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A Woman's Guide to Overcoming Estrogen Dominance from Xenoestrogens | Part One

A Woman's Guide to Overcoming Estrogen Dominance from Xenoestrogens | Part One

Did you know that your stress levels and hidden chemical-laden skincare products may actually be behind your stubborn weight gain to a myriad of other symptoms?

Here, I share informative hormone health tips that I discuss on the Awaken Beauty Podcast.

We explore what happens as a consequence to our inner and outer ecosystem and daily actions that may be putting us at risk when we have “too much” or an imbalance of Estrogen.

Estrogen is what gives us women our beautiful hips, breast and thighs and keeps our entire body well lubricated. Estrogen also increases the health of our bones, plump skin, mood and much more.

Feeling it?

  • Irregular or heavy periods

  • Water retention

  • Acne Breast swelling and tenderness

  • Headaches

  • Fibrocystic breast changes

  • Weight gain

  • Mood swings

  • Hair loss

Today we review exactly how your estrogen gets out of balance and the critical key actions you can take to become aware and detoxify them!

Listen to the show below (scroll down to watch on Youtube)

How Does Your Estrogen Get Out of Balance?

Based on endocrine research, an imbalance happens in two primary ways.

1. Inability to metabolize hormones.

Not being able to rid our body of excess estrogen is becoming more common and is caused by a myriad of factors including genetics, stress, diet and lifestyle.

These may all contribute to an excess of hormones in the body and known as endogenous (internal).

The leading biomarker to test is if you have a optimal biological function to detoxify efficiently on a daily basis. There are tests to learn more about your personal ability to methylate and what specific detoxification pathways your body engages — good or not so good.

If left unchecked, a long term circulation of hormones can lead to an excess of certain hormones, particularly estrogen, in the body tissue.

2. Exposure to excess hormones in our outer environment.

Exposure to exogenous (external hormones) or hormone like substances can make a woman go crazy - and it’s the consequence of modern day living exposure to hormone like substances on a daily basis.

It’s these excess hormones that are obtained from a coined word knows as “xenoestrogens” that may directly contribute to unhealthy weight gain and other health deficiencies.

How’s this happen? Glad you asked!


Xenoestrogens are a group of endocrine-disrupting chemicals that mimic our body’s natural hormone, estrogen. Normally our endocrine system releases an appropriate amount of each hormone for the body to function optimally. When’s the last time you’ve felt fully balanced?

This disruption happens because these chemicals bind to or block our natural hormone receptors.

So these xenoestrogens, in particular, get in the way of our estrogen receptors. This keeps our natural estrogen from binding as it normally would.

This leads to higher levels of circulating estrogen free flowing in our bloodstream, known as estrogen dominance

So in a nutshell, the more xenoestrogens we’re exposed to, the more total estrogen we’ll have in our bodies.

Mimicking estrogens effect on weight gain in a couple ways:

First, Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals target signaling proteins to make more fat cells which can promote weight gain.

Next, this can further change the energetic balance and the metabolism of ghrelin and leptin, the chemicals which control hunger and satiety. Errored thinking and a double minded confusion then leads to overeating.

Endocrine Disruptors and Estrogen Dominance

Unfortunately our environment is so filled with these chemicals (both inside and outside our home), our bodies are constantly inundated with and exposed to them.

Signs of this estrogenic excess weight are usually found around the abdomen, thighs, breast and the back of the arms.

Instigating the situation even more, excess estrogen processes an enzyme called aromatase, which converts our adrenal steroids (hormones) into estrogen. MORE ESTROGEN!

See the cycle?

It’s a cruel twist of biological fate, that estrogen prompts the formation of more fat cells, and the cycle just perpetuates itself.


How about he role of stress?

Cortisol is the primary stress hormone produced by the adrenal gland and can easily sabotage weight loss. This is a basic biological function intended to protect us from starvation. When we experience high levels of stress, we produce high levels of cortisol, and our bodies store fat, sort of like an emergency backup plan.

So if you’re leading a high stress lifestyle, and wondering why you can shed those pesky pounds despite your best efforts, finding a way to de-stress is a must.

Feeling stressed? You can address overwhelm in a matter of seconds. I trust you’ll love the 7-11 breathwork exercise.

Exercice: Take a moment and close your eyes closed and put your hand on your stomach. As you take it deep breath in for seven and release for a count of 11, allow your stomach to gently push your hand out and in until you’ve changed your state into a calm, clear, clean, quiet, powerful and peaceful mind.

Now that we are clear and calm, let’s go in depth and create a plan on how to improve detoxification for overall wellness and weight management.

5 Steps to Balancing Your Estrogen Naturally

Love Your Liver. Your liver is responsible for metabolizing and releasing estrogen out of the body.

Nutrient density – Eat quality protein
– Eat plenty of garlic and onions
– Take a B complex
– Eat a minimum of 3 cups of cruciferous vegetables weekly

Fix Your Gut.
Once the liver processes estrogen for elimination, it is up to your gut to move it out! If you are experiencing constipation, there is a good chance your estrogen isn't making its way out, but instead, going back into circulation in the body. Figuring out and treating the underlying cause of your digestive issues is crucial in creating optimal hormonal health.

