Beauty Lesson

Feel like cheating on your shampoo? Let's de-myth.

 You’ve heard it before:

"It’s important to switch up your hair products every so often."

Could it be true?

Should you break up with your shampoo?     Or just cheat on it from time to time...

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Don’t turn your back on your bottled bestie too fast!  

I want to put a halt on the misnomer that your hair builds a tolerance to a specific shampoo and/or conditioner. 

 It’s a myth that hair gets immune to your cleansing routine.

What is true, however, is that like any other beauty regimen, your hair products should change based on several factors, so let's review.

Before you toss your shampoo and conditioner, consider what the root of your needs are. 

Everyone’s hair is different— if you’re a curly girl, you should reach for a shampoo that helps with curl retention, while  giving great hydration.

A  repair shampoo and conditioner with more keratin is applicable after getting balayage highlights, or a volumising pro-hair growth shampoo if you experience temporary hair loss due to stress, low immunity or post pregnancy.  


But it’s not just your hair type that can be a determining factor for less-than-stellar strands. Perhaps your well water makes your strands go brass - I see this all the time. To counter the brass, flip the color wheel and reach for a violet shampoo. 

Your hair could also alter its response to products due to seasonal changes, a change in the water, swimming in chlorine, age or even a change in hormone levels.

When hair starts to thin or become brittle, it needs something that will help restore its intrinsic strength to help it appear fuller.  Formulas fortified with reparative proteins build up or mend the follicle that’s been damaged by heat, over-processing, or even intense medical treatments like chemotherapy or radiation.

Get sheen with dietary changes.

Eating essential fatty acids can give your hair that much-desired shine and gloss. When you get essential fatty acids from red meat or an avocado, you will see more shine and less of a need of repair treatments - over time.  


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 Hair absolutely changes with age.

20s: Hair is at the peak of thickness and strength, with ample sebum and shine.

30s: A slight decline in sebum can cause hair to lose its natural luster.

40s: The diameter of the hair shaft begins to shrink, leaving hair thinner and more fragile. Plus a decline in melanin levels can lead to gray hair.

50s: Most women are 50% gray by the age of 50 due to a steep decline in melanin; follicles continue to shrink and leave hair thinner and even more fine.

60s: Nearly 40% of women experience a degree of hair loss. Hair often appears thin and lackluster.

A Solution + Tip.   

Regardless your Swap in a Clarifying Shampoo Twice a Month

When I start with a new client, I always recommend our Clarifying Scalp Remedy Shampoo. 


Our top selling gentle, yet deep clarifying treatment can get you out of your hair funk by removing buildup that’s developed over time from styling products or heavy silicone laden conditioners.

To review, you can't get immune to your shampoo.  It really comes back to the following factors: 

  • The overall health of your hair and scalp
  • The age and time of your life
  • Residues left behind such as silicones, excessive glycerin, etc. 
  • Seasonal shifts

I leave you with bringing it back to the true ROOT of THE ISSUE around hair health.   

​​​​​​​After 20 years as a stylist, color educator and product formulator,  research and experience have shown me is that great hair starts with a healthy scalp - which determines the quality and condition of your hair and its ability to grow.

If you have any questions on what products are best for your locks - email me!

xo,  Kassandra  

A peel different from them all.

Welcome to a new generation of AHA’s to restore youthful skin.


 Sea Flora + Face

For many women, the term ‘face peels’ may make you back away slowly, but a facial treatment can help with a plethora of problems, from pigmentation to scarring, hydration to acne, skin texture to fine lines and wrinkles.

Professional grade facials assist immediate and long term benefits, but just as important (or more), facials and the right kind of peel allow your deeper dermal layers to accept the actives you use on a regular basis.  

Interested, but don’t know where to start?

Know this - not all peels are created equal. 

When Peels Go WRONG.
When 'peeling' too frequently or too invasively - it canreduce the skin's matrix (plumpness) - make the skin thinner (saggy) over time.  


What peel does our skin therapist use and how does it work?

Everyone can benefit from a peel, whether you want glowing skin or smoother texture and if you suffer from particular skincare issues like acne, a peel can work wonders for you. 

Out of South Africa and into Beauty Ecology's Skin Therapy Room, comes a new generation of acids extracted from the Hibiscus Flower.

