Beauty Lesson

Two Quick Mid-summer Style Ideas [tutorial inside]

This summer has been pretty dang steamy. 
I hear ya (and every client that enters my chair)  ...

"Kassandra, my hair is SO DRY!" 

I'll clue you in on the why and how humidity zaps your locks later, but for now let's cool down with some quick mid-summer styles!

 [ The Top Knot Half Bun ]

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The Half Bun is a easy way to style for any season and works great on chin length to collar length hair.   

It's especially great for that wash and go summer look!  It's best when the hair has a slight bend or wave to keep the look modern.  

This can work on second-day, late in the day or at the beach hair. 


Side-swept Braid ]


This is a great look for a fast early-morning style for work, an evening out or for a go-to style while at the beach or pool. 

Side swept braids are mostly reserved for longer hair lengths, certainly doable for a medium length side sweep. 

Shampoo and condition hair the night before and allow to air dry while sleeping to give your hair a un-tamed look.  

The tutorial may be a bit advanced, but it's a general tutorial for braiding hte bang area back and combining it with the longer mermaid braid. :) 

For hair left out, add a few bends and waves, perfect for this not-meant-to-be perfect style. 



STAY COOL!   xo Kassandra


The Top Questions on Cannabis & Your Skin


It’s no surprise that Cannabidiol (CBD) is showing up everywhere. Our CBD patrons at Beauty Ecology are returning with heart warming feedback on how it’s helped them in a variety of ways.

Proof from scientific studies validate the relief of symptoms from depression, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s Disease, and so much more.

The question eventually arises, how does it work? How are all of these people all of the sudden getting better?  We’re now discovering solutions to ancient old problems and the inner workings of the endocannabinoid system.

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CBD Debrief
The endocannabinoid system works by utilizing certain receptors that are found all over the body. These receptors are called CB1 and CB2. Each of them has their own role to play in the endocannabinoid system, and each receptor is vital to homeostasis.

The old stigma in the way of how to consume cannabis is to simply smoke it. Cannabis can bless the mind and body in a variety of ways, such as; tinctures, oils, capsules, edibles, infused beverages, suppositories, lotions, and balms.

To make sure you know the difference of how cannabis interacts with the endocannabinoid and endocrine system, today I’m giving you insights about using cannabis topically on the skin.

Here’s the bank of answers I pulled from what is commonly questioned!

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Q. Do THC and CBD get absorbed into the skin?

A. YES. Both THC and CBD are lipophilic, or fat-loving, with molecular weights below 400. That means these cannabinoids are absorbable through skin.

The skin’s cannabinoids affect all compartments of the skin by acting on various cell types and contribute to the skin’s healthy physiological function.

In depth, when activation of cannabinoid receptors  (CB1 or CB2) are engaged, these functions of epidermal cells are modified – whether through proliferation, differentiation or apoptosis (cell death) – which are all important processes for the healthy physical defense of the body.  

On Skin Conditions

CB2 receptors are very active in the skin. Symptoms of a malfunctioning endocannabinoid system can result in dermal issues like eczema and psoriasis. How’s it heal?

  1. CB2 helps replenish old skin cells, it heals damaged ones, and throws out the dead ones. It also reduced inflammation, which is a prominent symptom of skin disease.

  2. CB2 receptors are underneath the epidermis, so by applying topical CBD, the pain receptors are dulled, which can help with painful conditions.

Q: When absorbed into the skin, does it translate into the bloodstream?

A: YES, however the amount absorbed depends on several factors, such as the type of topical ( cream or balm),  combined ingredients in the topical, dermal thickness, and where it’s applied.

It’s important to seek out products that are free from synthetics and a lot of “fillers” that simply drives down price - and its benefits.

Q: Can you get high from a topical containing THC, the psychoactive cannabinoid in cannabis?

A: Possibly, but doubtful.  You’d have to be swimming in it to feel the psychotropic effects of THC.

