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🧠 6 Ways Stress Accelerates Aging and What to do About It

We all know that Stress can have a detrimental impact on mental health.

Today we’re going to crack open how stress effects our health, and how this then roll’s over into our outer beauty. Essentially, how it accelerates aging, where - and how.  

Long term stress can eventually become chronic stress, which leads to depression, anxiety, insomnia, and frequent fatigue.

Depression is a serious mental health condition that can cause you to have negative feelings towards all aspects of life.  

Losing interest in things you used to enjoy, feelings of hopelessness, and suicidal thoughts are common symptoms of depression, but it can affect people differently.



Stress is proven to weaken the immune system, which is essential to keeping us healthy!  

The stress hormone, corticosteroid, suppress the immune function so that our infection-fighting white blood cells are less able to battle the antigens that enter our body.  

So, you may notice in particularly stressful times that you’re more prone to getting a sniffly nose or adrenal fatigue.

The body’s response to stress increases your heart rate. The stress hormone, adrenaline, that’s triggered by the natural “fight or flight” response, causes the heart to beat faster and blood pressure to increase. So, constant stress puts your internal self into overload – this is said to severely heighten your chance of cardiovascular disease, the leading killer of Americans.

High levels of stress are known to have damaging effects on your skin and hair, too!  




There are a few reasons why you might notice breakouts on your skin, whether that be in the form of acne, psoriasis or eczema. The release of the stress hormone, Cortisol, throws your other hormones off balance, causing imperfections to appear on the skin. Stress can also affect your gut, by outweighing the good and bad bacteria that sits in it. Uneven bacteria in the gut can cause rashes and hives, as well as unwanted pimples.

There’s the added factor of diet when you’re experiencing stress. When working long hours, it’s not uncommon for you to choose quick and easy food, as well as energy drinks or coffee to keep you going. These dietary choices can show up as pimples and blemishes on the skin, and exacerbate existing skin conditions.


Under-eye bags are far from ideal – they make you look tired and ill, and there’s only so much concealer you can cover them with. When you’re experiencing stress or burnout, there’s a high chance that you’re lacking the sleep you need, which in turn makes you feel more stressed. Sleep deprivation results in higher levels of Cortisol itself, so it antagonizes the body even more!  

Bags under the eyes are caused by the pooling of fluid to the area around the eyes, and the best way to fix them is by getting more sleep and staying hydrated. You can also apply serums, which can improve the appearance of under-eye bags.  

Evoq’s Eye and Lip Cream is proven to encourage the renewal of skin health, reduced inflammation and stagnation and tighten and hydrate the skin so it looks firmer.


When we are stressed, we can actually break the fragile and vulnerable capillaries under your eyes. The blood can leak into the epidermis and become oxidized, which will result in a dark purple hue and a discoloration of the skin, creating the dark circles – giving that tired appearance.

Not only this but when your body is dealing with stress, blood will be distributed to different, more important areas of the body, which doesn’t include the face and skin.  

The more stress your body is under, the more likely you are to look pale and drained as the blood is focused on the organs; making sure they keep working correctly. This, in turn, will make the appearance of dark circles more noticeable against the paler skin.


When we are stressed, our body can react in different ways. We may feel more emotional, lose our appetite, experience mood swings or it can affect our sleep – resulting in difficulty to function throughout the day.  

This is when the fine lines and wrinkles can form as a result of your body choosing to produce more cortisol. This stress hormone has been known to break down collagen in your skin, so the more stressed you are, the more the hormone will attack your skin regeneration, resulting in a few new fine lines and wrinkles.

With lack of sleep, you will begin to show signs of fatigue; Fine lines and wrinkles will appear as the elasticity weakens, with your eyes falling victim first.

Dehydration can be dangerous for your inner organs as well as your skin, which is itself an organ. Hydration is a key factor in the body’s production of collagen, which is what keeps your skin looking bright, youthful  and plump. Without collagen, wrinkles and fine lines are more visible, and skin may start to sag.