This multi-functional botanical complex formulated with powerful antioxidants and enzyme inhibitors. These acids gently promote exfoliation without degradation of the connective tissue which supports firm skin.

 The results:   A facial peel without irritation and firmer, more radiant skin.

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Here is a breakdown phyto-actives that make up Hibiscus flower acids.

  • Bio-Complex of Hibiscus Acid 
    Pyruvic, Phytic, Mandelic and Azaleic provide a gentle exfoliation while stimulating collagen synthesis
  • Polyphenols are powerful antioxidants Antioxidant properties of Hibiscus neutralize free-radicals and reverse the effects of photo-aging
  • Anthocyanins (deep purple pigment in the flower) are a major component of hibiscus that reduces oxidative stress on DNA and acts as a sunscreen by absorbing UV rays  
  • Enzyme inhibitors prevent degradation of Elastin and connective tissue to maintain skin firmness
  • Promotes skin brightening through its melanin inhibition and exfoliating properties
  • Reduces excess sebum activity to control oil on the skin and scalp
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Compared to conventional AHA’s, flower acids from Hibiscus are:

  • 50% more hydrating
  • 20% greater cellular turnover than AHA’s and salicylic acid
  • 30% reduction in appearance of wrinkles by inhibiting elastase and hyaluronidase breakdown of connective tissue

    The flower Acids used @ Beauty Ecology are infused into marine algae polysaccharides and have numerous applications  for a myriad of ailments including blemishes and helps relieve the symptoms of rosacea, eczema and psoriasis to calm inflammation and restore strong, more youthful looking skin.

Contact our team today to book your first Facial Peel today!

Stop overreacting! Are your allergies a misdiagnosis?

For some, the warmer weather is bliss.

For others, it means itchy eyes, fatigue, dry skin and endless "hachooo's."  

Yup...  allergy season.    BUT WAIT  ...

Your puffy, dark under eye circles and may not be from Pollen at all.


  • What is a histamine and histamine intolerance?
  • A Functional Medicine approach - getting to the root and how to reverse the reactions..
  • The hidden foods in your diet revealed.
  • The common "drug muggers" stealing your histamine + immune health.
  • Done for You - Guide to the top foods to avoid and add to your grocery list.
  • How everyday anxiety, fatigue and eczema could be linked to a lack of enzyme reaction.
  • Life changing 'ah-ha' tips and actionable blueprints for a better quality of life 


This topic is associated with many health and skin issues, so read on - it could be life-changing information for you. 

  • Pseudo allergies (fake mimickers) and how your seasonal allergy symptoms may be a misdiagnosis and really be a histamine reaction.
  • HIT ( not your 'high-intensity training' workout )- the real cause of Histamine Intolerance
  • Everyday lifestyle beauty blueprint guide to start the journey of identifying the culprits and easy everyday choices - even if you don't suffer from allergies. 


Let's hit the books and dive in!


Symptoms mimic the same as allergic reactions because of the involvement of the release of histamine in the body. It can lead to chronic inflammatory conditions. It's hidden in skin disorders such as eczema, unexplained skin rashes, and itchiness.


  • Allergies are an IgE mediated, histamine response to an allergen, i.e., pollen or cat dander.
  • Histamine Intolerance (HIT) is a toxic response by the body due to the excessive accumulation of endogenous or exogenous histamine from an inability of the body to efficiently breakdown histamine and hypersensitivity of cell antigen receptors.

Your immune system creates antibodies to fight these elements, prompting the release of HISTAMINES into the bloodstream. 

Histamine intolerance (HIT) comes from either...

  • making too much histamine or
  • the 'lack of' the body being able to properly break down histamines.

 Histamine tends to be the 'gansta' with a bad rap because it releases typical allergy symptoms. In reality, though, histamine plays a crucial role in many bodily processes.

We couldn't survive without histamine production, but like the perfect man - it can be too much of a good thing.

Your brain functions on histamine as a neurotransmitter, it releases gastric acid as it is the first stage of breaking down protein in the stomach.

Many healthy foods can cause issue over time.  For example, fermented foods can causs a genetic SNP in your enzyme gene pathway that hinders the process and causes histamine to build up in your bloodstream!

