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How Removing These Key Food Items Can Offer Clear Skin + More Energy

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Today we shine more light on the potential hidden dark side of certain foods that could be causing a myriad of symptoms we experience every so often, and even daily (fatigue). Miss the intro to nightshades? Get that here, or just review below!

I’m going to pose the possibility that a food reaction may be a culprit of fatigue,  bloating and skin flare ups. One culprit has hit the google stream as of late, so let’s focus on one of the most commons hidden food triggers, nightshades. Let’s explore what happens when the body “perceives” itself being attacked and it’s damage over time.



Have you ever been on an elimination diet?  Even if you haven’t, many have at some point experienced how frustrating it is to figure out skin flare ups or fatigue based food triggers.

I think for many women, we seem to have pinpointed a problem only to discover it’s not what you think or you just opened the outer layer of an onion.

As a natural skincare formulator and having done my share of facials, I see firsthand how the rise of low grade inflammatory conditions affect women’s energy - and their skin.

Many women experience low grade puffiness due to water retention, eczema flareups to name a few, and the nutritional world is now connecting to nightshades as a often underlying factor for people with chronic inflammatory conditions.

In Fact: A very telling study from 2017 found that 52% of psoriasis sufferers saw an improvement by removing nightshades from their diet.

So with a conclusion of 50% of people suffering from really, a inflammatory response in the body, it’s a high enough number to test out what the triggers are by simply removing items from your diet.

  • Tomatoes

  • Tomatillos

  • Chili Peppers

  • Bell Peppers

  • Eggplant

  • Potatoes (not Sweet Potatoes)

  • Gogi berries

  • Huckleberries

  • Chili powders

  • Cayenne pepper

  • Paprika

  • Red Pepper Flakes

  • Tobacco

  • Ashwagandha (an adaptogenic herb)

  • Sorrel

  • Gooseberries (also known as Goldenberries)

  • Belladonna (typically found as a homeopathic remedy)

Circling back, the primary reason that nightshades could trigger skin specific ailments and other symptoms are due to naturally-occurring phytochemicals called Lectins that are there to protect the food from its natural environment and pests.

The problem is, unlike pesticides, we cannot rinse them off because they grow within the plant.   

Other than Lectins, here are three additional tagalongs to look for:

  • Salicylates

  • Histamines

  • Glycoalkaloids (most notably Solanine)

Salicylates can certainly be tricky to identify. Many “prescribed” low-salicylate diets are give to calm eczema or atopic dermatitis. A salicylate sensitivity is a reflection of liver detoxification issues versus relation to the gut.

That means it’s not actually a food issue, but your liver struggling to process salicylates through Phase Two Detox.  For this phase its critically important to support the pathway with healthy fats and protein so the body can convert toxins - out of the liver channel.  

As far as histamine is concerned, nightshade foods can create a higher histamine burden than your body can handle.  For myself, I also found bone broth consumption put me over the edge due to the slow ferment process.
High histamine responses often manifest into hives, itchiness, swelling, nausea, heart palpitations, elevations in blood pressure, anxiety, and other GI symptoms.

If you suspect histamines, I suggest adding support  so you can better breakdown of histamines in your diet by supplementing with the DAO enzyme about 10 minutes before eating every meal.


As far as the Glycoalkaloids like solanine, the information is newer to the nutrition and health community.  Dr. Gundry has done a incredible job of pointing out his one to one findings on all kinds of flares due to phytochemicals.


He notes  glycoalkaloids —  much like lectins, are the plant’s first line of defense against bugs, viruses, bacteria, animals, and even humans, which might even cause digestive issues like vomiting, diarrhea, and severe abdominal pain.

They grip onto cholesterol in your body’s cell membranes. The cholesterol is there to strengthen your cell membranes so they’re less permeable to molecules that may want to pass through and cause damage to the cell.

Without cholesterol, your cell membranes wouldn’t be strong enough to keep out these molecules. It’s the perfect place for glycoalkaloids to strike because once the cholesterol is attacked, your cells could split or leak.

One of the things to note about glycoalkaloid toxins is that they take your body a long time to process — more than a day in some cases.