Q: What’s the difference between topicals and patches?

A: The primary difference between topicals and patches is that topicals provide immediate release of the cannabinoid, while patches are designed for slow release over a period of time.

Patches are often used when individuals require continual delivery of the product, such as with chronic pain.

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 JUST THE TIPS (and the skin benefits of cannabis bud)

  1. An extra source of vitamins — We all know it’s hard to consume foods rich in all the nutrients our bodies need to be healthy. By adding CBD infused products to your skincare regime, you have one less thing to worry about knowing that your skin is getting all the Vitamin E and C it needs to protect it from any sun damage and make sure it stays firm and tight for longer. It also has Vitamin A and D, which thanks to their regenerative qualities can undo years of dry and flaky skin.

  2. No more breakouts — Regularly applying hemp CBD oil to your skin provides it with healthy fatty acids, which are often found to be lacking in people with acne. Plus, it has antibacterial properties which treat infection (a major contributor to acne). But that’s not all! Fatty acids also protect and strengthen your skin’s outer layer resulting in fresher younger looking skin.

  3. Fool your skin about your age — What if you could trick your cells into thinking they were 10 years younger? According to a study published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology cannabinoid receptors in the brain, that form part of the endocannabinoid system, which interact with CBD to increase our body’s natural ability to grow new skin cells. What does this all mean? CBD boosts your body’s regenerative process and actually encourages younger skin.

  4. Stop itching   — CBD has been linked to help with conditions as severe as eczema. Instead of using cortisone for your next rash, consider the natural alternative of CBD which can battle dermatitis while hydrating your skin and eliminating dryness… Anyone who has experienced a New England winter knows how persistent and itchy dry skin can be!

  5. Moisture — hydration, hydration, hydration: the dermatologist’s mantra. Thanks to omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, cannabinoid oil is nature’s most effective moisturizer.

  6. If you have other skin conditions — although this is still pretty groundbreaking research, CBD oil has been used to help treat or help relieve symptoms from psoriasis, eczema, allergies, and even skin cancer, with successful results



Here, you can really see how impactful CBD is on our endocrine system (skin).  Take a SCROLL through this skin + cannabis experience!

Want to try it for yourself?  Give your skin a boost with a shot of our Organic Cannabidiol topical skin remedy. 

 Evoq CBD + GLA Skin Oil


Thanks for following along!  Xo Kassandra

SEA ACTION - 10 Oceanic Ways to Age Defying Skin




If you desire healthy, youthful skin, there are vital nutrients needed to promote cellular renewal and collagen synthesis. For the most part, our diets not provide you with all of the nutrients you need to achieve the desired results.

When used at the right percentage and each ingredient synergistically empowers the other, nature can give us an abundant source of life and skin action.  

he ocean is the absolute apex of mineral water, and its molecular makeup is nearly identical to our own cellular makeup - making it biomimetic and instantly usable.    

Naturally, we can tap into that power of oceanic building blocks to restore the missing nutrients needed.

At Evoq, each product taps into the depths of the sea with natural, organic and wild-crafted extracts that provide instant replenishment. When used daily, over time your skin will be restored back to its youthful glow by utilizing seaweed - the perfect food for your skin!


10 therapeutic properties of sea algae great for your health — both on the inside and the outside.

Brimming full of sea nutrients.  

Small Batch  |  Food Grade  |  Filler Free  | Gluten Free  |  Organic


1. DNA Repair

- One of the biggest threats to your skin’s health is the sun.

- Overexposure to the sun changes your skin’s DNA.

- Marine plankton repairs sun-damaged DNA with enzymes..

- Works as quickly as two hours when applied as a topical cream.

- Recent studies show plankton may even prevent skin cancer.


2. Youth-Renewing Skin Effects

- Many types of seaweed contain L-Fucose.

- This sugar molecule strengthens skin’s collagen and elastin..

- Reduces signs of aging and firms and plumps your skin.

