
Get it while it is HOT!

Get it while it is HOT!

The Kasia Team has been busy keeping the heat on this month!  In the Infrared...that is!

We celebrate the growing visits of cleansing and relaxation as well as the ability for you  to take the time out of your schedule to pay attention to YOU

If you have not tried this new modality of "Beautiful Health" is your chance!

I think you would agree Contact First Name, the time of year in using a sauna could not be better.  Remember, you can adjust the heat as you build up your comfort and sweat.

Get it while it is HOT! The Power Of 10!  ..... Save $110!

Our Power of 10 Special is a package of 10 sessions of thirty minutes of relaxing sauna sessions for $290 (originally $400)

Our Power of 5 Special is a package of 5 sessions of thirty minutes of relaxing sauna sessions for $175 (originally $200) Have you detoxed lately?

Treatment and therapy for many symptoms can incorporate FIR saunas and their powerful effects.

Your Skin: A study published in The Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy showed significant improvements in skin appearance after just 12 weeks of sauna skin therapy using near-infrared technology. Participants experienced a reduction in wrinkles and crow's feet, as well as improved overall skin tone, including softness, smoothness, elasticity, clarity and firmness. Sunlighten's Solocarbon Custom Spectrum is the only infrared sauna heater on the market with near-infrared technology!

Healthy Weight:  When it comes to burning calories with infrared heat, only Sunlighten saunas have been clinically shown to dramatically aid in weight loss. Results from a 2009 study indicated that Sunlighten saunas are beneficial for lowering weight and waist circumference in just a 3-month period.

Additional FIR sauna benefits can include:

* * promoting killing of pathogenic bacteria, viruses, fungi & parasites * * reducing stress, fatigue, pain & sleep disturbance * * reducing depression * * preventing seasonal affect disorder

Learn more HERE

Stop by Kasia Organic Salon to cleanse, relax, and rid some stubborn calories today!

Kasia Featured in MPLS Picks and MPLS Monthly Magazine! What's steamin' Hot?

What LOVE we've graciously received coming into February at Kasia!

Kasia Organic Salon featured in February's MN Monthly Magazine as a "TOP 10" feature for 2011 "Beautiful Health"   "just have TO-DO's."



in Minneapolis Picks!

Pick up a copy and read about our Infrared Sauna Service!

Download our Top Benefits Sauna HERE!


Feeling "BLAH?" What is HOT about the Sauna!

The modern lifestyle exposes us to  many synthetic and chemicals that  build up toxins in our bodies.  I think we agree we could use some help encouraging our bodies to detoxify.

Detoxify your body with the healing nature of heat. Offering you a truly unique experience, Kasia Organic Salon and Sunlighten Far Infraed Sauna help to expel toxins from your body all while doing from the privacy of our personal sauna room.

The sweating benefits from the Far Infrared Sauna are incredible. It allows your body to use its natural sweating process to remove heavy metal, bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses from your body. It improves your flexibility, cleanses your pours, improves circulation and relives pain.

Help your weight-loss accelerate . A 30 minutes session can burn up to 600 calories during this rejuvenating process.

sauna dome

STRESS FREE!  After the session you will feel a profound sense of relaxation, making this an excellent way to manage stress as well.

Burns calories, helps control weight, enhancement your skin tone, relief of stress and fatigue, and more!

Purchase a Package of 10 ( 30 minute) sessions and SAVE $110!

Infrared Sauna Guide and Benefits Explained

  sauna sun lighten



How Does It Work?

Kasia brings you the goodness of the healthy sun rays, while keeping away the harmful ones!

The sun is the primary source of radiant energy on earth, but not all of this energy is beneficial to us. Sunlight is a combination of visible light and invisible light. The seven colors of the rainbow are found in the visible light spectrum, and the invisible infrared rays and ultraviolet rays are found either side of the visible light spectrum. Ultraviolet rays are well-known for their ability to damage the skin, causing premature aging, sunburn and even cancer. In contrast, infrared rays are healthy, they penetrate into your skin deeply and dissolve harmful substances accumulated in your body. The infrared rays revitalize your cells and metabolism.

