Feel like cheating on your shampoo? Let's de-myth.

 You’ve heard it before:

"It’s important to switch up your hair products every so often."

Could it be true?

Should you break up with your shampoo?     Or just cheat on it from time to time...

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Don’t turn your back on your bottled bestie too fast!  

I want to put a halt on the misnomer that your hair builds a tolerance to a specific shampoo and/or conditioner. 

 It’s a myth that hair gets immune to your cleansing routine.

What is true, however, is that like any other beauty regimen, your hair products should change based on several factors, so let's review.

Before you toss your shampoo and conditioner, consider what the root of your needs are. 

Everyone’s hair is different— if you’re a curly girl, you should reach for a shampoo that helps with curl retention, while  giving great hydration.

A  repair shampoo and conditioner with more keratin is applicable after getting balayage highlights, or a volumising pro-hair growth shampoo if you experience temporary hair loss due to stress, low immunity or post pregnancy.  


But it’s not just your hair type that can be a determining factor for less-than-stellar strands. Perhaps your well water makes your strands go brass - I see this all the time. To counter the brass, flip the color wheel and reach for a violet shampoo. 

Your hair could also alter its response to products due to seasonal changes, a change in the water, swimming in chlorine, age or even a change in hormone levels.

When hair starts to thin or become brittle, it needs something that will help restore its intrinsic strength to help it appear fuller.  Formulas fortified with reparative proteins build up or mend the follicle that’s been damaged by heat, over-processing, or even intense medical treatments like chemotherapy or radiation.

Get sheen with dietary changes.

Eating essential fatty acids can give your hair that much-desired shine and gloss. When you get essential fatty acids from red meat or an avocado, you will see more shine and less of a need of repair treatments - over time.  


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 Hair absolutely changes with age.

20s: Hair is at the peak of thickness and strength, with ample sebum and shine.

30s: A slight decline in sebum can cause hair to lose its natural luster.

40s: The diameter of the hair shaft begins to shrink, leaving hair thinner and more fragile. Plus a decline in melanin levels can lead to gray hair.

50s: Most women are 50% gray by the age of 50 due to a steep decline in melanin; follicles continue to shrink and leave hair thinner and even more fine.

60s: Nearly 40% of women experience a degree of hair loss. Hair often appears thin and lackluster.

A Solution + Tip.   

Regardless your Swap in a Clarifying Shampoo Twice a Month

When I start with a new client, I always recommend our Clarifying Scalp Remedy Shampoo. 


Our top selling gentle, yet deep clarifying treatment can get you out of your hair funk by removing buildup that’s developed over time from styling products or heavy silicone laden conditioners.

To review, you can't get immune to your shampoo.  It really comes back to the following factors: 

  • The overall health of your hair and scalp
  • The age and time of your life
  • Residues left behind such as silicones, excessive glycerin, etc. 
  • Seasonal shifts

I leave you with bringing it back to the true ROOT of THE ISSUE around hair health.   

​​​​​​​After 20 years as a stylist, color educator and product formulator,  research and experience have shown me is that great hair starts with a healthy scalp - which determines the quality and condition of your hair and its ability to grow.

If you have any questions on what products are best for your locks - email me!


xo,  Kassandra  

Facial Cupping - Plump & Glow Services at BE

A Modern Skin Health Approach with Facial Cupping

Facial Cupping History - Women from Asia to Europe have been utilizing  negative pressure techniques called facial cupping for facial rejuvenation and youth maintenance for 5000 years.

This gentle and effective treatment of a light suction technique is as an all-natural alternative to a surgical facelift or laser and chemical treatments.

Our current facial clients are loving how it tones the facial muscles and reduces under eye puffiness. It literally give you a lift by improving the blood circulation to your facial muscles. Say good-bye to double chin, jowls and facial bloating!

Instant Benefits Inside - Out

This de-stressing facial treatment increases circulation and nutrients to the skin, increases lymphatic flow, and reduces inflammation.


By increasing blood flow and circulation to the skin, your skin will regain its youthful appearance. Results are seen and felt immediately. Be impressed by its subtle power and incredible results.

