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How Chemicals Affect Us: Scientists are observing with increasing alarm.

Scientists are observing with increasing alarm that some very common hormone-mimicking chemicals can have grotesque effects.

A widely used herbicide acts as a female hormone and feminizes male animals in the wild. Thus male frogs can have female organs, and some male fish actually produce eggs. In a Florida lake contaminated by these chemicals, male alligators have tiny penises.

These days there is also growing evidence linking this class of chemicals to problems in humans. These include breast cancer, infertility, low sperm counts, genital deformities, early menstruation and even diabetes and obesity.

Philip Landrigan, a professor of pediatrics at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, says that a congenital defect called hypospadias — a misplacement of the urethra — is now twice as common among newborn boys as it used to be. He suspects endocrine disruptors, so called because they can wreak havoc with the endocrine system that governs hormones.

Endocrine disruptors are everywhere. They’re in thermal receipts that come out of gas pumps and A.T.M.’s. They’re in canned foods, cosmetics, plastics and food packaging. Test your blood or urine, and you’ll surely find them there, as well as in human breast milk and in cord blood of newborn babies.

In this campaign year, we are bound to hear endless complaints about excessive government regulation. But here’s an area where scientists are increasingly critical of our government for its failure to tackle Big Chem and regulate endocrine disruptors adequately.

Last month, the Endocrine Society, the leading association of hormone experts, scolded the Food and Drug Administration for its failure to ban bisphenol-A, a common endocrine disruptor known as BPA, from food packaging. Last year, eight medical organizations representing genetics, gynecology, urology and other fields made a joint call in Science magazine for tighter regulation of endocrine disruptors.

Shouldn’t our government be as vigilant about threats in our grocery stores as in the mountains of Afghanistan?

Researchers warn that endocrine disruptors can trigger hormonal changes in the body that may not show up for decades. One called DES, a synthetic form of estrogen, was once routinely given to pregnant women to prevent miscarriage or morning sickness, and it did little harm to the women themselves. But it turned out to cause vaginal cancer and breast cancer decades later in their daughters, so it is now banned.

Scientists have long known the tiniest variations in hormone levels influence fetal development. For example, a female twin is very slightly masculinized if the other twin is a male, because she is exposed to some of his hormones. Studies have found that these female twins, on average, end up slightly more aggressive and sensation-seeking as adults but have lower rates of eating disorders.

Now experts worry that endocrine disruptors have similar effects, acting as hormones and swamping the delicate balance for fetuses in particular. The latest initiative by scholars is a landmark 78-page analysis to be published next month in Endocrine Reviews, the leading publication in the field.

“Fundamental changes in chemical testing and safety determination are needed to protect human health,” the analysis declares. Linda S. Birnbaum, the nation’s chief environmental scientist and toxicologist, endorsed the findings.

The article was written by a 12-member panel that spent three years reviewing the evidence. It concluded that the nation’s safety system for endocrine disruptors is broken.

“For several well-studied endocrine disruptors, I think it is fair to say that we have enough data to conclude that these chemicals are not safe for human populations,” said Laura Vandenberg, a Tufts University developmental biologist who was the lead writer for the panel.

Worrying new research on the long-term effects of these chemicals is constantly being published. One study found that pregnant women who have higher levels of a common endocrine disruptor, PFOA, are three times as likely to have daughters who grow up to be overweight. Yet PFOA is unavoidable. It is in everything from microwave popcorn bags to carpet-cleaning solutions.

Big Chem says all this is sensationalist science. So far, it has blocked strict regulation in the United States, even as Europe and Canada have adopted tighter controls on endocrine disruptors.

Yes, there are uncertainties. But the scientists who know endocrine disruptors best overwhelmingly are already taking steps to protect their families. John Peterson Myers, chief scientist at Environmental Health Sciences and a co-author of the new analysis, said that his family had stopped buying canned food.

“We don’t microwave in plastic,” he added. “We don’t use pesticides in our house. I refuse receipts whenever I can. My default request at the A.T.M., known to my bank, is ‘no receipt.’ I never ask for a receipt from a gas station.”

I’m taking my cue from the experts, and I wish the Obama administration would as well.


Resource: By New York Times

Q & A : Is Kasia Hair Color void of the 22 EU banned chemicals?

Informed Beauty Hair Color Inquiry from a Kasia Client, thank you for your question!