Did you know....when eating leftovers, you can produce too much histamines? The histamine is produced because bacteria act on your leftovers and produce histamine, then you eat it.

In my next email I will cover this in depth with an actionable guide around the most common "health foods" high histamines with a 'done for you' shopping guide.

Growing numbers are starting to take issue with producing the enzyme needed to degrade histamine- Diamine Oxidase (DAO).  

 You may have a genetic predisposition of poor methylation or the inability to obtain the key nutrient vitamins (B6, B12, iron, copper and vitamin C) to process histamines.

Common medications like antidepressants, birth control,  anti-inflammatories, laxatives (and more) are known as “drug muggers” which steal the nutrients needed to make the enzymes - which breakdown the histamines. 

 Addressing the REAL root cause of histamine balance, diet, improving gut microbiome, and assisting seasonal allergy environmental attacks will naturally help get the body back on track.

homework histimines


*A Happy Home. Create a allergy-safe and immune home and beauty space
Give your makeup bag and brushes a soak regularly, check windows for mold and clean out that A.C. filters. 

*Lock in moisture + Avoid chemicals in your beauty products.  
Histamines take a toll on your skin from the inside out.  **Stay tuned on my next insightful email on histamines and aging.  

*Stay hydrated
Drink up (sans lakeside wine) with H20 and a little lemon to alkalanize.    

*Thyroid and Hormone Havoc
The thyroid and histamine balance is commonly interrelated.  You may be one of the 50% of women that experience underlying thyroid disfunction causing depression, weight gain, fatigue and hair loss.   Hyper or Hypo? I shared a great short read on HOW TO TEST the THYROID.    

*Rest & Digest
Pursue relaxation and make it goal to get a good night’s sleep.

*Avoid Gluten
Gluten puts the immune system into overdrive. Try giving gluten a rest, or - stop cheating. (hug)  Get my QUICK GLUTEN FREE INGREDIENT DOWNLOAD LIST to avoid here! 

*Good-bye Puff Eye Beauty Hack!  Sleeping with your head elevated at night will drain fluids and decrease the puffiness in your face for the morning.

*Supplemental Immune Support
"CBD is proven to promote the formation of new immune cells and help to boost your body’s power to defend and heal."


Experience our *NEW* EVOQ CBD Tincture built with 300mg of ACTIVE medicinal cannabinoids and Full Spectrum Terpenes to instantly calm and balance histamine reactions and increase your immune system.


 Join our next class as we un-cover...

  • A curated list of key foods and diet that could change your life
  • The most common causes of histamine intolerance
  • The key supplements needed to assist the body in reversing reactions and getting back to vitality.  
  • Evidence based healing blueprint guides pertaining to - the BEST nutrition, supplements, and topical skin care choices for optimal wellness and quality of life. 

Connect soon!  

xo Love + Health + Beauty      -  Kassandra

A Pitfall.

Hey lovely!

Go no further and START HERE.  Remember this?  
 A pre-millennial, of course.....

so you're either sure or unsure


I (much like you), was at a loss of mineral salts just "NOT WORKING " in performance, let alone the slew of other natural brands that simply hide chemicals or claimed that there are just a "little bit" of the potential harmful ingredients.  

You've maybe hunted the "DIY" online communities of skin care crafter concoctions - leaving you with a weird residue, yellow pit-stains and a by-product that actually made you smell worse.


Toxin overload!  

A fury of potential toxic ingredients promote the increase of breast cancer and other negative health issues by seeping into our skin, adipose tissue (fat) and bloodstream. 

Here’s why Evoq Pureoderant has been our TOP SELLER for over 6 years.  

Formulated by workin' women, for the workin' woman.   


Aluminum is the active ingredient in most antiperspirants, and it functions by forming a precipitate that physically blocks sweat glands.  

The reason chemical companies put aluminum in anti-perspirants is to “dry out sweat by injecting aluminum ions in the cells that line the sweat ducts. When the aluminum ions are drawn into the cells, water flows in; the cells begin to swell, squeezing the ducts closed so sweat cannot get out.”

Infertility to Breast Cancer

From infertility-causing ingredients to toxic chemicals linked to Alzheimer’s and breast cancer, antiperspirants host ingredients that are directly absorbed into the skin.