Eat Fiber. Aim for at least 25 grams per day by eating plenty of vegetables and fruits. Fiber will keep your bowels regular and help eliminate waste, including unnecessary estrogen.
Stress Less.

Sleep! Seven hours is the minimum you should be getting nightly. Your body needs sleep and your hormones demand it.

Remove Products Containing Endocrine Disruptors

Front and center, as a formulator, I can see first hand how estrogen mimicking chemicals are traditionally found in personal care products. As I started formulating over 12 years ago- I made sure none of my skin and hair products were free of hormonal disruptors.

I’ll go deeper into Xenoestrogens in beauty products on a upcoming episode, but for today’s purposes, I want to leave you with a overview of the top 3 offenders you can address immediately.

Ready to take action?

The importance here is to bring awareness to our inner and outer everyday trance of “normalcy” by assessment because I want to make sure that you're informed and you know how to support your hormones in every way possible.

So let’s jump into the power of removing these top three!

3 Most Common Endocrine Disruptors and How to Find Them

1. Bisphenol A (BPA)

BPA is a chemical that has been associated with cancer, including breast cancer. But beware! The chemicals they use to replace BPA are equally concerning in regards to the negative health effects like sabotaging your fertility, causing your weight to climb, and painful periods.

BPA is Commonly Found In:

  • Receipts

  • Plastic bottles and containers

  • Canned foods

  • Food packaging

2. Flame Retardants

Your rest it at night may be in conflict with your hormones!

The tricky thing about flame retardants is that they aren’t just in our couch cushions or mattresses. They are also in our pets beds, find their way into the dust in our home, are in baby car seats, electronics, and on kid’s pajamas.

  • Flame Retardants Are Commonly Found In:

  • Mattress

  • Furniture

  • Pet beds

  • Children’s Car Seats

How to Avoid Flame Retardants:

  • Check the labels on clothes and don’t even touch those synthetic pajamas in the store.

  • Check the labels on furniture before you make a new purchase

  • Purchase flame retardant free mattress

  • Choose pet beds without flame retardant

  • Use a HEPA or other air filter in your home

3. Phthalates

Ever wonder why you hear avoid fragrance when it comes to hormones? That’s because fragrances can be a source of phthalates, which are known to cause harm to reproductive health.

Phthalates Are Commonly Found In:

  • Personal care products

  • Plastic wrap and food storage containers

  • Plastic children’s toys

  • Fragrances in trash bags, diapers, and candles

  • Air fresheners

How to Avoid Phthalates:

  • Read labels and avoid products that list phthalates or fragrance

  • Eat out of glass, rather than plastic storage containers

  • Ditch air fresheners and opt for essential oils instead

  • Buy natural, beeswax candles only (or at minimum fragrance free)

  • Use laundry detergent that doesn’t have artificial fragrance

Eating organic foods as often as possible

Avoiding Xenoestrogens (like personal care products or cleaning products that can disrupt our hormones)

Avoiding further exposure by not eating out of plastic containers and not touching the paper receipts from the grocery store.

Make sure you're getting a variety of fiber-rich foods that can help you carry waste out. And, at the same time, those foods are supporting your overall hormonal system, your nutrient health, and your liver detoxification.

You can also support detoxification and elimination of chemicals that harm your hormones by supplementing with:

  • Diindolylmethane (DIM)

  • Broccoli seed extract

  • Resveratrol

  • Chrysin

  • Calcium D-Glucarate

  • Folate

  • Magnesium

Well ladies, that’s it! I get pretty heated up around hormone disrupting invaders in our life.

Stay tuned to a story shared with Julie Tebben on Episode 11 and how it directly relates to the importance of our beauty and personal care products we use as women, every day.

Here’s a few facts to preface my next mini episode on Xenoestrogens and products.

The average US woman uses 12 personal care products a day, containing 168 different chemicals

While most men use fewer products, they’re still exposed to about 85 such chemicals daily

Women with higher levels of personal-care chemicals in their bodies experienced menopause two to four years earlier than women with lower levels

Ok, Enough for now. I hope you enjoyed this savvy info.

Watch on Youtube!

You can listen to the episode here.

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Looking for natural, organic and hormone disruption free skin and body care? Then you know where to go! Head to and enter “AWAKEN” for 25% your very first order!


Dr Jolene Brighten


How Chemicals Affect Us: Scientists are observing with increasing alarm.

Scientists are observing with increasing alarm that some very common hormone-mimicking chemicals can have grotesque effects.

A widely used herbicide acts as a female hormone and feminizes male animals in the wild. Thus male frogs can have female organs, and some male fish actually produce eggs. In a Florida lake contaminated by these chemicals, male alligators have tiny penises.

These days there is also growing evidence linking this class of chemicals to problems in humans. These include breast cancer, infertility, low sperm counts, genital deformities, early menstruation and even diabetes and obesity.

Philip Landrigan, a professor of pediatrics at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, says that a congenital defect called hypospadias — a misplacement of the urethra — is now twice as common among newborn boys as it used to be. He suspects endocrine disruptors, so called because they can wreak havoc with the endocrine system that governs hormones.

Endocrine disruptors are everywhere. They’re in thermal receipts that come out of gas pumps and A.T.M.’s. They’re in canned foods, cosmetics, plastics and food packaging. Test your blood or urine, and you’ll surely find them there, as well as in human breast milk and in cord blood of newborn babies.