- Topical seaweed treatments that contain L-Fucose thickens your dermis.

- A thicker dermis means less visible wrinkles and an uplifting effect for younger-looking skin.


3. Nutrient-Richness for Cellular Regeneration

- Seawater contains all of the known elements of life.

- Seaweed get their nutrients from seawater.

- Seaweed becomes a rich storehouse of life-giving elements.

- Utilize marine plants to deliver all of the sea’s nutrients right to your skin.

- Seaweed supports and speeds up cellular regeneration.

- Seaweed baths infuse your skin with magnesium, potassium, iodine, copper, and zinc, which promote the creation of collagen.


4. Smooths and Hydrates

- Marine polysaccharides found in seaweed are natural moisturizers.

- Seaweed locks in moisture, reduces inflammation, and smooths and firms.


5. Stimulates Collagen Production

- Cold-water seaweed creates special peptides

- These peptides stimulate collagen production and firm your skin.


6. Reduces Inflammation and Improves Skin Conditions

- Many factors trigger an inflammatory response in our skin.

- Prolonged inflammation speeds up the aging process.

- Two of the most powerful anti-inflammatory agents are plentiful in seaweed.

- Applied topically, they can help treat rosacea, eczema, and dermatitis.


7. Imparts Antioxidants to Your Skin

- Free radical exposure attacks your skin and impacts your overall health.

- Seaweed is the richest source of antioxidants and carotenoids.

- Creates a protective shield against free radicals to prevent aging and protect your health.


8. Increases Metabolism and Promotes Healthy Weight Loss

- Giant kelp helps you slim down thanks to iodine and carotenoids.

- Seaweed supplements boost metabolism.

- Stubborn and unwanted fat is burned.

- Seaweed wraps and baths reduce cellulite and defines your legs.


9. Flushes Out Toxins

- Seaweed is chock full of calcium and magnesium.

- These two minerals help your body get rid of toxins.

- Seaweed wraps stimulate return circulation to flush out toxins.

- Improves water retention, cellulite, and other degenerative age-related conditions.


10. Balances Your Hormones

- Iodine in seaweed helps your reproductive organs balance estrogen levels.

- Estrogen imbalances cause many health-related issues for women.

- Breast cancer, advanced aging, weight gain, and reproductive issues.

- Topical treatments along with a seaweed supplement help balance estrogen.

Utilizing seaweed is like tapping into the very source of life itself. Seaweed gives us a host of gifts that restore and replenish our bodies inside and out. At Evoq, we’ve taken advantage of these amazing properties to give you products that are natural and truly medicinal.

Retinol: What you really should know...

How does “that woman” get such smooth and bright skin?

Here, I lend my thoughts on RETINOL, a topic that tends to come up often when clients are inquiring about the best "anti-aging" skin room facial tactics to at home treatment care.  Most clients are first exposed to Retinol (and its many forms) in a medical spa or dermatologist office.    

Some believe that it is an amazing age renewal staple, and some tread much more lightly. However, it’s an ingredient to be well-informed about prior to using. It’s often recommended as a “cure-all” power-ingredient, but should it be?    Let's dig in. 

Retinol 101 - What it is?


Retinol, of the retinoid family, is a derivative of Vitamin A. There are many forms, names (retinyl palmitate, retinol, retinal, tretinoin) and percentages available of retinoids and it comes in both natural forms (for example, in rose-hip) and most popularly - synthetically derived forms.

True to it's longevity.... it’s been around since the late 1940s and was a "breakout"  in the 1980s when it hit the market as an anti-aging ingredient.  Later it became a hot item prescribed as Accutane or every teens’ favorite, Retin-A have been highly used by dermatologists for years. 

What It Does

Essentially Retinol plumps and sloughs off skin cells in which effectively “pushes wrinkles up from within the skin."    It works by stimulating and increasing the production of healthy skin cells.” This cell turn over can lead to more even skin tone and a brighter complexion.