Body and Face Metabolic & Structural Benefits

Over time, metabolic waste gets built up in our superficial fascia. When this happens, our superficial fascia can develop restrictions that impede proper flow of nutrients and waste products between our skin, fascia, and muscles. 

Suction creates space, allowing for the dermis to make new choices with regards to nutrients, drainage, and repair. Our facial soft-tissue is arranged in a series of concentric layers: skin, subcutaneous fat, superficial fascia, mimetic muscle, deep facial fascia, and facial nerves, parotid duct and the buccal fat pad. And in cupping massage, the layers get de-compressed a bit; just enough to make a difference.

How does it work?

* Suction tubes designed for the face are used to rhythmically and gently vacuum tissues of the face and neck.

* The suction created, lifts, tones, and plumps muscles. It relaxes facial muscles and plumps the lines father time has etched on your face.

* It moves toxins and stagnant blood out, and ushers new nutrient-enriched blood and fluids in, to detoxify your face; thereby repairing and nourishing your face.

* Its deep invigorating action increases elastin and collagen; preserving our youthfulness. It reverses gravity’s effects on your face; giving a youthful glow.

* It gives your face a lymphatic drainage and increases circulation, resulting in a clearer, cleaner, more even complexion with beautiful- healthy color.

 Results & Benefits You Can Expect:

– Relaxes tension in facial muscles, easing expression lines
– Improves blood circulation for color and even tone
– Plumps wrinkles and facial lines
– Lift Sagging Face (cheek-lift, eyelid-lift, jowl-lift)
– Tones up and evens out the jaw-line
– Facial glow as fresh nutrients brought to the epidermis
– Tighten pores
– Drains stagnant fluid to ease puffiness and reduce edema
– Increases collagen production for youthfulness
– Improves elasticity to tighten loose skin
– Soften and reduce scar tissue
– Clear Acne
– Tighten ‘loose’ veins that appear red on skin surface
– Reduce headaches and migraines
– Relieve sinus issues
– Increases lymphatic drainage around the face
– Enhances absorption of face products you use
– Loosen rigid muscles of TMJ

Schedule the Treatment ...Plump n Glow. 


For more information about our integrative skin therapies and cupping, please contact us for a free consultation or to make an appointment. 
30 Minutes: $45
Add On Focus Facial: $20


Book Online Here

Salon: 612.824.7611

Text: 612.386.4044

BE Well.    xo

A peel different from them all.

Welcome to a new generation of AHA’s to restore youthful skin.


 Sea Flora + Face

For many women, the term ‘face peels’ may make you back away slowly, but a facial treatment can help with a plethora of problems, from pigmentation to scarring, hydration to acne, skin texture to fine lines and wrinkles.

Professional grade facials assist immediate and long term benefits, but just as important (or more), facials and the right kind of peel allow your deeper dermal layers to accept the actives you use on a regular basis.  

Interested, but don’t know where to start?

Know this - not all peels are created equal. 

When Peels Go WRONG.
When 'peeling' too frequently or too invasively - it canreduce the skin's matrix (plumpness) - make the skin thinner (saggy) over time.  


What peel does our skin therapist use and how does it work?

Everyone can benefit from a peel, whether you want glowing skin or smoother texture and if you suffer from particular skincare issues like acne, a peel can work wonders for you. 

Out of South Africa and into Beauty Ecology's Skin Therapy Room, comes a new generation of acids extracted from the Hibiscus Flower.

This multi-functional botanical complex formulated with powerful antioxidants and enzyme inhibitors. These acids gently promote exfoliation without degradation of the connective tissue which supports firm skin.

 The results:   A facial peel without irritation and firmer, more radiant skin.

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Here is a breakdown phyto-actives that make up Hibiscus flower acids.

