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Optimize, Repolarize and Detoxify with Polar Mins! (One of our best kept secrets inside)

Optimize your beautiful health with Polar Mins!   

This is one of my favorite "little secrets" to optimizing both the value of nutrition, and your very own health internally and externally.  Learn more about Polar Mins, and the easy - key assets it brings to your every day life.  

Main Benefits:

  • Polar Mins detoxifies and repolarizes raw, uncooked fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, and other raw foods.     

  • Helps to remove harmful pesticide residues.

  • Helps with rapid repolarization of your body.

  •   A Geomagnetic, Colloidal Ocean Mineral Concentrate from the South Pole.

  • polar mins  The most complete, electrochemically charged and trace element mineral tonic in the world

  •     A rich, natural and highly concentrated source of all minerals and trace elements from the deep, pristine Southern Ocean near Antarctica

  •     100:1 concentrate: 1 gallon of Polar Mins is equal to the minerals found in 100 gallons of ocean water

  •     Derived by a proprietary sun-evaporation process from ultra-pure Antarctic-originated water; over 97% of the salt (NaCl) has been removed, leaving a pure, highly ionized mineral concentrate

  •     Natural, ionized minerals are the most easily absorbed and are necessary for literally all body functions as well as efficient, deep-seated detoxification *

  •     Excellent as a mineral spray to detoxify and repolarize food

  •     A highly electrically charged mineral concentrate for whole body super-health and wellbeing *

The Origin of Polar Mins

The Southern Ocean surrounding the South Pole. Polar Mins come from one of the purest, most uncontaminated oceans on earth, the Southern Ocean, located near the South Magnetic Pole - the point on the Earth's surface where the geomagnetic field lines are directed vertically upwards - producing unusually excellent mineral ionization.

The highly ionized minerals in Polar Mins assist in breaking down chemical accumulation within the body. These same minerals are also easily absorbed by cells and aids in hydration and flushing out toxins. Only a small amount in a glass of drinking water is needed to deliver these ionized minerals.

How to Detoxify and Re-polarize Food

To detoxify and repolarize raw, uncooked fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, and other raw foods, fill a spray bottle with 90% purified water and 10% Polar Mins by volume. Shake a few times to mix the ingredients. For each individual food item (such as a tomato, apple, or banana), spray over approximately 4 times, wait 30 seconds and rinse before eating.  For other produce like collard greens and broccoli, spray the simages-1tems or roots in addition to spraying the entire food item, wait for 30 seconds and rinse thoroughly. When soaking nuts, grains, and legumes, add a few drops to the soak water. Make sure to rinse thoroughly.

Since a raw food item is still in a living state, the Polar Mins spray acts as an excellent electrochemical "foliar feed," supplying badly needed ionized minerals to detoxify any toxic components of the food as well as allowing the food item to absorb highly beneficial minerals which helps create electromagnetically superior "structured water" inside its cells. This procedure is excellent even for organic foods which are still typically deficient in mineral content (as compared to optimal mineral levels).

Dermal Mist

The Polar Mins Spray may also be used to "mist" skin areas on the body such as the arms, legs, face, head, hair, etc. Just as raw foods are able to absorb ionized minerals, human skin can easily absorb them as well. Use 1 to 4 sprays at a time on various body areas (spray directly on bare skin) as an excellent energy boost or to supply ionized minerals to specific body areas. To avoid unnecessary detoxification, allow some time between misting (if more than 4 sprays are used).

Keeping Your Plants Healthy

House plants love Polar Mins! For enhanced, more luxuriant plant growth (inside or out), either water them with a 10% solution of Polar Mins once a month or spray them frequently. Plants need ionized minerals, too!

The Phosphate Dilemma

Food grown on land that has been treated with commercial forms of acid-treated phosphates do not incorporate the phosphate into its molecular structure, but instead, trap the phosphate in a free form. In contrast, natural electrochemical colloids (as found in sea minerals) prevent this effect, so the phosphate can be properly arranged within its molecule.

When people eat commercial foods grown with excessive amounts of acid-treated phosphates, they excrete a high percentage in their urine. In contrast, foods grown with colloidal phosphate have a balanced phosphate structure in their cells; when people eat these foods, the body will conserve them and not need to dump them out in the urine. People who go on high levels of raw foods that have been grown on soils treated with acid-treated phosphate will begin to have health concerns with their water balance, creating artificial dehydration.

This is one of the main reasons for steaming or boiling commercially grown vegetables and grains. The heating process releases trapped free phosphates which would be harmful, yet leaves good colloid phosphates already in place to be active when consumed. It is best to throw out the leftover water from steaming or boiling commercial produce because it will be high in free phosphates.