Staying hydrated will also keep your skin from looking dry and flaky – you should moisturize on the outside and stay hydrated on the inside to avoid dry skin! Try Evoq’s Ultra hydrating Youth Renew Oil or Pro-Collagen Cream for full-face hydration – taking the time to quiet your mind and  relaxation time you need!


Stress has been linked to hair loss and thinning, but the causes could differ! The same way stress can damage the appearance and feel of your skin, it can also be detrimental to the health of your hair.


There are three stages to the hair growth process: The Anagen stage (growth), the Catagen stage (transition), and the Telogen stage (rest).  

Stress can trigger what’s known as Telogen effluvium, which occurs when the hair growth cycle stops at the Telogen stage, and the follicles don’t grow any new hairs.

Telogen effluvium is a reversible condition and is just a temporary disturbance to the cycle. With changes to lifestyle, you can stop it.  

Alopecia areata is a condition where the immune system attacks the hair follicles, causing patches of hair to fall out at one time.  

It’s often associated with experiencing high levels of stress for an extended period. The cause of it is likely to be a weakened immune system, so once you lower stress levels, the hair will stop falling out and in most cases grow back.

If you are experiencing hair thinning, try the powerful Root Revival Hair Health program.  It’s proven to promote hair growth using actives that strengthens hair and encourages high cell turnover for new hairs to grow.  So powerful, its two times stronger than minoxidil.


Science backs up the saying that stress can make your hair go gray – it’s not just a myth.  

You see, when experiencing high-stress levels, the body struggles to produce a pigment called melanin, which is what keeps your natural color in your hair. When the body is experiencing long term stress, which happens with burnout, the imbalance of hormones can deplete the melanin-producing stem cells, which causes the hair to turn gray.


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Love and Light! - Kassandra

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Your Digestive System -The TRUE ANSWER for Glowing Beauty

Radiant Skin, Both Inside and OUT!  The TRUE ANSWER for Glowing Beauty and Health

Kasia stands behind lifestyle decisions that feel right and create "beautiful health."  Our beauty and health then evolved to achieving RADIANT beauty!

The truth is that your external beauty is a direct reflection of your internal health and therefore, when you clean up and heal the body on the inside, the outside of your body will glow and shine!   Providing external products and services is one part of the equation.  If you do not have a healthy inside, even the most advanced skin care treatments will be fruitless.   Natural health, Functional Medicine, and other modalities help one's ability to get to the root of their inside - out beauty.  The first recommendation to starting this inside-out result, is to achieve a beautiful internal skin and cell cycle.  Where do you start?  The digestive system!


Cleansing the digestion system is one, if not the most important aspect of regaining your health and setting yourself up for radiant health.

This is because you are what you absorb.

Studies have now concluded that the majority of patients with chronic disorders - even when the disorders cause symptoms with no apparent connection to the digestive tract - have digestive and absorptive imbalances.


This is a huge breakthrough because it reveals the vital role that your digestive system plays in almost every aspect of your health. In fact, most people find that once they cleanse and heal their GI tract, the majority, if not all, or their chronic and acute health symptoms and complaints are taken care of.

Therefore, we here at Kasia Organic Salon promote utilizing  Premier Research Labs, a top of the line supplemental digestive support aid that also benefits the hair, skin, and psychological/emotion for anyone looking to achieve their best health ever.  

For additional "Informed Beauty" information how to best approach a healthier digestive track, learn more about ....