Curious about the hair color (both permanent and semi-permanent) used at your salon. I recently came across an article listing the 22 chemicals Europe has banned from their hair color products. I know you use ammonia-free, however, I'm curious if your products contain any of the banned chemicals below:

* 6-Methoxy-2,3-Pyridinediamine and its HCl salt

* 2,3-Naphthalenediol

* 2,4-Diaminodiphenylamine

* 2,6-Bis(2-Hydroxyethoxy)-3,5-


* 2-Methoxymethyl-p-Aminophenol

* 4,5-Diamino-1-Methylpyrazole and its HCl salt

* 4,5-Diamino-1-((4-Chlorophenyl)Methyl)-1H-Pyrazole Sulfate

* 4-Chloro-2-Aminophenol

* 4-Hydroxyindole

* 4-Methoxytoluene-2,5-Diamine and its HCl salt

* 5-Amino-4-Fluoro-2-Methylphenol Sulfate

* N,N-Diethyl-m-Aminophenol

* N,N-Dimethyl-2,6-Pyridinediamine and its HCl salt

* N-Cyclopentyl-m-Aminophenol

* N-(2-Methoxyethyl)-p-phenylenediamine and its HCl salt

* 2,4-Diamino-5-methylphenetol and its HCl salt

Thank You, Amanda



Teinture does not contain any of the listed chemicals to be banned in the new EU standard. The product has been marketed in some of the straightest regulated markets in the world in terms of safety, including the EU and Canada.

Email any further questions to

Planning Pregnancy–or Battling Infertility?


Why every woman should understand the ingredients in her skincare if trying to get pregnant or is already pregnant.

By Kassie Kuehl, Hairstylist and Health Coach 

Most women know that when they become pregnant, there is a need to smarten up and realize how critical it is to eat well, and to avoid certain foods such as caffeine or fish, due to its elevated levels of mercury. There is also another side of the story for those wishing to conceive, and are battling with infertility.

Eating well and eliminating stress are important, but there is an even bigger picture to a healthy pregnancy, conceiving, and the toxic  "body burden."   The term body burdon pertains to the slew of environmental as well as man-made chemicals.  Chemicals made by man are fat soluble and not readily broken down by metabolic processes–and because of this, can be stored in body fats and build up to dangerous levels.

If a woman breastfeeds, female offspring are potentially most at risk of accumulative toxins. Over the past several years, studies have come out to show that chemicals have been found in the breast milk of American women. A study of the breast milk of American women published by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) in 2003 found "unexpectedly high levels" of chemical fire retardants in every participant tested.

The average level of bromine-based fire retardants in the milk of 20 first-time mothers was 75 times the average found in recent European studies. Milk from two study participants contained the highest levels of fire retardants ever reported in the United States, and milk from several of the mothers in EWG’s study had among the highest levels of these chemicals yet detected worldwide.

While the news of these chemicals in breast milk is shocking and disturbing to most moms, doctors and experts agree that the benefits of breastfeeding outweigh the risks and breast is still best.

On and in Our Body

Each day American women reach for shampoo and conditioner, deodorant, and moisturizers. We apply blush, eye shadow, mascara, and lipstick, then maybe dab on some nail polish and perfume. We look good, we smell good–AND we have just exposed ourselves to 200 different synthetic chemicals.

It is not just a makeup problem–but a snapshot of the BIG PICTURE

We are seeing more benign lumps in breasts, thyroid problems, and infertility, which have become an increasingly common experience for many women. As a Western society, we are at an interesting disconnect–looking at how to treat disease–but not how to prevent disease.

Chemicals also affecting men–and some chemicals in these products are particularly problematic for men. We're all exposed to phthalates, and phthalates interfere with the production of testosterone, and they're also linked to health effects like lower sperm counts and testicular tumors.

We now know that what we eat passes into your bloodstream and to your baby, however it is as important to know what you are absorbing through your skin.  Our tissue uptakes 64 percent of everything we use topically–everything we put on our skin or hair.   Many manmade cosmetic chemicals are fat soluble and are not readily broken down by metabolic processes, and because of this, can be stored in body fats and build up to dangerous levels. Babies are potentially most at risk because during breastfeeding, further exposure to the pollutants stored in body fats occurs.

Since personal care products are not regulated by the FDA, you may be surprised that a number of controversial ingredients and known carcinogenics are found in our skin, hair, and body care. This is why it is up to you to decide what you feel at peace with as to what you’re putting onto, and therefore into, your body, and potentially passing on to your baby.

For years, retinoids,  salicylic acid, and accutane have been declared unsafe to use during pregnancy. Through research, this list continues to grow.  Pregnant women should be aware of other questionable ingredients such as parabens, PEGs, and acrylamides. Often women have reactions to fragrance, mineral oils and allergens during pregnancy.

Seek out products that are natural and do not contain parabens, PEGs, SLS, glycols, acrylates, mineral oils, silicones or artificial fragrance. To help change the face of this industry, stop wasting your money on bottom-line companies that use cheap additives or fillers in their products


SIMPLE SOLUTION:  Take this quiz to find out if you may be using products that could adversely affect you and your family’s health.