Worldwide research (from Popp, Korzykski, LeBon, Picardi, Sckwenk) has demonstrated the importance of electrochemical compound colloids. Researcher Albert Popp of Germany found that the structure of water is determined by minute quantities of electrochemical compound colloids. The structuring of water in body fluids can enhance or detract from the transmission of blueprint information to DNA. If the water in body fluids is more structured (and therefore will have a higher surface electrical charge), it will have a higher energy potential. This means the water, through the effect of the electrochemical colloids, will be able to transport energy (such as heat, electromagnetic energies) at much higher, more efficient levels in and out of cells - in short, increased cellular energy and function.

Sea minerals are very high in electrochemical compound colloids so when consumed, the body can function at much higher efficiency. Polar Mins are an unusually excellent source of the full spectrum of sea minerals from the deep, pristine sea near Antarctica so they deliver a superior source of colloids for immediate use by the body's cells.

Polar Mins

Serving Size: 2.5 ml (1/2 teaspoon)
Servings Per Container: about 100
Sodium   90mg
Potassium   116mg
Calcium   0.02mg
Magnesium   422mg
Sulfur   69mg
Carbon   109mg
100% pure Antarctic-derived mineral concentrate  (over 97% of salt has been removed)

All supplements are sold at Kasia, and may be ordered via telephone.  Stop by Kasia Organic Salon for additional questions.    612 824 7611

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This health product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.  Health Products USA recommends consulting a physician before taking any health supplements.

Yerba Mate plant effects your Beautiful Health….infused Kasia Tea.

Yerba Mate is an amazing plant….infused  Fair Trade Kasia Tea.

"It is difficult to find a plant in any area of the world equal to Mate in nutritional value."

Yerba Mate is a sought after source of difficult to find important nutrients: Vitamins B-1, B-2, A, riboflavin, carotene, colin, pantothenic acid, inositol and 15 types of amino acids (F. Alikaridis 1987). It also contains significant quantities of the all important iron, potassium, and magnesium minerals, something Green Tea lacks. As noted by The Pasteur Institute and the Paris Scientific Society, "It is difficult to find a plant in any area of the world equal to Mate in nutritional value."

More about Yerba Mate

Just about everyone has felt the jittery side effects of stimulants at one time or another. Yerba mate, in contrast, appears to give your brain a boost without making you nervous. You feel alert and sharp. Interestingly, it actually works as a tonic for the central nervous system, calming the body and the mind. It has also been shown to improve mood and concentration, reduce anxiety, and prevent mental fatigue.


How it works

There are 196 chemicals in yerba mate that are active in the body including B vitamins; Vitamins A, C, and E; and the minerals calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, and selenium. And mate has 11 polyphenols, which are powerful antioxidants. Plus, it's high in chlorophyll, which gives it its rich green color and may offer additional antioxidant benefits.


But the most important chemical in mate is one by the name of "mateine." Mateine is a xanthine alkaloid. You might have heard of other xanthines, such as caffeine, theophylline, and theobromine. Mateine appears to possess the best combination of xanthine properties. Like other xanthines, it stimulates the central nervous system, but unlike others, it doesn't appear to be addicting. Unlike caffeine, it isn't a strong diuretic, so it's much less likely to dehydrate the body.


Mistakenly, many people think of all xanthines in herbal supplements as caffeine. But whether you call it mateine or mistake it for caffeine, a cup of mate will likely give you quite a lift. For a quick comparison, 50 grams of yerba mate (a typical cup of the tea) with a typical mateine content of 1 to 1.5% by weight contains the equivalent of 500 to 750 mg of caffeine. But a typical cup of coffee contains only 80 to 175 mg of caffeine, and a cup of tea has about half that amount. Thus, we're looking at over twice the "active" ingredient. You might achieve lift off with mate, without the side effects associated with other popular stimulants.


Increased energy and fat burning

The result of the chemical combination in mate may, obviously, be a BIG increase in energy and fat burning. One of the most remarkable abilities of mate appears to be that it gives users energy without the muscle tension associated with caffeine. In fact, all xanthines, with the exception of caffeine, cause smooth muscle relaxation.

Mate may help support long-term energy by maintaining energy production with oxygen for longer periods of time, which burns more calories, improves heart efficiency, and delays buildup of endurance, robbing waste products, such as lactic acid that are created by anaerobic glycolysis (energy production without oxygen). One indicator that it is working to burn more fat is a drop in something called the respiratory quotient (RQ), which indicates a rise in the proportion of fat being oxidized or burned in the body. Science is revealing that it also helps stabilize blood sugar to potentially reduce the risk of diabetes and hypoglycemia.