Key Benefits: 

› Increase the metabolism, burn calories, and help you to lose weight


› Relieve muscle and joint pain

› Remove toxins and improve the immune system

› Improve the appearance of cellulite

› Reduce stress and fatigue

› Improve the skin

› Improve a poor circulation

› Reduce depression and mood imbalances



Increase the metabolism, burn calories, and help you to lose weight

Far infrared saunas have been shown to assist in weight loss. Studies have shown that a 30-minute far infrared sauna session can burn 200-600 calories. This is in addition to the weight lost due to perspiration, which is mostly due to water loss and as such is quickly regained after the sauna session through drinking fluids.

The body has to work hard to cool itself back down after being in a far infrared sauna and this effort produces an increased heart rate and metabolism. It was reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association in August 1981 that the blood flow could double in such circumstances.

“Saunas are an important aid to weight loss and thyroid repair because as you lose weight, fat tissue releases stored toxins such as PCBs and pesticides.” Dr. Mark Hyman, author of Ultrametabolism


Relieve muscle and joint pain

Far infrared saunas can provide relief to patients suffering from fibromyalgia, arthritis, and painful joints and muscles. Far infrared sauna therapy penetrates deeply into joints, muscles, and tissues, it increases the oxygen flow around the body and increases the circulation. Natural body healing with Sunlighten™ therapy can lead to a healthier lifestyle for you.

Remove toxins and improve the immune system

We believe in removing daily toxins from our lifestyles. Toxins and heavy metals are found in our soils, personal care products, water supplies, and the air. They have a destructive influence on our normal homeostasis (the healthy function of our body), causing enzyme dysfunction, hormonal imbalances, and the weakening of our immune system. Many people do not realize that toxic overload of the body can produce these health problems.

The benefits of detoxification with Sunlighten's Solocarbon® heaters include decongested, brighter skin, an increased mental clarity, restored energy levels, fewer allergies, improved sleep, and a restored liver and immune function.

How does this work?

Essentially, far infrared rays cause water within the body to vibrate. Since the human body is approximately 70% water, this can have pronounced effect on our tissues:

  1. The infrared heat energy penetrates deeply into the tissues, heating them and breaking down clusters of water molecules.
  2. Toxins are then easily released.
  3. The capillaries expand due to the extra heat, improving the circulation of the blood.
  4. The body's metabolism is increased and the tissues are activated to produce needed enzymes.
  5. Fat soluble chemicals are eliminated from the body through the sebaceous and sweat glands.

The average person sweats out 20% toxins and 80% water! In conventional saunas the average person sweats out just 3% toxins and 97% water.


Improve the appearance of cellulite

Cellulite gives skin a distinctive appearance, similar to an orange peel. It is made up of fat, water, and whatever waste products are trapped below the skin because of poor circulation. Infrared saunas can help to reduce the appearance of cellulite by heating the tissues under the skin and increasing the blood circulation, clearing the body of unwanted waste products and toxins.

Reduce stress and fatigue

Far infrared saunas can assist in stress reduction and provide relief from chronic fatigue syndrome. Relaxation is more important to your health than most people realize. According to many health professionals – the more stressed you are, the more cortisol your body will produce. Cortisol is the “fight or flight” hormone made in the adrenal glands. It raises the heart rate, blood pressure, and encourages the deposit of any excess calories into the midsection of the torso.

The infrared sauna gives you the ultimate relaxation experience. The therapeutic far infrared heat triggers an invigorating deep tissue sweat, leaving you feeling completely mesmerized after every session. Additionally, scientific evidence shows that far infrared therapy can help the body to maintain healthy levels of cortisol. While cortisol levels may stay the same or rise slightly during a sauna session, they drop afterwards.

Improve the skin

Infrared therapy has been shown to reduce inflammation and improve cell health. This means that wounds can heal quicker with reduced scarring and the effects of acne, eczema, psoriasis, burns and any skin lesions or cuts may be lessened. Far infrared therapy may help to reduce wrinkles and make the skin look radiant and firmer with improved skin tone and elasticity. It may also help to reduce cellulite trapped beneath the skin.