Take a look at the ingredients of the beauty products you use. Then answer the following questions True or False:

1. Sodium lauryl sulfate appears as an ingredient in my shampoo or other hair products.

2. I notice a combination of sodium lauryl sulfate and TEA (triethanolamine, DEA (diethanolamine), or MEA (monoethanolamine) in one or more of the hair products I use.

3. The word "methylparaben" appears on a label.

4. My product lists "fragrance" on the label.

5. I see the words "dibutyl phthalate, or DBP," or "diethylhexyl phthalate, or DEHP" on a label.


If you answered "True" to any of the questions, you may want to reconsider using those products. Here's why:

1. Sodium lauryl sulfate is a suspected liver or gastrointestinal toxiocant and sometimes causes eye and skin irritation, hair loss, and allergic reactions.

2. When sodium lauryl sulfate is combined with TEA, DEA, or MEA, it can cause the formation of nitrosamines, which are carcinogenic.

3. Methylparaben is a commonly used disinfectant in many products. But recent research has shown that, when exposed to the ultraviolet rays of the sun, it actually causes wrinkles and liver spots.

4. Artificial fragrances have been linked to a wide variety of health problems. Artificial musk, for example, has been shown to weaken the immune system.

5. Phthalates—plasticizers found in numerous cosmetics and other products—have been shown to be hormone disruptors that can cause birth defects and other harm.

Find out more about the toxic chemicals hiding in your beauty products at, The Environmental Working Group (


Visit with one of our team members at Kasia Organic Salon in replenishing your "Beautiful Health" routine.


About the Author: Kassie Kuehl, a natural products hair stylist and health coach, believes that it is crucial pregnant women pay close attention to the ingredients in their hair, skin, and body care products–and become educated in the use of non toxic products/services. Kassie has many educational articles and info about her Organic Salon Services at Kasia Salon offers high-quality, natural skin care products to help improve your overall health of your skin, body, and soul!




Chemical Deodorants - They're the Pits


Kasia Organics-  Pure-odorant - Organic & Chemical-Free Deodorant



Minneapolis' leading and only true organic beauty salon, showcases TOP-SELLING  Pure-odorant, a chemical-free and certified organic line of women's deodorant. One of the most overlooked beauty products, in terms of its affect on your body, is deodorant. Often times, the general public is mislead or simply not informed of the health affects that can come with wearing "mainstream" deodorants. Pure-odorant comes straight from nature with a pure blend of organic hemp oil, aloe vera and mineral salts that soften skin and eliminate odor-causing bacteria for up to 24 hours.


Deodorants have become a part of everyday life for almost all of us. Antiperspirant deodorant is extremely common among women ... and unfortunately, so is breast cancer and Alzheimer's disease. Most commercial brands of antiperspirants and deodorants contain either aluminum chlorohydrate or aluminum zirconium. These compounds are very soluble and are readily absorbed by the body. Once in the body, the aluminum portion of the molecule ionizes, forming free radical aluminum, which passes freely across cell membranes and forms a physical plug, that when dissolved is selectively absorbed by the liver, kidney, brain, cartilage and bone marrow.


New evidence to be published in the Journal of Applied Toxicology indicates that parabens, chemicals found in underarm cosmetics and other products, can be detected in human breast tumors. Previous suggestions have been made that certain components of underarm cosmetics may contribute to the rising incidence of breast cancer. Even women that wear no makeup, lip gloss or hair products invariably use deodorant products - body odor is seen as one of the seven deadly sins, whether you’re at the office or out with friends! This 'essential' part of our beauty routines may have serious health consequences for us down the track.


Ingredients to avoid in deodorants


While aluminium is the main deodorant/antiperspirant ingredient that has been studied for negative health effects, almost all of the common ingredients in supermarket deodorants are harmful to us. Here are the effects of some of the common underarm 'hygiene' ingredients:


* Aluminium chlorhydrate, aluminium zirconium tetrachlorhydrex gly, and other aluminium salts: We talked about the links between aluminium salts and breast cancer, as well as  Alzheimer's disease. There may be further links to disease that haven't yet been identified.

* Parabens (all types): These are derived from toluene, which can both cause reproductive harm and mimic the effect of estrogen in the body, driving the growth of cancerous cells.

* Triclosan: This ingredient is a common antibacterial which cause contact dermatitis in many people, and is classified as a pesticide by the FDA.

* Talc: Even the humble talcum powder has been regarded with suspicion by cancer researchers. It may contain asbestiform fibers (yes, these are related to asbestos) - the level of asbestiform fibers in talc is unregulated.