Other powerful benefits

Improved sleep:

Incredibly, mate does not interfere with sleep. In fact, it improves sleep and increases rapid eye movement (REM) sleep as well as the time spent in deep sleep (delta sleep). Many people report that they require less sleep when using mate because they sleep deeper.

Digestive function and detoxification

Mate has been shown to improve digestion and repair damaged gastrointestinal tissues. It may control constipation by softening stools and stimulating intestinal contractions. Mate also may help detoxify the body by increasing water loss thru urination, digestive movements, and evacuation.

Safe for the heart

While other stimulants, like caffeine and ephedra, are feared to potentially have harmful effects on the heart, mate has been shown to actually be good for the heart. It may increase the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the heart during stress or exercise and may lower blood pressure and improve circulation in some people by relaxing blood vessels.


Immune support

Mate appears to boost immunity both by fighting infectious organisms and supporting immune cells, particularly white blood cells, in the body. Vitamins C and E, found in mate, are important for immune support. Unlike other herbs that may continuously stimulate the immune system, mate acts to balance immunity as a tonic. Saponins are also important chemicals in mate, which may be partially responsible for its immune-supporting effects.


Improve lung function Yerba mate also helps relieve allergies by stimulating the adrenal glands to produce corticosteroids, which suppress inflammation and overactive immune responses. It also opens the respiratory passages. This is good news for athletes since these benefits aid optimal breathing and get more oxygen into the body. Mate's potential to relax muscles may make it useful for asthma since it appears to dilate the bronchi (gas absorbers in your lungs).


Featuring Kasia Beautiful Health, Artisan Fair Trade Cocoa-Coconut Tea! Learn More HERE! 

Freebies...Inizio + Lululemon + Kasia Organic Salon

Inizio + Lululemon + Kasia Organic Salon

Mother's Day Event Friday, May 7th, 5:30-8:30pm

C'mon over to 50th and Penn for an evening of wine, shopping, pampering from Kasia Organic Salon, and a free workout class!

Make a $5 donation to the Jeremiah Program, helping single moms build a better life, and receive 10% off your purchase at Inizio.

Great gifts for Mother's Day!

Visit us at FRIDAY * Inizio Gifts and lululemon
2309 West 50th Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55410 612 824 7611

Come get GLAMMED with La Bella Donna Minerals!

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Nontoxique sale starting at Kasia -- -- running thru mothers day.


Best Tips for Makeup at Every Age


IN YOUR 20s - Forget about less is more. You can really go for it.

Go for a bright red or mauve lip, experiment with a bold eye like Beyonce.  20’s are a time you can play with colors and get away with it.


IN YOUR 30s - The idea in your thirties is to be powerful. Find you own style and work it to bring out your best features.

Whatever your strong feature is, play with that. The rule of thumb is to choose one. If you have a strong eye, have a softer lip and vice versa. Color is in for Spring with beige, lt. olive, café, pinks, amethyst, blue to showcase the season.

On lips sheerer shades are always best because a deep tone can be aging as lips lose fullness. Use a lighter gloss to tone down any rich winter color.


IN YOUR 40s - It’s all about being classic. You have to think of it as a black cashmere turtleneck - it never goes out of style.

Avoid anything too trendy. Skip liquid foundation because it settles on wrinkles. Go for the tried and true…use lipstick, which never goes out of style, bronzer to enhance cheekbones and bring the skin alive, brow powder to create a lift in the eye area and always two coats of mascara.

Eye shadow - a sultry, neutral palette works best.  Add a pop of color in blue or green.



A deeper foundation color and blush will warm up the skin and make you look younger.

Wear Natural Eye Makeup - Keep eyes fresh-looking with brown eyeliner instead of black—and stick to no more than one coat of mascara.

Always apply with a lighter touch wherever you are applying.

Do not use Matte powder - It makes one look like they’re wearing a mask, always go for the sheer luminating look – not shimmer.

IN YOUR 60sis all about soft colors and appropriate ingredients.

Don’t think that you have to highlight the eyes, or lips or cheeks. Applying makeup to more mature skin is all about a fresh, whole-face application that doesn’t highlight one particular area but flatters the whole face.

Less is more keeping skin moist with a bit of color will do the trick.

Kasia Organic Salon is a naturally based, 100% trusted company that    creates a environment that celebrates Informed, natural beauty.

Visit our website:  www.KasiaOrganicSalon.com, (612)-824-7611.