In this campaign year, we are bound to hear endless complaints about excessive government regulation. But here’s an area where scientists are increasingly critical of our government for its failure to tackle Big Chem and regulate endocrine disruptors adequately.

Last month, the Endocrine Society, the leading association of hormone experts, scolded the Food and Drug Administration for its failure to ban bisphenol-A, a common endocrine disruptor known as BPA, from food packaging. Last year, eight medical organizations representing genetics, gynecology, urology and other fields made a joint call in Science magazine for tighter regulation of endocrine disruptors.

Shouldn’t our government be as vigilant about threats in our grocery stores as in the mountains of Afghanistan?

Researchers warn that endocrine disruptors can trigger hormonal changes in the body that may not show up for decades. One called DES, a synthetic form of estrogen, was once routinely given to pregnant women to prevent miscarriage or morning sickness, and it did little harm to the women themselves. But it turned out to cause vaginal cancer and breast cancer decades later in their daughters, so it is now banned.

Scientists have long known the tiniest variations in hormone levels influence fetal development. For example, a female twin is very slightly masculinized if the other twin is a male, because she is exposed to some of his hormones. Studies have found that these female twins, on average, end up slightly more aggressive and sensation-seeking as adults but have lower rates of eating disorders.

Now experts worry that endocrine disruptors have similar effects, acting as hormones and swamping the delicate balance for fetuses in particular. The latest initiative by scholars is a landmark 78-page analysis to be published next month in Endocrine Reviews, the leading publication in the field.

“Fundamental changes in chemical testing and safety determination are needed to protect human health,” the analysis declares. Linda S. Birnbaum, the nation’s chief environmental scientist and toxicologist, endorsed the findings.

The article was written by a 12-member panel that spent three years reviewing the evidence. It concluded that the nation’s safety system for endocrine disruptors is broken.

“For several well-studied endocrine disruptors, I think it is fair to say that we have enough data to conclude that these chemicals are not safe for human populations,” said Laura Vandenberg, a Tufts University developmental biologist who was the lead writer for the panel.

Worrying new research on the long-term effects of these chemicals is constantly being published. One study found that pregnant women who have higher levels of a common endocrine disruptor, PFOA, are three times as likely to have daughters who grow up to be overweight. Yet PFOA is unavoidable. It is in everything from microwave popcorn bags to carpet-cleaning solutions.

Big Chem says all this is sensationalist science. So far, it has blocked strict regulation in the United States, even as Europe and Canada have adopted tighter controls on endocrine disruptors.

Yes, there are uncertainties. But the scientists who know endocrine disruptors best overwhelmingly are already taking steps to protect their families. John Peterson Myers, chief scientist at Environmental Health Sciences and a co-author of the new analysis, said that his family had stopped buying canned food.

“We don’t microwave in plastic,” he added. “We don’t use pesticides in our house. I refuse receipts whenever I can. My default request at the A.T.M., known to my bank, is ‘no receipt.’ I never ask for a receipt from a gas station.”

I’m taking my cue from the experts, and I wish the Obama administration would as well.


Resource: By New York Times

Your deodorant could be doing a lot more than just covering up 'BO'

Chemicals in both men's and women's antiperspirants and deodorants could be doing a lot more than just covering up BO.

All the potential risks associated with chemicals in cosmetics make natural deodorants a lot more appealing.....

The next time you reach for that stick of roll-on deodorant, consider this: A recent study in the Journal of Applied Toxicology found that chemicals commonly used in deodorants were showing up in breast-cancer tumors, leading the authors to suspect that they may play some role in the development of the disease. Those same chemicals have been linked to sperm damage in men, and because of evidence that they can be absorbed through your skin, there's more reason than ever to ditch the plastic tube.

The chemicals in question are the preservatives parabens, which are added to personal care products and some processed foods to prevent bacterial growth. Though they aren't as well researched as chemicals like BPA, "parabens are estrogenic," says Lynn Carroll, PhD, senior scientist at The Endocrine Disruption Exchange, a nonprofit that researches hormone-mimicking chemicals. And they build up in breast milk. "That is concerning because whoever's eating the breast milk gets a dose, and those children are at a very vulnerable stage in their development."

Too much estrogen in your system can be responsible not just for breast cancer, but for other dangerous conditions such as malignant melanoma (ironic, considering that parabens are commonly used in sunscreens) and male reproductive disorders. A November 2010 study in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives found that parabens can damage sperm in mice.

In this most recent study, researchers from the University of Reading, in the UK, collected 160 samples of breast tissue taken from women who'd had mastectomies and tested them for the presence of five different parabens. At least one form of paraben was present in 99 percent of the tissue samples, and all five were present in 60 percent of the samples. What was concerning, the authors added, was that one paraben, propylparaben, existed in much higher levels in the axilla region of the breast, the area closest to the armpit, which is the area where, according to the authors, a high percentage of tumors are found.