* Propylene glycol: According to the NIOSH this is a neurotoxin. The EPA admits that it hasn’t been fully investigated for cancer-causing potential, despite being in almost every personal care product on the market.

* Silica: This skin irritant is often contaminated with crystalline quartz, which is known to cause cancer

* Steareth-n: (Where n is any number) reacts with ethylene oxide in the manufacturing process. Ethylene oxide is a known carcinogen.


Enter, Kasia Pure-oderant


Certified Organic made with a pure blend of hemp oil, aloe vera and mineral salts that softens skin and eliminates odor-causing bacteria for up to 24 hours!


NO aluminum, alcohol, parabens or proplyene glycol — NO residue.

Scented with organic essential oils.


* effective using hemp oil and mineral salts that eliminate odor-causing bacteria

* soothing and healing aloe vera to softens the skin

* no aluminum chlorhydrate; no alcohol

* No tingly irritation and no staining

* We’re sure, it leaves no white residue

* hypoallergenic

* no harmful propellants, pit and ozone friendly

* no animal testing, just on hunks * no pore clogging, breathe!



Ingredients: Purified water, potassium alum (mineral salts), polyquaternium-10, organic hyssopus officinalis (hyssop) extract, certified organic Aloe Barbadensis (Aloe Vera) extract, certified organic Cannabis Sativa (Hemp) oil, citrus grandis (grapefruit) seed extract



Kassie Kuehl is a respected leader in, and advocate for, natural health and beauty care. The founder of Kasia Organic Salon, Kassie combines her experience as nutritionist and living foods educator with her ongoing Functional Medicine research to apply a whole of body “Beautiful Health’ approach to hair care and styling. Become an Informed Beauty and learn more at



Environmental Estrogens Could Be Making You Sick

Xenoestrogens Wreak Havoc On Your 'Beautiful Health'

The article below is an important one, and truly does effect each of our lifestyles individually.  I've had my own  personal journey of being exposed to excess xenoestrogens, resulting in removing myself from the conventional salon industry and all  the chemicals/products used "in it" for so long (thankfully this birthed Kasia Salon).  Still today I am required to detox and rebuild the adrenal system due to toxicity and the havoc it does on the endocrince system long term. 

Please take a read below for more of an understanding of xenoestrogens, and their effect on your "Beautiful Health."

Before discussing xenoestrogens, it is important to note the relationship of estrogen and progesterone.  Estrogen (a group of hormones that, although in significantly higher levels in women, is also present in men) is basically a stimulant that promotes cell growth.  Progesterone (a hormone made by women in the ovaries and men in the testes) is the most protective hormone the body produces and keeps cell growth in check.  There is a delicate balance between estrogen and progesterone, and when that balance is disrupted, the effect is estrogen dominance.  To add to the problem most doctors are prescribing synthetic hormone replacement therapies that have been proven to cause serious health risks, including breast cancer and heart disease.  Do not be discouraged.

Xenoestrogens are man-made compounds that mimic hormones.  They were introduced into the environment by industrial, agricultural and chemical companies.  There are over 100,000 registered chemicals (99% of them are not adequately regulated) for use in the world that have hormonal effects in addition to toxic and carcinogenic effects.

Xenoestrogens cause estrogen dominance which in turn causes a multitude of health issues, including:

    * Breast cancer (the increasing rate of breast cancer in North America has nearly tripled since 1950)

    * Fibrocystic breasts

    * Autoimmune disorders (such as lupus and thyroiditis)

    * Increased blood clotting (increasing the risk of stroke)

    * Allergies (including asthma, hives, rashes, sinus congestion)

    * Acceleration of the aging process

    * Uterine cancer

    * Hair loss

    * Fat gain

    * Memory loss

    * Osteoporosis

    * Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

    * Prostate cancer

    * Thyroid dysfunction

    * Infertility

    * Decreased male sexual performance

    * Decreased sperm count

Xenoestrogens not only affect humans, but also affect our environment.  Several studies have found a feminization of males in every class of vertebrate animals from fish to mammals.  Aquatic animals are especially affected as they live in contaminated water.  Xenoestrogens, through pesticides and herbicides, are also found on the produce we eat.  Are you getting the picture yet?  This epidemic is life threatening as it is not only affecting our health but also affecting our food sources.

Some sources of xenoestrogens include:


    * Personal care products and cosmetics (Contain synthetic chemicals that are not regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and may be the worst culprit as they are applied on the skin and directly absorbed into the body.)

    * All artificial scents (air fresheners, perfumes, etc. contain phthalates)

    * Detergents (Contain many synthetic chemicals, such as diethanolamine (DEA), which is suspected of increasing the risk of cancer, and sodium hydroxide, which is very caustic and can burn eyes, skin and internal organs.)

