informed beauty lesson, I’m covering how Mitochondria are the power plants within your cells which create ground zero for energy production allowing you to feel full of energy while imparting better skin. 

     I'll also share two key players proven to transform you into a energizing bunny.   

    Iconic beauty, right? 

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    Mighty - Mito - Production

    A HUGE GAME CHANGER at All Levels  

    Let’s dive in!  

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    Starting off, there are many theories when approaching aging skin. Most products seek to just improve the visible appearance of aging skin, but Evoq Beauty is different.  

    The fundamental formulating principles within our Evoq “beyond organic” skincare system focuses on targeting the very underlying causes of skin degeneration  – better known as mitochondrial decay – to help rejuve and improve your skin’s health now and over time.

     - I call it the 80 / 20 rule -

    Look around you … 
    Glowing skin is in influenced by both our genetics and environmental factors.  Epigenetic medicine points out this critical component referenced as your “exposome.” 

    Simply put - 80% of aging is the environment controlling your cell to cell messaging and only 20% is genetically encoded.

    So if our body's 20% of the natural aging process is not within our control (referred to as intrinsic aging), it’s clear that we play a huge hand in controlling the other 80% which are the lifestyle decisions and environmental factors such as the sun, pollution, smoking and poor nutrition (referred to as extrinsic).

    Taking Back Control
    Let's swing back and layout the ONE MAJOR CAUSE of accelerated aging called “mitochondrial decay."

    Over time, depletion at the cellular level breaks down and collapses collagen at deeper layers, manifesting lines, lost volume, lost radiance, uneven pigmentation, and dryness.

    Capturing 2 key players to help you take back control.


    The Role of Mitochondria
    in Aging Skin

    Mitochondria are small structures inside a cell that generate energy.

    They produce 98% of the energy for the body.

    For this reason, they are often called the ENERGY POWERHOUSE OF THE CELL.  

    Down to a science. ...  The energy molecules are called ATP (adenosine triphosphate). ATP is essential to life – it supplies energy for all reactions in the body. Without it, life cannot exist.

    Functions of Failure
    Organs cannot borrow energy from one another, so the efficiency of each organ's mitochondria is essential to its repair processes and functions on it’s own. If an organ's mitochondria fail, then so does that organ. The skin is the largest organ in the body, so the enhancement and protection of actual mitochondrial function is instrumental in preventing and slowing skin aging.



    Lost Mojo
    When ATP is unable to be produced due to mitochondrial dysfunction, the resulting buildup of toxins leads to significantly lowered nutrient absorption. This is similar to what happens when an electrical circuit is obstructed and the energy flow is impeded.

    The Free Radical Exchange
    As ATP is produced by the mitochondria, a secondary waste by-product is naturally produced. These waste by-products are known as free radicals.   Free radicals are highly charged molecules lacking a paired electron making them very likely to bind to other atoms or molecules, which in turn gives rise to a process called oxidative stress. Not so great, because oxidative stress damages cells and is linked with various diseases as well as the commons signs of aging, including wrinkles in the skin.

    The After Party Cleanup
    When free radical parties are a little too loud, the clean up crew has to work harder than normal. As free radicals continue to rise, toxins accumulate until the cell is destroyed. Evoq’s skin nutrients provide antioxidants and oxygenation directly to the cells to alleviate the oxidative stress response and maintain energy production to allow the cells to detoxify and maintain integrity.

    Evoq skin care naturally targets mitochondrial decay with our “Forces of Nature” approach which slows deterioration and simultaneously helping to sustain an optimize mitochondrial's functional ability in skin cells for long term skin health.

     Skin Care Solutions + 2 Key Game Changers


    How Oxygen and Marine Plant Life brings
    a New Force to your Skin's Vitality

    A key component in almost every Evoq skin product encompasses components of the sea, and one specifically being phytoplankton.   This single-celled organisms lives amongst the various marine plant life species responsible for:

    • approximately 70% of the earth’s oxygen supply
    • a plethora of amino acids
    • fatty acids
    • antioxidants
    • micronutrients and macronutrients
    • minerals

    Marine Biomimetic Super Power
    By permeating the dermal membranes, marine plants deliver concentrated phytonutrients that directly benefit our cells rather than being held up in the digestive tract or decomposed and cleansed via the liver.

    Cellular function, detoxification and overall immune support through   antioxidant content (which includes superoxide dismutase, Co2, astaxanthin, vitamin C and vitamin E) allows your body to more easily protect itself against free radicals.

    Grab your oxygen mask and get a JUMP START!

    Cellular Respiration with Oxygen
    Our mind and bodies are bombarded by consistent variable levels of stress - slowing our reproduction capabilities. Validated research now offers the scientific proof of ways to “hack” and increase our health.

    Get this, as we age, our skin’s ability to capture oxygen from blood circulation diminishes (50% by the age of 40).  

    • Capillaries failure limits circulation of oxygen-loaded hemoglobin which is vital skin nutrients.
    • Sluggish circulation interferes with the evacuation of toxins leading to skin aging symptoms including wrinkles, age spots and loss of tone and moisture.

    The skin’s thirst for oxygen is vital in the production of collagen.  Evoq infuses liquid oxygen in our skin line to give an instant head start in promoting the dermal metabolic processes to enhance collagen formation resulting in the strengthening of the connective tissue matrix and firm, more youthful looking skin.

    Like Meets “Like” and Inside Out
    The electrolytes and micro-nutrients in marine life supports optimal cellular metabolism due to the composition of human plasma is said to be very similar to that of sea water. If this is the case, it would make sense to expand one’s regimen both externally and also internally with a diet beyond a land-based diet to also include the micro-nutrients, electrolytes and unique phytoproteins only afforded by ocean plant life.

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    The Future of Your Skin + Care

    Pretty dang powerful right?  Who wouldn’t want to infuse and resurrect their skin with oxygen and the most nutrient-dense food on Earth?

    Evoq is a pioneer and leading research development company with authority on blending the most effective, high-potency phytonutrients with unparalleled botanical oils and terpenes in harmony with organic full spectrum hemp cannabinoids for rejuvenated skin.

    We avoid fillers, harsh chemicals, estrogen mimickers, and artificial fragrances. We believe your skin, and the environment, deserve only pure, proven, non-toxic ingredients to nourish and support optimum cellular health.

     Xo . Kassandra

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