A properly functioning digestive system is critical to good health. In functional medicine we use a program that goes by the simple acronym of the ‘5Rs’: remove, replace, reinoculate, repair and rebalance. When applied to various chronic problems, the 5R program can cause dramatic improvement in symptoms, and sometimes even complete resolution of the problem.
This cuts to the core of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract.   It is becoming increasingly recognized that disturbances in the function of the GI tract can result in a number of symptoms and conditions. These range from symptoms such as fatigue, joint pain, muscle pain, and headaches, to medical conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease, allergies, asthma, autism, ADHD, and chronic skin conditions. It is this association between GI function and ill health that the 5-R Program is intended to address.
The goal of the 5-R Program is to accomplish the following:
1.     To address dietary and lifestyle issues, and to begin the process of dietary education and change.
2.     To normalize digestion and absorption.
3.     To normalize the balance of gastrointestinal bacteria.
4.     To promote a balanced system of detoxification.
5.     To promote gastrointestinal healing.
A full 5-R Program takes approximately three to six months to complete. It is very important that you are prepared to implement the somewhat demanding dietary changes of the program, as without the dietary component you can not achieve anywhere near the maximum therapeutic benefit.
The elements of the 5R program are described briefly below.
1.    Remove Remove stressors: get rid of things that negatively affect the environment of the GI tract including allergic foods, parasites or other bad bugs such as bacteria or yeast. This might involve using an allergy “elimination diet” to find out what foods are causing GI symptoms or it may involve taking drugs or herbs to eradicate a particular bug.
2.    Replace Replace digestive secretions: add back things like digestive enzymes, hydrochloric acid and bile acids that are required for proper digestion and that may be compromised by diet, drugs, diseases, aging, or other factors.
3.    Reinoculate Help beneficial bacteria flourish by taking in probiotic foods or supplements that contain the so-called “good” bacteria such as bifidobacteria and lactobacillus species, and by consuming the high soluble fiber foods that good bugs like to eat, called “prebiotics.”
4.    Repair Help the lining of the GI tract repair itself by supplying key nutrients that can often be in short supply in a disease state, such as zinc, antioxidants (e.g. vitamins A, C, and E), fish oil, and the amino acid glutamine.
5.    Rebalance Pay attention to lifestyle choices – sleep, exercise and stress can all affect the GI tract.
THE FUNCTIONS OF THE GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT You have heard it said "you are what you eat."    In Functional Medicine, we take it a step further in our belief that "you are what you eat, and then absorb, and then what you do or do not detoxify."
·       DIGESTION- This is the process whereby our food is broken down into smaller portions that are more easily absorbed by the intestines.
·       ABSORPTION- This is the process whereby the digested food is taken up by the intestine and delivered to the body for utilization as energy, nutrition, and other cellular functions.
·       EXCLUSION- This refers to the barrier function performed by the GI tract as it appropriately excludes substances from entering the body.
·       DETOXIFICATION- This is the complex process involving the liver and GI tract whereby toxins are metabolized for elimination from the body. Toxins include such things as medication we take that must be metabolized, to pesticides, preservatives, dyes, and flavor-enhancers we ingest knowingly in our food, as well as the over 4 million chemicals present in our environment not intended for use in our bodies.
·       ELIMINATION- After digestion has occurred, and the metabolic phase of detoxification is complete, the GI tract must then eliminate the digestive and metabolic wastes of these processes. Some refer to this as excretion.

Good Luck Informed Beauty!  Contact Kassaandra with any questions you may have at 612 824 7611 or

Nutrition that Works for your Beautiful Health!

  Many would agree, that each of us individually or someone that we know suffers from discomfort in their health and well-being.   An example of this is the drastic numbers of intenstinal issues.  In fact, in recent conversations with my medical community clients at Kasia Salon, there has been comments as strong as this is the most ignored epidemic of our time and intestinal  issues are the root of many illnesses evolving today.  Most just ignore the symptoms.


As busy as our team and myself have been behind the chair, I have had a rich time in diving back into the foundations of Functional Medicine.  The guests we see at Kasia are pure example of just needing to tweak their lifestyle a bit, or to learn about adding the benefits of "NUTRITION THAT REALLY WORKS!"