La Bella Donna is a revolutionary, pioneering concept in cosmetics: Minerals that behave like makeup. It is a complete collection of mineral-based formulas that are actually healthy for the skin because they are made from natural elements-mineral-based pigments for natural-looking colour and micronized Titanium Dioxide, a non-chemical sun block (SPF 20), for environmental protection. Iron Oxides provide the source of colour while Bismuth Oxychloride and Zinc Oxide act as anti-inflammatories. La Bella Donna products balance the moisture content of the skin, allowing it to breathe while blocking out the sun's harmful, damaging rays. They provide excellent coverage in a wide range of shades, containing no FD&C dyes, oil, talc, alcohol or fragrance.


Take a look as it is a little movie on how to turn our amazing minerals into a liquid foundation...Enjoy!

Determine Your Skin Tone * Mineral Makeup Guide

If the veins on your inside wrists are:

Blue: most likely a “cool” skin tone. Green: most likely a “warm” skin tone.


What do cool skin tones look like?

True olive complexions, like most Asians. Latinos and Afro Americans Brown with pink undertones/  Choose shades such as Caterina or Marinanna Minerals.

  • Medium and no color in cheeks
  • Medium with faint pink cheeks
  • Medium with golden undertones
  • Pale with no color in cheeks
  • Pale with pink undertones
  • Brown or bronze when tanned Golden brown when tanned

What color should naturally cool people avoid?

  • Avoid gold, yellow, red and bronze tones, which can make you sallow and drawn.

What colors will complement a cool skin tone?

The best shades, depending on the depth of the colors in your skin tone are;

  • Cool reds, as in burgundy or Bordeaux such as La Viva en Rose Baci or Pansy Lip Sheer.
  • Intense browns with a warm base, like red or blonde to the brown. Choose Suede Eye Shadow, or Sultry Olive. Add cheek color such as Tangerine or Pink Sorbet
  • Highlight with cool shades like, Wheat, Honey or Taupe or a cool ash brown.


What do warm skin tones look like? Choose mineral shades such as Marta, Umbria and Sophia.

  • Pale with peach or gold undertones
  • Golden brown when tanned

What color should naturally warm skin toned people avoid?

  • Naturally warm people should avoid blue, violet, white and jet-black hair. These colors next to your skin can make you look washed out.

What colors will most complement warm skin tones?

  • Deep rich browns like, chocolate, chestnut or auburns as a base. Highlight with warm golds and reds or copper. Choose Eye shadows such as Chocolate, Grapevine and Eggplant…Also Mocha or Dylan Blush and Blossom or Copper Lip Color.

Determine Your Skin Tone * Mineral Makeup Guide

If the veins on your inside wrists are:

Blue: most likely a “cool” skin tone. Green: most likely a “warm” skin tone.


What do cool skin tones look like?

True olive complexions, like most Asians. Latinos and Afro Americans Brown with pink undertones/  Choose shades such as Caterina or Marinanna Minerals.

  • Medium and no color in cheeks
  • Medium with faint pink cheeks
  • Medium with golden undertones
  • Pale with no color in cheeks
  • Pale with pink undertones
  • Brown or bronze when tanned Golden brown when tanned

What color should naturally cool people avoid?

  • Avoid gold, yellow, red and bronze tones, which can make you sallow and drawn.

What colors will complement a cool skin tone?

The best shades, depending on the depth of the colors in your skin tone are;

  • Cool reds, as in burgundy or Bordeaux such as La Viva en Rose Baci or Pansy Lip Sheer.
  • Intense browns with a warm base, like red or blonde to the brown. Choose Suede Eye Shadow, or Sultry Olive. Add cheek color such as Tangerine or Pink Sorbet
  • Highlight with cool shades like, Wheat, Honey or Taupe or a cool ash brown.


What do warm skin tones look like? Choose mineral shades such as Marta, Umbria and Sophia.

  • Pale with peach or gold undertones
  • Golden brown when tanned

What color should naturally warm skin toned people avoid?

  • Naturally warm people should avoid blue, violet, white and jet-black hair. These colors next to your skin can make you look washed out.

What colors will most complement warm skin tones?

  • Deep rich browns like, chocolate, chestnut or auburns as a base. Highlight with warm golds and reds or copper. Choose Eye shadows such as Chocolate, Grapevine and Eggplant…Also Mocha or Dylan Blush and Blossom or Copper Lip Color.

Stop in and/or make an appointment with JEN, our fabulous skin and makeup specialist today!

Why put Organics in your body and then junk on your face?