    * Birth control pills and spermicides (Birth control pills promote continuously high levels of estrogen, and most spermicides contain nonoxynol-9 which breaks down into nonylphenol, a known xenoestrogen, and can increase the risk of infection.)

    * Commercially raised meat (Beef, chicken and pork are injected with growth hormones.)

    * Plastics, plastic bottles and plastic food wraps (Made with bisphenol-A, a compound used as a bonding agent to make plastics more stable and less breakable.  Several studies have shown bisphenol-A to have severe adverse health effects.)

    * Canned foods (Metal cans contain plastic linings with bisphenol-A to eliminate the metal taste in foods.)

    * Styrofoam cups (made of polystyrene, a by-product of petroleum)

    * Pesticides and herbicides (DDT was banned in the United States but it is still manufactured in the United States and shipped to Third World countries.  (Have you noticed from where a large portion of our produce is coming?)

    * Paints, lacquers and solvents

    * Industrial wastes

We are being attacked by xenoestrogens from everywhere.  In today’s world it is impossible to escape all of them.  But, there are several ways you can begin to eliminate them from your home:

    * Use organic personal care products (soaps, lotions, shampoos, deodorants, etc.)

    * Use organic cosmetics and naturally based perfumes

    * Use natural (bioidentical) progesterone instead of synthetic hormone replacement therapies (HRT) (You need to have your hormone levels checked before beginning any HRT program!)

    * Use condoms without spermicide instead of birth control pills

    * Use simple detergents with less chemicals, and don’t use fabric softeners as they put petrochemicals right onto your skin

    * Avoid air fresheners that contain phthalates

    * Avoid synthetic chemicals

    * Avoid meats that contain growth hormones

    * Buy organic produce that is grown without the use of pesticides, herbicides or synthetic fertilizers, and wash your food well

    * Use glass or ceramic to store food and water

    * Don’t use plastic goods, as all plastics leach into the environment

    * Don’t microwave food in plastic or styrofoam containers, and avoid using plastic wrap to cover food when microwaving

    * Use natural pest control, and eliminate all pesticides, herbicides and fungicides

Any changes you can make will not only increase your health and wellness, but will help to save our environment.  For a healthier alternative in health care, personal care, cleaning,  please visit, dedicated to promoting only those companies who produce truly natural products.


Here’s the deal—all of these estrogens, regardless of whether you get them from your environment or from yourself; you MUST get rid of them and you MUST protect yourself from them.

Stop in to Kasia Salon to learn more about chemical free & xenoestrogen free services as well as a wide variety of health, beauty, and supplement products that will help stay clear of harmful effects long term for you and your family! 


REFERENCES AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: WHI Follow-up Study Confirms Health Risks of Long-Term Combination Hormone Therapy Outweigh Benefits for Postmenopausal Women, Women’s Health Initiative, National Institutes of Health Xenoestrogens and Their Impact on Breast Cancer, Testicular Cancer, Male Fertility and General Human Health, Peter Merino Xenoestrogens and Women’s Health, Sandra Steinbraber and Kathryn Patton, Infertility Workshop

Is your health, home and beauty only skin deep?

An interesting and important  book is has hit the market for all Informed Beauty's.

The Healthy Home is about the dangerous substances  that we may be exposed to on a daily basis, and the simple but effective changes we can start making to help us reduce the toxic burden of living in the modern world.  Love it!


Seven Steps for a Looking Better — From the Inside Out 

By Dr. Myron Wentz and Dave Wentz Authors of The Healthy Home: Simple Truths to Protect Your Family From Hidden Household Dangers 

At one time or another, we’ve all heard the saying that beauty comes from within. This saying means more than you know. How well you look on the outside greatly depends on how well you take care of your body on the inside. Your daily habits, whether good or bad, greatly contribute to how healthy your cells are, and, in turn, how youthful or how aged you look. 

If you want to look better, you have to take better care of your body on the cellular level. Here are seven things you can start doing today that will improve the way you look and feel, from the inside out. 

Diet Your skin is your largest and most visible organ, yet it is the last to receive nutrients from the body. Keep your skin healthy (and looking good) by eating foods rich in protein and healthy fats. Healthy fats like monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, along with key amino acids and protein, are crucial for collagen formation and cell repair. Lean meats like chicken and fish, along with avocado, nuts, and olive oil, provide these critical nutrients. Additionally, foods high in antioxidants, such as dark berries and leafy greens, help fight against free radicals that cause oxidative damage to your cells.