Who It's Best For

If you’ve spent a substantial amount of time in the sun, retinol can help you reverse first signs of aging that have resulted from that prolonged sun exposure. The formulations that are widely available today without a prescription are lower in retinol concentration that can be enjoyed by virtually anyone who wants to refine skin texture, battle breakouts and fine lines.

Added Benefits

Retinol "action" can boost your collagen production, leading to a reduction in fewer wrinkles, and firmer skin.” It can even help unclog pores, which is why so many dermatologists recommend retinoids for teens fighting acne.

Retinol VS. Retin-A - What's the difference?   

In short, retinol is the stuff you can by at your local sephora and retin-A requires a prescription from your derm (as does Accutane).

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So why isn't everyone using it?

This is where my experienced, well researched and thoughtful opinion comes in.  There's a few points to debate on the topic of retinoid use.

1.  Retinols are put in so many products.  Sunlight makes products less effective, but most importantly — and we want to make this clear because it’s so, so important — retinol can make you very photosensitive. If you don’t wear sunscreen, you can get burned.  

2.  Many (including myself) Skin Therapists also believe that retinol is overused. “Retinol is useful for people who have genetically challenging acne. However, in my opinion, if you have not had consistent breakout since the onset of puberty, or tend to have pimples here and there, retinols are usually not the answer to your breakout problems.   

3. Worst yet, Retionols used over time or in intense treatments, can thin out your skin or change how the oil glands within your skin work.  

Caution When Using:   Heavy-duty retinoid medications, like Accutane, are so strong that they can cause birth defects and liver issues. Retinoids can can over due your skin, especially if you’re young enough - that you just don't need that heavy of a hitter. 

My bottom line.... 

There are multiple products and specific ingredients that can catalyze a response just like retinoids produce. Retinoids are pretty harsh on the skin and as a formulator, I've included this same byproduct and action through botanical extracts.  I personally do not want to subject myself to treatments I walk away from completely red and peeling. At Beauty Ecology, accurate exfoliating practices at home and services such as professional-strength none invasive peels and  our newest tech skin needling collagen rejuvenation pen - are incredible alternatives that work.    

When to consider stronger exfoliating and cell renewal treatments.

I suggest strong cellular turnover type products for those well into their aging process and in need of a boost. Typically, this would be someone over the age of 35, because its known our skin cell turnover rate starts slowing around 30 years old.


Natural alternative ingredients to look for that can help with cell turnover:

-Vitamin C (we use Vitamin C Esters)  which possesses a superior ability to stimulate growth of the cells (fibroblasts) that help produce collagen, elastin and fosters tissue growth and repair.  Fat-soluble Vitamin C Ester-unlike ascorbic acid, drives deeper and does not go rancid when exposed to air giving it's full potential as an anti-aging agent.

From the Deep Sea:  Marine actives provide concentrates of vital elements in our age-defying skin care products, and are the safest and most effective alternatives available.


-Our active seaweed ingredients (Laminaria + HCL algae complex) testing demonstrated a reduction in the appearance of wrinkles by 35% over a 90-day period. This demonstrates our ability to deliver results comparable to Retin-A and Alpha Hydroxyl Acids without the skin irritation usually associated with those ingredients. WOW, right?!

-Red Algae is beloved due to its high water and vitamin content, red algae is a perfect ingredient to help with the exfoliating process.  I use red algae in our skincare products to clarify and balance the skin, bring cellular renewal and for its firming effects.

-Alpha hydroxy acids (our sea flora glycolic peel)

-Marine Criste Extract or “Sea Retinol” is a patented Sea Retinol visibly smoothes wrinkles and creates a radiant complexion.

-Flower Acids are an incredible breakthrough! Flower acids are obtained from the hibiscus flower in South Africa to provide skin exfoliation without the burn. This anti-inflammatory approach is made possible by the fact that it contains pyruvic acid (an AHA) that converts to lactic acid only when it has penetrated into the skin. This allows for a gradual peel “without the burn.”