La Bella Donna Minerale is the safe, "green", organic alternative to traditional make-up ingredients! There are no talc, cornstarch, extracts, mica or fillers found in the La Bella Donna Loose Mineral Foundation, unlike other foundation or mineral make-up brands. They are simply made of only 4 pure rock ingredients that are jet-milled into a fine dust:

The "Rock Stars"

Iron Oxide: many colorful rocks are blended for pigment instead of chemical dyes.

Bismuth Oxychloride: Anti-inflammatory rock that calms and soothes irritated skin.

Titanium Dioxide: Natural sunscreen from rock.

Zinc Oxide: Waterproofing rock, sunscreen, anti-inflammatory, keeps bacteria off the face, soothes redness and irritation.

Unique Benefits of LBD versus Traditional Make-up or Other Mineral Make-up Brands:

- Rock is insoluble in water and since LBD only uses 4 rock ingredients, by science alone it cannot penetrate the water barrier of skin, hence not be absorbed into the pores or bloodstream to pollute or leave traces in the liver.

- Giving your skin the benefits of all day waterproof sunscreen.

- Make-up for Cystic Acne, Rosacea, Discoloration Auto-Immune Disease, Sun damage.

- Medical Make-up Alternative for those undergoing Chemo Therapy, Post Laser Treatment, Post Facial Surgery, and Post Dermatological Treatments.

- Best make-up alternative to protect skin after a Facial. Not only will it not clog your pores, but the dust will protect renewed, clean skin with a waterproof barrier from pollution, dust mites, dirt, etc for when you leave the spa.

- Does not comes off until you remove it with cleanser at the end of the day.

- Health and Wellness alternative to traditional make-up ingredients.

- Best make-up alternative for pregnant women.

-   Complete Make-up Alternative Line

What’s Hiding in Your Water & your HAIR & SCALP!

You may be surprised to learn how what’s hiding in your water affects your hair, scalp and skin.  Every

time you shampoo and bathe, the minerals in your

water attach onto your hair and skin, causing adverse


Do you know what’s hiding in your water?

Effects of Hard & Softened Water

pH: Most water systems maintain a pH of around

7.0 (neutral). However, the higher the pH, the more

the cuticle of the hair is open causing lack of shine

and roughness as well as an increased build-up of


Chlorine: Most water systems treat water with the

oxidizer chlorine to kill bacteria. The higher the level

of chlorine, the greater the oxidizing effect on the hair,

scalp and skin.

Affects of Hair Shampooed in

Softened Water (0-75 ppm hardness):

•  Color is usually vibrant and re-formulation is unnecessary;

•  Natural Curly hair responds very well to soft water usually

with little frizz good curl definition;

•  Straight hair goes limp when soft water is used;

•  Volumizing products are popular in areas with soft water

often causing product resin to build-up on the hair.

Affects of Hair Shampooed in

Hard Water (50–150 ppm hardness):

•  Color, especially reds, are usually not vibrant and

professionals often have to constantly re-formulate

color to achieve the desired results;

•  Naturally curly hair is frizzy and the curl is crisp with a dry


•  Reds and other colors can fade in weeks depending on how

often the hair is exposed to the water;

•  Calcium in hard water leaves hair feeling dry and weighed


•  Hair has body due to the minerals in the water;

•  Flaking of the scalp and incidents of eczema are more often

seen on clients who shampoo in hard water rather than in

soft water;

•  More skin conditions such as eczema appear to affect

clients who bathe in hard water.

Affects of Hair Shampooed in

Very Hard Water (150 ppm+ hardness):

•  Color, especially reds, are seldom vibrant and professionals

constantly re-formulate color to achieve the desired results;

•  Naturally curly hair is usually frizzy and the curl is crisp with

a dry texture;

•  Reds and other colors fade in weeks depending on how

often the hair is exposed to the water;

•  Calcium in hard water leaves hair feeling dry;

•  Hair has more volume than it does when shampooed in soft

water, but the hair becomes weighed down due to the ac-

cumulation of minerals on the hair.

•  Flaking of the scalp and incidents of eczema are more often

seen on clients who shampoo in hard water rather than in

soft water;

•  More skin conditions such as eczema and red, itchy skin

appear to affect clients who bathe in hard water that con-

tain high concentrations of calcium and/or magnesium.

Water is very hard when it has higher amounts of calcium

or magnesium.  This is not a measure of copper, iron or lead

that might be in the water due to the pipes that transport the

water.  If chlorine is in the water, the corrosion to the pipes can

allow for minerals to be in the water affecting the hair service,

texture and discoloration.

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