Water Aside from eating right, you should also stay hydrated. Why? Your body is made up of more than 10 trillion cells, and they all need water to operate at an optimal level. Water helps your cells keep their shape, and acts as a conduit for healthy, necessary biochemical processes within your cells to take place. Our bodies are more than 60 percent water, so replenishing lost fluids throughout the day is necessary for healthy cells and glowing, healthy skin. There are many sports drinks and fruit juices out there claiming to “rehydrate,”but purified water is best. Drink eight to 12 eight-ounce cups of water a day.

Supplements If you are like the average American adult, you are not getting the nutrients your body requires to function at its best. Poor eating habits consisting of processed, fatty, sugary foods can lead to many health concerns, including erratic blood sugar levels and obesity. Even if you try your best to eat the freshest fruits and vegetables, you are probably still lacking several key nutrients because it’s difficult to consume the amount of nutrients your body needs to function properly with food alone. To help ward off malnutrition, supplement a healthy diet with high-quality vitamins and minerals. Studies show that synergistic vitamin and mineral blends yield better results than taking individual nutrients on their own.

Every body is different, so start with a high quality multivitamin or vitamin pack and then customize additional nutrients as needed. And remember: it could take several months of consistently taking your vitamins to see visible results. Just know you’re doing your body a favor by giving it exactly what it needs to function at an optimal level. 

Sleep There is a reason it’s called “beauty sleep.” Getting quality rest in a good quantity — 6–8 hours — every night gives your body and mind a chance to recuperate from the stresses of the day. But this is also the time when your cells repair themselves. If this process is disrupted, it will show on your face through puffiness, dark circles, and uneven skin tone. If you have trouble falling asleep, there are a few natural options. A melatonin supplement can work with your body’s natural melatonin production to help you achieve optimal rest for renewed energy. Try incorporating a repetitive habit into your daily bedtime routine to help mentally trigger your brain to shut down for the night. Reading is one such activity. Regular exercise can also improve the quality of your rest. Speaking of exercise. . .

Exercise Regular cardiovascular and strength training will not only help you feel better; it will help you look better too. Regular exercise can boost your mood and improve your sexual drive, and sweating during exercise helps cleanse your pores of toxins to reveal brighter, healthier-looking skin.

Quit Smoking Smokers are basically asking their skin to age faster. Nothing damages your skin and overall health more. According to the Mayo Clinic, “Smoking narrows the tiny blood vessels in the outermost layers of skin, which decreases blood flow. This depletes the skin of oxygen and nutrients, such as vitamin A, that are important to skin health.”Smoking also reduces your skin’s elasticity, which will increase those lines on your forehead and around your eyes. Stop Stressing It may be hard to believe, but the mental strain caused by stress can also tax the body. Excessive stress can lead to all sorts of damage, including high blood pressure and heart disease. But it also causes skin damage, including wrinkles and breakouts. Managing your stress correctly can produce positive results on how you look and feel. Even just a few minutes of silent meditation or deep breathing can help calm and de-stress the body and the mind.

One Last Thought Your skin will eventually age — that is inevitable. But simple steps like the ones listed above can keep the signs of aging at bay for as long as possible.

It’s also important to remember that not all skin care products are made with the highest quality ingredients and are best for your skin. Stay away from products that contain harsh chemicals and preservatives that actually speed up the aging process and will eventually cause more harm than good. Remember, your skin is the last organ to receive nutrients from the body and often the first to show signs of nutritional deficiency. Proper nutrition and a well-balanced diet are truly the key factors for overall health and beauty.

© 2011 Dr. Myron Wentz and Dave Wentz, authors of The Healthy Home: Simple Truths to Protect Your Family From Hidden Household Dangers

Author Bios

Dr. Myron Wentz , author of The Healthy Home: Simple Truths to Protect Your Family From Hidden Household Dangers, holds a Ph.D. in microbiology with a specialty in immunology from the University of Utah. He founded Gull Laboratories in 1974 and developed the first commercially available diagnostic test for the Epstein-Barr virus. Later, he founded USANA Health Sciences andSanoviv Medical Institute. Dr. Wentz was honored in June 2007 with the Albert Einstein Award for Outstanding Achievement in theLife Sciences. He is the author of A Mouth Full of Poison and Invisible Miracles. He travels the world with his lovely partner, Prudence.

Dave Wentz , author of The Healthy Home: Simple Truths to Protect Your Family From Hidden Household Dangers, is chief executive officer of USANA Health Sciences, a state-of-the-art manufacturer of nutritional supplements and health products. He received a bachelor’s degree in bioengineering from the University of California, San Diego. Dave lives with his wife, Reneé, and children, Andrew and Sydney, in Salt Lake City, Utah, where he enjoys skydiving, playing volleyball and soccer, mountain biking, and skiing Utah’s famous powder. For more information please visit


99% of Pregnant Women in US Test Positive for Multiple Chemicals

99% of Pregnant Women in US Test Positive for Multiple Chemicals Including Banned Ones

ScienceDaily (Jan. 16, 2011) — The bodies of virtually all U.S. pregnant women carry multiple chemicals, including some banned since the 1970s and others used in common products such as non-stick cookware, processed foods and personal care products, according to a new study from UCSF. The study marks the first time that the number of chemicals to which pregnant women are exposed has been counted.