Please take the time to read more about the partnership with the cleanest nutrition on the market (Premier Research Labs) and offerings at Kasia Organic Salon and your Beautiful Health.  Kassandra is now trained in muscle testing to better understand your minor or major gaps to a more optimal life.  Only YOU have the power to put a stop to the chance of being an epidemic.



Kassie has studies and practiced whole health and nutrition for years, integrating and inside-out approach.   Our hair, skin, and desired healthy weight are directly linked to  how we metabolize hormones, internal detoxification, and the link of our “second brain” — our digestive health.  Kassie has partnered with PRL and has trained in on  state-of-the-art QRA 4-Polarity testing to be sure you are not doing more harm to your health – with toxic supplements and/or dis-ease within your health/body.

The vast majority of  discomfort have a root cause in hidden infections, chemical or other toxic exposure, and low functioning organs. Once the body’s organs are properly tonified and toxins are eliminated, many illnesses can be effectively cleared for the long term.

*Note:  Kasia Organic Salon offers multiple PRL Products. Please contact Kassie ( for further questions or availability.

Wasting your money on  “Supplements?”

Chances are the products you are using may not be utilized by your body.  QRA can prove it to you.   Clients are pleasantly surprised when they start on PRL.  Feel the difference in your “Beautiful Health”  energy!

What is Quantum Reflex Analysis?

QRA  is a simple way of allowing the body to tell us what it needs to heal. It is the union of science-based kinesiological testing, time-proven ancient therapies,  analysis of the body’s  biofield, and outstanding nutrition and detoxification breakthroughs. QRA provides a comprehensive system to initiate the most rapid resolution.

Most supplements, believe it or not, test toxic.  PRL products are EXCIPIEN FREE.  They contain no toxic tagalongs like magnesium stearate, fillers, or dyes. Over time, those things can destroy the DNA.   Dr. Marshall has invested in state-of-the-art equipment that tests every product that is sent to his lab.  Whatever tests toxic is immediately sent back to the manufacturer  Dr. Marshall uses only herbs and products from parts of the world that are free of pollutants.


The body has the ability to heal itself given the right component. If you have been struggling with your health it is time to seek new modalities, this could be the answer for you.

  • Sometimes just eliminating Interference Fields can change a person’s life.
  • Nutritional support
  • Sometimes addressing  stress
  • Emotional blocks

Premier Research Labs is the world’s first producer of cellular resonance products that are capable of restoring  coherence to the body’s inherent biofield.

QRA  and Ingredient Testing

PRL conducts scientific laboratory testing of every incoming container of raw material and all finished products, as well as state-of-the-art QRA™ 4-Polarity testing of all ingredients. PRL has pioneered the use of QRA™ 4-Polarity testing to ensure the customer is con­sistently getting the best quality.  In addition, we use the most ad­vanced lab equipment and test methods to assure the potency and reliability of every ingredient and to scan for many contaminants that other companies typically do not test ― such as radiation, heavy metals, pesticides and excess moisture.

What about tablets? Tablets ALWAYS contain excipients (that is how they are made; they cannot be made without them); therefore, we believe it is wisest to especially avoid nutritional products as tablets.  One common example of a questionable excipient is magnesium stearate, a cheap lubricating agent. Research shows it may be immune-compromising.

Read more about PRL and common FAQ at

Premier Research Labs and your Beautiful Health!


*Note:  Kasia Organic Salon offers multiple PRL Products. Please contact Kassie ( for further questions or availability. 


Kassie has studied and practiced whole health and nutrition for years, integrating and inside-out approach.   Our hair, skin, and desired healthy weight are directly linked to  how we metabolize hormones, internal detoxification, and the link of our "second brain" -- our digestive health.  Kassie has partnered with PRL and has trained in on  state-of-the-art QRA 4-Polarity testing to be sure you are not doing more harm to your health - with toxic supplements and/or dis-ease within your health/body.