Removing the Triggers

Just the words “food elimination diet” harbors a feeling of fear and restriction. Suggestions here are meant for exploration so you can heal and feel better.

Removing too many items can lead to both micronutrient and macronutrient deficiencies and nightshades are not a problem for everyone.

Nightshade Reduction

To test out if nightshades and the three tagalongs of salicites, solanines and glycoalkaloids are an issue, try completely excluding them from your diet for 3 weeks. See if you notice any improvement in your health and skin. Nightshades can be hidden in the products, so read labels carefully. One biggy here fiding and staying clear of potato starch and spices.

There are great replacements for these foods, like avocado, Brussels sprouts, and Jerusalem artichokes. Here’s a quick guide on how to replace!


FREE your mind from restriction! Here’s great recipes free of nightshades!

Here’s 31 Quick & Easy Lectin-Free & Nightshade Free Snack Ideas

Tell me!

Have you tried eliminating Nightshades before and what was the result?

If you haven’t given it a try yet, are you considering this elimination?

Till next time ….. Love n’ Light! - Kassandra

Premier Research Labs and your Beautiful Health!


*Note:  Kasia Organic Salon offers multiple PRL Products. Please contact Kassie ( for further questions or availability. 


Kassie has studied and practiced whole health and nutrition for years, integrating and inside-out approach.   Our hair, skin, and desired healthy weight are directly linked to  how we metabolize hormones, internal detoxification, and the link of our "second brain" -- our digestive health.  Kassie has partnered with PRL and has trained in on  state-of-the-art QRA 4-Polarity testing to be sure you are not doing more harm to your health - with toxic supplements and/or dis-ease within your health/body.

The vast majority of  discomfort have a root cause in hidden infections, chemical or other toxic exposure, and low functioning organs. Once the body’s organs are properly tonified and toxins are eliminated, many illnesses can be effectively cleared for the long term.

Wasting your money on  "Supplements?"

Chances are the products you are using may not be utilized by your body.  QRA can prove it to you.   Clients are pleasantly surprised when they start on PRL.  Feel the difference in your "Beautiful Health"  energy!

What is Quantum Reflex Analysis?

QRA  is a simple way of allowing the body to tell us what it needs to heal. It is the union of science-based kinesiological testing, time-proven ancient therapies,  analysis of the body's  biofield, and outstanding nutrition and detoxification breakthroughs. QRA provides a comprehensive system to initiate the most rapid resolution.

QRA can be used to clearly identify:

- Regions of weakness within the body

- How your body, and individual organs, etc., responds to individual supplements

- Whether your body responds to specific foods with strength or weakness

- What your body is weakened by, involving toxins, allergies, and so much more

Most supplements, believe it or not, test toxic.  PRL products are EXCIPIEN FREE.  They contain no toxic tagalongs like magnesium stearate, fillers, or dyes. Over time, those things can destroy the DNA.   Dr. Marshall has invested in state-of-the-art equipment that tests every product that is sent to his lab.  Whatever tests toxic is immediately sent back to the manufacturer  Dr. Marshall uses only herbs and products from parts of the world that are free of pollutants.


The body has the ability to heal itself given the right component. If you have been struggling with your health it is time to seek new modalities, this could be the answer for you.

  • Sometimes just eliminating Interference Fields can change a person’s life.
  • Nutritional support
  • Sometimes addressing  stress
  • Emotional blocks

Premier Research Labs is the world's first producer of cellular resonance products that are capable of restoring  coherence to the body's inherent biofield.

Look for upcoming articles on the best use of PRL products and Beautiful Health Topics on the Kasia BLOG!

Yerba Mate plant effects your Beautiful Health….infused Kasia Tea.

Yerba Mate is an amazing plant….infused  Fair Trade Kasia Tea.

"It is difficult to find a plant in any area of the world equal to Mate in nutritional value."

Yerba Mate is a sought after source of difficult to find important nutrients: Vitamins B-1, B-2, A, riboflavin, carotene, colin, pantothenic acid, inositol and 15 types of amino acids (F. Alikaridis 1987). It also contains significant quantities of the all important iron, potassium, and magnesium minerals, something Green Tea lacks. As noted by The Pasteur Institute and the Paris Scientific Society, "It is difficult to find a plant in any area of the world equal to Mate in nutritional value."