-Rosehip seed oil is also an excellent source of trans-retinoic acid that may not have the risk of potential irritation that prescription retinoid acid might cause. Rosehip is plentiful in our CBD Skin Healing Booster.


How to properly choose and use retinol.

Before purchasing OTC retinol or getting a prescription through your dermatologist, here are some basic guidelines:

- All forms of Vitamin A break down and become unstable in the presence of exposed light and air, so it’s crucial to purchase retinol that is packaged in opaque containers or tubes, which is why they often come in metal tubes in prescription form.

- Do not apply retinol daily, but rather every other day. Gradual usage is key here so that your skin can acclimate to this active ingredient. If your skin is resilient and shows no signs of sensitivity, thereafter you may apply it once a day. Stop using retinol if irritation occurs with persistent use.

- The best time to apply retinol is at night because exposure to the sun can decrease its effectiveness.

- Use nourishing ingredients to help protect your skin while using this potent vitamin. Our Evoq products are wonderful to use in conjunction (and sometimes in place of) with retinol.

- Always wear sunscreen on a daily basis when using retinol.

The drawbacks of topical prescription retinoids.

- Skin irritation and side effects including: dryness, flakiness, thinning of the skin (if overused), sun sensitivity and redness.

- Filler ingredients such as: stearic acid, isopropyl myristate, polyoxyl 40 stearate, stearyl alcohol, and butylated hydroxytoluene are commonly used in retinoid creams and gels. Though not all ingredients prove toxic, do these align with your skin care philosophy?

- Cannot be used during pregnancy.

- Not suitable for sensitive skin, rosacea or eczema.


As noted, EVOQ BEAUTY brings the most effective and biomimetic ingredients the forces of nature can provide. While I do understand that the medical approach to skin care, it's good to know there are more options for everyday care in the world of vitamin A!  Let's not be so hard on ourselves, and our skin!


XO Kassandra  ** Book online or ping me if you have questions about our incredible skin resurfacing (GLOW) treatments!   

Happy Hour Makeovers | RSVP June 12th


You get 1 CHANCE and 3 SECONDS to make a good impression.


*Learn a NEW technique
*Assure you're wearing the right colors for your skin tone
*Update your color palate - no guessing games on knock-out accents just for you!

AND GO FROM   [ this to that ] 

La Bella Donna Makeover.jpg

Tailor & Update Your Style

Healthy Skin Mineral Makeup Makeover

Tell me, when is the last time…

  • you updated your makeup bag colors that suite you best?

  • detoxed your beauty drawers of chemicals, synthetics & bacteria

What do you want to FOCUS on?

  • in a rut and want to learn a new look or technique

  • applying minerals and avoiding a creased or heavy look

  • contouring to pop that bronze, natural glowing look

  • tips on applying minerals for ease and speed

  • match my colors and quick tips for my age



Teusday, June 12th

 4:30pm - 8pm

Investment:  Makeup Focus Session Only $20

W/ Amy | National Makeup artist


Please email us at : 

Request what time between 4:30 - 8pm work best for you.  

**Spend $75 and receive a FREE GIFT with purchase**



Zero Toxins  |  Confidence without Compromise

Not all minerals are created equal. Conventional makeup and mineral lines include fillers such as talc and dyes that pull the moisture OUT of your skin, leaving the skin feeling tight and caky. 

Other mineral lines also contain nano-particles, which leach into the bloodstream - in which you both loose your coverage and put your health at risk.   

80% of AGING is from UV rays. 
Makeup should be an extension of skin care and provide every day UV protection.  Four ingredients that enhance your skin and health with
an SPF 50 - on the daily.


Please email us at : 

Request what time between 4:30 - 8pm work best for you. 


A Brief on Your Beauty Pro

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Meet Amy - Your Makeup Artist

Amy’s worked with the Prestige line as a top leader with Estée Lauder Companies for over 18 with many additional roles such as a lead Account Executive with multiple retailers.