  • Bio-Complex of Hibiscus Acid 
    Pyruvic, Phytic, Mandelic and Azaleic provide a gentle exfoliation while stimulating collagen synthesis
  • Polyphenols are powerful antioxidants Antioxidant properties of Hibiscus neutralize free-radicals and reverse the effects of photo-aging
  • Anthocyanins (deep purple pigment in the flower) are a major component of hibiscus that reduces oxidative stress on DNA and acts as a sunscreen by absorbing UV rays  
  • Enzyme inhibitors prevent degradation of Elastin and connective tissue to maintain skin firmness
  • Promotes skin brightening through its melanin inhibition and exfoliating properties
  • Reduces excess sebum activity to control oil on the skin and scalp
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Compared to conventional AHA’s, flower acids from Hibiscus are:

  • 50% more hydrating
  • 20% greater cellular turnover than AHA’s and salicylic acid
  • 30% reduction in appearance of wrinkles by inhibiting elastase and hyaluronidase breakdown of connective tissue

    The flower Acids used @ Beauty Ecology are infused into marine algae polysaccharides and have numerous applications  for a myriad of ailments including blemishes and helps relieve the symptoms of rosacea, eczema and psoriasis to calm inflammation and restore strong, more youthful looking skin.

Contact our team today to book your first Facial Peel today!   hello@beautycology.com

What did our moms tell us?

So, what did our moms tell us?

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My mother is the most beautiful women, inside and out.  If there is one thing she's got down  - it's selflessness.  Perhaps my passion for bringing other's beauty out  runs through my veins.  "Why?"   Because it's not uncommon to find my mom at the local nursing home helping shampoo and curl the elder ladies hair. 

Mom's generation were all about Vaseline - and not just the lips – everywhere! Hands, feet, arms...  but no petroleum anymore. 

While she's quick to point out inner beauty, her main beauty tips are: 

"Hair changes as you age, so only wash your hair two times a week and always apply your facial creme in the morning and night (she love's our Evoq Oxygen Collagen Creme). 

Mom's on the left and gram's on the right - with her curls just right! 



My mom was not much on self beauty care, but thats because she has always lived her life beautifully  - inside and out. Her kindness exudes from her soul and beauty is always there. 

 I haven’t had to look much further than my mother  for a hero r - she is an incredible inspiration to me, a friend, and mentor.  "My mom would would say beauty comes from within."



My mom is the Greatest Lady I know.  She taught me at a very young age about skincare.  She always used quality skincare and took time to teach me about a regiment of my own.  She always protected her skin with sunscreen and wore hats.  She lead by example and still does.  Beautiful Inside and Out!!!  



Q: Are your products safe to use while I’m pregnant?  

A: Absolutely! All our products are formulated from naturally derived ingredients, without harmful additives. Our active technologies are also FDA approved, ensuring safe yet effective nourishment for the skin + hair during pregnancy.

Q. How safe is your color?  

Will coloring my hair will damage it?

Many color products are high in ammonia (or its silent substitutes) and minimal conditioning ingredients which can result in noticeable damage to your hair.   Beauty Ecology partners with what we know of – the cleanest color line on the market – along with at home  products that are developed to condition your hair.  

Our hair color protects and heals the cuticle as the color processes, leaving your hair looking and feeling better than it did before. LEARN MORE HERE




Expires May 12th | Excludes CBD 


The RIGHT Way to Detox. Counting Calories or Counting Chemicals?

Spring is a time where we become more aware of the importance of detoxification due to the changing of the season and the need of the body to shift into new energies and lifestyles. 

From beauty magazines to wellness bloggers, we see many talking about their favorite detoxes. Detoxes for skin, rapid detoxes, juice detoxes, colon cleanses – you name it! It seems everyone has their own take on how to detox your body.

BUT .... is it appropriate, safe, or right for you?

Let’s chat about what it means to truly detox your body. No lemon drinks or apple cider vinegar fasts – this article shares how to truly detox your beautiful bod - through your detox pathways and a look at the different ways you can support them for truly safe and effective detoxification.


First things first. 


Your body has four major detoxification organs, and they are:

  • Your liver
  • Your kidneys
  • Your digestive system
  • Your skin

    Other detoxification pathways include your lungs and lymphatic system but these are the four major organs that can easily be supported for effective and improved detoxification.