Analyzing data for 163 chemicals, researchers detected polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), organochlorine pesticides, perfluorinated compounds (PFCs), phenols, polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), phthalates, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and perchlorate in 99 to 100 percent of pregnant women. Among the chemicals found in the study group were PBDEs, compounds used as flame retardants now banned in many states including California, and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane ( DDT), an organochlorine pesticide banned in the United States in 1972.

Bisphenol A (BPA), which makes plastic hard and clear, and is found in epoxy resins that are used to line the inside of metal food and beverage cans, was identified in 96 percent of the women surveyed. Prenatal exposure to BPA has been linked to adverse health outcomes, affecting brain development and increasing susceptibility to cancer later in life, according to the researchers.

Findings will be published in Environmental Health Perspectives on Jan. 14.

The study was not designed to identify direct connections to adverse health outcomes.

"It was surprising and concerning to find so many chemicals in pregnant women without fully knowing the implications for pregnancy," said lead author Tracey Woodruff, PhD, MPH, director of the UCSF Program on Reproductive Health and the Environment.

"Several of these chemicals in pregnant women were at the same concentrations that have been associated with negative effects in children from other studies. In addition, exposure to multiple chemicals that can increase the risk of the same adverse health outcome can have a greater impact than exposure to just one chemical," said Woodruff, an associate professor in the UCSF Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences.

Exposure to chemicals during fetal development has been shown to increase the risk of adverse health consequences, including preterm birth and birth defects, childhood morbidity, and adult disease and mortality according to the research team. In addition, chemicals can cross the placenta and enter the fetus, and in other studies, a number of chemicals measured in maternal urine and serum have been found in amniotic fluid, cord blood and meconium, they state.

The researchers analyzed data for 268 pregnant women from the National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey (NHANES) 2003-2004, a nationally representative sample of the U.S. population.

"Our findings indicate several courses of action. First, additional research is needed to identify dominant sources of exposure to chemicals and how they influence our health, especially in reproduction," said Woodruff. "Second, while individuals can take actions in their everyday lives to protect themselves from toxins, significant, long-lasting change only will result from a systemic approach that includes proactive government policies."

Co-authors of the study are Ami R. Zota and Jackie M. Schwartz of the Program on Reproductive Health and the Environment, UCSF Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences.

Why We Need To Remove Toxic Chemicals From Our Bodies

We live in a toxic world.

By simply avoiding toxic chemicals in your home and specifically taking an action that removes toxic chemicals from my body, one should experience these improvements:

* sleeping more deeply and getting a full night’s rest * waking up refreshed and rested

* having good energy, but not hyper

* clear mind

* feeling happy and cheerful

* feeling like I have the energy to do whatever I want

* digestive tract improvement

* suddenly scheduling evening social activities instead of resting

* getting a lot of work done

* not feeling stressed

* don't feel like I'm "slogging through the mud"

* eyesight noticeably better

* wanting to go for a walk instead of making myself exercise * increased strength and muscle development without exercise * feeling more alive and vibrant * skin is very soft and smooth, a noticeable change

* lost six pounds in one week with no exercise or change of diet

* feeling like I can take on more and bigger projects

Avoiding new chemical exposures in my home got my body from being disabled to functional, detoxing my body to remove the chemicals stored in my body from past exposures is bringing my body closer to its natural state of good health.

Our Toxic World

We can take control of the toxic chemicals we are exposed to at home, but the minute we walk out the door we encounter all kinds of toxic chemicals from pesticides spraying, automobile and commercial vehicle exhaust, airplane exhaust, incinerator emissions, manufacturing smokestacks and other industrial sources. As soon as we walk into a building, we’re likely to be hit with toxic emissions from building materials, carpets, pesticides, and cleaning products.

And the world has been toxic for at least as long as I’ve been alive. Rachel Carson wrote about the poisoning of songbirds by carcinogenic DDT in 1962, when I was seven years old. But researchers had already found residues of DDT in human fat in 1944. Before I was born, DDT had already been detected in Antarctic penguins living thousands of miles from the locations were the pesticide was being used.

In 2005, Environmental Working Group established that toxic industrial chemicals can be transferred from mother to baby before birth via the umbilical cord blood, proving that babies are now being born contaminated with toxic chemicals. But babies didn’t start being born contaminated in 2005. I suspect now that I was born contaminated way back in 1955. Toxic chemicals were already in consumer products and the environment then. We just didn’t know about them or their devastating effects.