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Resource: - Emily Main

Environmental Estrogens Could Be Making You Sick

Xenoestrogens Wreak Havoc On Your 'Beautiful Health'

The article below is an important one, and truly does effect each of our lifestyles individually.  I've had my own  personal journey of being exposed to excess xenoestrogens, resulting in removing myself from the conventional salon industry and all  the chemicals/products used "in it" for so long (thankfully this birthed Kasia Salon).  Still today I am required to detox and rebuild the adrenal system due to toxicity and the havoc it does on the endocrince system long term. 

Please take a read below for more of an understanding of xenoestrogens, and their effect on your "Beautiful Health."

Before discussing xenoestrogens, it is important to note the relationship of estrogen and progesterone.  Estrogen (a group of hormones that, although in significantly higher levels in women, is also present in men) is basically a stimulant that promotes cell growth.  Progesterone (a hormone made by women in the ovaries and men in the testes) is the most protective hormone the body produces and keeps cell growth in check.  There is a delicate balance between estrogen and progesterone, and when that balance is disrupted, the effect is estrogen dominance.  To add to the problem most doctors are prescribing synthetic hormone replacement therapies that have been proven to cause serious health risks, including breast cancer and heart disease.  Do not be discouraged.

Xenoestrogens are man-made compounds that mimic hormones.  They were introduced into the environment by industrial, agricultural and chemical companies.  There are over 100,000 registered chemicals (99% of them are not adequately regulated) for use in the world that have hormonal effects in addition to toxic and carcinogenic effects.

Xenoestrogens cause estrogen dominance which in turn causes a multitude of health issues, including:

    * Breast cancer (the increasing rate of breast cancer in North America has nearly tripled since 1950)

    * Fibrocystic breasts

    * Autoimmune disorders (such as lupus and thyroiditis)

    * Increased blood clotting (increasing the risk of stroke)

    * Allergies (including asthma, hives, rashes, sinus congestion)

    * Acceleration of the aging process

    * Uterine cancer

    * Hair loss

    * Fat gain

    * Memory loss

    * Osteoporosis

    * Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

    * Prostate cancer

    * Thyroid dysfunction

    * Infertility

    * Decreased male sexual performance

    * Decreased sperm count

Xenoestrogens not only affect humans, but also affect our environment.  Several studies have found a feminization of males in every class of vertebrate animals from fish to mammals.  Aquatic animals are especially affected as they live in contaminated water.  Xenoestrogens, through pesticides and herbicides, are also found on the produce we eat.  Are you getting the picture yet?  This epidemic is life threatening as it is not only affecting our health but also affecting our food sources.

Some sources of xenoestrogens include:


    * Personal care products and cosmetics (Contain synthetic chemicals that are not regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and may be the worst culprit as they are applied on the skin and directly absorbed into the body.)

    * All artificial scents (air fresheners, perfumes, etc. contain phthalates)

    * Detergents (Contain many synthetic chemicals, such as diethanolamine (DEA), which is suspected of increasing the risk of cancer, and sodium hydroxide, which is very caustic and can burn eyes, skin and internal organs.)

    * Birth control pills and spermicides (Birth control pills promote continuously high levels of estrogen, and most spermicides contain nonoxynol-9 which breaks down into nonylphenol, a known xenoestrogen, and can increase the risk of infection.)

    * Commercially raised meat (Beef, chicken and pork are injected with growth hormones.)

    * Plastics, plastic bottles and plastic food wraps (Made with bisphenol-A, a compound used as a bonding agent to make plastics more stable and less breakable.  Several studies have shown bisphenol-A to have severe adverse health effects.)

    * Canned foods (Metal cans contain plastic linings with bisphenol-A to eliminate the metal taste in foods.)

    * Styrofoam cups (made of polystyrene, a by-product of petroleum)

    * Pesticides and herbicides (DDT was banned in the United States but it is still manufactured in the United States and shipped to Third World countries.  (Have you noticed from where a large portion of our produce is coming?)

    * Paints, lacquers and solvents

    * Industrial wastes

We are being attacked by xenoestrogens from everywhere.  In today’s world it is impossible to escape all of them.  But, there are several ways you can begin to eliminate them from your home:

    * Use organic personal care products (soaps, lotions, shampoos, deodorants, etc.)

    * Use organic cosmetics and naturally based perfumes

    * Use natural (bioidentical) progesterone instead of synthetic hormone replacement therapies (HRT) (You need to have your hormone levels checked before beginning any HRT program!)

    * Use condoms without spermicide instead of birth control pills

    * Use simple detergents with less chemicals, and don’t use fabric softeners as they put petrochemicals right onto your skin

    * Avoid air fresheners that contain phthalates

    * Avoid synthetic chemicals

    * Avoid meats that contain growth hormones

    * Buy organic produce that is grown without the use of pesticides, herbicides or synthetic fertilizers, and wash your food well

    * Use glass or ceramic to store food and water

    * Don’t use plastic goods, as all plastics leach into the environment

    * Don’t microwave food in plastic or styrofoam containers, and avoid using plastic wrap to cover food when microwaving

    * Use natural pest control, and eliminate all pesticides, herbicides and fungicides

Any changes you can make will not only increase your health and wellness, but will help to save our environment.  For a healthier alternative in health care, personal care, cleaning,  please visit, dedicated to promoting only those companies who produce truly natural products.


Here’s the deal—all of these estrogens, regardless of whether you get them from your environment or from yourself; you MUST get rid of them and you MUST protect yourself from them.