More about Yerba Mate

Just about everyone has felt the jittery side effects of stimulants at one time or another. Yerba mate, in contrast, appears to give your brain a boost without making you nervous. You feel alert and sharp. Interestingly, it actually works as a tonic for the central nervous system, calming the body and the mind. It has also been shown to improve mood and concentration, reduce anxiety, and prevent mental fatigue.


How it works

There are 196 chemicals in yerba mate that are active in the body including B vitamins; Vitamins A, C, and E; and the minerals calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, and selenium. And mate has 11 polyphenols, which are powerful antioxidants. Plus, it's high in chlorophyll, which gives it its rich green color and may offer additional antioxidant benefits.


But the most important chemical in mate is one by the name of "mateine." Mateine is a xanthine alkaloid. You might have heard of other xanthines, such as caffeine, theophylline, and theobromine. Mateine appears to possess the best combination of xanthine properties. Like other xanthines, it stimulates the central nervous system, but unlike others, it doesn't appear to be addicting. Unlike caffeine, it isn't a strong diuretic, so it's much less likely to dehydrate the body.


Mistakenly, many people think of all xanthines in herbal supplements as caffeine. But whether you call it mateine or mistake it for caffeine, a cup of mate will likely give you quite a lift. For a quick comparison, 50 grams of yerba mate (a typical cup of the tea) with a typical mateine content of 1 to 1.5% by weight contains the equivalent of 500 to 750 mg of caffeine. But a typical cup of coffee contains only 80 to 175 mg of caffeine, and a cup of tea has about half that amount. Thus, we're looking at over twice the "active" ingredient. You might achieve lift off with mate, without the side effects associated with other popular stimulants.


Increased energy and fat burning

The result of the chemical combination in mate may, obviously, be a BIG increase in energy and fat burning. One of the most remarkable abilities of mate appears to be that it gives users energy without the muscle tension associated with caffeine. In fact, all xanthines, with the exception of caffeine, cause smooth muscle relaxation.

Mate may help support long-term energy by maintaining energy production with oxygen for longer periods of time, which burns more calories, improves heart efficiency, and delays buildup of endurance, robbing waste products, such as lactic acid that are created by anaerobic glycolysis (energy production without oxygen). One indicator that it is working to burn more fat is a drop in something called the respiratory quotient (RQ), which indicates a rise in the proportion of fat being oxidized or burned in the body. Science is revealing that it also helps stabilize blood sugar to potentially reduce the risk of diabetes and hypoglycemia.

Other powerful benefits

Improved sleep:

Incredibly, mate does not interfere with sleep. In fact, it improves sleep and increases rapid eye movement (REM) sleep as well as the time spent in deep sleep (delta sleep). Many people report that they require less sleep when using mate because they sleep deeper.

Digestive function and detoxification

Mate has been shown to improve digestion and repair damaged gastrointestinal tissues. It may control constipation by softening stools and stimulating intestinal contractions. Mate also may help detoxify the body by increasing water loss thru urination, digestive movements, and evacuation.

Safe for the heart

While other stimulants, like caffeine and ephedra, are feared to potentially have harmful effects on the heart, mate has been shown to actually be good for the heart. It may increase the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the heart during stress or exercise and may lower blood pressure and improve circulation in some people by relaxing blood vessels.


Immune support

Mate appears to boost immunity both by fighting infectious organisms and supporting immune cells, particularly white blood cells, in the body. Vitamins C and E, found in mate, are important for immune support. Unlike other herbs that may continuously stimulate the immune system, mate acts to balance immunity as a tonic. Saponins are also important chemicals in mate, which may be partially responsible for its immune-supporting effects.


Improve lung function Yerba mate also helps relieve allergies by stimulating the adrenal glands to produce corticosteroids, which suppress inflammation and overactive immune responses. It also opens the respiratory passages. This is good news for athletes since these benefits aid optimal breathing and get more oxygen into the body. Mate's potential to relax muscles may make it useful for asthma since it appears to dilate the bronchi (gas absorbers in your lungs).


Featuring Kasia Beautiful Health, Artisan Fair Trade Cocoa-Coconut Tea! Learn More HERE! 

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