We are exposed to tens of thousands of chemicals every day. While everyone should be working to reduce their daily toxin exposure, the truth of the matter is unless you live in a bubble – you can’t possible eliminate all toxin exposure. That being said, no one should rely on detoxification alone – read about how to Reduce Your Daily Toxin Exposure, in my free guide.

When it comes to being healthy, implementing detoxification techniques should be right up there with diet and exercise. This advice goes for everyone, but is especially important for anyone dealing with chronic health issues. Let’s look at the four detoxification organs more closely and learn how you can support each for optimal detoxification that goes beyond a trendy one time spring cleaning. 



1. Detox Through Your Liver

When it comes to your body’s detoxification pathways your liver is the workhorse of organs. The largest solid organ in your body, your liver takes quite the beating as it filters through toxins, proteins, fats, and more.  

Your liver is about the size of a football and is divided into two lobes, which has eight segments. Compared to the rest of your body, your liver requires a lot of blood and contains between 10 to 13 percent of your entire blood supply in it at one time.

Though your liver has a ton of work to do when it comes to detoxifying your body, it’s up for the challenge – provided you give it the support it needs. Detoxification in the liver happens in two-parts – phase 1 and phase 2. Each phase has different requirements, which you can support through diet and supplementation.

You can support Phase 1 liver detox with:

  • B vitamin supplements
  • Folate
  • Glutathione
  • Polyphenols
  • Quercetin
  • Lycopene

You can support Phase 2 liver detox with:

  • Vitamin B5
  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin C
  • Folate
  • Glutathione
  • Magnesium
  • Essential amino acids

Studies have also found that intermittent fasting supports Phase 2 detoxification.

Foods known to positively impact liver detoxification include:

  • Cruciferous vegetables
  • Grapefruit
  • Resveratrol
  • Fish oils
  • Green and black tea


2. Detox Through Your Kidneys

You have two kidneys located on either side of your spine just below the ribs. Your kidneys filter between 120 to 150 quarts of blood each day, which produces one to two quarts of urine. Your urine contains excess fluid and waste as a method of detoxification.

Blood is filtered through a million nephrons, where each contains a glomerulus and tubule. These prevent large molecules from passing through while filtering out waste products. Additionally, nuclear factor erythroid 2 (Nrf2) is a transcription factor known to protect the kidneys from oxidative stress. To improve your body’s detoxification processes, you’ll need to be sure to support these important processes.

You can support kidney detoxification with:

  • Vitamin B12
  • Resveratrol
  • Isoflavonoids
  • Astaxanthin

Foods known to boost kidney detoxification include:

  • Coffee
  • Garlic
  • Turmeric
  • Ginger
  • Rose
  • Rosemary
  • Blueberry
  • Broccoli
  • Seaweed
  • Beets
  • Cranberries



3. Detox Through Your Digestive System

Going to the bathroom is another major detoxification pathway. If you aren’t going regularly or are constipated, this is more than a discomfort – you’re actually not getting necessary waste out.

Also, if you have any digestive issues – like leaky gut for example – your gut detoxification pathway isn’t functioning at its prime and that’s also an issue.

You can support digestive detoxification with:

  • Making sure you address any underlying gut issues. This means healing leaky gut, eliminating gluten and food sensitivities, and anything else that might be preventing your digestive system from functioning optimally.
  • Use detox binders – Detox binders, like activated charcoal and certain clays, can help collect toxins along the digestive tract and help your body eliminate them through your waste.

Foods that can support gut detoxification include anything that supports a healthy microbiome:

  • Probiotic foods including sauerkraut and kimchi
  • Prebiotic foods like Jerusalem artichoke and garlic

4. Detox Through Your Skin

Your skin plays an important role in biotransformation and detoxification through eliminating toxic substances. Your skin also helps reduce oxidative stress through sweating, it’s metabolizing enzymes, and redox regulation. The best ways to support your skin’s natural detox pathways is by eating nutrient dense foods and sweating more.