The vast majority of  discomfort have a root cause in hidden infections, chemical or other toxic exposure, and low functioning organs. Once the body’s organs are properly tonified and toxins are eliminated, many illnesses can be effectively cleared for the long term.

Wasting your money on  "Supplements?"

Chances are the products you are using may not be utilized by your body.  QRA can prove it to you.   Clients are pleasantly surprised when they start on PRL.  Feel the difference in your "Beautiful Health"  energy!

What is Quantum Reflex Analysis?

QRA  is a simple way of allowing the body to tell us what it needs to heal. It is the union of science-based kinesiological testing, time-proven ancient therapies,  analysis of the body's  biofield, and outstanding nutrition and detoxification breakthroughs. QRA provides a comprehensive system to initiate the most rapid resolution.

QRA can be used to clearly identify:

- Regions of weakness within the body

- How your body, and individual organs, etc., responds to individual supplements

- Whether your body responds to specific foods with strength or weakness

- What your body is weakened by, involving toxins, allergies, and so much more

Most supplements, believe it or not, test toxic.  PRL products are EXCIPIEN FREE.  They contain no toxic tagalongs like magnesium stearate, fillers, or dyes. Over time, those things can destroy the DNA.   Dr. Marshall has invested in state-of-the-art equipment that tests every product that is sent to his lab.  Whatever tests toxic is immediately sent back to the manufacturer  Dr. Marshall uses only herbs and products from parts of the world that are free of pollutants.


The body has the ability to heal itself given the right component. If you have been struggling with your health it is time to seek new modalities, this could be the answer for you.

  • Sometimes just eliminating Interference Fields can change a person’s life.
  • Nutritional support
  • Sometimes addressing  stress
  • Emotional blocks

Premier Research Labs is the world's first producer of cellular resonance products that are capable of restoring  coherence to the body's inherent biofield.

Look for upcoming articles on the best use of PRL products and Beautiful Health Topics on the Kasia BLOG!

Back to School with Colloidal silver

Although the basic school supplies and a nutritious lunch are necessities that most parents know children need, other tools for a good immune system are often overlooked. With so many supplements on the market, ranging from herbal immune boosters to vitamin and mineral regimens, it is hard for a parent to decide what to choose when it comes to helping their children stay healthy during the school year. There is one supplement, however, that stands above the rest when it comes to keeping children healthy: colloidal silver.

This supplement is the one supplement that is capable of meeting all your child’s needs. Not only is it at the head of its class in immunity support, but it also works as an antimicrobial and has regenerative properties to aid the body in recuperating after an illness has already set in. In addition, it can be used as a health support aid along with other antimicrobials or pain relievers. The best part is that colloidal silver is a clear liquid that looks, tastes, feels, and smells like water, so it is an easy supplement to give your children.

The difference between those children who never seem to get sick and those who are constantly ill has to do with more than a matter of avoiding germs. All the preventative measures in the world can be taken to protect a child from illness, but if he or she does not have a strong immune system, the parent will be fighting a continuous battle to keep the child healthy. Unlike other immune supplements that are only geared for use at the beginning of a cold or flu, colloidal silver can be used every day to continuously support the immune system.

It was observed as far back as 1907 that silver increases the production of white blood cells. This observation has been recently confirmed in many studies. Researchers have also found that silver may help white blood cells to intercept immune threats effectively by increasing their ability to track, recognize, and survey incoming threats. All of these things cumulatively enhance the immune system, a factor that is very important in keeping children healthy for the long run. It has also been accepted for a long time that silver is effective in fighting a range of microbes such as bacteria, viruses, and fungus. This is contributed to silver ions rupturing the outer membrane of the infectious agent, thereby exposing the internal components to the immune system. When colloidal silver is applied to vulnerable areas such as the eyes, throat, and nose, it can act as a first line of defense in eliminating microbes before they can enter the body. By applying this in the morning before school, microbes that may come into contact with those areas can be eliminated. Silver can also be applied on cuts and scrapes to provide a healthy antiseptic support, as well as faster healing.