Natural infrared therapy can have amazing results in eczema and psoriasis treatment. Regular use of an infrared sauna not only helps to clean toxins from inside your body and lowers your stress levels (a proven trigger for both eczema and psoriasis), but also to control the skin inflammation. Infrared helps to eliminate the itching associated with eczema and psoriasis and then stimulates the healing processes of the skin. So you may be able to rid yourself of the risks associated with emollient creams, lubricating ointments and steroid creams that often cause thinning of the skin, acne-like breakouts, broken blood vessels, and stretch marks.

Improve a poor circulation

Improve your circulation in conjunction with our recommended Kasia Apothecary Essential Oils and Jojoba blends to help flush out cellulite!


The problems of high blood pressure, heart disease and a poor circulation may be decreased through infrared sauna therapy. During a 15-30 minute sauna session, the heart rate increases by 50-75%, providing a similar metabolic result to that gained through physical exercise. Your blood vessels become more flexible and there is increased circulation to your extremities, the capillaries expand allowing your blood to circulate at an increased rate. Effective blood circulation is vital for thehuman body to operate correctly, bringing nutrients (from your food) and oxygen to all parts of the body, and taking away carbon dioxide and other waste products to be eliminated from the body.

Reduce depression and mood imbalances

Far infrared heat therapy has been documented to boost the body’s natural endorphins just as if it were exercising. These feelgood hormones and the release of stored up tension and stress by the body's muscles and tissues elevate your mood, leaving you uplifted and relaxed, both physically and mentally. This can be an effective aid in the treatment of depression and other mood imbalance conditions.


Psychological Benefits

* reduced stress and anxiety

* increased creativity and intelligence

* reduced depression

* increased learning ability, moral reasoning and memory

* reduced irritability and moodiness

* feelings of vitality and rejuvenation


* increased emotional control

* increased self-esteem

* increased alertness

* improved relationships

* improved concentration

Physiological Benefits

* may help lower blood pressure

* prevented, slowed or controlled pain of chronic diseases

* boosted immune system

* lowered cholesterol levels

* improved airflow, especially in those with asthma

* younger biological age ________________

What do I do during an infrared sauna session?

Be prepared to sweat. You will disrobe in our private room and lie comfortably within the far-infrared sauna dome. The temperature and timer are set and you can relax to peaceful music for 15-30 minutes. When the timer turns off the sauna, you can remove the dome and simply get up on your own.

Is Infrared Heat harmful?

Not in the least bit. Infrared light and infrared heat have been used by doctors and scientists for decades. There have been thousands of documented studies and there has been no recorded evidence that there are any ill effects of infrared rays. Unlike ultraviolet rays, which can be very damaging to the skin and ultimately cause cancer, infrared rays are completely safe and have numerous beneficial health effects on the human body.

What to expect?

The Kasia Infrared Sauna is experienced while lying comfortably on your back. Your head stays outside the sauna for the duration of the 30-minute treatment. You will find the Kasia Infrared Sauna to be much more comfortable than a conventional sauna as you are not breathing in hot air.

After approximately twenty minutes, the infrared heat will have penetrated deep into your tissues, your pores will have opened up, and your body will be producing large amounts of perspiration. This release of sweat also includes toxins so the process doesn't just remove water.

The treatment will leave you feeling profoundly relaxed and stress-free.......

Infrared Sauna Medical Studies and Articles

The evidence is clear. Toxins are every where, in our water, air, food, soaps, shampoos, even in the clothes we wear. It has become commonplace to read about mercury in our fish, jet fuel in our lettuce, heavy metals in our air. Toxins have been directly linked with a host of diseases: cancer, lowered immune function, arthritis, autism, fibromyalgia, alzheimers, neurological and cardiovascular disorders, just to name a few. People living today carry within their bodies a chemical cocktail made up of industrial chemicals, pesticides, food additives, heavy metals, general anaesthetics, and the residues of therapeutic pharmaceuticals, as well as toxins from alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, and illegal drugs. It is a problem that is not going away, at least not in our lifetime. We need to detoxify!