You can support detoxification through your skin with:

  • Exercise – One of the best things about exercise is it gets you sweating. Sweating is an important detoxification pathway in your body that only works when it’s turned on. Meaning, if you’re not sweating on a regular basis you aren’t getting the benefits of this detoxification pathway. When you exercise, make sure you sweat so you get the most out of your work out.
  • Infrared saunas – Infrared saunas heat your core temperature and make you really sweat. This has been shown to help your body excrete heavy metals like arsenic, lead, cadmium, and mercury. Plus, infrared saunas are incredibly enjoyable. I recommend you look for an infrared sauna near you and incorporate it into your weekly routine today.
  • Dry brushing – Dry brushing actually works through stimulating the lymphatic system but it also can help remove toxins on the surface and exfoliate dead skin too.

If you’re going to jump on the detox bandwagon this spring, I recommend you use methods that actually work. Instead of choosing something trendy, why don’t you incorporate some of these detox techniques into your everyday life so you can reap the benefits of detoxification on a daily level.

Too many people are counting calories and not enough people are counting chemicals and it’s time we paid attention with better detoxification practices.


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Thank you Dr Jill Carnahan for sharing this great information. Find the full article here.


  • https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/healthlibrary/conditions/liver_biliary_and_pancreatic_disorders/liver_anatomy_and_functions_85,P00676
  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4488002/
  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3591652/
  • https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/kidney-disease/kidneys-how-they-work
  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4488002/
  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3415238/
  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3312275/

What did our moms tell us?

So, what did our moms tell us?

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My mother is the most beautiful women, inside and out, and she is you'll often find her making everyone else beautiful.  I must say it's in my blood - it's not uncommon to find my mom at the local nursing home helping shampoo and curl the elder ladies hair - as well as her own mother's. 

That generation were big believers in Vaseline - and not just the lips – everywhere! Hands, feet, arms...  but no petroleum anymore. 

While she's quick to point out inner beauty, her main beauty tips are: 

"When you get old (but she's so young), only wash your hair two times a week and always apply your facial creme in the morning and night (she love's our Evoq Oxygen Collagen Creme). 

Mom's on the left, and gram  is on the right - with her curls just right! 



My mom was not much on self beauty care, but thats because she has always lived her life beautifully  - inside and out. Her kindness exudes from her soul and beauty is always there. 

"My mom would would say beauty comes from within."



My mom is the Greatest Lady I know.  She taught me at a very young about skincare.  She always used quality skincare and took time to teach me about a regiment of my own.  She always protected her skin with sunscreen and wore hats.  She lead by example and still does.  Beautiful Inside and Out!!!  



Q: Are your products safe to use while I’m pregnant?  

A: Absolutely! All our products are formulated from naturally derived ingredients, without harmful additives. Our active technologies are also FDA approved, ensuring safe yet effective nourishment for the skin + hair during pregnancy.

Q. How safe is your color?  

Will coloring my hair will damage it?

Many color products are high in ammonia (or its silent substitutes) and minimal conditioning ingredients which can result in noticeable damage to your hair.   Beauty Ecology partners with what we know of – the cleanest color line on the market – along with at home  products that are developed to condition your hair.  

Our hair color protects and heals the cuticle as the color processes, leaving your hair looking and feeling better than it did before. LEARN MORE HERE



Expires May 5th. 





OH MY, CBD oil in recipes are endless.  Whether adding our CBD Curing Concentrate to your evening night cap or favorite treats - you're sure to embark on a healing, relaxing and cell rejuvenating experience.  

Put a little earth love into your next batch of tahini balls!  

Note: Our CBD has a bit of citrus ( healing terpenes ) in them.  You can swap out this recipe for any sort of desert such as lemon bars. 