Stop in to Kasia Salon to learn more about chemical free & xenoestrogen free services as well as a wide variety of health, beauty, and supplement products that will help stay clear of harmful effects long term for you and your family! 


REFERENCES AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: WHI Follow-up Study Confirms Health Risks of Long-Term Combination Hormone Therapy Outweigh Benefits for Postmenopausal Women, Women’s Health Initiative, National Institutes of Health Xenoestrogens and Their Impact on Breast Cancer, Testicular Cancer, Male Fertility and General Human Health, Peter Merino Xenoestrogens and Women’s Health, Sandra Steinbraber and Kathryn Patton, Infertility Workshop

Extracts from 'Toxic Beauty' Environmental or Genetic?

Environmental or Genetic?

Studies have shown that environmental factors play a huge part in the onset of cancer, with only around five per cent being genetically predisposed.3 Environmental factors from this perspective can incorporate anything that people are exposed to, such as substances consumed, smoking, natural and medical forms of radiation, including exposure to the sun, workplace exposures, drugs, social and economic factors and substances existing in the air, water and soil.4 In addition, aging, alcohol, infections, hormonal factors, pollution, lack of exercise, sexual behaviour that elevates exposure to particular viruses and consumer products are all implicated in various types of cancers, to different degrees.

Dr Epstein points out that carcinogens taken in by mouth are absorbed from the intestines and transported to the liver, where they can be detoxified to different degrees, depending on the substance, but carcinogens absorbed through the skin reach can enter the bloodstream without this prior protective detoxification by the liver.

(EU/UK based data)  Push to Ban Chemicals Linked to Breast Cancer

The evidence of Oestrogen

In the EU campaigners have urged MEPS to strengthen chemicals legislation, following a report suggesting that some chemicals may be associated with rising incidences of breast cancer. Professor Andreas Kortenkamp, head of the Centre for Toxicology at the University of London, has pointed to significant evidence that the rise in breast cancer is linked to environmental exposures to substances such as hormone disruptive chemicals that mimic oestrogen. In the report commissioned by the health and environmental alliance HEAL and Chem Trust, Professor Kortenkamp said,

“There is overwhelming evidence that oestrogens are strong determinants of breast cancer risks…Given that natural oestrogens and man-made oestrogens used as pharmaceuticals have a role in breast cancer, concerns arise about the potential contribution of industrial chemicals and pesticides with hormonal activity.”11

Oestrogens are required for breast development but they also play a role in the development of breast cancer. Natural oestrogens act on the ‘end buds’ of the epithelial ducts in mammary glands to promote growth through elongation and branching of the duct system. This takes place initially during the foetal stage and then again at puberty and finally during pregnancy. It is this growth of the end buds that links oestrogens to breast cancer. Oestrogens cause an increase in cells that can be prone to cancerous growth. The breast is most susceptible to cancer causing influences during periods of growth, such as during puberty. In the womb, the mother’s oestrogen levels affect the number of end buds that develop in the foetus, with higher levels of oestrogen causing more end buds to grow, this effectively increases the cell pool from which cancer cells can be drawn.

Although Professor Kortenkamp acknowledges that numerous factors play a role in breast cancer, he continues, “There is a case for relinquishing the dominant view of breast cancer as a life-style and genetic disease and for reappraising the role of environmental factors, including chemical exposures. With UK breast cancer incidence at an all time high, risk reduction will not be achievable without considering preventable causes, particularly exposure to chemicals.”12

As well as prohibited industrial chemicals such as PCBs, still being detected in human tissues, there are a host of chemicals used in consumer products that have hormone disrupting properties, including phthalates, bisphenol A, UV filters, commonly used preservatives such as parabens, and numerous others. Many of these have been found to act in a similar way to the sex hormone oestradiol, although much higher concentrations are required to cause as pronounced effects. Environmental pollutants such as PCBS and certain pesticides do not act alone, but in combination with natural oestrogens and other hormonally active chemicals in a woman’s body, including chemicals released during the preparation of food, man-made chemicals including environmental pollutants (dioxins, pesticides, PCBs), synthetic cosmetic constituents (such as some synthetic fragrances, UV filters, antioxidants) and plant derived oestrogens present in some foods. Although the hormonal strength of these chemicals in much lower than natural or pharmaceutical oestrogens, research has shown that quite a significant number of chemicals can enhance the effects of natural oestrogens.13

Professor Kortenkamp presented evidence that whilst low levels of certain individual chemicals have no detectable impact on breast cancer, the combined additive effect of mixtures of these chemicals (even at low concentrations that would not usually present an observable effect), has a much greater impact. Testing a combination of 11 xenoestrogens (man-made chemicals that behave like oestrogen in the human body) on the actions of the hormone oestradiol, Professor Kortenkamp found that the combined effect of the xenoestrogens led to a dramatic enhancement of the hormone’s action, even when each agent was present at levels that do not individually generate measurable effects.14

Other research demonstrated than four organochlorines acted together to enhance the proliferation of human breast cancer cells, suggesting again that mixtures of certain chemicals produce a combined effect even when each agent is present at concentrations that individually produce insignificant effects. The combination effects of the mixture were stronger than the effects of the most potent individual component (thus the combined effects were synergistic).15