Sherry Rogers MD in her groundbreaking book, Detox or Die, says toxicity is a one-way street leading to disease; the key to healing the impossible is to reverse the toxicity. But what is the best way to detoxify? There are several methods being used today: chelation, where enzyme preparations are injected into the bloodstream, binding toxins as they pass through and are excreted; fasting, with or without herbal and mineral preparations and/or colonics to help to remove toxins; and saunas, removing toxins through sweating.

Validity through Medical Studies and Articles

  • Kaiser Permenante Article On The Health Benefits Of Saunas
  • Detoxification Through the Skin by Mark Sircus Ac., OMD March 6th, 2005
  • Circulation Journal December 2004 study on infrared sauna use in patients with chronic heart failure.
  • Saunas Improve Results for Heart Patients by author Patricia Palmer
  • Repeated thermal therapy improves impaired vascular endothelial function in patients with coronary risk factors by Imamura M, Biro S, Kihara T, Yoshifuku S, Takasaki K, Otsuji Y, Minagoe S, Toyama Y, Tei C. October, 2001
  • Repeated sauna therapy reduces urinary 8-epi-prostaglandin F(2alpha) Masuda A, Miyata M, Kihara T, Minagoe S, Tei C. Department of Cardiology, Respiratory and Metabolic Medicine, Kagoshima University, Kagoshima, Japan March, 2004
  • Heat in the treatment of patients with anorexia nervosa by Gutierrez E, Vazquez R. March 2001 (opens in new window)
  • The Effects of Repeated Thermal Therapy for Patients with Chronic Pain by Akinori Masuda, Yasuyuki Koga, Masato Hattanmaru, Shinichi Minagoe, Chuwa Tei 2005 (opens in new window)
  • The effects of repeated thermal therapy for two patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. by Masuda A, Kihara T, Fukudome T, Shinsato T, Minagoe S, Tei C. April 2005
  • Thermal Therapy Benefits Depressed Patients 2005
  • Clinical Implications of Thermal Therapy in Lifestyle-Related Diseases by Sadatoshi Biro, Akinori Masuda, Takashi Kihara and Chuwa Tei 2003. Obesity And Diabetes: Pathophysiological Mechanisms And Therapeutic Approaches
  • Repeated Thermal Therapy Diminishes Appetite Loss and Subjective Complaints in Mildly Depressed Patients by Akinori Masuda, MD, PhD, Masamitsu Nakazato, MD, PhD, Takashi Kihara, MD, PhD, Shinichi Minagoe, MD, PhD and Chuwa Tei, MD, PhD 2005. From the Psychosomatic Medicine, Respiratory and Stress Care Center, Kagoshima University Hospital, Kagoshima, Japan (A.M.); the Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Miyazaki University, Miyazaki, Japan (M.N.); and Cardiovascular, Respiratory and Metabolic Medicine, Kagoshima University, Kagoshima, Japan (T.K., S.M., C.T.).
  • Rising Numbers...."it could happen" and July Summer Savings!

    An "Informed Beaute's" right to know to Knowbeatles bob hair

    Is your Hair Color Toxic?

    As of late, the Kasia Organic Hair Team has encountered  increasing numbers of new guests that have sought out our Ammonia Free Hair Color services due to experiencing  previous un-ease, aesthetic discomfort, and allergic reactions of hair dying.

    This brings me to shedding some LIGHT on this topic, as it is becoming common, and  in my opinion, many more women are starting to experience this, but it is "underground."

    "What to do - where to go - new hairstylist?  what about my....Routine...."

    There can be several kinds of reaction caused by hair dye allergy. Most commonly the reaction appears on your face. Listed are the most common allergic reactions that are caused by hair dyes.

    *Dermatitis around/on the face.* Facial Swelling

    * Bumps on face  * Headaches    *Rash  * Itchy Scalp  *Burning


    Your Investment and Common Ingredients

    * The culprit behind these reactions is a common chemical ingredient that is used in  hair dyes, called para-phenylenediamine, or PPD.

    *PPD is actually found in a good quantity which is more than two-thirds of commercial dyes. The case is the same for many of the in-salon brands.