Amy's passion is to help woman learn about the benefits of safe, high performance makeup and for them to feel their best.  "La Bella Donna products offer natural, prestige, affordable and makeup with skincare benefits  perfect for any women of every age.


Please email us at : 

Request what time between 4:30 - 8pm work best for you. 

Hemp VS Marijuana. What's the difference?

What’s the difference?


I’m sure you’ve heard a lot about HEMP as of late.   In all varieties, you see it in the market as hemp seeds, hemp powder, and hemp milk. It’s a good alternative as a vegan protein source. I love it in a protein shake as a clean source of protein - minus the bloat.  Hemp is from the plant, Cannabis. This is where it starts to get confusing.

Marijuana is certainly a product that has crossed your consciousness – perhaps you’ve read about the fight for legalization across the country, or you know someone who uses it to treat a health issue, or maybe you enjoy CBD oil to relax and unwind your mind.  

Let’s dig in on the term cannabis. Many people are using the term cannabis instead of marijuana for the sake to de-stigmatize the plant or to elevate it to a more professional level.

The big confusion is knowing how the three terms – hemp, cannabis, and marijuana – are related. And, related they are!

So, here are some super simple facts:

#1: Both hemp and marijuana are cannabis, so the term cannabis can be used to describe either hemp or marijuana.

#2: Hemp and marijuana are different.

#3: Hemp contains less than 0.3% THC – the cannabinoid in the cannabis plant that confers the “high.”

#4: Marijuana is the product that contains more than (sometimes, a lot more than) 0.3% THC.

#5: Both hemp and marijuana contain other cannabinoids (active ingredients in the cannabis plant), such as CBD, which does not confer a “high.”

Back to the confusing issue mentioned in the first paragraphhemp oil.

Hemp oil in large bottles has been available alongside other specialty salad oils in some food markets. The food-based hemp products typically do not contain a significant amount of CBD. Even in some CBD oils, it’s not always clear how much ACTIVE cannabinoids are in a “hemp CBD oil.”   As a formulator of CBD rich organic products, I see this as the most common misunderstanding and sneaky marketing ploy by many companies. It’s still the wild west out there.

In the past few years, hemp oils that contain CBD have flooded the market. Buyer beware, because many times it's confusing to see how much truly "active CBD" is present in a oil.  These oils come in much smaller bottles with droppers for dosing smaller amounts and cost a lot more. You can take alone or add to smoothies and teas and recipes.


Got it? Hemp and marijuana are cannabis, but hemp is not marijuana.  We’ve given some answers and perhaps spurred more questions, maybe about CBD. Let us know what you’d like to know, and we’ll try to address in an upcoming update.

Till then, enjoy life and keep your endocannabinoid receptors, mind, body and soul in balance!      Warmly,  Kassandra

Facing Cannabis - How Your Skin Benefits.

Treating troubled skin can feel like we’re fighting an uphill battle. From acne to eczema, there are thousands of “solutions” including pills and prescription ointments. Some of us have success. However, others face a fruitless quest for clear and healthy skin.

Fortunately, there's CBD (cannabidiol), which is a plant-based (phytocannabinoid), natural remedy that works with our body's own system.

As we previously discussed, our endocannabinoid system has cannabinoid receptors. Many of these receptors are found in our skin.

Imbalances or damaged receptors cause our skin to flare up. This underlying condition is caused by daily stress, the environment, or even our busy lifestyles. And can cause our skin to present with anything from psoriasis to oily skin. CBD interacts with these receptors on a molecular “lock & key” level to repair our endocannabinoid system and restore balance.

CBD has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-aging properties that treat a wide array of skin conditions. It’s one of the keys that unlocks a healthy, balanced endocannabinoid system.

Another component of this “lock & key” system is Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA), which is a fatty acid that our bodies naturally produce. As we age, our skin loses GLA and it causes our skin to lose moisture.