In order to decide which silver is right for your children, you must keep in mind that not all silver preparations are the same. A good colloidal silver should have small silver particles that are sub-nanometer in size. Remember that colloidal silver is a dietary supplement to support your health, not to cure diseases. If serious issues are occurring, be sure to contact your health care professional first.

Dont choose just any silver.... learn why Sovereign Silver is the best choice for you and your family!  Learn more here.

Healing Common Skin Issues from the Inside – Out


Below is an exquisite article that I could have not stated any better.    The Kasia “Beautiful Health” foundation believes the key issues within skin problems including acne, eczema, rosacea, psoriasis and skin pigmentation are effected by our internal homeostasis and health. Enjoy the information as well as testing to further diagnosis.


Healing Skin from the Inside – Out


On the exterior skin conditions or damaged skin can be red, inflamed, cystic, rough, blotchy, painful, unbearably itchy, scaly and plaque like, lacking vibrancy, damaged, dry and wrinkling. Anyone who has a skin condition will quickly confide that it can destroy one’s self-confidence. After all, skin is the outer layer we present to the world.  Skin problems affect the body’s surface physically as well as emotionally but we don’t always realize just how deep they run.  This is why it is important to find a long-term solution that treats the cause of the problem and one that really works.

Skin problems are related to a dysfunction occurring deep within the body and this is the level they should be treated; a satisfactory solution means treating from the inside and outside.

It’s a little like looking into a pool of water, what you see on the surface is a true indication of what’s going on underneath.  What is happening at the bottom and in the middle area of the water will ruminate to the surface, making it visually known what the general state of the deeper water is like.  A client’s skin is an important factor I assess no matter why they have come to see me; it tells me a lot about the person’s overall health.

There are a few major players that affect how our skin looks:

Skin in very much affected by hormones; the fine tuning of the stress hormone; cortisol, the blood sugar hormone; insulin and the reproductive hormones – oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone cannot be underestimated in their affect on the skin.

Diet plays a massive part in all problem skin and this can be the simplest way of getting quick improvement.


There is a big connection between skin and digestive health or the health of our intestinal tract. If the bacteria within our intestinal system are out of balance this will affect our skin. It is well understood that the bacteria at the center of the body, the intestinal tract, set the status of bacteria in the skin.  To correct the bacteria in the skin it is necessary to correct the bacterial status inside first and then the skin will reflect this.


The skin along with the lungs, bowel, liver, and kidney are all organs that assist the body in getting rid of waste products. They are well known as the 5 organs of elimination. When the development of a skin condition or even poor unhealthy looking skin has occurred it may be that one or more of the other organs of elimination are being overloaded and/or are under functioning. If the liver and bowel are unable to get rid of toxins the toxins will begin to find another route out of the body and this can be via the skin.  A pleasant side effect of a professional gut repair and detoxification program is the noticeable difference in the appearance of the skin. One of the most common things clients say while on a gut repair and detoxification program is that all their friends have notice how good their skin is looking. If you’re going to clean the pool of water you will need to scrape leaves and scum off the top but you will also need to get the filter working continuously to clean out what’s in the middle and at the bottom.


One of the most important things to understand about getting your skin clear and beautiful is that the body is designed to heal itself. It is totally unnecessary for anyone to accept that this is a skin problem they have to learn to live with.  The body in its natural rhythm is absolutely able to work so that we look and feel great.   Anything other than this is a sign that a particular area of the body is not functioning as well as it should be or it is out of balance.


Acne often occurs in male and female teenagers but also in women in their child- bearing years.

Often a result of hormonal imbalance.

There is a connection between bacterial acne and the gut bacteria

Toxic overload in the body can result in acne

Acne can be related to nutrient deficiency such as zinc or vitamin A

Sugar and dairy in the diet can result in acne


TESTING Suggestions

Salivary hormone profile

Stool analysis to assess bad bacteria

Zinc deficiency



Occurs commonly in infants and young children but can also occur as an adult.