    * Allergic reactions to PPD was such a severe problem that it got banned from hair dyes in France, Germany and Sweden.

    Our Young Women

    Market research shows more people are dyeing their hair and at a younger age. One survey in 1992, by a soap and detergent association found 13 per cent of school girls used hair coloring products, along with six percent of womens.

    By 2001, the numbers had soared, with two out of five schoolgirls dyeing their hair and almost nine in 10 young women.

    "Furthermore female high school students and young women were dyeing their hair at shorter intervals.

    women, message phone

    Additional Harsh Compounds to AVOID in your Hair Color Investment

    Not only do  "other" hair coloring services strip away the natural moisture and oils from the hair and scalp, break down the hair shaft, but they also put your health at risk.

    Say NO to Ammonia * A strong irritant for skin, eyes and lungs.   * A suspected carcinogen.

    Say NO to Ethanolamine (MEA) * A toxicant for the immune, respiratory, reproductive, neurological & nervous systems. * A carcinogen.

    .....Final Remarks

    Though an allergic reaction to hair dye may be relatively rare, death from cancer is less rare. The National Cancer Institute suggests that one out of five of all cases of non-Hodgkin`s lymphoma among women are due to women`s regular use of commercial hair dye products. This is the disease that killed Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, who used the more damaging darker dyes. Breast, bladder and other cancers are also linked to the use of these toxic ingredients.

    Whichever type of hair coloring you decide to use, drink lots of water. If the product contained any chemicals, plan to daily (lifestyle detox) after the coloring. That way, you will at least rid your body of some or all of the toxins you just put into your bloodstream.To learn more about efficiently detoxing, learn more about our NEW INFRARED SAUNA.

    Learn more and optimize your coloring results in avoiding chemicals that reduce the strength and integrity of your hair, increasing breakage, split ends, brittleness and fading.

    Find us on Facebook

    Now on a more positive note. CELEBRATE WITH US!

    It's summer - the sun is shining, embrace the season in beauty - highlights and accent foils are a perfect way to brighten your entire look -

    HURRY!  Good through end of July...  celebrate and save!

    • Schedule a spot highlight and save $5

    • Schedule partial foil/highlights and save $10

    • Schedule full foil/highlights and save $15

    • $20 OFF your first Custom Organic Facial

    Of course the summer is the perfect time for hair removal services, we can accommodate any and all requests for body and facial hair removal from our talented MISS PHANIE! MEET THE TEAM! Discount Services redeemable with Phanie, Jillian, and Colette.

    Request an appointment today to brighten your look, enhance detox and weight loss &  hair removal service!

    Service Surprise, NEW website, SAVINGS, and Seminar Deadline!

    Join the Informed Beauty Newsletter List

    Join Our Mailing  List

    Our Gift to YOU
    20 % OFF
    612.824.7611 $20 OFF your first Hair Color, Organic Custom Facial, or Massage!

    MORE Summer Savings!
    25% OFF byNight Moisture Serum w/ Purchase of 1 Tea or Kasia Pure-oderant!
    Kasia Organic Salon

    Warm Summer Greetings

    Oooh Yah!! I'm so excited - revisions made to the Kasia website are up and running! (Thanks Rosie n' Cyndi!)    There is a few tweaks here and there (content additions and a few pictures we need to upload) but otherwise we're on our way!

    For now....

    * It is much easier to navigate through DROP DOWN tabs

    * New Client Rewards and Programs, and MORE SOON!

    * Our blog is on the front page of website - easy to check back in with us!

    *Order Online through our website or Mind Body Online Shopping Store

    ** Please NOTE: We encourage you to use our ONLINE BOOKING, although please be aware you are SUGGESTING a time, and we will then confirm this for you.

    And that's just the beginning! So check it out and check back in!

    To celebrate our new additions we are offering our email list customers a stellar $5 off of 1 service $10 off of 2 services Valid with Colette, Jillian, and Skin Care Specialist- Phanie:    7/16  through  7/24

    Our seminar is THIS COMING MONDAY!  Register HERE!
    Julie Tebben is back to join Kasia Salon and Friends to learn why and how to address the three top weightloss and wellness inhibitors!