Both CBD and GLA are fundamentally essential for optimal skin health. We bring the best of both worlds (and plants) together for a plump and hydrated glow with our skin booster made with one part GLA and one part CBD.

One Part GLA  

Our organically derived hemp synergizes with our rich GLA seed oil formula for maximum results.

The reason we wrinkle and develop dry, dull skin after menopause is because we can no longer make GLA from our food. Over time, our epidermis may lose as much as 50% of its thickness, which accelerates water loss.

When our skin can’t produce enough protective oils, we face a lowered immune system, increased inflammation, and specific immune responses that result in skin flare ups including eczema and psoriasis.

GLA is critical to repair the lipid barrier of our skin, so it can retain hydration for plumper, supple, and smooth skin.

One Part CBD

Our CBD oil affiniatizes with our endocannabinoid system and our potent GLA oils to help our skin grow new cells, discard old ones, and reduce inflammation.

CBD stimulates our body’s endocannabinoid system and reduces free radicals, which encourages our skin to repair and rejuvenate itself.

Harmful free radicals that bombard our skin come from UV and IR (infrared technology saturation). These accelerate ageing, cancer, and impair our skin’s ability to heal. By proactively filling our receptors with CBD, we get ahead of the game and protect our skin from long-term damage.

CBD also works to increase the rate of absorption of other compounds into the skin. Together, with its own properties, the use of CBD in topical cosmeceutical applications results in healthier, protected, more youthful-looking skin and makes it the ideal basis for a new era of groundbreaking, effective, cosmetic treatments.


*Borage oil, *Evening Primrose Oil, *Black Currant Oil, *MCT Oil, *Rosehip Oil, Cannabis (50MG), Blue Chamomile Oil, Vitamin E Oil.

Here’s how our products (rich in our essential GLA oils and infused with 100mg of CBD) alleviate troubling skin conditions:  

CBD for Acne

Our body’s endogenous cannabinoids can induce apoptosis of human sebocytes (cells most commonly found in the skin) by telling their CB2 receptors to start the process of cell death.  But our endocannabinoids are easily degraded, so their effects don’t last long. CBD also has powerful antibacterial properties.

CBD for Psoriasis

Keratinocyte is a type of skin cell that produces a protein called keratin, and this protein makes up the skin’s outer layer.  In psoriasis, there is rapid multiplication and growth of these keratinocytes, which accounts for the skin changes associated with this skin disease.  This is, of course, made worse by inflammation.

Now, CBD has the ability to stop the proliferation of keratinocytes. How it does this isn’t yet clear, but the PPAR receptors may seem to play a role since their activation has led to the inhibition of epithelial cell proliferation.

CBD for Basal Cell Carcinoma

It’s a known fact that CBD has shown the ability to control cancer cells and prevent them from growing, proliferating, and spreading. CBD can even prevent angiogenesis, and without its blood supply, cancer growths won’t develop, spread, and invade other tissues.



Evoq’s CBD Cellular Booster is a potent antioxidant proven to be stranger than than vitamins C and E and omegas. It...

Encourages collagen and elastin renewal by encouraging the growth of new cells and discarding old ones for more radiant, youthful skin.

Helps protect and reverse damage from UV rays, smoke, and environmental pollutants. Pain relief known to be more powerful than THC.

  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Helps control acneic skin.
  • Ease symptoms of psoriasis and eczema.
  • Antibacterial agent.
  • Slows the proliferation of skin tumor cells in-vitro and in-vivo.
  • Effective in the treatment of psoriasis by blocking keratinocyte proliferation.



Evoq Daily Internal Curing Concentrate

Evoq’s Daily 300MG CBD Oil can be added to anyone's daily routine. It allows simple and instant support for your body, mind, and beauty.