Many studies have found that the risk of cancer developing is elevated if exposure to carcinogens begins in infancy, rather than later on in life. Young children have a greater susceptibility to carcinogens because the cells rapidly divide during childhood and if they are rapidly dividing following exposure to a carcinogen, any genetic mutation that has occurred is more likely to be fixed.23 There are various other reasons why babies, young infants and children are at greater risk. For instance, children take in more oxygen per kilogram of body weight than an adult and therefore more air pollutants, low molecular weight compounds can readily cross the placenta, newborn babies have more absorbative skin because it is not fully keratinised (therefore without one of the skin’s main protective barriers) until several days after the baby is born and various organs such as the lungs and brain are still developing. Children have different exposures, pathways of absorption, tissue distribution and responses to environmental exposures, and they also eliminate chemicals in different ways.24 This all needs to be considered when looking at the potential adverse health effects of environmental exposures.

The U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP), an interagency program that evaluates agents of public health concern, produce a report on carcinogens (ROC), which currently contains 246 listings of known and reasonably anticipated human carcinogens.25 Our households and other external environments play host to a variety of known and potential carcinogens. Some of those listed substances we may commonly encounter that are known or suspected of causing cancer, according to the U.S. National Toxicology Program, include:

  • Tobacco
  • Red and preserved meats
  • Salt
  • Salt-preserved foods
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • UV radiation from the sun
  • Sunlamps or tanning beds
  • Viruses and bacteria
  • Ionising radiation - from sources such as radon
  • Radioactive substances - released by atomic bombs or nuclear weapons, and x-rays
  • Pesticides - such as ethylene oxide, DDT, amitrole, hexachlorobenzene, lead acetate and lindane
  • Medical drugs - such as cyclophosphamide and chlorambucil used to treat cancer
  • Oestrogens - long-term users of combined oestrogen and progesterone oral contraceptives may have an increased risk of early-onset breast cancers and liver cancer; tamoxifen may also increase the risk of developing endometrial cancer
  • Solvents - such as benzene, chloroform, methylene chloride and trichloroethylene
  • Fibres
  • Fine particles and dust - such as asbesto fibres, ceramic fibres, wood dust and silica dusts
  • Dioxins
  • Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
  • Metals - such as arsenic, beryllium compounds, cadmium metal and cadmium compounds, chromium, lead and nickel
  • Diesel exhaust particles
  • Toxicants from fungi
  • Vinyl chloride
  • Benzidine.
  • Known and potentially carcinogenic ingredients in cosmetics include among other things:

  • Acetaldehyde
  • Acrylates
  • Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA)
  • Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT)
  • Coal tar
  • Hydroquinone
  • Synthetic musks (used in fragranced consumer products)
  • Teflon
  • Organic solvents (e.g. toluene, formaldehyde, xylene)
  • Phthalates
  • UV filters in sunscreens (e.g. padimate O, para-aminbenzoic acid (PABA), oxybenzone, avobenzone).
  • Cosmetic grade lanolin
  • Hair dyes
  • Parabens
  • Talc
  • Silica
  • Diethanolamine (common ingredients containing diethanolamine (DEA) include: cocamide DEA, cocamide MEA, Lauramide DEA, Myristamide DEA, Oleamide DEA etc)
  • Artificial colours


References and the rest of the article:

"Beauty sleep" and stress. More important than you think, do you know why?

As you probably already know -- stress is bad for our health, and many of us are affected differently. Frustration can create havoc on your skin and as a matter of fact too much stress triggers your skin to start the aging process prematurely leading to wrinkles and fine lines before you want to have them.  Stress can actually age you as far out as three to six years!

Stress causes our hormones to operate ineffectively, run down the wrong pathways and to become unbalanced.  Radiant skin comes from great skin care routines, protection from environmental damage and UV rays, good nutrition, adequate hydration, and getting plenty of sleep.

Dermatologist have come to agree that during hours of sleep, cortisol and insulin production inversely peak so that collagen production is accelerated.  Collagen production firms the dermal layers so evaporation is reduced and water retention is maximized.

Resting Tips for “Beautiful Health” Skin


While you slumber, your skin produces more collagen, which gives it the support to counteract the forces of gravity.  If you have a radiant heater or air conditioner running, this can result in evaporation in your skin and water loss.  This contributes to dry skin, especially if you don’t use a high quality facial cream/serum, or do not replenish intake of water hydration through your day.


Bio-chemical Requirement

As the body enters the deepest stage of rest (Delta Sleep), our growth hormones peak and turn on cell and tissue repair.  When there is restless or limited sleep, we cut ourselves short of this crucial restorative process.

In order to give your skin beautiful health it deserves in repairing, rejuvenating, and producing collagen with minimum natural moisture loss, you need a good 6 – 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night.


Additional science on how stress can affect your skin include the following:

* Cortisol degrades collagen and directly leads to the formation of wrinkles in the skin.  When you live in a chronic state of stress your body finds it harder and harder to repair itself naturally and so you develop more wrinkles and fine lines.

* The stress hormone CRH can fuel inflammation in the skin and that in turn can cause acne.  Since acne is an inflammatory disease all it takes is in increase in inflammation in the body to cause more acne.  And if you are stressed you are more likely to pick at your breakouts which could lead to even more breakouts.