Eczema is a type of allergy response. The substance that may be triggering the allergic reaction can be something in the diet, the environment or both.

Eczema can be related to nutritional deficiency such as essential fatty acids or zinc

Eczema is often connected to the intestinal gut bacteria being out of balance as well as poor digestion of certain food particles and toxic overload.

Eczema is often related to high stress


TESTING Suggestions

Food intolerance test- testing the 93 most common food intolerances

Complete Stool analysis to assess gut bacteria and digestive function

Zinc deficiency



Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disease, with a high amount of inflammation coming from the gut.

Wheat, dairy and other food intolerances as they are hard to digest and very acidic and inflammatory.

Gut repair and liver detoxification programs are extremely helpful, to reduce inflammation.

Omega 3 and vitamin D deficiencies are common in psoriasis

Psoriasis is very much affected by stress

Vitamin D levels

Complete Stool analysis and assessment of gut bacteria and digestion.

Food Intolerances – testing the 93 most common food intolerances



Rosacea is an enlargement of the blood vessels under the skin that are not functioning normally, resulting in poor circulation, poor delivery of nutrients and poor elimination of toxins from the skin.

Histamine levels in the body can exacerbate rosacea

Foods high in histamine or that release histamine such as cheese, chocolate, alcohol and oranges as well as spicy foods should be avoided

The gut bacteria status and liver toxicity can be contributing to the underlying cause of rosacea

Avoiding or reducing wheat, dairy and sugar will be helpful

Moderate exercise is essential to reduce rosacea but excessive exercise can aggravate it

Rosacea is very much affected by stress


TESTING Suggestions


Food intolerances

Complete Stool analysis and to assess gut bacteria and digestive function


Skin Pigmentation

Skin pigmentation in patches on the cheeks occurs in women usual from 25-40yrs of age. This often happens in pregnancy or when a woman is on a treatment that alters her hormones such as the contraceptive pill. It is usually because the hormone has been thrown out of balance.


TESTING Suggestions

Salivary hormone profile


Aging Skin

Graceful ageing skin is natural and gives you a natural beauty that resinates how much you are enjoying your age, but does your skin make you look older than what you are? Would you like to re-create or maintain beautiful youthful skin? This is so easy! Do you want naturally youthful skin that is moist, supple, clear and glowing? Putting a stop to the fast progression of wrinkles.

This is all about what you put in your body and what you leave out.

Gut repair and detoxification programs make a massive difference to your skin in just 6 weeks.

Specific nutrients programs support your skin in maintaining youth, moisture, and vitality and reduce sagging.


Dry Skin

Dry skin can be related to nutrient deficiency such as zinc, and omega 3.

Dry Skin is also related to adrenal exhaustion that really means you have become chronically tired from long-term stress.


Kasia Skin Services get to root of what is truly going on with your skin. Our skin expert assess each person’s skin on an individual basis while taking into consideration the rest of their health and the connection between the two. A treatment plan is given that shows what each individual’s skin requires.

Enjoy 20$ OFF your first Organic Facial!

Please contact our team for a direct referral to practitioners to provide accurate hormonal/wellness testing.

  Contact Kassie at


Reference: by Deanne Bromham ND



Probiotics - Inner Health for Outer Beauty

Probiotic literally means “for life”, and unlike the foreign bacteria which cause illness and infection, probiotics can play an important role in promoting intestinal health. Probiotics are similar to the good bacteria which occur naturally in the digestive tract and can be beneficial in treating a range of ailments, including skin conditions such as acne and eczema.

Healthy intestinal flora is essential for the effective digestion of food. By promoting healthy bacteria, probiotics aid the proper absorption of nutrients and minerals, and help establish a barrier against a variety of harmful bacteria, allergens, free radicals and pollutants.