    Top 3:

    Your Sexy Hormones Digestive system Detoxification Pathways

    Monday, July 19th 6:15 PM Kasia Organic Salon "The hormonal system regulates our metabolic rate and controls how we burn body fat, the digestive system provides us the nutrients we need to burn body fat and the detoxification system, when not working properly, prevents the burning of fat stores"

    BONUS!  Ardyss Body Shaping Garments will be available to try on and size after our presentation!

    Limited Space.   RSVP and REGISTER TODAY!

    Lose Weight and Detox Safely at Kasia with our NEW INFRARED SAUNA!
    "What? Where are you putting a "sauna" at Kasia?"

    The Headquarters Kasia office is now gone, and the sauna is IN!  I've followed this modality of detoxification for quite some time, in particular, many of the Functional Medicine Doc's I recieve education from. These professionalsrun their clients through their Infrared Sauna with their protocols.

    Dr. Mark Hyman's newest book, Ultrametabolism, addresses the use of an infrared sauna as a means of practicing active relaxation to reduce stress and lose weight.

    Dr. Michelle Robin, DC    "In my personal experience, the sauna dramatically improves body chemistry leading to overall enhanced health and well being.

    Why did Kasia Organic Salon bring in this modality?

    The health benefits of infrared therapy are now indisputable. Detoxification, skin rejuve and clearing, relaxation, cardiovascular benefits, pain relief and weight loss have all been either clinically studied or experienced by users as quoted in Healthy Living Magazine.  We want you to be able to enjoy the experience of Infrared.

    We plan to make this service (and other BONUSES) available within the next 2 weeks, so watch for this announcement!

    30 Minutes of your day...... to more Beautiful Health.


    What is Far Infrared Sauna?

    Far Infrared is a form of light that we feel as heat. The sun has infrared (IR) and ultraviolet (UV).

    UV rays are the bad   and    IR is the good

    Far Infrared penetrates into your body 3 times deeper than steams, dry saunas.

    Traditional saunas remove about 3% toxin in your sweat, Infrared allows around 17% toxins to be released in your sweat.

    The infrared sauna is completely safe and produces the same rays that you feel from the sun without the harmful ultraviolet rays.

    The radiant heat surrounds you as it penetrates deeply into your joints, muscles and tissues, this helps increase circulation and speed oxygen flow. Infrared helps to remove impurities from your cells, specifically the cells inside our fat where the body stores waste and harmful toxins such as heavy metals and cholesterol.

    The only way to remove toxins from the fat storage sites is to mobilize the toxic fat. Heat stress (infrared sauna) is an effective method of removing fat-stored toxins from the body.

    Infrared sauna also helps you relax and keep your cortisol levels low. When stressed cortisol levels deposit extra calories to the midsection.

    Skin is the largest organ in the body and plays a significant part in the detox process.

    · Clogged pores (unplugged of cosmetics, un-excelled skin texture and tone)

    · Poor skin tone (restored to a more youthful level)

    · Acne (three to four treatments may open pores that have been nonfunctioning for years, forcing out clogging cosmetics, and loosening dry outer skin)

    · Teenage skin problems (clearing acne and blackheads)

    · Body odor (improved functioning of the skin especially body odor, induced by occupational exposure to odorous chemicals)

    · Eczema and Psoriasis (respond well)

    · Dandruff (increased blood flow through the scalp)

    Learn more and check back in for additional studies and information!

    Skin Health SUMMER SALE! Buy any 1 Kasia TEA and/or Pure-oderant

    & receive 25% OFF byNight Enzyme Serum! ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Kasia Beautiful Health Tea or Pure-oderant = byNight Enzyme Moisture Serum Savings!


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    The Secret:

    A natural alternative to Retinol, Vigna aconitifolia is an active botanical extract that helps stimulate cell metabolism and collagen synthesis. Its anti-aging/anti-wrinkle action is irritation-free. A blissful way to rejuvenate your skin while you slumber.

    +         tea spilled

    To view Other Beautiful Health Tea's, Click HERE!

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