* Stress hormones can cause your body to release histamines, which can cause a range of skin conditions like dermatitis, irritation, hives, or inflammation or aggravate existing skin conditions like psoriasis.

* Stress can make your hair fall our and make your nails brittle

* Stress makes your eyes look tired.  This could be because you are not getting enough sleep since you are stressed out.  A chronic lack of sleep could lead to fluid stagnation under the eyes and then dark, puffy under-eye circles in the morning.

* Stress could cause your skin to enter mini-menopause.  A chronic flow of cortisol causes a drop in estrogen, which means your skin produces less collagen and less moisture.  Your skin could end up looking dull and dry as a result.


Not just your skin…yes, your belly.

I have learned first hand the effects of too much of the stress and the ramifications of the increased hormone of cortisol.  Lack of sleep and rest leads to our adrenal glands pushing out too much of this belly fat-promoting, collagen-destroying hormone.  The flip side to this is that when getting enough sleep, our cortisol levels reduce. In fact, a landmark sleep study found that those who sleep between 7.5 and 8.5 hours a night secrete half as much cortisol as those only sleeping 6.5 hours or less a night. This can mean significant weight gain of 33 pounds or more!

Excess cortisol turns your once flatter stomach into fat deposit because the abdominal region contains four times more cortisol receptors than other areas in the body.

Researchers have also found that lack of sleep can cause cravings for sweet and salty foods.   We end up compromising and eating foods lacking any nutritional value and lack hydration.  Our waistline or our skin responds well to this kinds of lifestyle for a period of time.

Other studies have found that sleep deprivation leads to inflammation and oxidative stress. One of these studies found that women who don't get their beauty sleep experience disruptions with their skin barrier function, have more water loss in their skin and have extremely high levels of inflammatory chemicals circulating in their bodies.  If we are under chronic stress, cortisol will disrupt collagen production, making skin thinner and weaker.

If you need more encouragement to turn in early every night, then keep in mind that adults who sleep five or less hours a night have a 15 percent chance of dying early from any reason you can think of. Why? Because lack of sleep ages your body.

Supplement to Sleep

Supplements like GABA and melatonin are known to have a muscle-relaxing effect and may improve sleep quality. In turn, better sleep can lead to greater skin repair capabilities, a better-looking complexion with fewer wrinkles and dark circles and less overall dullness.

GABA is a naturally occurring neurotransmitter with a proven connection to the quality and quantity of sleep we achieve. The brain chemical -- gamma-aminobutryric acid, or GABA -- is involved in regulating brain activity.

"It's the brakes of your brain," says Karl Doghramji, MD, director of the Sleep Disorders Center at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia. "It stops activity."

Both sleep problems and anxiety disorders may result from problems with GABA, which helps neutralize the effects of glutamate, a brain chemical that causes excitement. When there is too little GABA, it causes those racing thoughts that characterize anxiety -- and keep you up at night.

Gaba increases the integrity of collagen and elastin and both preventing and counteracting sagging skin.

Melatonin is one of the most powerful antioxidants produced in the body. In addition, since it is both water and fat soluble, melatonin can reach almost every single cell in the body.

Since it cannot store in the body, it must be replenished daily. This would normally not be a problem, except  exposure to artificial light reduces production of melatonin in our bodies.

Mood Elevator: Nighttime melatonin levels are low in people with major depressive and panic disorders. Individuals with noticeable mood swings or who are melancholic also have depressed melatonin levels. Both seasonal affective disorder and non-seasonal cyclic depressions are related to the peaks and valleys of melatonin levels.

Contact Kassie at Kasia Organic Salon for more info on supplementation of Gaba and Melatonin.


Kassie Kuehl is a respected leader in, and advocate for, natural health and beauty care. The founder of Kasia Organic Salon, a stylist, and developer of Kasia natural line, Kassie combines her experience as nutritionist and living foods educator with her ongoing Functional Medicine research to apply a whole of body “Beautiful Health’ approach to hair care and styling. She can be found at

SOURCES: American Medical Association's 22nd annual Science Reporters Conference, Philadelphia, Sept. 11-12, 2003. Karl Doghramji, MD, director, Sleep Disorders Center, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital; professor of psychiatry, Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia.

Your Hormones and the Masquerade of Parabens

Parabens inhibit the growth of bacteria, yeast, and molds and have been used in personal care products such as shampoos, conditioners, deodorants, and sunscreens for years. The main reason for use of parabens is because they allow these products to survive for months, or years, during shipping and on store shelves. Parabens are one of the most commonly used ingredients in personal care products. The only ingredient used more frequently is water. Parabens were the cosmetic industry's prized preservatives. (Methyl, propyl, butyl and ethyl parabens) They were stated for years to be harmless and safe. Just recently we have been presented with evidence through many study's that this states otherwise.

In these studies, parabens have shown estrogenic activity in lab tests - meaning that they mimic our body’s natural estrogen and may interfere with our endocrine systems (making them disruptors).

Our hormones govern the way our glands and organs function including the thyroid, pituitary, hypothalamus, adrenal glands, and pancreas to the ovaries and testes.

So how does this really affect us?