So even if we remove toxic chemicals from our homes—where we have our greatest and most immediate toxic exposures—we still have already been exposed to toxic substances for most or all of our entire lives and continue to be exposed to toxic chemicals out in the world each day.

This is just the reality of today’s world. There is no place on Earth that is 100% pristine, nor any product that is 100% pure.

We cannot avoid 100% of toxic chemicals that exist in the world today.

But until we remove toxic industrial chemicals from our Earth, there are things we can do to protect our health from this onslaught of poisons.

Learn about our Infrared Sauna for Detoxification at Kasia HERE

Your Body's Detoxification System

To sustain life, our body systems need inputs of food, water, and air and--equally as important—they need to eliminate wastes. When we don't eliminate wastes from our bodies, it's like having the garbage in our homes pile up because we haven't put it outside in the garbage can to be taken away. Not a very pretty sight either way.

Many millennia ago, when our bodies were designed to flourish in the larger web of life, the only wastes the body had to deal with were natural ones:

* metabolic wastes generated by body functions * foreign invaders, such as bacteria, viruses, mold, pollen and other natural materials * natural poisons, such as spider and snake bites, and toxic chemicals in smoke

Because our bodies need to eliminate things that don’t belong in them, they have natural systems of purification and elimination to keep the whole body system running smoothly. Toxic chemicals enter the body through being injected into the skin (such as drugs), ingested through the mouth (such as pesticides in food), absorption through the skin (such as chlorine while taking a shower or swimming in a pool) and inhalation through the nose (such as toxic chemicals in cleaning products). Toxic chemicals then enter the bloodstream, which carries them to all parts of the body. Then they exit the body through the kidneys via urine, through the liver via bile which goes into the intestines and leaves the body through feces, through the skin via sweat, and through the lungs as we breathe.

How toxic chemicals in consumer products and in the environment affect the health of your individual body depends entirely on the condition of your body’s detoxification system.

Body Burden

If your body’s detoxification system is not working well, or is insufficient for the amount of chemicals you are exposed to, then the toxic chemicals that come into your body will not be excreted, but instead will be stored in your fat, semen, breast milk, muscles, bones, brain, liver and other organs.The total amount of these chemicals that are being stored in your body at a given point in time is called your “body burden.”

Various chemicals move through your body at different rates. Arsenic, for example, is mostly excreted within 72 hours of exposure. Some pesticides can remain in your body for 50 years. Of course, how quickly chemicals are removed from your body depends on the condition of your body’s detoxification system and the amount of toxic chemicals you are exposed to. When you are continuously exposed to toxic chemicals, more toxic chemicals enter the body than can be removed by your detoxification system, and body burden results.

Approximately 80,000 industrial chemicals are used in the United States. We are exposed to these chemicals through the consumer products we use and from the air, water, and soil pollution put into the environment by their manufacture.

Scientists say that everyone alive today is contaminated with at least 700 toxic chemicals in their bodies. It doesn’t matter where you live or what you do. Just being on this planet, every body is contaminated.

In recent years it has become abundantly clear that we are being exposed to more toxic chemicals than our bodies can eliminate. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is now monitoring the body burden of the US population, taking samples every two years.

EPA biopsies of human fat show that 100% of human bodies have carcinogenic PCBs, styrene, dichlorobenzene, xylene and dioxins stockpiled in their fat.

The condition of your detoxification system determines how much of each chemical is eliminated from the body versus how much is stored, and where in the body it is stored.

Toxic Overload

Quite simply, in today's world

health = the amount of toxics we are exposed to + our body’s ability to detoxify

For good health the ratio should be less exposure to toxic chemicals than the capacity of our bodies to detox.

But for most people the ratio is more exposure to toxic chemicals than the capacity of our bodies to detox. Not only is the volume of toxic exposures greater than our natural capacity to detox, but our natural capacity is diminished by the toxic chemicals as they harm and overwhelm detoxification organs such as liver and kidneys.

Our bodies simply don’t have enough “detox ability” to handle the amount of toxic chemicals we are exposed to.

What We Can Do

When toxic chemicals build up in our bodies because our bodies are not able to eliminate them, we need to give our bodies some help.

There are two things we can do.

1. Reduce our exposure to toxic chemicals, at least in our own homes and workplaces. 2. Remove toxic chemicals from our bodies by a) Improving the functioning of our bodies’ detoxification systems and b) remove toxic chemicals directly from our bodies.

By taking these actions, we can give our bodies the best chance for good health.

This article is shared from Debra at :

Learn about our Infrared Sauna for Detoxification at Kasia HERE

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