Poor bacterial ecology can exacerbate hormonal, digestive and immune imbalances. These imbalances can in turn effect virtually all chronic skin diseases. Dandruff, candida, leaky gut syndrome and acne are just some of the skin conditions which may be associated with a lack of friendly bacteria in the digestive tract. Rosacea and eczema - skin ailments often related to stomach acid and nutrient deficiencies, food sensitivities, and faulty fatty acid metabolism - may also be exacerbated by low levels of healthy intestinal bacteria.


Supplementing your diet with super strain probiotics will help cleanse the digestive tract and promote a clear complexion. Kassie of Kasia Organics Skin Care suggests introducing  Immuno Viva Probiotic + for healthy gut flora, along with a diet rich in living foods, fresh organic fruit and vegetables and plenty water.  These nutrients not only nourish and feed the skin, they also cleanse the intestinal tract, and as your gut becomes healthier, so too will your complexion. A foundation of Salon Kasia and Beautiful Health is directly related to your internal health.


Note: Choose your probiotics supplements carefully. Not all probiotic supplements will have the same qualities.

Kassie Kuehl/Kasia Organic Skin Care

Hair coloring products linked to lymphatic cancer and Kassie's comments.

Hello, blooming Informed Beauty!

Unlike the unpredictable weather as of late, there is a solid and STEADY growing current of studies in the personal care/beauty industry that is now surfacing and being accepted.

This weekend I spent a couple hours reading a professional  forum on hair straighteners and which are safe in results of the "Brazillian Blowout" lie.  Believe it or not, there were 320 posts of stylists feeling sick, and desperately searching for alternatives.  Many are so fed up with the industry lies (much how they squeeze silent substitutes in quote "ammonia free color") and are purchasing instruments to measure the true chemicals at home/in salon.  WOW!

When I first started researching health in relation to the hair and skin booming industry, much  of the data was hidden, and highly controversial. I know that we are seeing more transparency and understanding  in our personal care due to the number of clients and friends that continually send feedback and emails sent to my email  inbox (ex: thank you Nancy, for the article posted in this newsletter!)

My suggestion is to always consider the source, the motive, and the end "action" of what you've read.  I am always here for further questions, as it my passion to always grow and learn in what our own revelations are in the choices we have.  Daily...moment by moment....and comfort isn't easy to break from.

Enjoy the following "blurb" and have a great one, Informed Beaute'

Hair coloring products linked to lymphatic cancer

Long-term use of hair dye promotes lymphatic cancer, says this new research from Yale University. The finding isn't surprising: the toxic ingredients used in hair dyes have long been known to be highly carcinogenic. It's yet another example of the health dangers of personal care products like deodorant, perfume, shampoo and soap: all of which contain toxic ingredients that are inevitably absorbed through the skin and enter the bloodstream.

The FDA openly allows personal care product manufacturers to use highly toxic ingredients by hiding behind the ridiculous position that such products are for external use only and, therefore, don't present a health hazard to the public. It wasn't too many years ago that most doctors and health researchers thought the skin was impermeable. But today, the FDA must certainly know that the skin is porous, since the agency has approved so many "patch" drugs that deliver chemicals to the bloodstream through the skin (such as the nicotine patch, for example).

Yet the FDA continues to allow personal care product manufacturers to use openly carcinogenic and toxic ingredients in their formulas, without any requirement whatsoever to even list those ingredients on the labels! An analysis of one popular perfume product, for example, showed it to contain more than forty toxic compounds known to cause liver cancer. None of the cancer-causing chemicals were listed on the label, and the FDA seems to be in no hurry to require such labeling. Can you imagine? "Poison: Yes, it's really poison."

That hair dyes have been linked to cancer is really no surprise to those familiar with the toxicity of personal care products. Practically every popular product contains at least one cancer-causing chemical, and hair dyes are near the top of the list.

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