Common Toxic Antiperspirant Ingredient Side Effects

  • Aluminum (Aluminum chlorohydrate and aluminum zirconium tetrachlorohydrex glycine) – Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, skin irritation

  • Parabens (methyl, ethyl, propyl, benzyl and butyl) – Endocrine disruption, environmental toxin, cancer, reproductive disorders, premature aging, immune toxicant, allergen

  • Phthalates – Cancer, birth defects, infertility, allergen

  • Proplyene glycol – Skin, eyes, and lungs irritation, reproductive and fetal neurotoxin linked to kidney and liver damage, enhanced skin absorption

  • Silica – Possible carcinogen if contaminated with crystalline quartz, skin, eyes and lung irritation

  • Steareths – Endocrine disruption, developmental/reproductive toxicity, skin irritation

  • Talc – Non-reproductive organ system toxin, possible carcinogen

  • Triclosan – Antibacterial agent banned in several countries due contribution to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, endocrine disruption, muscle weakness, skin, eyes, and lung irritation


Suited for men and women alike, our botanical-packed, top-selling Pure-odorant provides 24 hour protection without parabens, phthalates, or aluminum. Organic Aloe soothes while a concentrated blend of powerful organic essential oils deodorize, fight off bacteria, and calm irritation.

Evoq Organic Pureoderant

Natural Pureoderant Key Benefits: 

Contains remineralizing properties that form a protective block on skin to prevent odor­ causing bacteria.

An antibacterial humectant that moisturizes and soothes skin.

Combats free radicals and prevents inflammation, including irritation, and ingrown hairs.

*Aqua (Water), *Potassium Alum (Mineral Salts), *Cyamopsis Tetragonoloba (Guar Gum), *Aloe Barbadensis (Aloe Vera) Leaf Extract, *Hyssopus Officinalis (Hyssop) Extract, *Cannabis Sativa (Hemp) Oil, *Coriandrum Sativum (Coriander) Seed Oil, *Hamamelis Virginiana (Witch Hazel) Extract, *Eugenia Caryophyllus (Clove Bud) Essential Oil, *Essential Oil Aromatic Blend.

*Curated with organic, wild­craft, and food­-grade ingredients

Get Volume & Tousled Curl in 5 Minutes (hair hack)

Ok, I have to be honest - even coming from a gal that loves all things hair and it's artisanship - read on because when it comes to hair and getting ready for work in the morning  ... WE HEAR YA SISTA.  

By the time you've decided what to wear, grab your coffee in hand and put on what little makeup you can manage,  there is no room for FUSSING with A.M hair.  

Put down the dry shampoo, honey.   Until it's acceptable to leave the house looking like a wild animal (no, not your fabulous patterned J Crew ankle pants), Holly and the BE Team is here to deliver a BEAUTY LESSON (awesome quick hair hack).  

One of the most common styling questions I get as a stylist is how to create a sexy and tousled soft curl.  


Client:    Can you turn the chair around so I can see how you're curling my hair?
I can never get it to look like that!  
What size of curling iron do you use?"


Personally, I don’t recommend curling your hair with a flat iron to achieve the same look, because they never seem to turn out quite as full and 3rd degree burns are never necessary.

Best Tools: Use a  1.5 to 2 inch curling iron or a wand for curls as tousled and natural looking as these!

Let's break it down as our master stylist, Holly, gives you the deets on a 5 MINUTE DIY. 


Evoq Anti-aging Hair Essentials


Instantly thicken and create voluminous lifting for tired, thin or fine hair. Say “hello Farrah Fawcett,” style while synergistic nutrients of plumping Vit B­ complex, strengthening proteins, and decreased hair thinning extract of saw palmetto are delivered for everyday scalp health and follicle strength to stronger, thicker hair.

Thank you, Holly for the awesome hair tips!  

3 in 1 Control Natural Aerosol Hair Spray

Take control with this next generation 3 in 1 adjustable working spray, infused with youth-renewal protection while creating volume and detail. Sunflower Seed + Vitamin C shield UV damage and protect color, while amino acids and vitamins strengthen and condition for a luminous, lustrous style that is easy to brush-out for effortless restyling.

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