• 3-4 tablespoons Evoq CBD Oil
• 1/2 cup coconut flour
• 1/4 cup tapioca flour
• 4-6 dates, pitted
• 1 cup tahini
• 3/4 cup coconut oil
• 3 tablespoons cacao powder
• lots of stevia! i use about 10 drops or more
• optional: 1 tablespoon maca, 1 tablespoon chlorella, 2 tablespoons cacao nibs or any other crunchy topping like coconut flakes, chia, the list goes on 


• BLEND all ingredients together in a high speed blender or food processor. let the mixture sit in the fridge for about 25 minutes to thicken, roll into balls with your hands, place in the freezer, freeze for 30 min, + ENJOY! (if the mixture doesn’t thicken enough to make into balls easily, add more of one of the flours, dates, or coconut oil)
• they keep well in the freezer and/or the fridge and are the yummiest, tastiest snack, dessert, or breakfast.



Thanks for the recipe, Jordan!

BE a Glow Getter with Natural Bronzing Solutions

It’s that time of year again: Hemlines are getting shorter and skin is being bared.  Unless you were born with a beautiful olive tone complexion, you’re probably dreading showing off your skin, pre summer glow.  I'll raise my hand on that one......


Self-tanners have come a long way.  Say bye-bye to orange skin, and hello to (safe) golden tans with our organic sunless and radiant solution. 

Our Evoq Radiant Glow Sunless Tanning Lotion has been showcased as the "BEST OF" by many beauty blogs.


It's soft golden tone is ideal for all skin types, achieving darker tones by building application. This allows a natural and healthy appearance to the skin.  While giving rich pigment to the skin, natural peptides take action to the dermal layers to tighten skin laxity and Vitamin C brightens previous sun spots. 

Scroll and get the full deets below.


Tips on how to achieve the best application

Prep your skin - If your skin is dry, a faux tanner will stick to those spots and create a blotchy appearance. Exfoliate paying special attention to areas like your knees, elbows, toes, and feet before you apply self tanner.

Wear gloves -This is optional.  Our sunless tanner easily washes off, given you are attentive to washing all areas of the hand after applying.

Apply at night – Most tanners take a few hours to reach their true color, so apply before you go to bed, and in the morning, you can shower off any extra product.  If worn after a morning shower, I suggest wearing a darker set color of clothes and undergarments due to caution of staining.  

Maintain with after care – To keep your tan looking its best for days after application, moisturize daily.



Chemical Free
Bronzing & Skin Firming Lotion

Hydrate, Illuminate, and Repair with Evoq's top selling Sunless Tanner

What it is

A multi-action moisturizer that promotes, prolongs, and protects youthful skin by creating a natural sun-kissed glow while firming, brightening, hydrating, and smoothing skin.  Radiate, revitalize and recharge your skin and outer look appearance for a  year-round healthy glow.

Holistic Benefits

Makeup artists and dermatologists passionately agree that diligent sun protection is the most important element for healthy, youthful complexions.

Women  also know that having a lovely, natural, sun-kissed look gives an appearance and feeling of youth, health, and sexiness. Enter Evoq’s  Sunless Tanner to give you a flawless, illuminated, bronzed, and hydrated skin all year round.

The glow comes naturally thanks to natural sugars from beet and sugar cane plants. The sugars react with the skin to safely give a natural-looking tan, so you can enjoy beautifully bronzed skin 365 days a year without exposure to damaging and aging UV rays.

Biomimetic, adaptogenic and active Gotu Kola reduces skin-aging inflammation, strengthens collagen production, and restores skin’s natural moisture barrier for firm, healthy skin.

Aloe and coconut work together to soothe, repair, and hydrate to deliver soft and supple skin.

Super fruits and licorice root exfoliate and assist in fading the appearance of hormonal and  old sunspots.

You’re left with a  sun-kissed glow and overall younger looking skin.



Parabens, Preservatives, Petroleum, Phenoxyethanol, Mineral oil, Xeno-Estrogens, Synthetic dyes, SLS, Phthalates, Gluten, QUATS, PEGs, Silicones, Chlorides  & EDTA, DMDM Hydantoin, Noncomedogenic, and Hypoallergenic

100% Bioavailable

Evoq's evidence-based active ingredients optimize activity through a bio-affinity with the skin to re-awaken and support cellular communication and optimal function that slow down as a result of age, stress, and lifestyle.  Explore the Forces of Nature.

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