To begin - the endocrine system is made up of glands and receptors.... glands that secrete and/or make hormones and receptor sites that "read" and react to hormones.  Hormones themselves are the little chemical messengers that run around in our bodies transporting signals and instructions from one cell to another.


The gland writes the instructions, the receptor reads the instructions, and the hormones are the postmen.

Endocrine hormones are carried directly through the bloodstream to different parts of the body and orchestrated by the master conductor- the hypothalamus in the brain. (The hypothalamus is the “pentagon” of hormone production in your body.) The messages are sent through a hierarchical system - getting passed along through the body and when they reach their final destination they offer an important message for the cell when they arrive. These messages can be anything from growth and production regulation, activation of the immune system, metabolism regulation, reproductive cycle cues to mood messages and more.

Therefore, the messages should get to the cells that they need to direct without the blockades and barricades and masquerades that nasty little hormone disruptors provide.

The theory of endocrine disruptors is that a variety of synthetic chemical compounds that we are bombarded with everyday absorb into the body, then mimic or block natural hormones and disrupt our body's normal functions.

(As if someone else is posing as the postman, and tricks our bodies into thinking that they are receiving authentic messages - but they are not. By acting on these fraudulent messages, a whole array of problems can ensue.)


This is a somewhat a new theory and difficult to prove or disprove because chances are we could be exposed to literally thousands of endocrine disruptors on a daily basis. Plastics from our water bottle or hairspray, pesticides on our food, and fillers in our everyday cosmetics - the list goes on.  It’s time that we recognize the lies and clarify  which are the bad hormone copycats from the really bad perpetrators in our lifestyle. This external chemical exposure is residual and little by little these chemicals build up in our bodies.

Endocrine disruptors are stored in a body's fatty tissues and do not get flushed out with water, thus they accumulate over the years. It is now recognized that the dramatic increases of breast cancer, non-Hodgkins lymphoma and thyroid cancer have been linked to exposure to environmental estrogens. In the past twenty-five years in the US, alone, thyroid cancer has increased more than 45%, with more women being affected than men, and has become the number one cancer in children under age twenty, many of whom suffered from fetal endocrine disruption exposures.

Recent reports from Britain show that parabens have been found in breast tumors and that they may be linked to breast cancer. The states that parabens are weak estrogen mimickers - but more importantly, that they can increase the expression of certain genes that are directly linked to breast cancer. Yikes!

Please grab your ingredient top 10 to avoid, and bring awareness to this growing conundrum of hormone perpetrators, and the better investment for you and your “Beautiful Health.”   The serious health implications mean that taking this issue seriously can have a profound impact on your health in the future!
Reference: Homemade Organics
References to learn more in-depth:


How Emotional Health, Hormones, and Nutrition - Stresses our Tresses


If you're suddenly shedding more and your life or mood hasn't changed drastically, check any new meds you're taking. Progesterone, a hormone found in some forms of birth control, as well as vitamin A derivatives (synthetics such as acne Rx) can shut down follicles and trigger hair loss. Other possible culprits: depression meds and heartburn helpers. Other health issues could be to blame (a thyroid problem).


High levels of estrogen bring fringe benefits: dewy skin and shiny hair. Estrogen works by blocking a by-product of testosterone (dihydrotestosterone) that may promote balding, says Futterweit, M.D., clinical professor of endocrinology at Mount Sinai. That's why hair is thickest in your 20s and 30s, when hormones are percolating. In these years (and during pregnancy), 70 to 90 percent of hair is in a growth phase; by your 40s, the proportion of hair in this cycle decreases by up to 30 percent.


Stress-hormone receptors exist in and around hair follicles, which means that besides wreaking havoc on mood, the fight-or-flight neurochemicals adrenaline and cortisol can also harm hair. "Stress can increase shedding, leading to thinning.   Releasing stress and tension usually revives follicles within about four months. To calm your mind and hair, carve out time daily to relax or relax in Kasia’s Infrared Sauna to sweat away toxicity, mind and body. It'll pay off in more ways than one!


Yes, your DNA controls hair thickness, when you'll go gray and, possibly, vulnerability to pollution and stress.  Oxidative damage may cause graying by triggering a buildup of hydrogen peroxide in the follicle, blocking pigment formation


Pile your plate with foods that contain healthy-hair essentials. Protein is the building block of every strand (it makes up 95 percent of hair's weight); zinc (found in meats and nuts) bolsters natural oils that coat the hair shaft (for extra shine!); vitamin B derivatives (biotin, B6 and B12) promote new cell growth within the follicles. Most important is iron, which facilitates the activity of enzymes needed for hair growth.

Brittle Hair/Nails

Excess stress hormones and low thyroid hormones can contribute to brittle or thinning hair and nails. Improper absorption or breakdown of proteins in your digestive system means you do not have the raw materials to generate healthy hair and nails, causing lackluster locks. Liver toxicity can also affect hair and nail health, leading to dullness or brittleness.


Female hormone imbalances such as abnormal estrogen or progesterone levels can contribute to acne. In the digestive system, food sensitivities are implicated in skin conditions. An overworked liver cannot properly process toxins from poor diet, environmental exposure, or from the digestive tract, and this toxic build up can manifest as acne or skin rashes as toxins are excreted through the skin.

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