  • Balances the Nervous System
  • Balances the Musculoskeletal System
  • Promotes Mental Clarity, Focus & Memory
  • Supports Calm & Relaxation
  • Supports Healthy Immune & Stress Response
  • Supports Healthy Inflammatory Response
  • Provides Antioxidant Support
  • Supports Healthy Energy & Stamina

 Current State of CBD = Know Thy Source! And Always Educate Thyself!

Our CBD comes from a state-of-the-art cGMP-certified laboratory, and every batch of CBD includes a Certificate of Analysis (COA). An independent scientific testing company tests each batch using high-tech liquid gas chromatography for verification of purity, CBD content, and other cannabinoid content.

SPF: Sunscreen Basics + Strategies

As the summer gets on it's way, let's make sure our SPF facts are up to snuff.


Why sunscreen daily?
Let me count the ways! Starting with the fact that 90% of visible signs of aging are caused by the sun. We are exposed to the sun daily (including UVA rays you might not notice) and your body counts sun exposure cumulatively. We may get wiser over the years, but we also collect more sun-time. And the damage shows up many, many years later.

Chemical Sunscreen
Containing ingredients like avobenzone, homosalate, octinoxate and others, chemical sunscreens absorb the sun’s rays, transform them into heat, which is then released from your skin. ‘Chemical’ sounds like a bad word, but it’s not here – it just describes how it functions. Chemical sunscreens take about 20 minutes to activate after application, so lotion up before heading out.


Physical Sunscreen
Physical sunscreens are ones with zinc oxide or titanium dioxide and work like a mirror, deflecting the sun’s rays from your skin. They can be less likely to clog pores, cause less allergy issues, and are ideal for everyday use, especially on your face. And they’ve come a long way from the white-nose days, so don’t worry about that. Protection is instant once applied.

UVA vs. UVB Rays
The A and B letters are scientific, but all you have to remember is A for Aging and B for Burning. UVB rays cause familiar results – sunburns.  UVA rays do quieter damage, causing wrinkles, skin cancer, and visible signs of aging. UVA rays come through clouds and windows, which is why we preach daily sunscreen.

Broad Spectrum
Sunscreen labeled ‘Broad Spectrum’ protects against both UVA and UVB rays. If it’s not labeled as such, chances are it’s only covering UVB rays (think: your less expensive body sunscreens you’ll find at the drug store). You’re best off with Broad Spectrum to make sure you’re covered, especially when it comes to your face.


The SPF Numbers
Sun Protection Factor (SPF) is a standard laboratory measurement of a sunscreen’s ability to prevent UVB damage to our skin. (Important distinction, it doesn’t measure the impact of those aging UVA rays.) If it normally takes you ten minutes to burn, generously-applied SPF 30 would keep you from burning for 300 minutes, or about five hours. (Usual Time To Burn x SPF = Protection Time). Our take? Math is not fun at the beach, so do yourself a favor and just re-apply often and liberally.

How much sunscreen?
Conventional wisdom says a ‘shot glass’ worth over your entire body, although I suggest a bit more.  All depends on height and weight.   Apply more frequently if you’re sweating or in and out of the water.

Over or used as makeup?
I'm a big fan of  straight up sunscreen as a foundation with SPF to ensure coverage.  Our clients love our  Tinted UV Protect 35 SPF facial lotion that is incredibly light and lightly tinted to blend into most skin types (haven't found anyone yet that it has not).  The other great option is to dust with our La Bella Donna Minerals to assure protection at a 25 SPF and  non-nano, so that you do not loose your makeup (and coverage) through your pores throughout the day. 

When was this stuff invented?
Want to sound smart at your summer barbecue? The first major commercial sunscreen was sold in 1936, by the founder of L’Oreal. Ten years later, it improved dramatically for soldiers in World War II. “SPF” as a standard was adopted in 1974. And before all that, ancient cultures used olive oil, rice extract, zinc oxide, and other compounds for thousands of years.


After all that, do you need some sunscreen? Visit Evoq Beauty for our selection, or book a facial and pick up some in person.

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